Seeing Further

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Seeing Further Page 42

by Bill Bryson

  Lyell, Sir Charles, 212–13, 217, 450, 451

  Lynas, Mark, Six Degrees, 406, 409, 409, 414–15


  mad scientists, 38–57

  in B movies, 38–39, 41, 49, 54

  in Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde, 52, 53, 54

  and Frankenstein, 49–51, 50

  and Gulliver’s Travels, 39, 41–42, 44–49, 55–57

  Island of Dr Moreau, 54

  nutty professor, 51

  stock figure of, 38–39

  in Tom Brown’s School Days, 51–52

  magnetism, 113

  Malpighi, Marcello, 5

  Malthus, Robert, 218

  Manhattan Project, 481


  Earth seen from, 402, 402

  life on, 330, 334

  space probes on, 331, 343

  Martin, John, The Last Man, 422, 423

  Martinus Scriblerus Club, 48

  Martyn, Thomas, Hints of Important Uses for Aerostatic Globes, 172

  Marvell, Andrew, To His Coy Mistress, 446

  Mathematical Platonism, 95


  applied vs. pure, 359

  a priori, 69, 117, 124

  discrete, 353

  and experimentation, 128–29, 381

  importance of, 69, 342–48, 349

  and logic, 350, 371

  medical applications of, 358

  and the natural world, 117–18, 352

  in navigation, 356–57

  Newton on, 93, 126–29, 344, 348, 359

  power of, 115, 121

  of pseudo-random numbers, 357–58

  Pythagoras on, 69–70

  and rationalism, 113, 115, 118

  and science, 359, 363

  and society, 352

  and space programmes, 343, 344–48, 349, 351–52

  symmetries of, 375

  and time, 449–50

  and truth, 95, 128

  unreasonable effectiveness of, 129

  usefulness of, 371–72

  Mather, Cotton, 48

  matter, properties of, 92

  Matthew, Patrick, 206, 208–11, 219, 221, 224, 226

  Maxwell, James Clerk, 369, 369, 377

  May, Lord Robert, 379, 431, 480

  Mayor, Adrienne, 188

  Mearns, Linda, 441

  Medawar, Peter, 297, 298, 302, 318

  medieval world:

  art in, 67, 68, 69

  nature study in, 69

  philosophy in, 66–67

  Meikle, Jeffrey, 312

  Menai Strait Suspension Bridge, 230–31, 232, 234, 237, 238, 241, 246

  Mendel, Gregor, model of heredity, 265

  Mendelian genetics, 222, 223–24, 279

  Mercer, Christia, 90, 91, 93

  mercury barometer, 173

  Merret, Christopher, 5

  Mesmerism, 159–60

  Mesolimulus, 185, 185

  Messer, Mabel J.B., portrait by, 207

  Messier, Charles, 325, 327

  metal fatigue, 306, 307–8

  metals, 302–8

  alloys, 307, 308

  Bessemer process, 303–4

  mechanical properties of, 307–8

  metaphysics, 79, 94

  defining, 95

  of Leibniz, 85–86, 90–91, 105

  meteorology, 478

  Michelino, Domenico, painting by, 65

  Milankovitch cycles, 394

  Milky Way galaxy, 458–59

  Millau Viaduct, 248–49, 249

  millenarian cults, 407

  Miller, Stanley, 332–33

  Miller-Urey experiment, 332–33, 332

  Millikan, Glenn, 261

  Milstein, Cesar, 267

  Milton, John, Paradise Lost, 114–15

  mind, science of, 77, 79–80

  miniaturisation, 353

  mining, 302–3

  Minkowski, Hermann, 455

  Minkowskian void, 74

  Mitterrand, Fran÷ois, 270

  mobile phones, 477

  Modjeski, Ralph, 240–41, 240

  Moisseiff, Leon S., 243

  Monod, Jacques, Chance and Necessity, 330, 335

  Monsarrat, C. N., 240–41, 240

  Montagu, Lady Mary Wortley, 48

  Montgolfier brothers, and ballooning, 158, 160, 161, 163, 164, 165, 166, 169, 179

  Monthly Review, 165

  moon, creation of, 328

  Moore, Keith, 10

  morality, 391

  Moray, Robert, 25–26, 28

  Morgan, George Cadogan, 139, 152–53

  Moss, Richard, 438


  laws of, 100–101, 364, 365, 372–73

  as mathematical concept, 117, 127

  Muhsam, Hans, 471

  Muldoon, Paul, The End of the Poem, 417

  multiverse theory, 339

  Murakami, Haruki, Hard-boiled Wonderland and the End of the World, 410


  collections in, 187–92, 196–99, 201

  functions of, 187

  gardens as, 189, 192–95

  information retrieval in, 192–93

  for the public good, 191

  myoglobin, 265


  Nairne, Edward, 136, 137, 138, 145–48, 149, 150, 152

  nanotechnology, 319, 479, 483

  Napoleon Bonaparte, 6

  Nash, David, 393

  National Academy of Sciences, 430

  Natural History Museum, London, 186, 191, 198, 275

  natural selection, see evolution


  balance of, 396

  constants of, 374–75

  forces of, 365, 367, 374

  laws of, 61, 80, 363–64, 366, 372, 373–74, 450

  mathematical concepts of, 117–18, 352

  medieval study of, 69

  patterns in, 363–65

  rationality of, 448


  and ballooning, 172–76

  early days of, 356

  GPS, 357, 358, 454

  mercury barometer, 173

  Neumann, John von, 98

  Newton, Isaac, 88, 111, 112

  and alchemy, 91

  and Arian heresy, 91n

  and cosmology, 62, 67, 74, 75

  death mask of, 10–11, 10

  death of, 129

  early years of, 347–48

  on the end of the world, 407

  on free will, 93–94

  and Geographia, 24

  on gravity, 72, 344, 347, 348, 363, 373, 450, 463, 470

  importance of, 204, 211

  and Leibniz, 85, 89–94, 100–102, 105

  as Master of the Mint, 84

  mathematical laws of, 93, 126–29, 344, 348, 359

  and metaphysics, 92

  microscope of, 11, 11

  on motion, 100–101, 364, 365, 372–73

  on optics, 33–34, 34, 35, 128–29, 472

  Principia, 10, 126–28, 126, 348

  and religion, 62, 72–73, 75

  and Royal Society, 12, 13, 32–35, 73, 84

  telescope invented by, 30, 32

  on time, 446, 449–50, 452, 455

  New York World’s Fair (1939), 244

  New York World Trade Center, 245

  Niagara Gorge Suspension Bridge, 241

  Nicolas of Cusa, On Learned Ignorance, 66

  Nightingale, Florence, 263

  Norman, Robert, 113

  Nuclear Energy: The future climate (Royal Society), 418

  nuclear fusion reactions, 330

  nuclear weapons:

  and apocalypse, 408, 408

  “heroic age” of, 481–82

  opponents of, 268, 270

  nylon, 311


  Obama, Barack, 481, 482

  oceans, heat capacity in, 428

  Oldenburg, Henry, 5, 32, 34, 35, 119n

  Olson, Ken, 476

  Oparin, Alexander, 332

  Order Out of Chaos (Linnean Society), 193

, George, 387

  Oster, George, 379

  Ouroboros symbol of cyclicality, 448

  Ove Arup, 247

  Owen, Richard, 186–87, 201


  discovery of, 304, 305

  and steel production, 306


  Paine, Clifford E., 243

  palaeontologists, 450, 461

  Paley, Rev William, 205, 219

  paper, and plastic, 313–14

  parabola, 455

  paradox of the plankton, 291, 293

  Parkinson, Sydney, 190

  Pascal, Blaise, 97

  Pauli exclusion principle, 98

  Pauling, Linus, 256, 260

  Paxton, Joseph, 237

  Peierls, Rudolf, 482, 483

  penicillin, structure of, 252, 262

  pepsin, 261

  Pepys, Samuel, 29

  Perutz, Max, 255, 263–66, 264, 267–68, 271

  Petty, William, 300, 301

  pharmaceuticals, 315–16

  phenomenology, 104

  phenotypes, 227

  Phillips, David, 266, 268–69

  Phillips, Thomas, portrait by, 168

  Philosophical Transactions (Royal Society), 3, 5, 24, 30, 34, 176, 363, 468


  in medieval world, 66–67

  natural, 348, 349–59

  “new,” 301


  of bridge designs, tests, and disasters, 235, 238–41, 245

  digital, 353–56, 354

  JPEG standard, 354–56

  seeing via, 388–89

  physics, 69, 338, 448

  Planck, Max, 193


  extra-solar, 327–28

  formation of, 326–27

  life on, 328–31, 334

  orbits of, 326–27, 403

  plastics, 309–13

  plate tectonics, 394

  Plato, 85, 119, 298

  Platonism, 104, 111, 119

  Pleiades star cluster, 62, 63

  Plot, Robert, 197

  polymer materials, 209–13

  Pope, Alexander, 55

  population growth, 480, 485

  Porter, George F., 240–41, 240, 469

  possible-world theory, 102–3

  Powers, Richard, 319

  Priestley, Joseph, 10, 160, 179, 305, 396

  primum mobile, 64

  probabilities, inverse, 2

  probability, theory of, 353

  Project Habbakuk, 264

  Promethian Science (World Bank), 154

  protein structure analysis, 261

  Proxima Centauri, 456

  psychoanalysis, 77, 79

  pterodactyls, 185

  Ptolemaic model, 66

  Ptolemy, 109

  Pugwash Conferences on Science and World Affairs, 270, 482

  PVC (polyvinylchloride), 311, 312

  Pythagoras, 69–70, 70, 72


  quantum effects, 74

  quantum information technology, 319

  quantum mechanics, 98, 99, 101, 129, 338

  many-worlds interpretation of, 102–3

  quantum theory, 470

  quantum universe-nucleation process, 339

  Quebec Bridge, 239–41, 240

  quintessence, 65



  dating artifacts via, 452

  discovery of, 451

  railway bridges, 230–49

  railway gauges, 237

  Ramakrishnan, Venkatramen, 267

  Ramanujan, Srinivasa, 476

  Randall, Lisa, 368n

  random chance vs. design, 205–6, 289–93

  Raphael, 71

  rationalism, empiricism vs., 111, 113–21, 122–23, 129

  Ray, John, 193

  rayon, 311


  actualist, 102

  modal, 102, 104

  Reed-Solomon codes, 346, 351

  Rees, Martin, 339, 415

  Our Final Century, 406–7

  relativism, 124

  relativity, 74, 99, 129, 337, 373, 453–54, 456, 470, 471

  Renaissance, 71, 72, 303

  Restoration, 301

  Riemann, Georg, 471

  risk assessment:

  in climate change, 435–41, 442–43

  as consequence x probability, 436–37

  Roberts, Paul, The End of Food, 409

  Roberts brothers, 173

  Robespierre, Maximilien, 143

  Robinson, Heath, 171

  robotic intelligence, 477–78, 479

  rocks, dating of, 451–52, 452

  Roddenberry, Gene, 60

  Roebling, John, 238, 241, 246

  Rotblat, Joseph, 482, 483

  Rothwell, Richard, portrait by, 49

  Royal Academy of Engineering, 418

  Royal Albert Bridge (Saltash Bridge), 238

  Royal Botanical Gardens, Kew, 191–92

  Royal Geographic Society, 274

  Royal Society:

  aims of, 469

  Cowley’s ode to, 301

  founding of, 3, 18, 19, 20, 47, 108–9, 111, 113, 122, 301

  influence of, 15, 274

  international aspect of, 5

  longevity of, 11–12

  meetings of, 136

  membership in, 7–9, 12–13, 123, 137, 257

  name of, 5–6

  range of interests of, 3, 5, 13–15, 21–22, 24–29, 135–36, 418, 468

  on the side of reason, 73

  Summer Science Exhibition, 13

  treasures in storeroom of, 10–11

  Royal Society of Literature, 418–19

  Royal Society Year Book, 13

  Rozier, Pilâtre de, 159, 166

  Rudwick, Martin, Bursting the Limits of Time, 196

  Russell, Bertrand, 90, 92, 95–96, 96

  History of Western Philosophy, 96

  Rutherford, Ernest, 13, 196, 476


  Sadler, James, 181

  Sagan, Carl, 80

  Saint-Fond, Barthé lemy Faujas de, 166, 168, 170

  Salisbury, Bishop of, 33

  Saltash Bridge (Royal Albert Bridge), 238

  salvation, 74

  San Francisco–Oakland Bay Bridge, 243–44

  Sanger, Fred, 267

  Sargasso Sea, 285

  Scheele, Carl Wilhelm, 304

  Schneider, C. C., 240

  Schönbein, Christian, 310

  Schrödinger, Erwin, 471, 474

  Schwarz, John, 366


  age of, 73

  English as language of, 3

  ethics in, 479

  experimental, 298

  full disclosure in, 430

  humanitarian goals of, 122

  and mathematics, 359, 363

  museum specimens in, 188, 196, 201

  for peace, 268

  Promethian, 132, 142–43, 148–54

  public acceptance of, 73

  public applications of, 144

  pure vs. applied, 297–98, 301–2, 316, 318–19, 469, 475–78

  and religion, 76–77

  responsibility of, 482–83

  routine in, 190

  and social change, 346

  and technology, 298, 475–78

  unending quest of, 469

  self, and space, 76–77

  self-adaptive systems, 383

  self-organising criticality, 381–82

  SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence), 335–36

  Shanghai, 480

  Sheldon, John, 174

  Sheldrake, Rupert, 79

  Shelley, Mary Wollstonecraft, 49, 410, 423

  Frankenstein, 49–51, 50, 154

  Shelton Regulator clock, 10

  silicon, 313

  silicon chip, 475, 477

  silk, 313

  simplicity, quest for, 363–68

  Simpson, George Gaylord, 336

  Sloane, Sir Hans, 198–99, 199

bsp; smallpox epidemic, 47–48

  Smeathman, Henry, 159

  Smith, William, 196, 450

  Smolin, Lee, The Trouble with Physics, 99

  Snoblen, Stephen D., 407

  Snow, C. P., 297–98, 301, 302

  Socié té Philomathique, Paris, 6

  soil, biodiversity in, 285, 291

  Solander, Daniel, 190, 191, 199

  solar eclipse, 11

  solar system:

  age of, 330

  Copernicus on, 116, 116, 322, 323

  extent of, 326

  heliocentric model of, 116

  Kepler on, 375, 376, 376

  location of, 325

  Solé, Richard, 383

  Solnhofen fossils, 184–86, 185

  Somerset House, 136, 137, 158


  crossing over, 79

  idea of, 76–77, 80


  concepts of, 61–62

  Earth seen from, 386–88, 387, 389, 396, 398, 402–3, 402

  Euclidian view of, 71–72, 74

  and heaven, 72–73

  hyperspace, 74–76

  and mathematics, 343, 344–48, 349, 351–52

  post-Newtonian, 74–76

  reality of, 75

  and religion, 72–73

  and self, 76–77

  short history of, 62–72

  three-dimensional, 367–68

  and time, 64, 74, 92, 449–50, 454–55

  space-time, 74, 454, 455–56, 460, 463

  spatial monism, 79–80


  arrangement of, 195–96

  diversity of, 196, 284–85; see also biodiversity

  new, formation of, 218, 315–17

  Spenser, Edmund, The Faerie Queen, 412

  spin, 371

  Spinoza, Baruch, 117, 118–19

  Spix’s macaw, 283

  Sprat, Thomas, 27, 30, 301

  Sprengel, Hermann, 9

  Starkey, George, 301


  carbon in, 329

  distribution in the universe, 325

  lifetimes of, 329, 330, 462

  Milky Way galaxy, 458–59

  Pleiades, 62, 63

  Proxima Centauri, 456

  supernovae, 329, 397

  Star Trek (film), 60, 61

  state space theory, 102


  alloys, 307

  Bessemer process for, 303–4, 306

  stem-cell technology, 317

  Stephenson, George, 232

  Stephenson, Marjorie, 257

  Stephenson, Robert, 232–33, 235, 237, 238, 303

  Stepped Reckoner, 85

  Stevenson, Adlai E., 389

  Stevenson, R. L., Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde, 52, 53, 54

  St Helena, 280

  Stonehenge, 14

  Strauss, Joseph, 241, 242–43, 242

  string theories, 100, 366–68, 369, 370, 371, 472

  structured nothingness, 75

  structure pioneers, 253

  Bernal, 258–60, 258, 263, 271

  Bragg and Bragg, 253–58, 254, 266, 271

  Hodgkin, 260–63, 262, 269–71, 270

  legacies of, 266–71


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