Finding Home

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Finding Home Page 3

by Goode, Ella

  I race down the stairs, making a beeline straight to him. He takes his sweet-ass time getting out of his truck. He has that little smirk on his face again.

  “Something wrong, sugar?” he says with a smile in his voice. “Looks like you’re upset about something.” Is this man for real right now? is my only thought. How does he stay so calm when I’m clearly pissed?

  “I’ll tell you what’s wrong, you big jerk! You left me here with no explanation of when you’d be back, no timeframe and you locked me in here!” I let all of that out in one long breath.

  “Is that all?” His eyes look over me from head to toe.

  “I have an entire list of things that I can cite if need be.” I'm about to lay into him more until he brings his arm up to wipe his brow and I notice a makeshift bandage wrapped around his hand. I rush forward, grabbing his arm gently and bringing it down so I can get a better look at it. The bandage is a little bloody and it looks like it needs to be wrapped again.

  “What happened to your hand?” I rush to ask. My heart gives a weird flutter at seeing the blood on him.

  “Cut it helping a friend,” is the only reply he gives me, which for some reason upsets me all over again. He left me here, locked in and he can’t even give me a decent explanation.

  “I’ll have you know that I’ve called the police and they’ll be here in a few minutes,” I throw at him, wanting to see his reaction. This big jerk smiles from ear to ear. Maybe they can help with his hand, or at least find out what happened, because he isn’t telling me.

  “The police don’t come out to this neck of the woods, sweetheart,” he says, still smiling. The police go everywhere. Don’t they? Of course they do. Why is he smiling when his hand is dripping blood?

  “Maybe we should go to the hospital,” I suggest. My hand moves his closer to me trying to get a better look.

  “I thought the cops were already on their way?” That smile turns right into a smirk. I narrow my eyes on him, letting go of his arm. I have a feeling he knows I already tried to call them and no one is coming.

  “I want to leave, Colton. You can’t keep me here against my will. It’s a crime!”

  “I’m not stopping you.” He motions with his hand that I’m free to go but I notice his body shifts right into my path. I want to storm off past him but now there is nowhere to go. My eyes drift back to his hand.

  “You’re not going to go to the hospital, are you?”

  “If it needs a stitch, I got it. Don’t worry about it.” He shrugs it off.

  “Someone should take care of you.” The words slip past my lips before I know what I’m saying.

  “By all means.” He raises his eyebrows in suggestion.

  “A professional. Like a paramedic?” I turn, heading back into the house and going straight for my phone. He follows me into the house, kicking the door closed behind him. It’s then I notice that he’s covered halfway in mud.

  I hit dial on the phone. “You again?” The woman from before answers the phone.

  “Hey, Tammy,” Colton drawls as he tries to toe off his work boot. It doesn't work. He reaches down to try and pull them off with his bloody hand.

  “Stop that!” I run over to him. “Sit.” I point at the bench next to the front door. “You should have come in the back.” I point toward where I saw the washroom off the kitchen. I’m pretty sure it’s what they call a mudroom. I definitely get the term now.

  “Busy chasing you.” I drop to the floor to take his boots off for him so he doesn't hurt his hand more. I need to get a look at how bad the cut is.

  “She’s a handful,” comes from my phone.

  “How about you be of some help, Tammy, and get someone out here?” I snip. Not sure if I want someone to come have a look at Colton’s hand so they can talk some sense into him or for someone to help me escape.

  “He sounds fine to me,” Tammy says back, not seeming to have a care in the world.

  “You listen here—” I start.

  “Oh lordy. Fine. I’ll patch you through to the sheriff. You’re out of city limits.” With that, the line goes quiet for a moment. I stare at the phone, wondering if she hung up or if she is really patching me through to someone.

  It starts to ring. My eyes fly from my phone to Colton’s as he leans forward a little, pulling out his cell phone from his back pocket.

  “Sheriff Blackwood,” he answers. My eyes go from his phone to him. He reaches into his pocket again, and this time he pulls out a badge, dropping it down on the bench next to him. “How can I be of service? I’ve sworn to protect and serve, sugar.” He gives me a wink.

  I stare at him, shocked. Then I do the only rational thing I can. I burst into laughter.



  I rather enjoyed the little show that Charlotte put on when I arrived home. I am getting to her. I am peeling that layer of armor off her little by little. I knew she wouldn’t be able to resist my charm for long or she’d get used to it, since she’s going to be living here.

  It feels so good to have her doting on me. It’s almost as good as hearing her laughter in our home. She is full of surprises. You never know what you’re going to get.

  This time I can’t stop myself from reaching out and touching her. I pluck her off the ground, pulling her into my lap. “Your hand.” She stops laughing. Concern coats her words. Yeah, she can play hard all she wants, but this woman is all soft and sweet under that rough exterior she thinks she has to put on all the time.

  She doesn't say anything about the mud that’s getting all over her pretty outfit as she reaches for my hand. Once she has it she begins to unwrap the cloth I used to tie it up so that I didn't get blood all over the inside of my truck. Nor does she say anything about me putting her in my lap.

  “It’s not as bad as I thought it would be.” She turns my hand. “I think it stopped bleeding but we should clean it.” Her eyes come to mine. Her plump lips form a perfect O shape as if finally realizing she’s sitting in my lap. She doesn’t make a move to get down so I take that as a good sign.

  Her eyes go to my mouth and linger there for a few seconds. It’s an invitation I can’t refuse. Leaning in, I kiss her, softly at first. I’m trying to control myself. I savor her sweet mouth for a few moments, waiting for her to lean in to the kiss. My need for her is growing but I don’t want our next kiss to be a stolen one. I want her in on it. I can feel how it will be between us just having my lips on her. I’m hoping she needs this as much as I do but I’m not sure that’s possible since I crave this more than my next breath.

  Her lips lock with mine in the softest caress. I didn't know something could be so soft. Her lips feel like rose petals against mine. I can’t help but groan when I finally feel her accept me. My hand goes to the back of her head, deepening the kiss. She moans into my mouth as she presses her body closer to mine. Her lips part so I can slip my tongue inside. Again she’s soft and sweet, the innocence of the kiss is intoxicating.

  Everything about her is delicate. It’s just hidden there under the surface waiting to be discovered. She lets out the smallest moan into my mouth. I fight for control, with the sound almost breaking me. My body is humming with the need to take her down to the floor and have my way with her. The ache is almost unbearable.

  “Colt,” she breathes, breaking our kiss but keeping her lips close to mine. Close enough for me to take them again but I decide to let her be. I was at the point of no return and I don’t want to be too aggressive. I have to let her open up and take her time or this will be messy. It’s a fine balance with my Charlotte; I have to let her move forward on her own but also give her a little push or she’ll never get there. I was a bastard about getting her here but I can do this right. Our first time won’t be rushed. I am going to take her nice and slow. I’ll show her how good it could be here with me and make her want to stay. That is my goal, at least. If that doesn't work I have a few other ideas in mind, but those would really make me a bastard.

ever tell you that you have the softest lips?” I ask her. Her eyes are heavy lidded with lust. She shakes her head no before biting her lips. She still doesn't have her wits about her. I know this because she hasn’t said anything sarcastic in the last few minutes. I take her in, enjoying this docile version of her that’s perched in my lap. If she’s like this after a kiss I bet she’d purr if I made her come.

  My cock jerks in my jeans thinking about slowly stroking in and out of her as she begs me to come. Her eyes widen, feeling my length pressed against her. My hand, which has been tangled in her hair, drops in preparation for her departure from my lap. I know that she is about to spring up in panic and I don’t want to pull her hair in the process. As if on cue, she does exactly as I thought she would. She gets to her feet and backs up, looking at me like I’m a caged tiger ready to pounce on her. I’m under control. I think.

  Maybe my face doesn't read that way.

  She licks her lips. “First aid kit?” she asks, again surprising me. I thought she might yell at me. I deserved it, but she did kiss me back. I reckon she doesn't want me to point that out. Why isn’t she giving me lip? The only reason that comes to mind is that her protective exterior is beginning to crack.

  That kiss was everything. She had to have felt it too. If I had any doubts before this moment that kiss would have settled them. I felt it down to my marrow that she was my woman. Looking at her right now, I see it. She’s got one hand on her hip while her chin is tilting up. She isn't going to give me hell about the kiss but she will give me hell if I don't let her tend to my hand.

  “Sheriff?” She raises her eyebrows now in challenge.

  “Under the kitchen sink, sugar.”

  She gives a firm nod as she turns, heading for it. I watch her go, enjoying the view. If she wants to take care of me I am going to let her—for the rest of our lives.



  My hands shake as I open the cabinet under the sink. I lick my lips, trying to still taste Colt. My mind pauses for a moment. Colton, I correct myself. I am not giving him a nickname. I suck in a breath, pulling it together as I find the first aid kit. I let him kiss me. Hell, I kissed him back. It stole my breath. The man was irresistible and I’d wanted a taste. Who could blame a girl? I knew even Tammy would agree.

  I reach up, touching my lips, wondering if they are really as soft as Colton said. No one has ever told me that before. No kiss has ever been like that for me before, though. That was more than a kiss. At least it felt like it was. If a kiss could put you off kilter so easily, no wonder my mom was always getting her heart broken. I could see someone getting addicted to the euphoria it leaves you in. Even as I made myself pull my mouth from his I wanted to pull him back to me and kiss him again.

  “They are soft.” I turn to see Colt standing next to the kitchen counter watching me.

  “Come over here.” I shut the cabinet, ignoring his comment as I turn on the water to let it warm. I give him my back as I fiddle with the first aid kit. My cheeks feel warm and I know I’m blushing. Knowing that he can see it embarrasses me for some reason. I’m not too keen on anyone seeing my vulnerability. There is no hiding it at this point even if I wanted to. Sure, maybe I could storm off and hide in the bathroom until I get myself under control, but I want to fix his hand more than I care about revealing a piece of myself. It’s something I’m not used to doing.

  I’ve gone so long hiding any emotion. I have a choice to make. I could slip my mask of perfection back into place or I could take a gamble on Colton for a while. I am afraid to admit to myself that I already made that decision when I kissed him back. I know that there is no turning back from here. In knowing that, I have some questions that I need answers to before I reveal any more of myself to him.

  I turn around as Colton’s eyes snap from my ass to my face. He gives me that sexy smirk as if admitting he’s been caught and not trying to hide it like most would. I don’t know why it feels different with him doing it but it does.

  I tentatively smile back. We are both quiet as I reach for his hand and begin to clean it. The entire time I have to bite my tongue so I don’t bombard him with a line of questioning. I tell myself to ease into it slowly. But I never listen, even to myself.

  “How long have you been in love with Delilah?” I say, sounding real pissy even to my own ears. A small part of me is hoping I was wrong, that he doesn’t harbor some long-time love for Delilah.

  Colton’s eyes soften as they meet mine. “I’ve loved Delilah since we were kids.” My heart drops in my chest at his confirmation. I release his hand and begin to turn away from him. I can feel my eyes filling with tears. I’m such an idiot. I am definitely my mother’s daughter. My mask slips back into place on its own.

  “I have some work to do so I would appreciate it if you could show me to the room that I’ll be staying in.”

  Colton looks at me with a confused expression on his stupid handsome face, that smile dropping away.

  “I put your things in your room.” I can feel him move behind me.

  “That’s the master.” I know because I snooped around. He left me here. What else was a girl to do? I might have cracked open a few drawers too. There were no signs of a crazy serial killer. Unless being a tidy man is one of them.

  “Like I said. I put you where you’ll be staying.” Fine. If he wants to give me his bed I’m not going to fight him on it. In fact, I need to get away from him as fast as I can. I go to take off toward his bedroom, but his hands land on my hips, keeping me in place.

  “Sugar,” he drawls. His mouth is so close to my ear it makes the hair next to it tickle me softly.

  “I’m not your sugar.” I answer back, fighting to keep my tone as cool as he always keeps his. I’ve always thought I was good at reading people. A skill I picked up early in life to protect myself. Somehow I can’t get a read on Colt, though. The one person I am starting to think I really need it on.

  “I’m the only one’s sugar you’re ever going to be.” This time there isn’t a drawl to his tone. I turn around to look at him.

  “That’s rich coming from a man who already has a sugar.” I yell the last part. Mad at having to say he has a sugar. Mad that the stupid word sugar is so cute and I was liking it secretly. Now I’m going to have to hate it somehow.

  I turn, trying to storm off, but the hold he has on my hips doesn’t let up.

  “Let go.” I stare up at him. He pulls me more into him. His hard cock presses against me.

  “No.” He says that one word. Simple and to the point. It should piss me off more, but like everything that concerns him, I tend to have the wrong reaction. Well, I tell myself it's the wrong reaction. My temper actually cools. He’s not backing down, nor is he letting me get away.

  The two things that always work for me. I either walk out or make someone else get pissed and they walk out. Neither will work on him.

  He knows my game.



  She tries to hide the unshed tears brimming in her bright blue eyes. I really am at a loss now. I have no idea what I’ve done in the past few seconds to hurt her, but knowing I did twists my stomach into knots. A feeling of unease settles over me. I can handle her being worked up but having her visibly upset isn’t a look I like. Those tears are going to haunt my dreams and cause me many sleepless nights.

  I thought I had her there for a moment. One thing was sure, I’m not letting her storm off pretending to be pissed at me when really she is about to cry. Me calling her sugar really seemed to send her over the edge. She didn’t say anything the first time I called her by that name, but this time she’s become upset by it. I myself don’t know where the term came from. It slipped right out of my mouth when talking to her. I think because I know she’s sweet to her core even though she tries to act otherwise. She can try and hide it all she wants, but I can see the real her.

  Even when she was mad today she put it aside to tend to my hand. I could see the compassion in her ey
es. She cared if I was okay. Everything else was forgotten. She might be a city girl but she was made for a life out here. She has a backbone and wouldn’t take shit, but right there under it all is a sweet woman. She acted like a momma bear when she got a look at my hand. I just have to show her she was made to be here with me. If I fail then I guess I’ll figure out how to live in the city because there is not a chance in hell that I am spending another day without her.

  “I’m not letting you go until you tell me what I did wrong.” It’s a half lie. I would let her hips go for the moment but I’m not letting her go ever.

  “You’re in love with another woman and calling me sugar.” She tries to make her words sound angry but I hear the hurt in them. I think there may even be a trace of need in her tone. I’m so out of my depth here that I may just be reading into things.

  “I love a few women. I’ve been graced with women in my life that should be loved.” Pain shows in her face now, that mask slipping the more she tries to hold it in place. There’s no hiding it but I’m starting to get it now. “My mom being one of them,” I quickly tell her. “Delilah is a little sister to me. I love her ma too. Give it time and I’m sure they’ll have you loving them too.”

  Her eyebrows furrow together, my words starting to sink in for her. “I’ve never loved a woman like I think you’re insinuating, though.” Those bright blue eyes of hers fill with hope, giving me some of my own. Is that what this has been all about? Her thinking I was in love with Delilah? A light bulb goes off in my head.


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