Danger at the Border

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Danger at the Border Page 16

by Terri Reed

  A knock made her jump.


  She blinked. “Jeff?” A gush of relief made her hands tremble. Keeping the gun aimed at Emil, she unlatched the door and jumped back just in case her mind was playing tricks on her.

  Jeff filled the doorway.

  Tension oozed out of her, making her tremble as love and affection filled her soul. God had answered her prayers. Her heart, her soul, rejoiced.

  “Honey, give me the gun,” Jeff said.

  Realizing she had the weapon aimed at him, she lowered the barrel and let him take the gun from her trembling hands. With a little gasp, she flung her arms around him. “You’re really here.”

  The relief and tenderness on his face made her heart skip a beat.

  “Sir.” An officer behind Jeff gestured toward Emil, slumped in his seat and looking resigned to his fate.

  Jeff led her out of the plane so the officer could take Emil into custody.

  With satisfaction she saw that Sherman sat in his wheelchair, the blanket and gun gone, his hands in cuffs resting on his thighs. They’d put a stop to him once and for all. No longer would he be able to grow and sell illegal marijuana or make money off the suffering of others. A win for the good guys.

  Then her gaze landed on Aaron. He knelt next to the two guards, their hands all bound with white zip ties behind their backs. He was going to jail for a very long time. Elation bubbled up in her chest. She pumped her fist. “Yes!”

  Jeff’s deep rumbling laugh made her giggle as the last of the tension left her body. Her knees wobbled. Jeff handed the gun to an agent and then tucked her into his side, the gesture both comforting and familiar. By his side, a place she willingly would stay for the rest of her life.

  She could only pray he felt the same way, but she didn’t get a chance to ask him as he propelled her toward a waiting SUV. She stopped and turned into his embrace. “Don’t send me away.”

  Cupping her cheek in his big, strong hand, he said, “It’s only for a little while. I need to see this through.”

  “You promise?”

  He dipped his head and kissed her. A tender promise. Did she dare hope that meant he cared for her? She prayed he could love her.

  He opened the door. Agent Tremont sat at the wheel. She was relieved to see him alive and in one piece.

  He saluted her as she climbed in. “Dr. Cleary, I’m sorry I failed you before. It won’t happen again.”

  She waved him off. “I’m sorry you had to suffer on my account.”

  “I’ll see you soon.” Before Jeff closed the door, he said, “I promise.”

  * * *

  Two evenings later, Jeff stood outside Tessa’s hotel room door in Seattle. His palms grew damp with nervous anxiousness. He was finally going to see her.

  She’d asked to be taken to the more metropolitan city rather than back to Bellingham. Jeff had wanted to come sooner, but they both had to give their statements, and Jeff had so much red tape to sort through that it had taken a full two days. With no immediate threats to the country that needed his attention, he’d hightailed it here to fulfill his promise. The first of many promises he planned to make to Tessa, if’d she let him.

  He’d showered, shaved and changed into fresh slacks and a dress shirt beneath a wool coat. He held a dozen red long-stemmed roses in one hand. Tonight he was going to declare his love. He prayed Tessa felt the same way.

  The danger to her had been neutralized—Sherman, Aaron and the others were in custody on their way to a detention facility. They would never harm Tessa or anyone else ever again. She was free to decide her future. With or without him.

  He prayed with everything in him she’d choose to have a life with him.

  She was an amazing woman, and he wanted to spend every moment with her. Jeff shook his head and wondered why he was surprised that Tessa had been so resourceful at taking care of herself. Independent, self-reliant and self-assured. These were words that described her. But also caring, compassionate, loyal and brave.

  She was everything he’d ever want in a woman. For her alone would he risk opening his heart.

  Having almost lost her, he knew that if he didn’t confess his love and fight for a future with her, he’d regret it for the rest of his life. Safe wasn’t what he wanted anymore. He wanted messy commitment, full of love and laughter and light. Full of Tessa.

  He lifted his hand to knock just as the door flew open.

  Tessa. His breath caught. She wore a silky emerald-colored dress that was modest yet clung to her curves like the garment had been handmade for her. Heeled pumps emphasized her pretty legs. And her auburn hair had been gathered up in back by a fancy clip.

  His fingers twitched with the urge to undo the hair doodad and tangle in the mass of curls. She had a touch of makeup on, enough to enhance her pretty features, not hide them. He held out the flowers.

  She took them and buried her nose in the soft petals. “I was afraid you’d change your mind and not knock.”

  Regret for making her doubt him tugged at his conscience. Apparently, she’d been watching out the window, waiting for him to arrive. “I’m sorry.” How did he explain his struggle with the fear that she’d reject him? “Are you ready?”

  “Let me grab my coat and purse,” she said and disappeared from view. A moment later, she reappeared in a black knee-length belted coat over her dress and a small purse clutched in her hand.

  She kept the flowers with her, pressing them against her chest like a shield. Were her nerves as tied in knots as his? He hoped that would prove to be a good thing.

  They made small talk on the cab ride to the Space Needle and took the elevator to the SkyCity Restaurant. They were seated at a table near the window, where the rotating panoramic view of the Emerald City, Elliott Bay and the distant mountains could be fully enjoyed. Jeff barely noticed.

  Candlelight flickered from a votive on the table and deepened the contours of Tessa’s pretty face. He had trouble taking his eyes off her to read the menu. She ordered Alaskan halibut. Jeff ordered something with beef and scarcely paid attention to his selection. His nerves stretched taut with the effort to contain the feelings wanting to burst from his chest.

  Somehow, they made it through the meal with more small talk and shared laughs. One day he would remember what the conversation consisted of, but at the moment all he could think about was telling Tessa he loved her.

  “Our meal comes with a free admittance to the observation deck. You game?” he asked her as they left the restaurant.

  “I’d like that,” she murmured, once again clutching the flowers in front of her.

  They rode the elevator to the top of the Needle and stepped outside onto the deck. With his hand to the small of her back, they strolled along, taking in the view from five hundred and twenty feet in the air. The moon rose high in the night sky, throwing shafts of light on the Pacific Ocean. Spying a bench, he tugged her over. The crisp night air filled his lungs, bolstering his resolve.

  She turned to face him. “Jeff, I—”

  He cut her off with a finger to her lips. Then he sank down on one knee and took her hand. “Tessa, I love you,” he blurted out.

  Her eyes widened. “You do? I thought you didn’t believe in love.”

  “I didn’t think I did until you came into my life.” He cupped her cheek with a hand. “I know we haven’t known each other long. The past week has been intense, and our emotions were running high, but I know what is in my heart. I never expected to fall in love with you. But I did. What I feel for you is amazing. It’s nothing I’ve ever felt for anyone else. Ever. I want a future with you. I’m one hundred percent committed to doing whatever I can to make you happy. I think you care for me. I hope—”

  She put her fingertips against his lips. With eyes full of tender affection, she said, �
�Jeff, I love you, too.”

  “Really?” He had prayed and hoped so, and to hear the words coming from her sent his pulse racing.

  “Really.” She placed her hand over his heart. “These past few days have made me see how alone I was and how much I was missing because I was afraid of being hurt, of not being enough for anyone.”

  “You’re more than enough for me.”

  Her teeth tugged on her bottom lip. Her troubled gaze held his. “What about my career?”

  Memories of what she’d told him about her ex-fiancé rushed in. And his reaction. He’d been so shortsighted. He tucked a stray curl behind her ear and caressed her cheek. “I could never stand in the way of what you love to do. You’ve proven you’re capable of anything you set your mind to. All I want is your happiness.”

  She sighed softly. “You do make me happy.”

  “I don’t deserve your love, but I’m elated to know you love me.” With his heart filled to the brim with love for her, he rose to sit beside her and slipped an arm around her waist, pulling her close. “I’ve felt the same way. Alone and lonely, scared and guarded.” He eased back to look into her lovely eyes. “But with you, I’m not afraid. You have my heart.”

  The joy on her face set his heart pounding. She set the roses aside and turned fully into his arms. “You have my heart. I trust you completely.”

  Happiness exploded in his chest.

  Cupping his face in her slender, capable hands, she said, “Kiss me, Agent Steele.”

  He arched a playful eyebrow. “Is that an order, Dr. Cleary?”

  “Yes.” She tugged him closer. “Please.”

  How could he refuse? He couldn’t. As he captured her lips with his own, he sent up a silent shout of praise to God above for all the joy and love and faith that he knew would be a part of his and Tessa’s life. Forever.

  * * * * *

  Keep reading for an excerpt from WILDERNESS TARGET by Sharon Dunn.

  Dear Reader,

  I hope you enjoyed the first book in the Northern Border Patrol series. I’m really excited to learn and write about the men and women who keep our country safe. Thank you for coming along on Tessa and Jeff’s adventures through the North Cascades National Forest. I love the setting of the Pacific Northwest. Of course, I’m a bit partial, since I reside in this beautiful part of the country.

  When I was brainstorming ideas, I wanted to give Tessa a unique job, so I searched the USDA website and found the Fish and Aquatic Ecology Unit. A fish biologist sounded like a fascinating career. Pairing Tessa up with Jeff felt right from the beginning. These two had some issues to overcome as well as enemies to battle, but ultimately they triumphed.

  My next book, part of the Capitol K-9 Unit continuity series from Love Inspired Suspense, comes out April 2015. Stay tuned for more Northern Border Patrol books in the coming months.

  May God bless you always,

  Questions for Discussion

  What made you pick up this book to read? In what ways did it live up to your expectations?

  In what ways were Jeff and Tessa realistic characters? How did their romance build believably?

  What about the setting was clear and appealing? Could you “see” where the story took place?

  Tessa believed she worked better alone, but by the end of the story realized the value of having a partner. Do you ever find yourself in circumstances where you need to rely on a partner? Can you talk about how that worked for you?

  Tessa guarded her heart from others because of the pain in her past. Can you talk about times in your own life that have made you want to guard your heart?

  At the start of the book, Tessa’s faith was barely there. What lessons did she learn from Jeff to help her trust God?

  Jeff was afraid to give his heart away. Can you discuss why that was? Can you share an experience that left you feeling hurt and unwilling to open your heart?

  Do you believe that circumstances shouldn’t dictate our faith? Can you share a time when you let the circumstances of your life influence your faith?

  Jeff’s first impression of Tessa was not favorable. He made assumptions that proved false. Can you share a time when your first impression of someone turned out to be wrong?

  Tessa came prepared for wilderness with her bag of essentials. Have you ever spent time in the wilds of a forest? If so, can you share what that experience was like?

  Were the secondary characters believable? Did they add to the story? If so, in what ways?

  Did you notice the Scripture in the beginning of the book? What do you think God means by these words? What application does the Scripture have to your life?

  How did the author’s use of language/writing style make this an enjoyable read?

  Would you read more from this author? If so, why? Or why not?

  What will be your most vivid memories of this book? Of the whole series?

  We hope you enjoyed this Harlequin Love Inspired Suspense story.

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  Clarissa Jones quickened her pace through the tiny airport that serviced Discovery, Montana. Fear shot through her when she looked back at the barrel-chested man making a beeline for her. Why had one of her former boss’s employees followed her here?

  Max Fitzgerald owned one of the largest real estate and property management firms in Southern California, and the man coming after her hauled furniture for him when he staged houses. As Max’s assistant—up until two weeks ago—Clarissa had known all the people Max employed. This man, whose first name was Don, had displayed a temper on more than one occasion.

  Don caught up with her, grabbing her arm just above the elbow. “I think you better come with me.”

  She recoiled from the pressure as the man’s meaty fingers dug into her flesh. Max had been angry when she’d refused his advances, and even angrier when she’d told his wife. But having his hired muscle chase her all the way to Montana seemed a bit extreme even for a hothead like Max Fitzgerald.

  “Let go of me.” Pain shot through her nerve endings as she tried to pull away.

  Several people craned their heads in her direction. Don glanced from side to side, suddenly aware of the spectators around them, and lightened his grip on her arm.

  “He wants you on a flight back to California tonight.” The man spoke in a hushed tone, but the threat of violence in his eyes terrified Clarissa.

  The hired muscle had been one of the last ones on the plane. She’d managed to avoid him for the whole of the flight, but now there was little chance of escape.

  Clarissa squared her shoulders and looked Don in the eye. “I don’t want anything to do with that man anymore.”

  Why was Max doing this? Was this about revenge or control? She had expected to be fired when she’d refused his advances. She’d spent ten years working her way up from the cleaning crew. She’d been his assistant for less than a month. Up until then, the veneer of her employer’s charisma and her minimal contact with him had masked who he really was.

  Her newfound faith had compelled her to tell Mrs. Fitzgerald what kind of man she was married to. Stella Fitzgerald had been grateful—and apparently had immediately confronted her husband. Days later, when Clarissa had told him she was going to file wrongful dismissal charges against him, Max, who had access to her personal informat
ion, had stopped direct deposit on her paycheck and used his position as owner of her apartment building to get her evicted. The final nail in the coffin of her life in California was when Max filed charges saying she’d embezzled company funds. She’d gone to the police, but by then her reputation was so smeared they didn’t take her claims seriously. Max was a respected businessman, while she was homeless and jobless, with no one on her side.

  So she had decided to return to Discovery after ten years away to start over. And now Max’s muscle had followed her here. Where would his desire for revenge end?

  Don leaned close to her, eyes bloodshot, breath hot on her face. “Now you listen to me. We’re going to go down to that ticket counter and you’re going to buy a one-way ticket to L.A. Max wants to talk to you.”

  Clarissa gasped. The threat of violence stained his every word. Fear squeezed her heart like a vise. She glanced around. She could scream right now, but somehow she thought better of it. She didn’t know what this man was capable of.

  A group of people swarmed toward the baggage claim as the first suitcase appeared on the carousel.

  Stay with the crowd and he can’t hurt you.

  She pulled free of his grip and stalked toward baggage claim, but then dived into the ladies’ room. He wouldn’t follow her here. She hid in a stall, taking in a deep breath to ease the rising panic.

  It was close to 11:00 p.m. now. An airport this small probably pretty much shut down by midnight. She listened to women chatting, water being turned on and the hand drier blowing. Forty-five minutes passed. She couldn’t stay in here forever.

  Was he just outside, waiting to grab her? She opened the door to the stall. A young woman with a backpack stood drying her hands.

  Clarissa stepped toward her. “Can you do me a favor? Could you look and see if there’s a large man in a brown sport coat standing outside? He has short, spiky hair.”


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