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Forever & A Day

Page 27

by Donalyn Maurer

  “Jayc, I can’t wait much longer,” he warns, after he breaks our kiss.

  “I know,” I agree, and we both take a deep breath in a vain attempt to calm our passion.

  When it’s Max’s turn, he runs his finger through the frosting of the piece of cake he’s supposed to feed me, then taps a tiny bit on my nose before coming forward and kissing it off.

  * * *

  “Everyone, please welcome to the floor for their first dance as husband and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Bradshaw.

  Max and I head to the floor, where the tables have now been moved around to clear a space for dancing. The entire area was transformed, while we were cutting the cake. The sun has set, and the only light is from the candles on the tables and trees outside the tents. Someone dims the chandelier overhead, as Max pulls me to him. I gaze up at his beautiful face and melt into him. When our song, Hold Onto Me, begins to play, Max glides us across the dance floor, twirling me, like we’ve been doing this for an eternity. Towards the end of the song Max’s movements slow, and his hold on me tightens. We stand, swaying back and forth, and I lean up and whisper in his ear, “If I’m dreaming, don’t ever make me up, because this is the best dream I’ve ever had, husband,” I plead.

  “You’re not dreaming, love, but I will try with all I am to give you everything you ever dreamed of,” he promises.

  “You already did. My dream was you,” I disclose something I’ve told him a million times.

  “I love you. Forever and a day,” he whispers, as he lowers his lips to mine.

  Before he kisses me, I whisper back, “Because forever will never be long enough.”

  When the song ends, I give Max another chaste kiss, and wait for Magic Mike to announce the next dance. I didn’t tell my dad, because I didn’t want to freak him out any more than he was. I hope he does okay on the spot. When Magic Mike makes the announcement that’s it’s time for the father daughter dance I walk over to Dad and hold out my hand. He divested himself of his suit jacket, and rolled up his sleeves. Just like Max, he’s still wearing his vest and is devastatingly handsome.

  His eyes go soft as he stands, and leads me to the dance floor right as the music plays. My dad, not lacking or less than, because he’s not Grandpa, dances me gracefully around the floor to, Your Love Amazes Me. I chance a glance up at him, and his eyes are glassy, so I hold him closer. As the song comes to an end, Dad stops us, and I peek up at him and see him studying me with tenderness.

  “Baby girl, I love you and I’m so proud of you. Blue is the luckiest man in the room, but I’m the luckiest man in the world. You, Abigail, Chase, Nash, Jesse and Jake–a man couldn’t ask for better children,” he professes, and pulls me into a tight hug that I return.

  Next up is Max and Ana. He holds his mom close, as he sashays her across the dance floor, while she cries to, Humble and Kind. Tears are pouring down my face, because Max’s eyes are tearing up too. It’s a beautiful moment and, for a second, I let myself drift to years and years down the road, and dancing with Max and my son. The thought leaves me stunned. Until Max, my future contained about a dozen cats and hordes of books, but now I dream of our children and their weddings.

  Afterwards, the dance floor is opened up to everyone. No one hesitates to rush the floor when Bruno Mars, 24K Magic, comes over the speakers. I make sure I dance with Captain Walters and Sheriff Cullens, and both two-step around the floor, while Sergeant Taylor and I laugh, while doing The Twist. I can’t believe how really good he is. I’ve never seen him so relaxed. Maybe this new carefree demeanor is because of Maya. I glance over, and she’s dancing with Jake, and I think: that’s my family. They always welcome everyone and treat them as though they’re family. I dance with every single man in our families, at least once, if not twice. We line dance, and then we actually square dance. We dance until we’re all out of breath, and it’s time it’s time for the bouquet and garter toss.

  A chair is brought out to the middle of the dance floor. Max leads me over, and I take a seat, then lift my dress a little, and Max’s hands begin to trail up my leg as he pushes the dress back even more. His soft touch would normally turn me on, but with a crowd watching, and in the crowd, is my dad, uncles and brothers, grandma as well as Max’s parents and grandparents, it turns into to embarrassment. Max pulls down the first garter on a growl, after he runs his finger around the second garter–his garter. The sexy one. The one he can take off of later tonight, alone.

  I watch as all the single men line up, while others watch with anticipation. Nash, Garrett, Chase, Jake and even RJ, are in the crowd, as well as Johnny, among many of our other single male guests. When Max snaps it back over his shoulder, it goes straight at Johnny. He leans forward and catches it effortlessly, and everyone cheers and congratulates him. I glance over at Macie, whose expression reminds me of the deer in the headlight look, as she watches Johnny saunter over to her.

  “Whoever,” he says sarcastically, as he slides it up his arm then gives her a big kiss on the lips that has everyone catcalling. Next, it’s my turn, and I watch as all the ladies gather on the floor. Among them are Kore, Macie, Raleigh and Victoria, and about a dozen more. I take the toss-away bouquet and turn around, and with a huge grin on my face, I aim my throw at the shiest girl in the room. When I whip around and see she’s caught it, I cheer inside. I stand, giggling to myself, as Raleigh walks back to her chair in shock.

  When the music comes back on, Max and I join our guests on the floor again. During a rest, I’m finally able to meet Max’s grandparents, as well as his aunt Ellie and Uncle Jonas, and two much younger cousins, Lucas and Liam. Lucas is fifteen and Liam is seventeen, and both are very cute, and have the trademark dimples like Max and Johnny, Acer and Mason.

  “I bet they have every girl in school after them,” I joke to Max’s aunt. She groans and hangs her head.

  “You know the joke about daddy’s bringing out their shotguns when boys coming sniffing around their daughters?” she asks, and glares at her boys, cursing them for the good looks. “Well, I own an Uzi,” she says, and I burst into laughter. We stay and visit a while longer with Max’s grandparents. Both, are so nice, and just go on and on about how proud they are of Max and Johnny.

  Another hour has passed, and we’re having great time dancing with everyone and having a few drinks, but not too many, because I want to be completely sober on my wedding night and it seems Max does too. After his second beer, he switched to water. Plus, we have a long drive back to our home.

  Soon, I decide it’s time to change into my reception clothes. While Magic Mike has everyone on the floor doing a Conga line, Max and I stroll back to the cabin, our fingers laced together, but before we go in we tour the property. Every single tree is wrapped tight with white lights. There has to be a hundred lights hanging from the trees. The tables are spectacular, with the white and twill tablecloths, and on top are vases of flowers similar to my bouquet. Old fashioned lanterns adorn every table, and at each place setting is a small tin of chocolate almonds that reads, Thank you for sharing our day, Jaycee & Blue.

  “Sugar bear, will you untie me,” I ask, as I remove my veil and place it carefully on the bed, before I pull my hair to the side, revealing the back of my dress. “Thank you for the beautiful bracelet,” I whisper, as I study it while Max stands at my back.

  “You’re welcome. Thank you for the binder,” he says softly. Jesus,” he moans, as he runs his fingers down the silk ties of the corset. He hasn't seen anything yet, I think to myself with a grin.

  As he unties the dress, it begins to loosen, so I hold it to me until he’s has it completely undone. It’s then that I step out of my dress and hoop skirt, finally giving him a full view of my lace topped thigh highs, garter and corset.

  “Jesus Christ,” he moans and moves in fast, snatching me into his arms and yanking me flush up against his body. “We need to get out of here now,” he declares, then lips are on mine while his hands roam. “God, I’m never going to get through the next bit, knowing
you’re wearing this,” he mutters against my lips. “I want you right here and right now, but I don’t want to hurry. Please, I’m begging you, keep that on until we get home,” he pleads.

  “Okay,” I reply softly, while sliding my hands down his vest, then wrap my arms around his waist and kiss him again.

  “Let’s get you changed, love,” he insists.

  Grandma has lovingly hung my reception dress up on the end of one of the bunk beds, and my boots are next to it. I slip on my other dress, then have Max zip me up. I slide on boots, while Max hangs my wedding dress up on the hanger my reception dress was on. I walk over to the table and search for the flower Aunt Paige made for my hair. When I see it, I smile, and slip into my hair behind my ear, and secure it with the tiny clip she added that’s same color of my hair. I turn and see Max’s eyes have gone soft.

  “Jayc, you’re so beautiful.”

  “So are you,” I reply, and his eyes go even softer.

  “You ready to go back out there?” Max asks, and I nod. Before we walk out, I turn to Max and stare up into eyes.

  “This day couldn’t have been more perfect, Max. It still seems unreal. There are moments, like this today, that it just feels right. So perfect. I don’t know how I lived without you for so long, because I only truly feel alive when I’m with you,” I share.

  “Jayc, I feel the same,” he says softly, then gives me a sweet kiss. “Let get out there. I love everyone, and I’m having a great time, but what I really want is to toss you over my shoulder and load you in my car, and get our asses home so I can make love to my wife all night.”

  “I can’t wait,” I agree softly.

  “Then let’s go.”

  We head out the door and down the steps, then Max stops us. “Let me go ahead and load our stuff. What do you need from inside?”

  “Just my purse,” I reply. Max hurries inside, and comes back out a couple of minutes later, holding my purse and his bag.

  “I’ll be back in a second. The car is behind Betsy Kay’s trailer and it’s dark, so go wait for me inside. I’ll just be a minute. Start your goodbyes, love,” he says, and points to the tent. “Okay?”


  He leans down and gives me a quick peck, and then I turn and head back to our friends and family, and like Max said, I begin letting everyone know we’re heading out soon.

  I’m sitting at the table with my dad, Grandma, Violet and Nash and Raleigh, as Dad informs me at the end of the night, he’s going to load up all the gifts that sit atop a table located between the cake table and DJ stand. Max and I took a look earlier, and couldn’t believe the generosity of our guests. Dad goes on explaining he’s going to take them to Grandma’s, and when Max and I are up to it, we can head over and retrieve them. Violet makes a suggestion that I love, and that’s that we have a big dinner to celebrate again, while opening the gifts.

  I ask Grandma if she’ll take care of my dress and veil, and she happily agrees. I’m just about to say thank you, and go in search of Max, when Magic Mike begins speaking on his microphone. I give the room a quick scan, looking for my husband, before turning back towards Magic Mike.

  “What a night it’s been,” he praises. “Congratulations again, Blue and Jaycee. Speaking of the bride, can I get you to come up here for a moment?” I don’t stand right away. I glance around again for Max, then back at everyone at the table in question, but they all shrug.

  I turn back around and begin to stand, but halt. I stop breathing and my heart stutters, before racing from my chest and across the room. It’s rushing to my husband, as he sits down on a stool with his guitar in hand. The microphone has been set up, and already adjusted to where he needs it. I slowly rise all the way, and walk across the floor, stopping only a few feet in front of him. His gaze finds me, and although I can see he’s intense and his jaw is ticking, there’s also a softness emanating from him.

  “Jaycee, I wrote this song over a decade ago. I made a few revisions so that it would fit today. We danced earlier to our song, but this, Why, this is your song,” he whispers into the microphone, and it’s then I notice I’m trembling, and a few teardrops are falling from my eyes. I can’t believe he did this. When he begins to strum the sweetest ballad, my knees go weak. When my beautiful husband begins to sing, I’m not sure how I remain standing.

  “I see her standing there, and I forget how to breathe.

  My eyes now belong to her.

  She smiles, and I forget my name.

  She laughs, and my world shifts.


  Why do I feel this way?

  My heart is hers.

  I want to make her mine.

  I want her heart.


  I see her, and she steals my strength.

  My body now belongs to her.

  She glances my way, and I smile.

  She blushes, and my world falls.


  Why do I feel this way?

  My heart is hers.

  I need to make her mine.

  I need her heart.


  My young love, I leave you.

  She doesn’t even know what she does to me.

  My heart belongs to her.

  She goes on without me, and my world crashes.


  Why do I feel this way?

  My heart is hers.

  She can’t ever be mine.

  My soul is hers.


  Sunsets and sunrises, deserts and mountains.

  Fate has brought her to back to me.

  I won’t let her go again.

  She loves me, and my world explodes.


  Why do I feel this way?

  My heart is hers.

  She’s mine.

  My life is her life.


  Because she loves me.”

  When the song ends, the room erupts in applause, but I’m bawling. I slowly close the remaining distance between us, as Max sets the guitar down and stands. My face is drenched in tears, as small tremors of emotion continue to rock my body. Max has given me everything he can. He makes me smile and laugh. He lights my heart and body on fire. He fills my soul and thoughts. Never in a million years did I think he would do something like this for me, but I guess maybe I should have. He raises his hands, and his fingers gently and with care, brush away my tears.

  “Sorry, Jayc. Didn’t mean to make you cry,” he whispers, and wraps his arm around my waist, while his other cups my chin and his thumb gently sweeps across my cheek.

  “It’s okay. They’re happy tears and I’m glad to shed them. Max, that was beautiful,” I whisper back. “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome,” he responds. “Kiss me.”

  Without thought and like always, I’m falling into Blue, my Max. Our lips meet for a soft deep kiss. It’s warm and wet and I need more, but that can’t happen here, so I break our kiss and gaze up into his eyes.

  “Max, let’s blow this joint,” I joke, but I’m extremely serious. Max’s lips twitch, before he stands back and takes my hand.

  We both turn back to the room and, to my surprise, everyone has stepped out of the tent, and they’re holding sparklers, ready to see us off. The night is lit up with bright bursts, as everyone has divided in half and left a path for us. We walk through them, as they all wish us their congratulations. Both, Max and I, stop to hug our friends and family, until we reach the road below.

  Max’s GTO is parked there, and it’s been decorated. “Just married” is stenciled in beautiful script on the back window. Strings with cans have been tied to his bumper, and flowers have been placed around the back window. I briefly wonder how those are supposed to stay on as we drive, but I forget all that when I catch a glimpse of my brothers, uncles, dad and cousin huddled together, and not looking too festive at all. I smile at the sight, even though my heart hurts for them. I tap Max on the arm and gesture to them. Max glances over, and gives me a soft sad smi
le and nods. I walk over to the protective men in my family that I adore so much, and say goodbye.

  “Well, I guess I’ll see y’all in a few days. Dinner at Grandma’s?” I ask, and get a few mumbles and grumbles.

  “Come here,” I say to Nash, and he steps forward. “I love you,” I whisper, and give him the biggest hug I can muster.

  “Love you too, sissy,” he says against my ear, before releasing me. “Go be happy,” he says and smiles.

  “I will,” I promise.

  “Love you, Jesse,” I repeat the hug, and he lifts me off of my feet while squeezing me tight.

  “Back at ya, brat,” he replies.

  “Love you, my biggest of bros,” I tease, and Jake smiles and pulls me into a hug, then kisses the top of my head.

  “Same, sissy,” he responds.

  “Chase, I’ll see you and Victoria in a couple of days, right?” I ask, as I observe him with his hands in his pockets and his head tilted down.

  “You will,” he agrees, then looks at me while pulling his hands free and wraps them around me. “You be happy. Love you,” he moans, before releasing me.

  “Love you more,” I reply, and smirk at him.

  “Impossible,” is his reply, and my nose begins to tingle and my vision blurs.

  “Come here,” Bradley demands, then wraps me up into his big arms and lifts me off my feet as he engulfs me in a bear hug. “Love you, and Blue. So happy for you,” he chirps, and I beam up at him.

  “Love you too.”

  “Congratulations,” Uncle Brock murmurs. To my surprise his eyes have a very subtle sheen to them.

  “Thank you.” I close the distance between us, and hold him tight for a few moments before whispering, “Love you, Uncle Brock.” His arms convulse on my words, before letting me go. When he does, I turn to Uncle Duke.


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