The Shadow Chaser (The Sheynan Trilogy Book 1)

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The Shadow Chaser (The Sheynan Trilogy Book 1) Page 7

by Dylan Birtolo

  Satisfied in his own condition, he once again examined his surroundings. The woods were dark, but the trees thinned in one direction and Darien could see the light of the moon shining down on an open area. It was as good a direction as any and standing here wouldn’t help. Plus the chill of the night bit through his clothing and made him shiver. He crept towards the edge of the woods, watching out for roots and choosing his steps.

  The area beyond the trees was a grassy field with a dirt road about a hundred yards away. It looked like a state park, with picnic tables and barbecue grills close by. The stars and moon were visible in cloudless sky. As the ground stretched away from him, it rolled up. Beyond the crest he could see a faint orange glow—the telltale sign of light pollution. It had to be several miles away. Somehow, he had gotten out of the city. Darien scratched the back of his head and looked around.

  “How did I get here?” he asked aloud.

  “You mean you don’t know?” a voice asked from the darkness near one of the picnic tables.

  Darien tensed and looked in the direction of the voice. At first, he didn’t see the speaker, but as he narrowed his eyes and focused, he saw a silhouette resting on one of the benches. He was a dark shadow that blended in with the picnic table. He was broad shouldered and leaned back with his elbows propped. Based on the silhouette and tone of voice, it had to be a man. The stranger didn’t move, but his face seemed to be focused on Darien. The moonlight made his eyes shine.

  “Who are you?” Darien asked as he inched away.

  “My name’s Richard. We’ve already met.”

  “This can’t be happening.”

  “You’d best get used to it, Darien. It’s happening.”

  “What’s going on? I’m so confused.” Darien continued to move away until he hit a tree. With his back pressed against it, the strength fled from his legs and he slid to the ground. The headache had left him, but he still felt as if his brain would explode, albeit for completely different reasons.

  Richard didn’t move from the bench and continued to stare. “Do you want the short answer or the long answer, kid?”

  Darien waved his hand in a dismissive gesture. He didn’t have the energy to be excited at the possibility of getting answers. He had given up, at least for the moment.

  “The short answer is that you’re unique and important to a lot of different people. You’ve got a gift, something that’s just starting to take shape and will take a long time to master. Unfortunately, this puts you in the middle of a power struggle that you didn’t even know existed. There’s two groups interested in your future. Or in some cases, the lack of it.”

  Darien looked up at Richard through his eyebrows. “And you’re here to tell me that your group is the right one?”

  Richard chuckled once and Darien saw his shoulders rise with the reaction. “Not quite. I don’t believe in any of their crap. Both sides are filled with crazy, manipulating, self-serving bastards. It’s just a question of which flavor of crazy you want. No thanks.”

  “What about Alyssa? You know her.”

  Richard snarled and light reflected off of his teeth. He leaned forward when he spoke. “She’s the worst of her kind, and you should stay away from her.”

  The sounds of the forest dominated the conversation as Darien digested what he had been told. Richard eased back to his reclined position and watched him. It did not feel like the gaze of a predator or of someone analyzing him. Rather, it felt like the stare of a dog who was curious to see what the human would do next. Darien dropped his head and shook it.

  “This is crazy. I must be losing my mind,” he mumbled under his breath. In the still night, away from the noise of modern life, the small sound carried well.

  “No such luck. You better start accepting what’s going on. It’ll make it easier.”

  Darien snapped his head up. “Why should I believe anything you’re saying?”

  “I don’t care much if you do. I just thought you might want some help.”

  “Alright, I’ll bite. What are these different groups and why are they interested in me?”

  “The first group call themselves the Arm of Gaia. Trite, don’t you think? They’re religious activists and fanatical about their beliefs. That’s the group Alyssa’s part of. I’m not sure if she leads them or is just a more influential member. All I know is that she’s always getting in the way and meddling in people’s lives. They’d rule every aspect of our lives if they had their way. Hell, they probably tell you how to take a piss.

  “The other group I don’t know too much about. I’ve run into them a couple of times, but they prefer to work from behind the scenes. They’re called Shadows. I do know that they’ve got fingers in a lot of stuff going on in the world—real first class manipulators. They tried to recruit me once, but they didn’t so much as ask as tried to force me to be their slave. We didn’t get along. They don’t care what they have to do to win, as long as they get what they want. They’re even worse than the Arm.

  “As for what they want with you, you have to ask them. I wouldn’t want to know.”

  Darien opened his mouth to ask another question, but Richard cut him off. “This isn’t the best time or place to discuss things. Come on, I’ll give you a lift wherever you want to go.”

  Darien hesitated. “Why should I go with you?”

  “Your choice. But just like I followed you here, Alyssa could, too. She’s probably in these woods right now.”

  Darien didn’t move. Richard got up and walked away without looking back. It wasn’t long before he blended into the tree line and Darien couldn’t make out his silhouette. He heard the heavy latch of a car lock, and then a light in a truck cab turned on. It was a black pickup truck with a covered back bed. Richard started the engine and the vehicle rumbled loud enough for Darien to feel the tremors. Richard waited a couple of seconds, then turned on the lights and backed out of the park.

  Darien considered his options. He could either go with this man, or he could walk back to the lights and hope no one else found him before he got back to the city. He could call Susan or Erik, but he wasn’t even sure where he was or how far away they would be. At least Richard had been forthcoming with some limited information. His mind made up, Darien ran towards the truck and called out as the vehicle pulled onto the dirt road. Darien had to squint against the bright red brake lights as the truck slid to a stop. Taking that as an invitation, Darien climbed inside.

  “Glad to see you’ve got some sense, kid. Where should I take you?”

  Darien hesitated before giving a response. “Everett. Drop me off in Everett. Near the bus stop.”

  Richard scratched the short whiskers on his jaw line with the outside of his fingers. “Not a problem, kid. It’s a bit of a drive. Might as well put your seat back and get some rest. You’ve got to be exhausted.”

  “I think I’ll stay awake.”

  “You don’t trust people much do you?”


  “Good. You might actually stay alive.”

  The truck creaked and groaned with every bounce as Richard drove them along the dirt road at a decent speed. More than once, Darien was forced to brace himself against the door to keep his head from slamming into the window. Richard kept silent, and Darien used the time to take stock of his driver. Even sitting down, Richard exuded an impression of power and confidence. The jacket he wore was loose, but when it flapped open Darien could see that the man’s arms were almost as large as Darien’s neck.

  “What do you do, Richard?”

  Richard never removed his eyes from the road. “I survive.”

  “Do you know why I keep blacking out and waking up in strange places?”


  “Tell me!” Darien turned sideways and leaned forward into Richard’s personal space like an insistent, excited child.

  “Calm yourself. You said you wanted the short version earlier. And I told you now wasn’t the time to talk. It all has to do with what I was saying ea
rlier about you being special. It’s probably a little worse for you, but we all went through it.”

  “Can you be any more vague?”

  “Look, I’m trying to help, but I don’t have a lot of patience for wise-ass remarks.”

  Darien clamped his mouth shut and sat back in his seat. It was obvious that Richard knew something and was withholding information. But, he had been forthcoming with details that neither Alyssa nor the lieutenant had been willing to share.

  He couldn’t dismiss the possibility that it was all a ruse to get him to lower his guard. Darien gazed out the window. The door was unlocked and the side of the road was grassy. They weren’t moving too fast, so if it came to it he could probably jump out and roll. But then what? Darien forced himself to calm down. It was smart to have an escape plan, but for now he would just be cautious.

  Something that Richard said stuck out in his mind. “What do you mean ‘we’?” Darien asked.

  Richard looked away from the road long enough to make eye contact. His eyes glowed with a fierce intensity. “You didn’t think you were the only gifted one, did you? Wouldn’t that be a little naïve?” He smiled as Darien squirmed.

  “So you’ve been through this before?”

  “Yeah, kid. That’s how I know Alyssa and the other group. We both have the same gift, but from what I’ve heard, yours is a little unique. I went through what you’re going through now a couple of years ago. It gets better once you learn what’s going on. We just have to make sure you stay alive that long.”

  So many questions flitted through Darien’s head as he tried to absorb what Richard told him. He had no idea what this gift was. He was still trying to figure out what questions to ask when Richard slammed on the brakes. Rocks crunched under the tires and a cloud of dust flew up into the beams of the headlights. Darien slapped his hand on the dashboard to steady himself.

  A shape stood still in the middle of the dust cloud. As it settled, Darien recognized Alyssa standing in front of the truck. She was wearing the same red dress as before and she raised her chin as if she expected the vehicle to obey her whims. She glared at Richard, and her eyes seemed to glow with a silver light. On either side of her were two large wolves, over three feet tall at the shoulder. Their lips pulled back and the sound of their snarls penetrated into the cabin.

  “Darien, take the truck and get out of here.”

  Richard opened the door and stepped onto the road. Alyssa’s gaze followed him as he moved. The wolves tensed, crouching down on their back legs and making their fur quiver in the limited light. Darien slid into the driver’s seat and immediately locked the doors. The solid thunk of the locks caught Alyssa’s attention and she turned back to the truck. Her gaze softened and she held out a hand as an invitation.

  “Darien, don’t believe whatever this wretch told you about me. He has reasons to hate me and lie. I’m here to make sure you’re safe.” The wolves continued to growl at Richard as he walked around to the front of the truck. Darien reached up and shifted the car so that it was in gear, but kept his foot pressed on the brake.

  “Darien, get out of here now! Things are going to happen that you aren’t meant to see!”

  Alyssa smiled as she turned away from Darien. “Are you frightened, Richard? I told you to stay away from this one.”

  “You won’t take him away like the others.”

  “Why do you fight us? We’re trying to save our kind and fulfill our purpose!”

  “I live my own life, not the one you’d have planned for me.”

  Alyssa curled her lips back in a sneer, and the two wolves advanced on Richard. She looked back at Darien, and once again her features became soothing. He didn’t wait for her to speak. He wanted to get away. Richard had offered him a way out and he was going to take it.

  He jerked the wheel to the side and slammed the gas pedal down. The truck lurched into the grass, narrowly missing Alyssa and forcing her to scramble out of the way. Darien fought for control of the truck and managed to wrestle it back to the road. He looked in his rearview mirror, but only saw clouds of dust glowing red from the taillights.

  Chapter 10

  Darien drove down the dirt road until he saw a sign for the interstate. Once he was on the highway and knew where he was going, he calmed down. Susan and Erik were probably worried about him. How long had it been since they split up at her apartment? Darien fished out his phone and saw that it had been three hours. He also noticed that there were a few text messages and two missed calls since he last checked it. She was probably thinking that he’d been caught. That’s what he would’ve assumed if their roles were reversed.

  He should call her, but he needed to put more distance between himself and the park before pulling over. It was too risky to make the call or text while driving. Getting pulled over for a simple traffic violation could land him right back in Lieutenant Olson’s hands. Unless Richard was working with them, they didn’t know about this truck and it could be his best chance to escape their notice for a while.

  After passing through Seattle, he pulled over at the first gas station he got to. He checked his phone and saw that he was right, all of the messages were from Susan. According to what she sent, she was at Erik’s and anxious for his call. She was getting nervous. He texted her back, letting her know that he was okay and on his way. He should be there in about forty-five minutes in a black pickup truck. He promised to fill her in on the details when he arrived. Darien didn’t wait for a response before getting back on the road. He heard his phone beep to indicate a new message as he pulled back onto the highway.

  On the way to the house the properties changed from nice homes to million dollar estates. It was the kind of neighborhood with houses larger than most people’s property. He turned down the circular driveway for a three-story house. Erik’s parents owned a four-bedroom home with a gigantic kitchen, two family rooms with fireplaces, an extensive library and twenty acres of land. The house itself was surrounded by forest. The trees came within a hundred yards on each side and the back. The headlights of his vehicle showed flashes of red, yellow, and gold from the leaves still clinging desperately to the trees. The nearest neighbor was hidden by the tree line.

  The house itself was a work of art. Light tan stone blocks formed the outside walls. Several windows glittered like crystal as the headlights flashed across them. Vibrant vines of ivy crawled their way up the walls to frame the lower windows in a display of elegance. The large double doors in the front of the house were dark wood with classical knockers attached in the shape of two gargoyle heads.

  Before he finished parking, the front door opened and Susan rushed out. As soon as his feet touched the ground, she embraced him.

  “I was so worried! I thought they got you.”

  For a while, Darien had no words. He held on to Susan, both providing and giving comfort in their physical closeness. After a while he felt her take a deep breath and steady herself. He heard the crunch of someone walking on gravel and looked up to see Erik walking towards them. Susan and Darien separated and Darien greeted his roommate.

  “So, Darien, in addition to everything else going on, you decided to steal a car? Somehow I don’t think that’s going to help your situation. I didn’t even know you knew how.”

  Darien barked a laugh. “Didn’t I tell you about that class I took a couple of years ago?”

  “Seriously, Darien, what the heck happened? And whose truck is this?”

  “Everything was going great. I drove to Tukwila, hoping to throw the lieutenant off my scent for a bit. I caught a cab to the airport, but as I was walking in, some cop recognized me. I ran from him but he cornered me. I climbed onto a roof to try and get away…”

  “You do realize how incredibly stupid that sounds, right?”

  Darien rolled his eyes. “Okay, so it wasn’t the smartest idea in the world. But it seemed like the best option at the time. Anyways, I got stuck on the roof and then the lieutenant showed up. He threatened to take me back in cuffs
, and I blacked out, again.

  “When I woke up, I was in some park and there was this guy, Richard. He was waiting for me. He told me that he knew what I was going through and that Alyssa was working for this Arm of Gaia group. Apparently there’s another group, and they both want to keep tabs on me, control me, or kill me. He said it has something to do with what I’m capable of.

  “Alyssa showed up again, and Richard jumped out of the truck to fight her, I think. He told me to take the truck and go, so I did.”

  Erik and Susan both stared at him for a while after he finished speaking. Susan broke the silence.

  “What do you think of Richard?”

  “I don’t know. He seems honest, but I can’t tell if he’s just playing an act to try and get me to drop my guard. He told me a lot of stuff and didn’t try to force me into anything. But when you get down to it, I don’t really know anything more about him than I do Alyssa or Lieutenant Olson. And they all seem to be on different sides.”

  “We do have his truck. We could always search it.”

  Erik shrugged. “I don’t like it, but under the circumstances, I think it’s completely justified.”

  The three of them in agreement, they searched the vehicle. Darien climbed inside and opened up the glove compartment. It was filled with a stack of papers and small manuals. He grabbed the entire bunch and tucked them into his jacket. He checked under the seats, but didn’t see anything else. Susan looked at him from the backseat and shook her head. As they climbed out, Erik whistled from the back of the vehicle.

  Darien and Susan joined him. He had pulled down the hatch and used his phone as a flashlight to look inside the sheltered area. There was a hard plastic case locked with steel combination latches. It was at least five feet long.


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