Scarred: A Mountain Man Romance

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Scarred: A Mountain Man Romance Page 27

by J. R. Ryder

Being alone wasn’t all that bad.

  At least, that’s what I kept telling myself.

  Finally, the taxi pulled up to Headquarters. It was a looming skyscraper that blended into the New York infrastructure.

  I swiped into the building and made my way up to the top floor. During those few moments in the elevator, I adjusted my outfit. Not that it mattered, but on the off-chance that Everett did notice me, I wanted to look nice. I smoothed the wrinkles out of my skirt and tucked in my blouse so it looked a little neater. My fingers lingered on the top button, contemplating.

  No. I didn’t want to be like those skimpy interns who waltzed into his office expecting to use their bodies to their advantage.


  I stepped out of the elevator with confidence. Sure, I was on the thicker side, but I was comfortable with my body. There were plenty of men that liked a girl with a little something to hold onto. I had seen them staring at my voluptuous ass and the sway of my hips. Sometimes, they nearly drooled at the sight of my chest. But not Everett. Guess he wasn’t interested. He seemed more of the fashion model-type anyway.


  Why did I even try?

  Chapter 2 (Everett)

  I looked at my watch.

  It was already 6:30. I should probably head home and grab something to eat, but there was still so much to do: documents needed to be signed, emails needed to be sent out, and memos to be written. The life of a CEO is never contained in the nine-to-five stereotype.

  It’s not always easy.

  Sure, the money is good, but is it worth the stress and sleeplessness?

  Suddenly, my phone buzzed on my desk. I flipped it over to see my mother’s name flashing across the screen.

  I thought about ignoring the call, but guilt quickly forced me to answer.


  “Everett! I’m so glad you answered.” As usual, my mother’s voice was chipper and full of life. She had always been charismatic, making everything seem larger than life. It was probably why she was such a good businesswoman and why my father had married her in the first place. Their relationship had never been one of love, but more of pragmatism. It seemed to work. After all, I turned out alright.

  “Is there a reason you called?” I asked. I hated small talk and the faster she got to the point, the faster I could get back to the tasks I needed to complete. And the faster I did that, the faster I could get home to my bottle of whiskey. God knew I needed a glass right about now.

  It had been a long day.

  “I just cooked dinner. Your favorite. What do you say you drop by? It’s been a while since your father and I last saw you.”

  “Mother, you know how busy I am.”

  “It’s the holidays; you shouldn’t work so hard. You need to enjoy the moment before it passes you by.”

  Every year, she would always give me the same spiel. I think it bothered her that I rather spend my Christmas alone than with company.

  “I’m just doing what needs to be done.”


  I could practically see her frowning on the other end.

  “Can you please try to make it tonight? I’ll keep a plate warm for you.”

  “Mom, don’t bother. I know I won’t be able to make it.”

  “Everett. You need to make time for family.” She protested.

  “Maybe later in the week. I need to go now.” Before she could nag me any further, I hung up the phone.

  I leaned back in my chair and closed my eyes.


  I had always wanted one but had never found the right woman. Every time I thought I got the one, she would stab me in the back. In the end, I just stopped trying.

  But I still needed a way to continue my legacy. I needed a son. And for that, I needed a woman who’d be willing to give me one.


  She was perfect for the task. Loyal, hardworking, and healthy. Plus, she had wide, child-bearing hips. I had no doubt that she’d handle the pregnancy with ease, all while keeping things platonic. I could pay her a generous lump sum for it, and no one would be the wiser for it.

  I grinned, imagining what it would feel like to plunge myself between those thick thighs. I won’t lie, Tanya had turned me on from the first time I saw her. She had the sort of body that made me want to sink my teeth into her – to grab her by the hips and make her scream. But I had managed to keep things professional. I didn’t think it would be wise to fuck my assistant and get myself into trouble.

  That’s why I would be doing this the smart way – with a contract.

  The last thing I needed was a messy lawsuit on my hands.

  Knock. Knock.

  “Come in,” I answered, knowing it was her. Even though she had worked for me for five years now, we had seldom been together in the same room after hours. Usually, she went home as soon as the clock struck 5:00 PM. I didn’t mind. She was efficient and organized about her job, and there was rarely a reason for her to stay behind.

  She stepped inside.


  Almost instantly, there was a rush of blood from my head to my cock as it twitched to life at the sight of her. It didn’t help that she was wearing the pencil skirt I loved so much – the one that hugged her curves to perfection. Plus, her white blouse was somewhat see-through, giving me a hint of the purple lace bra hiding underneath.

  Sometimes, I wondered whether she dressed like that so that she could tease me.

  “Here you are, sir.”

  I nearly smirked. I had always loved the way the word ‘sir’ just rolled off her tongue. That word just sounded so right coming from her lips. I loved it. If only I could hear her screaming it at the top of her lungs, as I pounded into her all night long.

  Maybe, soon enough, that would no longer need to be a fantasy.

  But I knew I’d have to build up to that point.

  After all, I couldn’t just abruptly ask her to be the mother of my child. She would surely think I was a madman, no matter how much money I threw her way.

  “Thank you,” I answered, getting up and taking the suit from her, hanging it up in the back. “I appreciate it.”

  Her eyebrow twitched, cheeks growing redder as she gave a slight nod. “You’re welcome.”

  “Would you like some coffee? Or tea maybe?” I asked, turning on the coffee machine.

  “Oh?” She tilted her head in confusion. “Sir?”

  “It’s cold outside, I thought you might want something to warm you up,” I whispered, walking up to her, a sly grin on my face.

  Her blush grew deeper, avoiding my gaze.

  I nearly chuckled, finding her shyness cute.

  “Tea…” She answered, ever so meekly.

  “Hmm… I didn’t hear you, dear.” I said even, though I had heard her just fine. Carefully, I placed my finger under her chin and tilted it upwards. When she looked into my eyes, I moved my hand onto her cheek, palm pressing against it as my thumb caressed her skin. I held her in my gaze for a moment, leaning down.

  In reaction, her eyes started to close, and her lips puckered, preparing for a kiss.

  I smirked. So she wanted me too? Excellent! Maybe this would be easier than I thought.


  The kettle finished boiling. I left her standing in a daze as I poured the hot water over fresh tea leaves. “Milk or sugar?” I asked, looking over my shoulder at her.

  “Um… sure.”

  I turned, adding a splash of milk and a teaspoon of sugar. Already, I could almost smell her excitement, a sweetness that lingered over the room. It had a powerful effect, making me want to pounce on her right then and there.

  But I kept my composure as I handed her the mug of tea. “Careful, it’s hot,” I said, sitting on the couch beside her, so close our knees were touching.

  The air around us was tense with energy.

  I could feel it getting stronger and stronger. The attraction between us was undeniable. I don’t know how we could have ignored it for so long
. I guess we were both much too pragmatic, putting work before emotions. It was one of the reasons why I liked her. She was my kind of woman.

  But I needed to take this one step at a time. If I moved too fast, my whole plan would be ruined.

  I walked along my thin tightrope, careful not to fall.

  Chapter 3 (Tanya)

  What had gotten into him?

  Everett never paid me this much attention. He never offered to make me tea. Hell, I didn’t even know he knew how to make tea. I was usually the one who worked the machine.

  I just kept staring at him in disbelief, head slightly tilted to the side, the warm mug between my fingers.

  He was up to something. It was obvious. His blue eyes sparkled just like they did whenever he was about to make a brilliant business transaction. what was he planning inside his head and how was I a part of it?

  For a long while, he didn’t say anything. He just kept looking at me.

  I shivered.

  His gaze was intense – almost too intense.

  I was used to holding my own. After all, I had been an independent woman most of my life, but there was just something about this man that unraveled me. I didn’t know whether it was his devilish good looks or his powerful aura, but whatever it was, it made my legs turn to jelly and my heart beat just a little faster.

  Soon, I was inching closer, my body yearning for his. It was as if our bodies were magnets, gravitating together on their own accord.

  “I need you to accompany me to the Christmas Ball.” Everett’s voice broke the silence.


  I stared, blinking in surprise.

  “Excuse me?”

  “I need you to accompany me to the Christmas Ball.” He repeated. “Did I stutter?”

  “N-No… but sir, you’ve never asked me to attend the Christmas Ball.” I said in confusion.

  Usually, I organized the party by ordering all the food, staff, and decorations. I would get all the minute details in place, making sure that everything would work out smoothly, but I had never seen my hard work firsthand.

  “Well, this year you’ll be my date.”

  “Date?” I practically choked on the word. “I’m sorry, sir, but I think you have lost your mind.”

  “Why do you say that?” He asked, hands folded over his knees and an almost amused look on his face.

  “I don’t mean to be rude, but every year, you go to that party with some model you hire for the night. Why should this year be any different?”

  “I grew tired of them.” He answered in a calm tone as if the answer was obvious. “I’ve come to realize that I’ve had the perfect date right in front of me this entire time.” He reached out, once again cupping my chin in his palm. “What do you say? Will you go to the Ball with me?”

  What was I supposed to do? I felt like a fish out of water, trying to gulp in air through a straw. I never thought I’d find myself in this situation.

  Maybe I was dreaming.

  But even in my dreams, Everett’s eyes were never this bright.

  This was real.

  I just couldn’t understand why.

  After five years, why did he choose to notice me now? It felt so sudden, leaving me breathless and unprepared. I didn’t know what to do so I just stared at him, very much aware of his fingertips on my skin.

  That alone was enough to electrify me. My every nerve ending was coming alive with energy.

  I loved it.

  All I wanted was for his hands to venture to other parts of my body, to explore, to tease. Instantly, my mind wandered into naughtier territory, heat spreading throughout my body, concentrating between my legs.

  Calm down, Tanya. I tried to tell myself. This is not the place – nor the time – to get horny. He’ll know. God, he’ll know. And I didn’t want him to think I was an easy woman who would spread her legs at his command. Sure, he was sexy, and the thought of fucking him was hot as hell, but real life was a different matter. I knew better than to fall into bed with a man who could replace me in the blink of an eye.

  I was lonely, yes, but not that lonely.

  “I’m waiting.” He insisted.

  His face was moving closer. At this point, our noses were practically touching. His cologne wafted up to my nostrils. Its intoxicating scent made my mind fuzzy as if I were experiencing a high. I found it hard to concentrate, and yet, his question continued to buzz in my mind.

  Will you go to the Ball with me?

  Fuck, what was I supposed to say? On the one hand, I wanted to say yes. I mean, why wouldn’t I? Everett Walton was probably the richest and hottest guy in New York. Every woman that had even a fragment of libido wanted to be with him. I was no exception. But at the same time, I couldn’t shake the feeling that he was using me for something.

  And I didn’t want to be one of his little pawns.

  Being his assistant was degrading enough.

  “Need I be a little more persuasive?” He whispered, his voice husky. His warm breath caressed the side of my neck as I shivered with desire.

  Goddamnit, he was making it hard to resist.

  Very hard.

  His lips were so close to my skin that I could almost feel them. I knew that if he kissed me, I would lose control.

  I quickly got up, placing the mug on the counter. “Sure,” I answered, trying to sound nonchalant, but my voice was too high-pitched.

  “Good. I’ll order you a dress.”

  “Huh?” I turned around, staring at him. “What for?”

  “My gift to you.” He said with a smile. “Besides, I like it when my date matches me.”

  “I can order my own dress.”

  “I insist.”

  I bit the inside of my lip. Things were getting weirder and weirder. “Alright…” I finally relented.

  “Perfect.” He smirked. “I’ll pick you up on the 23rd. Expect me at 7:00 PM sharp. Please be ready by then. You know I’m a man who hates to be kept waiting.”

  I nodded. “7:00 PM. Sharp. Got it.” I repeated.

  “I knew I could count on you.” He winked before opening the door and waving a hand for me to leave.

  And just like that, he went from teasing me to kicking me out.

  This man truly was impossible to figure out.


  When I finally got home, I still couldn’t believe what had happened.

  I replayed the scene in my mind, but it was making less and less sense.

  Why had he flirted with me? Just so I would be persuaded to go to the Ball with him or was there more to it? Could it be that there was genuine attraction hiding under the surface or was he just playing an act to try and fool me?

  Honestly, I had no idea and that bothered me.

  I headed for the kitchen and opened the fridge, looking for something to snack on. Food always made me feel better.

  The fridge, however, was empty.

  I closed the door, a little disappointed, but to my luck, I spotted a pack of gingerbread cookies on the counter.

  Sweet! I had completely forgotten about these. Quickly, I snatched them up. I struggled with the package for a while but eventually started nibbling on the leg of a little gingerbread man.

  Mmm. Tasty.

  For a brief moment, I forgot about Everett, but as soon as I closed my eyes, there he was. Broad shoulders. Sharp features. Smoldering blue eyes.

  There was no denying the man’s sex appeal. If he wasn’t a CEO, he would make a killing as a model.

  So why was he trying to go for a girl like me?

  It didn’t make any sense.

  He could have any woman in the world.

  So why me?

  I finished off the cookie and grabbed another.

  Ugh. This was killing me. If I didn’t stop overthinking it, I would finish the box of cookies and wake up in the middle of the night with a horrible stomach ache.

  Using what little restraint I had, I closed the lid and headed for my bedroom. As I started to undress, I immediately
thought of Everett. Had he ever mentally undressed me in the same way I had done to him? Did he ever imagine what I looked like naked, under his body, moaning his name?

  Dirty daydreams filled my mind, thinking of all the possibilities. It had been a long, long time since I had been intimate with someone, but I had no doubt it was like riding a bicycle – you never really forget how. If you were with the right person, things would just fall into place.


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