Embracing Love

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Embracing Love Page 6

by Delisa Lynn

  Nikki was all over Brody. I just laughed at her. They seemed like really nice guys. Evan was in his second year studying law also. We had a lot in common which I thought was great. Nikki walked up to me, “I’m going to walk out there with Brody. I’ll be fine.” She must’ve seen the what the fuck look I was shooting her. I just looked at her and shook my head. This bitch better not leave me with these strangers.

  We talked and laughed before I realized that I hadn’t seen Nikki or Brody in over an hour. Evan said he thought they left. I texted Nikki. She replied saying to go back to the dorms, she was fine.

  I see a tall, auburn hair girl staring me down. I wasn’t sure why she was looking at me like that. I just smiled at her and waved. Evan gave me a ride and wanted to know if he could call me. I gave him my number. I felt bad afterward, wondering if Liam would be okay with it or not.

  I know he wouldn’t care if I had male friends, but after what I had just been through with Ashton I didn’t want any secrets between Liam and me.

  I heard Nikki come in that morning, “Where the hell have you been, Nik?” She laughed and said, “I’m fine. Brody is a great guy, Lila,” she said. “So great you had to spend the night with him?”

  “No, we sat at the café all night! We just talked. Then we went and got coffee this morning. I brought you a Vanilla Bean Frappé with caramel drizzle just the way you like it.”

  She is lucky that’s my favorite. “Just because you brought me this doesn’t mean I am not mad at you.” I tried to hide my smile.

  “Oh L, he is amazing! He is from Utah and is here studying to be a Criminal Lawyer. He comes from a great family and I think I want to know more about him. He and Evan have been friends just as long as we have.

  “That’s great, Nikki, but next time don’t make me worry about you all damn night.” “Yes ma’am, I won’t do it again.” “Okay smart ass, just let me know when you will be out all night.”

  I couldn’t stop laughing at her. She was smiling from ear to ear. I hadn’t seen her since last summer and I missed her so much. I was thrilled she was my roommate.

  “I need to shower and go to sleep. I haven’t slept in almost two days,” she said. “I slept pretty well, other than worrying about your bitch ass.”

  “Oh Lila, I’ll be fine.” She hugged me then headed to the shower.

  My phone started beeping. It was a text from Evan. “Is that Liam?” Nikki yelled form the other room. “No, actually it’s Evan!” “I knew he liked you!” she screamed. “I kind of like him.” I laughed, but am I wrong for hanging out with him? I will tell Liam as soon as I talk to him.

  I replied to him, he then tells me he would like to take me to see the city. I got ready and he was there to pick me up within an hour.

  We went to this little café for brunch. We laughed and talked for hours then we went to Central Park, where we walked for hours. Evan is from a small city and is a country boy with big dreams. He plans on staying in New York and starting his own practice.

  He is an only child, he was very open about his family and background. His father is an English professor at the State University and his mother is a kindergarten teacher at the town’s only elementary school. He had worked at a coffee shop all through high school and he received scholarships to help with school. He was a football player—I could tell he had either played football or was a wrestler. He didn’t look like the lawyer type. He seemed like a very smart man. There was something about him that intrigued me. I wanted to know as much as possible about him.

  I talked about my parents, my brother, my friends Addison and Ashton and their cousin Liam! The Liam I’ve fallen in love with, who is off getting ready to fight for our country, while I’m here chitchatting with this fine ass man.

  I failed to mention Liam was also my boyfriend. I just didn’t want Evan to get scared and walk away. There was so much more I wanted to learn about him.

  Evan drove me back to the dorm. He had a nice car, an older beige Camaro. “How long have you had this car?” “My father gave it to me for my sixteenth birthday. It was his when he was a teenager. She is my ol’ lady.” “Nice.” I laughed.

  Nikki was there with Brody in a way I didn’t want to see. As I opened the door, Brody’s naked ass was standing in the doorway with nothing on but a cowboy hat. “Holy crap!” I yelled. “Lila wait,” said Nikki. “No Nik, I’ll be back later.” I was almost in tears from laughing. I couldn’t look at either of them right now.

  I closed the door and couldn’t stop laughing. “Evan, I umm…I don’t think we should go in there.” “Lila what did you see?” “Brody’s ass!”

  “Oh damn, that’s a horrible sight.” We went to Chipotle for dinner and a movie. He was so sweet, he wouldn’t let me pay for anything. He didn’t even ask if I had a boyfriend. Maybe he was waiting for me to tell him.

  He drove me back to the dorms and hugged me when he walked me to the door. Brody must have already been gone, I didn’t see him anywhere.

  “Hey Lila, so um, what you seen earlier wasn’t what you think.” “Nik, you don’t have to explain your sex life to me, although I wasn’t prepared to see Brody’s ass.” “We didn’t have sex, we were playing strip poker.” “Ah, that explains the cowboy hat!” I was still laughing. “Lila, I can’t believe you thought I screwed him already.” She had this hurt look on her face. “I’m sorry doll, it just looked that way.” I laughed. She smacked my arm. “You’re such a bitch, L.”

  Classes were starting today and I was a little nervous. Nikki and I only had a couple classes together. As I walked in the room, I saw Evan. He was smiling and I took a seat next to him.

  After class I saw a tall, auburn hair girl standing by the door. It looked like the bitch from the party. “Hey Evan!” she yells. “What do you want, Alyssa?!” “Who’s your friend?” “Lila, this is Alyssa, my ex.” She didn’t shake my hand as I reach out she just turned and walked away. I could hear her talking to some friends on the other side of the hall, about me of course.

  Evan and I ate lunch together and then went to our other classes. I met up with Nikki after classes so we could go for burritos. All I could find myself doing was thinking about how great Evan was. Nikki just kept talking about Brody and how they had almost every class together. He really did seem like a great guy. He seemed really shy and Nikki wasn’t, so they made a perfect pair. “Lila, are you listening to me?” “Of course, why would you think I wasn’t?” “You just seemed lost in thought, that’s all.” “Oh, I’m confused. I love Liam, but I like Evan.” Crap, what was a girl to do?

  Over the next couple weeks I hadn’t heard anything from Liam, I was kind of worried. I didn’t want to ask Addie but she knew when I called her that I was curious. “I know about you and my cousin, Lila Rae Carls!” “What?” I replied.

  “He loves you. He told me everything.” “Addie, I wanted to tell you, I just didn’t know how. I slept with him the last night at the beach house. Well and a couple other times.” I giggled. “Bitch, he didn’t tell me that. You damn horny toad. I’m your best friend. I’m supposed to know these things.” “I know. I should have told you but I didn’t know how you would react.”

  “You are like a sister to me. I love you and would trust you with my life. I would never be mad at you for fucking my cousin all over California.” I just laughed at her. “Speaking of secrets Ads, why are you and my little brother always together?”

  She giggled. “I guess I will tell you we have been dating for a while now.” We didn’t know how you would feel about it. “Nice. I don’t care just don’t break each other’s hearts. I can’t believe I had to ask you, Addison Ellis! I’ve known for months. I was just waiting on you to tell me.” She laughed at my words. “We’ll see you next month, doll. We love you.” “I love you both.”

  I smiled at the thought of them together, it was perfect.

  The next few weeks flew by. I was spending more time with Evan, he always made me smile and laugh. He had taken me all around the city and
gave me a tour of campus. He also showed me all the great law firms that I could apply for internships at.

  I was waiting for Evan to pick me up and a letter came from Liam. I wanted to read it so bad, but I waited till I got back. I was so excited to read it.

  My sweet L, I’ve missed your beautiful face. Sorry it has taken so long to write. I’ve been really busy here. I can’t tell you my location. I will be home for Thanksgiving and I can’t wait to put my arms around you and kiss those sexy lips of yours. I hope you are doing well and staying away from those college boys. I love you, beautiful. I will write soon, my love.

  Always, Liam

  As I sat and held this letter crying for Liam, I felt so much love for him. I found myself thinking of how great Evan was. I fell asleep thinking about the two wonderful men that had become a part of my life.

  “Hey, Lila,” Evan said as he reached down and kissed my cheek. He had to be at least six foot two, definitely taller than Liam. “What do you want to do today, darlin’?” What is up with guys and these damn nicknames?

  “Maybe Central Park again?” “Sounds great, pretty lady. I have been wanting to take you there since the last time. Maybe that hot dog stand I told you about will be open today.” He had a little twang in his voice which was pretty damn sexy. “Evan, have you lived anywhere other than Utah?” “Yes darlin’, I’m originally from Alabama. We moved to Utah when I was six years old. My grandparents still live there. Maybe someday you can go visit their farm with me.” I knew he had an accent that wasn’t from Utah.

  We had a wonderful day. He was so much fun to hang out with. We went back to his house for beers and a small party. “Lila, this is another buddy of mine, Zander.” “Nice to meet you, are you from here?” I knew he wasn’t, he had that same twang. He was a nice looking man. He was about the same size of Evan and had blond hair. He looked like a farm boy. He smiled and said, “No, sweetheart, I’m from Alabama, that’s how I know Evan. His grandparents own the farm my father works for.” “That’s great, it was nice meeting you, Zander.” “Likewise, sweetheart.”

  There were other people coming in the later it got. I see Alyssa and Evan on the patio talking. They looked like they were having a heated conversation. “Hi you must be Lila?” a short brunette girl says. “Yes I am, and you are?” “Oh sweetie I’m sorry, my name is Heather. I have a few classes with Brody and Evan. I used to date Zander.” “Oh, nice to meet you Heather.” “Just to let you know, I’m not a fan of Alyssa, and she isn’t a nice person.” I just smiled. I didn’t know how to respond to that. “Oh, Lila, this is Margie.” “Hi Margie,” I say as she reached out and shook my hand. “I’m going to go dance, it was a pleasure meeting you, Heather and Margie.” They both smiled and said they would catch up with me later.

  I got another drink and was hoping Nikki and Brody would show up. Finally, I saw Nikki. “Hey bitch, glad you are here.” “L, what’s wrong?” “I’m getting evil eyes from skankzilla Alyssa.” Nikki already hated her. “I know she doesn’t want me to punch her in her throat. I haven’t liked her since I met her. I think Brody slept with her, he swears he didn’t but I know he did,” she said.

  “Let’s just have fun, L.” We started dancing when Brody and Evan came to dance with us. Damn! A slow song came on and Evan wrapped his arms around me. He smelled so good. As I danced with him, trying to keep my distance, he pulled me close and whispered in my ear, “You look wonderful tonight, darlin’.” I know he seen me blush as I smiled. He then starts singing the song to me. It was “Bless The Broken Road” by Rascal Flatts.

  Damn this man could sing. I knew he played guitar; I saw it in his car. He had never played for me, but I hoped he would soon. I already had a few drinks and didn’t want to say anything stupid, so I just smiled. Nikki ended up staying with Brody, but I was ready to go back to the dorm.

  He took me home and I knew he had been flashing me those beautiful green eyes all night. He seemed like he wanted to ask my something. “Lila, I like spending time with you, can we hang out again tomorrow?” I just giggled. “Sure, after class.” He then leaned in and kissed my nose. Did he just kiss my damn nose? I just smiled. I couldn’t go to sleep once I tried to, I tossed and turned all night long.

  Nikki came and got clothes, but I had a late class, so, I decided to sleep in. I heard a knock at the door and thought maybe it was Evan but when I opened the door I got a huge surprise, it was my Liam.

  “What are you doing here?” I cried. “I missed you so much, Lila and when I knew I would be here for a few days I had to see you.” “I missed you too, Liam.” I started kissing him and pulling all his clothes off.

  “Slow down, woman.” Liam laughed. I just smiled as I kissed every inch of his body. I laid him on my bed and just looked at his beautiful body. I started kissing his neck and made my way down. He still had his boxers on, I pulled them down. He was so hard. I kissed all around his stomach and his thighs. I wanted to feel him in my mouth, but I had never done that before. I wasn’t sure how to do it. I started stroking him. As I stroked and rubbed him, I leaned in and inserted him in my mouth. “O..o…O—Oh my god Li-Lila, where the hell did you learn that from?” I must have done it right. I started moving faster. “I want you, beautiful, climb on top of me I want to feel you wrapped around me.” I started sucking harder.

  “Lila, it feels so good baby, if you don’t stop I’ll come in your mouth. I want to be inside of you baby, come on. Damn girl, oh Li, I don’t think I can hold it, baby.” I looked up and smiled at him sliding my way up his body. I put a leg on each side of him and I guided him inside of me.

  I was so excited I could barely breathe. This man took my fucking breath away. His kisses and his touch just made me melt. “I never want to stop making love to you, my beautiful L. You are truly amazing.” I felt him explode inside of me as I fell down on his chest panting, like I just ran ten miles. I realized after he came inside me that he wasn’t wearing a condom. So glad I started taking those pills last month. “The condom! Fuck! You had me so turned on I forgot to put it on.” “It’s okay, I’m on the pill now.” He smiled and rubbed his nose against mine. “That’s good L, now I will never have to wear one again.” I just laughed at him.

  “I love every part of your body.” I giggled. “Lila I can’t stay long,” Liam whispered. “I know, my love.” I started to cry. “Don’t cry, my sweet L, I will see you on Thanksgiving.” “Promise?” I said. “I promise you, I will be back in your arms soon.” I thought, what would I ever do without his embrace? His kisses? His touch? I think I would die from a broken heart.

  I showered and hurried to class. I had never been this late before. I met Nikki for lunch and I told her about Liam stopping by. “Lila, you have sex written all over your face!”

  “What? No I don’t. Do I really?” “No, you’re just glowing. I’m happy he swung by to give you a quickie, now you will stop being so damn sad when Brody and I get our groove on.” “Bitch please, I’m not sad. I hate hearing his moans.” “I know, he’s loud, isn’t he?” Nikki says.

  Evan texted me and wanted to meet for dinner. I felt bad. I needed to tell him I have a boyfriend. I just didn’t want to hurt him. I loved hanging out with him and I know once I tell him about Liam it’ll all change.

  The days fly by and it’s a week from Thanksgiving. Nikki is going to Ohio. Evan and Brody are going home to Utah. I’m going to miss hanging out with Evan but I’ll be with Liam. Do I tell Liam about Evan? I don’t want him to be jealous. I still hadn’t told Evan about Liam.

  I was having dinner with Evan, Brody, and Nikki before we all went our separate ways for the holiday. I decided it was time and I was going to tell Evan everything. But I chicken out. What the fuck is wrong with me? Ugh! He was such a great friend. I was really lucky to have him and I didn’t want it to change.

  “Lila, I’ll miss hanging out with you.” I wanted to say I will miss you too, but I will be home making love to my boyfriend all week. “You’ll have Brody.” “Not the same Lil
a, he isn’t as pretty as you are.” “I have to agree with you on that. I’ll call you when I get back.” He leaned over and kissed my cheek. “See you soon, darlin’.”

  As my plane lands, I saw my parents waiting on me. I was so excited to see everyone. Although it had only been months since I left California, it seemed like years.

  Eric and Addison still hadn’t made it back. As we pulled in the driveway I got a text from Addie saying they were on their way. My parents were asking me millions of questions about school, my new friends, and my roommate, which they knew all along was my long lost best friend.

  About an hour after Addie’s text she and Eric came in. I was so excited to see her. She asked if I had heard from Liam since his visit but I hadn’t and neither had she. Where was my Liam? Why wasn’t he here? He finally called and said he would be here on Thanksgiving, which was tomorrow. How the hell was I supposed to sleep? I couldn’t stop thinking about seeing his handsome face, kissing his lips, and laying in his arms.

  Thanksgiving was here and I still hadn’t seen Liam. Ashton texted me and said to go to my parents’ beach house. I thought why the hell did he want me to go there? Ashton and I were on speaking terms, but I would never forget how he treated me.

  I went alone. I’m glad I did because as I opened the door it was Liam standing there with nothing but a towel on. I wanted to rip that towel off his sexy body and fuck him on the floor. “Liam, oh my gosh! I have missed you so much. I was afraid you weren’t going to be here.” “Lila, I told you, I will never leave you!” “I’m starving. After I get dressed, do you want to grab some food?” “Do you want to come back to my parents’? Or go to the Ellis’? They’ll have food, it’s Thanksgiving.” I laughed. “I don’t want to share your attention with anyone else, L.”


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