Taboo Sex with an Ex

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Taboo Sex with an Ex Page 8

by Lexi Wood

  When he squeezed her tits, her pussy clamped around her stepfather’s spent dick. Her cunt was as hungry for cock as Daddy was desperate for love.

  But why her love? Why hers?

  Because they were family. And family is forever.

  She’d tried leaving. She thought she’d succeeded. But who was she kidding? She needed Daddy’s dick as much as he needed her. Moving didn’t change that. It only meant his dick lived in a different house.

  But if he was willing to visit her every night, if he was willing to sneak out after Mother had passed out, if he was willing to fuck her furiously and eat her pussy and bite her tits and suck her toes and do everything she told him to…

  If he was willing to do all that just to be with her, how could she say no?

  College Girl Comes Home

  Every summer, when Aimee came home from college, they promised each other they wouldn’t do it.

  Not in words.

  No words were ever exchanged.

  All it took was a look.

  Her mom drove out to pick her up. By that time, Aimee had packed her clothes and other belongings. Aimee only had one suitcase. The rest would go into garbage bags. That was the college kid way. Together, they would carry the one suitcase and many garbage bags from her residence room out to the minivan.

  Aimee didn’t bring much with her. She preferred to travel light.

  Anyway, home would always be the house where her mom and her stepfather lived.

  After first-year, it was Taz who’d come to pick her up. Her mother hadn’t been well that year—one of those low-grade, long-term illnesses that baffled doctors. That, or they thought she was faking.

  Mom hadn’t felt well enough for the three-hour drive, and sent Taz in her place. At that time, they’d only been married a couple years. Aimee never really knew what to make of him. She’d been close with her mother until Taz made his way onto the scene.

  Something about Taz always made her feel… funny.

  Taz wasn’t the type of man who would usually catch her eye. He was scrawny, had long hair, the kind of guy where you wonder if he’s some kind of drug addict.

  He wasn’t, as far as Aimee knew. But he had that look about him.

  That very first year, when he came to pick her up from her dorm, he was supposed to get there by two in the afternoon. He didn’t pull up until eight at night. By then, her roommate’s parents had come and gone. That side of the room was nothing but a desk, a bed, and a bare mattress.

  Aimee asked her stepfather why he was so late. In the six hours she’d been waiting, she’d gone from irritated to worried to angry. This was just like him. So unreliable. Why had her mother married a man like Taz?

  He claimed traffic was terrible. Aimee didn’t want to buy his excuse, but it might actually be true. So many parents collecting so many kids all on the same day.

  Flopping on her roommate’s abandoned bed, he said, “I’m done for the day. I can’t spend another second in that van.”

  “But we have to go!” Aimee cried. “All my stuff is packed. I’m supposed to leave.”

  “What’s the worst that can happen if you stay?”

  Funny that the repercussions she’d imagined were purely academic.

  She never thought she’d lose her virginity that night.

  To her stepfather.

  Taz fell asleep pretty much right away on her roommate’s bare mattress. How he could sleep with his face against that blue vinyl, Aimee would never know. When it became clear to her they wouldn’t hit the road until morning, she opened up the garbage bag that contained her bedding, and fit her sheets back onto her mattress. Pillows next, and her comforter too.

  Then she looked over at Taz.

  Poor guy. She couldn’t let him sleep that way.

  She brought out her second set of sheets, not intending to make the bed while he was on it, only thinking she might slip the folded sheets under his head. The thing about heads is that they’re very heavy when they’re asleep. Aimee felt like she was lifting a bowling ball. A warm one. With stubble.

  As she laid her stepfather’s head down on the sheet, she could feel his breath on her forearm. It was so… intimate.

  Taz looked sweet as he slept. Almost cute.

  His eyes fluttered, in that moment, and he caught Aimee gazing down at him. She knew she ought to feel embarrassed, but instead, she felt… she wasn’t sure what. It was a feeling she’d never really experienced before.

  She slipped her hand out from under his face and left him to sleep while she headed for the co-ed washrooms, where she changed into the long t-shirt she wore as a nightgown. The place felt deserted. Was anyone else still here? Yes, she knew there were a few other stragglers. But that didn’t stop Aimee from feeling that they were alone in the residence building.

  When she re-entered her dorm room, Taz hadn’t changed positions. He was still asleep on her roommate’s bed. She watched him for a moment, then slipped under the covers and faced the wall. The sound of his soft breath filled her ears. It was such an intimate thing, she felt, to listen to her stepfather breathing. She tried not to hear, but she couldn’t stop herself. She could feel his breath on her body. His hands. If only he’d move from that bed to this one, and run his hands all over her skin.

  “Taz?” she asked. “Are you awake?”

  No answer.

  That was for the best. If he’d been awake, she wouldn’t have been able to say, “My bed is made. If you want, you can come over here and sleep with me. There isn’t much room, but we can manage.”

  When she stopped talking, the room went silent. She couldn’t hear Taz breathing, and she wasn’t sure why. Had she killed him?

  No, because now he was on the move. She could hear him shifting in the other bed, rising from the mattress, walking across the small stretch between the two. Oh God, what had she done? She’d asked for this. Was she really ready to get it?

  She heard the sounds of rustling clothes. Zippers and jeans and layers coming off. Landing on the floor. And then the covers came up, letting the cool air in.

  Letting her stepfather in.

  Was he even awake? She got the distinct feeling he was not.

  Especially because Taz had never done anything like this to her, in his waking hours.

  As soon as his warm body found its way behind hers, his hands travelled around her body—one over, one under. He had no trouble slipping his hands underneath her long T-shirt and moving up her belly, to her small breasts. Her little tits felt big, in his hands, because of the way he squeezed them, slowly, gently.

  Aimee kept her mouth closed, otherwise she’d have let out a moan loud enough to wake the dead.

  Even though she’d been through a whole year of college, no boy had ever touched her breasts. She never liked anyone that way. Not enough to let him kiss her neck and fondle her the way Taz was doing now. Aimee melted like a soy candle against her stepfather’s hot body, and when she backed into him, she felt something hot against the back of her thigh.

  His dick.

  Had to be.

  Her stepfather’s dick was hot and hard and spilling loads of pre-cum onto her skin. Not just that, but it seemed to be moving on its own. It seemed to be rising toward her virgin pussy, which had become wet with desire while her stepdad played with her tits.

  She knew this was wrong. It was the wrongest thing she could possibly imagine. But that didn’t stop her from arching slightly and parting her slick thighs for him.

  This was the perfect way to lose her virginity. She’d find out what sex felt like without having to go on dates. It was so much less awkward this way. Her stepfather didn’t even seem to be awake as he planted his cock deep inside her hot little pussy.

  Aimee always wondered whether it would hurt, but it didn’t. Didn’t hurt. Felt strange. Not just the pressure of having a foreign body inside her own, but the whole idea of it. A man putting his penis in her vagina. Her stepfather taking her from behind.

  Probably in h
is sleep.

  She wasn’t going to ask.

  He moved in her slowly, to begin with. She couldn’t believe how wet she was, down there. That’s probably why it didn’t hurt. She was turned on. She was ready. It helped a lot that Taz was still kissing her neck and fondling her breasts. Her whole body felt warm and floaty.

  She wanted him to plunge his dick harder inside her, and no soon had the thought crossed her mind than he was doing it. Were they psychically connecting or something? Was she transmitting her thoughts directly to his sleeping mind? Certainly seemed so, because he really started fucking her, squeezing her little tits, ramming her from behind.

  She bit her lip to keep from screaming.

  Not that anyone would hear. Nobody seemed to be around.

  If your stepdaddy pops your cherry in an empty dorm, does it make a sound?

  Aimee realized she was panting hard as she bucked back into the saddle of her stepfather’s hips. She didn’t care. Panting wasn’t loud. Anyway, Taz was making similar noises in her ear. His were more of a grunt. That turned her on even more. She wanted this sex to go on forever.

  It didn’t, of course. Taz planted his dick so deep inside her that it panged. She gasped. At the same moment, he groaned. Then he stopped moving altogether. So did she.

  She was afraid he might have woken up.

  It took a couple seconds for Aimee to realize he’d stopped thrusting because he’d blown his load. She felt him shudder. It was incredible. Spiritual, almost.

  His head became heavy on the pillow. He seemed to be suddenly deeply asleep, though his cock remained planted between her legs, and his hands loosely gripped her breasts.

  She remained awake and alert for what felt like hours afterwards. Analyzing what had happened. Reviewing it, in her mind. Wondering whether Taz had been asleep or awake.

  But she must have fallen asleep at some point, because when she awoke it was morning and Taz was gone. She only woke up because she heard the door open. That must have been him heading out in search of the restroom. When he returned, she pretended to be sleeping, just to see what he would do.

  He grabbed her shoulder and shook her roughly. “Rise and shine. Let’s get a move on.”

  The whole way home, he didn’t mention what they’d done. Maybe he didn’t remember making love to her.

  Maybe it never happened at all.

  That’s what she told herself… until it happened again.

  Because of Mom’s condition, she often slept on the couch downstairs instead of joining Taz in bed. It would be just Aimee and her stepdad on the upper level. That made it easy for her to leave her bedroom door wide open and for Taz to stagger in, in the middle of the night.

  Maybe “stagger” is the wrong word, because that makes it sound like he was drunk. Taz had been sober for eight years before he even met Aimee’s mother. He was probably hobbling around like that because he wasn’t fully awake. All this seemed to be happening in some kind of dream state, for him.

  Not for Aimee. She was hyperaware of every moment, every breath, every touch.


  The first time it happened at home, her mother was asleep downstairs with the TV on. Aimee was glad for that. It would have been so much harder if the house had been totally silent. That would have stressed her out completely. But having the TV blaring downstairs meant she could whimper and moan, at least a little bit, and her mom wouldn’t wake up.

  Just like the first time, she was on her side, facing the wall. Summer nightie this time, very thin cotton. Taz slept in his boxer shorts, so she assumed that’s what he was wearing. She had no way of knowing, since she was facing away from him. She could only assume he dropped his drawers on his way to her bed.

  She heard the door close.

  That was a blessing.

  Less chance of being caught.

  He slipped in behind her.

  She played dead.

  If he was awake, Aimee didn’t want him knowing she was aware of what he was doing. She didn’t know why. Sounds silly, but she liked playing innocent. It really felt like playing, too, because she didn’t feel innocent. Not in the least.

  She’d started all this.

  By inviting him into her bed that night in her dorm room.

  She’d asked him to join her, and he had.

  She’d asked for this.

  The second time was much the same as the first: he crept in behind her, put his hands under her clothing, toyed with her breasts, and then his dick found its way between her legs.

  It happened again and again, after that. And every time was strikingly similar. Maybe that sounds boring to some people, having the same sex nearly every night, but if you’ve gone your whole life with no sex and now you’re getting it almost daily, it feels amazing.

  Throughout the whole summer, Aimee spent her days looking forward to her nights. If Taz didn’t climb into bed with her for whatever reason, she was so hurt and disappointed she’d end up crying herself to sleep.

  And yet, the summer after her second year at college, she and Taz exchanged that look: the one that said, “We can’t do this anymore.”

  But they did. Again, almost every night.

  By the time Aimee’s third year came to an end, a lot had changed. She had a boyfriend. They were having pretty regular sex at school, and more than just Aimee lying on her side, pretending to be asleep. They had the kind of sex where she had to do stuff. Take an active role. Be on top and bounce around. Get dressed up in special outfits. Go down on him, even though he almost never went down on her.

  It’s funny how, no matter what you have in abundance, you always want that one thing you don’t have.

  And Aimee wanted her boyfriend to eat her pussy.

  But she could never seem to ask.

  Seems like such an easy thing to do. Just make a request. Why could she suck his dick, but not ask him to lick her clit? Why?

  Aimee had no answers, but by the time summer rolled around and her mom picked her up from school, her poor pussy was aching to be kissed.

  When they got to the house, Taz was there in the kitchen, making his famous stew even though it was incredibly hot outside. He was so proud of that stuff, and it was pretty tasty, but not summer fare.

  Aimee walked into the kitchen. She looked at him, he looked at her, and she sent him psychic waves of: We can’t do this. We can’t do this. We have to stop. But, even while she was sending those waves, she knew they’d fuck again that night. And every night she spent at home.

  Her boyfriend had invited her to spend some time with his parents. She should have taken him up on the offer. Why had she come home instead?

  Stupid question.

  She craved the familiar.

  But, that night, her mother actually went to bed in her bedroom instead of falling asleep on the couch. Aimee was so irritated she tossed and turned all night.

  The following evening, however, her mother had plans with friends. When she got home, she was so exhausted she crashed in her nest on the couch, fully dressed. Aimee looked to Taz, meaningfully, and slowly climbed the stairs.

  She didn’t have to turn around to know he’d be watching as she went.

  Instead of changing into a cotton nightie or long T-shirt, she stripped herself naked. But not before arranging every pillow she could find in a pile on her bed. That way she could lie back against the wall, with her feet on the floor and her legs wide open.

  The cool night air brought her tiny tits to sharp pink points as she waited for her stepdad to walk in. Where was he? Why was this taking so long? Didn’t he realize how hard it was to stay so keenly aware? Her senses were heightened to an indescribable degree. She listened so hard she felt like she could hear through time.

  The TV was on downstairs. Was Taz watching it?

  She hadn’t yet heard his footsteps on the upper level.

  Her skin was starting to get cold, lying there naked on a pile of pillows.

  Didn’t he know how much she needed him? />
  Didn’t he realize?

  Finally, what seemed like hours later, she heard his footfalls on the stairs. As he passed by her bedroom on the way to his own, he happened to glance inside. Did he see her? No. She saw no spark of recognition in his eyes. Her bedroom was shrouded in darkness. Out in the hall, the lights were still on.

  But not for long.

  Taz turned them out and headed for bed.

  More waiting. Waiting! Didn’t he realize how much she hated waiting? She’d been waiting to get at her stepfather’s body for months. Now the minutes were torture. Her toes were frozen. So cold she wanted to put on socks, but it would ruin the effect. Her poor nipples were so hard they were sticking up like antennae. She’d never seen anything like it.


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