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Henry Page 19

by Cilika Kunovic

  “Thank you, Tom. That will be up to the rest to decide; as for Serge and me, we will take you up on your offer — thanks.”

  Barb said, “I think I’d better go home and check on the house. You girls might want to join me, as it can get a bit crowded here, don’t you think? At the same time, I can look in on the work at the office.”

  The rain did not return, but the guys stayed at Tom’s anyway. Sasha and Nicole felt uneasy about staying, so they left with Barb. Sasha was happy to be able to look in on her mother.

  The next morning: “Mom, are we going back to the cottage?” Nicole asked.

  “Well, it’s Friday, and there is no reason why we shouldn’t go and finish the week helping, right?”

  “What about Livy? Is she going as well?”

  “Yes, she is going as well. If we can stay together one week, than we can manage this weekend as well.” She made sure Olivia heard her say it.

  “But Mom, can’t I stay at home?” Olivia wanted to know.

  “Get ready, Olivia, and stop being a nuisance. You always have some excuse. I suggest you learn to get along with people, if you want to have a normal life someday. You are wearing me out.”

  That pretty well established how the weekend was about to begin, as well as end. Somebody always has to take a chance at being a villain. And it is usually the one who is not afraid of being unpopular, even for only a short while. After all, parents aren’t perfect.


  While her children were away at the cottage, Susanne managed to relax a bit more and she found Sasha’s birth certificate. Clutching it to her breast, she wished she didn’t have to guard it so closely. Where the name of the father was supposed to be, it said: “Father’s name unknown.” This had been Susanne’s biggest secret for all too many years.

  When Dominic was about a year old, Larry had been in a car accident and then mysteriously disappeared for a while. He and Susanne had had a serious disagreement that day, and because of that, Susanne figured Larry had left her. She was unable to bring herself to admit even to herself that some other reason might be responsible for his disappearance. So she never reported him missing.

  With a small baby on her hands, she found her way to her elderly, ailing mother, who actually needed more help than she could offer. In fact, she passed on some months later. Susanne stayed on for a while and found herself quite often at a local pub. It eased her pain for the time being. Then, five or six months later, Larry reappeared just as if nothing had happened. He assumed he could just pick up from where he had left off with Susanne and his son. However, Susanne was now expecting her second child. Doing the math, it didn’t add up to Larry’s expectations, and the trouble began all over again. Only this time, it was worse. He continued to physically as well as mentally abuse his wife. At the slightest upset, he would give her a hard time.

  Larry never bothered to explain to his wife why he had disappeared or where he had been all that time. At the same time, Susanne needed someone around in her condition and a small baby on hand. Needless to say, things stayed stressful. It was not a good atmosphere for young Dominic. Luckily, the little toddler managed to survive it quite well. One wonders, though . . .

  Their marriage never mended itself, but Larry was still Dominic’s father and used it against his wife. The problem was, Larry wanted Dominic to hate his mother; yet, more and more, the boy kept clinging to his mother and defending her whenever she needed him.

  So while the children were at the cottage, Susanne had the chance to reach some resolve regarding that imposing certificate and she contemplated how she could approach Sasha regarding the whole mystery. She would need Dominic’s help all over again but she was afraid of losing his devotion to her and perhaps even losing him totally.

  “Sasha! What brings you home tonight?” Susanne almost screamed out the words.

  “Mom, I thought you would be happy to see me! I was hoping that you missed me just a bit . . . Is everything all right? You look startled. Did I interrupt a date, or what?” Sasha was feeling naughty and happy to see her mother at the same time. It felt good to be home.

  “I’m happy. I used to think how nice it would be once you started working and I would be working as well. I wanted to beat you home and start dinner; then, once you arrived, we could exchange the news from the day’s events. What do you think?” Susanne was extra talkative for some reason.

  “Mom, did you have something to drink?” Sasha teased but half believed it.

  “Now, now, don’t get cheeky with me.” Susanne was happy and anxious at the same time. “So, are you going to tell me why you’re here at home tonight? Is it because of the rain? Where is Dominic?”

  “Oh, I left him out in the rain. He can take it.” She laughed. “The guys stayed there, but Auntie Barb, Nicole, and I decided to come home. We are going back in the morning. Oh, by the way, did the Millers call at all while I was away?”

  “No, no one called, as far as I know. So when are you all coming home?”

  “Well, I think we are going to be back by Sunday afternoon. Of course, things can change. Mom, I wouldn’t mind living up there. Life is so peaceful there. The animals are within your reach and no one can beat that. Plus; the air is so fresh it takes your breath away. This is by far the best summer ever,” Sasha enthused; “THE BEST!”

  “You mean the only summer holiday ever, don’t you?” Susanne couldn’t help but point it out.

  “Whatever.” Sasha was overwhelmed by the whole experience.

  By the time the ladies returned the next day, the guys had already decided what they should be doing next; that is, besides preparing the food. However, they had brought food with them. Barb made sure of that. They also brought fresh clothes for Sam and Trevor, which was greatly appreciated.

  “Henry, next time I will go and buy you new clothes in order to bring fresh ones for you as well.”

  “No problem; next time, I will give you my house key and save you from shopping.” The girls knew that Henry had enough food for Serge for a week but they brought some for Tom as well. From then on, there was only fun in their minds. The weather was co-operating, and they would be able to finish the week successfully.

  Henry announced, “Listen, everybody: today we are exploring. The tents will get dry just by being up for a while. Not that they are wet, but night is night. Who wants to go fishing? We have two boats, so we can split up if you wish. I know that I want to go fishing, and Serge would appreciate it as well. If you can catch any fish, you can have a good supper at home tonight.” Before Henry finished, Trevor was in his fishing boat and Sam followed him. In other words, the guys went fishing and the girls stayed back at the new, promising site of a future cottage. The week had been successful, and Henry was delighted.

  By the time they returned, Susanne was more than ready for some company and she promptly invited Henry in for coffee.

  “Henry, I have been known to make a mighty good cup of coffee. Would you care to join us for one, or two?” Henry was so taken aback by the invitation that he forgot to even think one way or the other; he simply said “thank you” and got out of his car. That pleased Dominic and Sasha. They all enjoyed it, after which Henry and Serge departed and went home. Henry felt rejuvenated from the week off.

  That night, Susanne had a drink or two too many. She seemed very talkative, and both Dominic and Sasha sensed trouble. It used to be that their mother would normally either talk too much or withdraw too deeply. Then, later, she would do one thing or another to disturb everyone.

  “What do you think is going on?” Dominic asked his sister. Not that he wanted to hear the answer, but he had to ask. A storm was brewing, but why?

  “I have no idea what is going on. I’m sure this isn’t the end of it for tonight,” Sasha answered.

  Then, all of a sudden, they heard their mother calling them. As they came downstairs, they heard, “I want the two of you to listen to me without any interruptions . . .”

  “Mom, are y
ou all right?” Dominic wanted to know. He knew their mother had been drinking wine while he and Henry were drinking coffee, but what was this all about, anyway?

  “So how was your week without us, Mom?” Sasha interrupted.

  “I asked both of you not to interrupt me while I talk tonight. I know I had a couple of drinks, but that was because I needed them in order to say what I have to say to you tonight. So please do not interrupt me while I talk.” They both nodded in unison. Then, Susanne looked at Dominic and started quietly and slowly:

  “When you were about one year old, your father and I had a violent fight. First he slapped me several times and then he left. At first, I was relieved that he did, because I didn’t want more slapping. However, days passed, and then weeks and months, before I wanted to admit even to myself that he had left me for good. So you and I went to live with Grandma Turner for a while. She was in pretty bad shape herself and not too happy to see us.” Susanne was perspiring and truly had a hard time talking.

  “Mom, you can tell us more tomorrow.” Sasha had a hard time watching her mother in agony and in a way she expected what was about to come. She tried to spare her. But Susanne continued.

  “Shortly before Grandma passed on, I had chosen our local pub as a security blanket. It didn’t hurt, as long as I drank. Then your father reappeared just as mysteriously as he had previously disappeared. He threatened to take you away from me if I didn’t take him back.” She tried to get up and tripped over a chair, but nothing and no one was going to stop her from continuing.

  “Only there was a problem. I was expecting another baby. It took him only moments to figure out that he was not the father. Needless to say, the slapping continued, with added accusations.” She was crying and then she turned to Sasha and, with love in her heart, told her how much she loved her.

  “When you were born, we both fell in love with you instantly. You must believe me when I tell you that he truly loved you but he used you to torture me. He never quite forgave me for getting pregnant while he was away.”

  “But Mom, if he left the way you are saying, then he had no right to accuse you of anything.” Dominic was trying to help bring his mother to some sort of understanding, so that she didn’t have to feel so guilty.

  “Dominic, I know how much this business with your father lately bothers you and I want you to know that it isn’t you he is angry with. As far as he is concerned, it is my entire fault. I am not proud of myself and I will never be able to take it back but I am not sorry for what I’ve done. You have been my inspiration and I have done everything in my power to spare you from any possible shame.” Then, she looked at Sasha and with tears running down her cheeks, she admitted that she had no idea as to who Sasha’s father was.

  “I am ashamed of myself but I am not sorry for giving birth to you. You have to believe me, Sasha.” Then, with a touch of reserve, she continued, “Larry and I have been battling our own demons. When you were born and I was asked who the father was, I had no idea what to say. I told them I didn’t know, because it was the truth. Larry suspects that I know and he has been trying to find out ever since who the father is.” Somehow, Susanne regained strength as she talked.

  “Are you telling me that you really don’t know who my father is?” Sasha inquired.

  “I am afraid so. I have been hiding your birth certificate all these years so Larry couldn’t find it. At this point, I don’t think he deserves to know. Forgive me, Sasha.”

  “Why didn’t you tell me this a long time ago?”

  “Because you wouldn’t have been able to understand. You could have been hurt beyond belief. I would have eased my mind and hurt you at the same time. You were simply too young.”

  “Mom, I recently found out that Larry was not my father.” She waited. “Actually, Dominic has been putting little bits and pieces together for quite some time, but nothing was quite clear. Besides, he didn’t want to hurt me and neither of us dared to approach you in your state of mind. Well . . . you know what I mean?”

  That did it! Susanne was now overwhelmed by her children. She could hardly believe how clever her children were. Now, they all cried. It came as a big relief to be able to work it all out and relieve some of the tension that had plagued them for such a long time.

  Dominic and Sasha both noticed that their mother had not touched a drink since she started talking. Usually, she would drink and rant more and more; but not that night. She just needed some help to get going. Needless to say, there remained endless questions after that night, yet nobody rushed to ask them. What’s more, they all got up in the morning and went to work as if nothing had happened! Finally, they were no longer afraid of Larry. He had lost his magic power over them.

  Later that morning, Barb called Susanne at work and invited her out for lunch.

  “Barb, I would be happy to join you. Just say the word where, and I’ll be there.”

  Barb was taken aback by Susanne’s reply but was happy about it. Perhaps there is hope for this woman after all! Then she slapped her own hand slightly, for being naughty. Sam was quite happy to be back at work. As he entered the office, Gina greeted him with a wide smile and a ton of news. Not that they had not been in touch during his holidays, but a lot was kept from him in order to give him a well-deserved break. Bill was next in line to leave but he came in that morning just to touch base regarding one of the clients. Other than that, things were good to go for him. Doug also was happy to see Sam back in his rig and tooting on their way. John had left earlier that morning with a load for Montreal and wouldn’t be back till the end of the week.

  As to Henry, there was news regarding the accidents. Inspector Cooper had been trying to get in touch with him for a few days.

  “Mr. Dobbs, I have some news for you. It isn’t much, but we are suspecting that the perpetrator in question is living right here in the city. We are following a lead. I will inform you of any further developments as soon as we know more.” He was quite excited about this so-called lead, which could once and for all end the poor man’s mental anguish.

  “Thank you, Inspector Cooper; I am grateful for any news that could possibly bring this to an end.” Henry meant it. After all, there had been too much time lost already. Henry couldn’t wait to tell Sam all about it.

  “Can you imagine; someone living right here in the city and possibly following me around all the time?”

  “No, I can’t.” That was all Sam was able to say. “But then, you likely have the police following you at the same time . . . I have a feeling that if they think you could be in trouble again, they will follow you and possibly catch the culprit that way.” Sam had thought a lot about that and he also suspected that Henry’s cottage had been sabotaged. Therefore, only someone who is regularly nearby could do that. The question was, of course, who was it?

  Barb easily got back into her routine after coming back from her part-time holiday. She was happy to be back.

  The children were back in their elements. Olivia helped at the office, Nicole was more than welcome back at the community centre, and Trevor took an interest in joining her often. He stopped nagging his father for rides; he now felt he was too old to nag like a little kid. Dominic and Sasha came back to a lot of dust flying around the Millers’ place. The construction had begun during their holidays and was well on its way. Sasha was busy telling everybody about her holiday. She was also bursting with the news about renovations. The girl had a knack for it. “You wouldn’t believe, Mom, what is going on at the store. The place doesn’t even resemble the previous store. I think it is going to be gorgeous. I hope to stay on cash or in the office, because someday I want to have my own store. They say you can achieve your goals if you believe in yourself, and I am going to make it my goal to work hard and do whatever it takes to get there.” The girl was serious.

  Dominic was much in demand — from his previous position as a gofer, to driving the pallet jack before he was properly allowed to do so. Dan had sort of adopted the boy and guided him into
every possible direction, and before he knew it, he was test-driving the so-called truck. Dan had secretly applied for a licence for Dominic without his knowing; but when time came for him to go and test-drive, Dominic thought nothing of it. He was quite confident doing so, and passed his exam.

  That night, Susanne asked him, “What’s new, Dominic?” He was taken by another surprise: How did his mother know about it when even he didn’t know?

  “What do you mean, Mom? Oh, they told you about it but neglected to tell me — right?” He laughed.

  “That would be right, my son. A mother knows best.”

  “Sisters have that power as well. They know best. Congratulations!”

  “There are no words to describe how I feel today. I feel like I could fly.” He should — after all, he had had a long road to surprise success in his life. They celebrated that night by ordering in some good food and they talked into the night. It felt good to be a family, instead of being a mess. If only they could relax and forget about Larry for a while; he had not been seen around lately, and in the past that had never meant peace.


  Speaking of the past, Susanne started getting unusual phone calls and mostly late in the evening. In order not to disturb the children, who were usually studying, she didn’t bother telling them about it. Then one night, when Sasha had just returned home from work, she found Susanne all upset about something. Sasha insisted that her mother tell her what had disturbed her so much.

  “Mom, you must tell me what is making you so upset. Can’t you tell me what it is that you are unable to let go of? Is it Larry?” (Susanne noticed that her daughter used the name, instead of “Father.”)

  Susanne paused for a moment and then said, “Did you just use the name ‘Larry’? When did you decide that?”


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