by Demettrea
“Whatever Mia,” he said with a shrug. He went upstairs and I went to the living room. I texted Milan to let her know I wasn’t going out. I wasn’t in the mood any more, but she wasn’t trying to hear it. I decided to go ahead and go for a little while. I needed a drink anyways. I went upstairs to find something to wear and found that nigga packing an overnight bag.
“Make sure you take it all or it will be on the streets,” I said walking through the room to my closet.
He looked at me like he wanted to fuck me up. I wished his ass would. I walked away from him to go get ready. I had made up my mind then and there it was over between us. I don’t know why I was holding on to what little piece of a relationship we had. Raymone was never gonna change.
After looking through my closet for what seemed like forever, I finally found something. I decided on a black corset with white Gucci dress slacks. I chose my all black Gucci flats and a white Gucci clutch. After I made sure I looked good I headed out the door. I decided to drive to Milan’s house and leave from there. I didn’t need to be around Raymone’s ass cause I would end up catching a case. Before I could even walk out the door, his ass was headed out again.
“You forgetting ya shit,” I told him. He thought I was playing but I was so serious. I was tired of his shit.
“Mia get the fuck on. I’m already pissed cause you fucked up my car,” he said as he opened the door. I followed him outside.
“Please, I’m the one that should be pissed.” I mushed him in the side of his head.
“Stop putting your fucking hands on me before I beat yo ass.”
“I wish you would. Nigga I’m not scared of you.”
I stood in his face challenging him. Now most people probably would think I was crazy being that I was only five feet five inches and this big nigga stood six feet even. I was a little on the feisty side and I was never one to back down.
He looked at me before turning away and heading out the door. I swear if looks could kill I would have dropped dead right there.
“So what’s up with you and Mia,” Tez asked me. We were chilling at Club Chances. It was live as hell in there, which is how it was every time we gave a party.
“Shit I’m digging the hell out of lil’ mama. She don’t even know it but she about to be wifey.” I pulled out a bag of kush and began rolling my blunt. There were already a few blunts circulating but I didn’t put my mouth on shit that another nigga’s mouth was on. I always had my own shit.
“That’s what’s up. I’m getting ready to dead that shit with Milan. A nigga ready to settle down and we all know you can’t turn a hoe into a housewife,” he said and we both laughed.
“Hell naw. What’s up with that chick that owns the hair shop?”
“Oh Laila. Shit, mami cool. I haven’t really spent that much time with her. I did meet this other chick named Yvette and shorty bad. She independent and most of all she don’t be nagging me.”
“I know Mia better bring her ass with Milan tonight. She be playing too many games.” We kicked it for a good hour before my girl Jasmine arrived.
“What’s good y’all,” she asked as she approached our table.
“Hey Jas. Where yo nigga at,” Tez asked referring to Jas’s boyfriend.
“Out in the damn streets as usual. What y’all sipping on,” she asked.
“We got some Ciroc, Moët, and some Don P. Help ya self it’s an open bar tonight,” Tez replied.
“Ok fam, I see y’all. Doing it big and shit. Are Milan and Mia rolling through tonight,” she asked.
“Supposed to,” I replied while rolling up my blunt. Tez’s phone rang then.
“This them right here. Sup,” Tez answered.
When we arrived at the club it was packed. There were Range Rovers, Escalades, and Benzs in the parking lot. That meant one thing, all the major hustlers were in attendance. That's what usually happened when Harlem and Tez hosted a party. They had so much clout in the streets that people showed up just because of who they were. It was so crowded we couldn’t find anywhere to park.
“Hold up, let me call Tez.” Milan was ready to get her party on. She was hyped after hearing what I did. She didn’t think I had it in me. Well she must not know. I’m from the D baby, and I will fuck some shit up.
“Tez we outside circling the parking lot and can’t find a parking space.”
“I’m on my way,” I could hear him say through the phone.
“He’s on his way to come park the car so we don’t have to walk too far,” she told me when she hung up. While we waited for Tez to come out I replayed for Milan what had transpired between Raymone and I. I was hyped all over again. Going over to that bitch’s house and fucking up shit didn’t bring him home though. Cause just as fast as he came home, his ass was right back out the door. It’s all good though. Since Raymone obviously likes to see me act a fool, I’m gonna show his ass.
“How much more am I supposed to take? Huh Milan? I give that nigga my all and he steady walks over me and treats me like shit.”
“Fuck him Ma. Do you tonight. You better go read “Get Over Him Girl.” Ha-ha. Naw for real though, you got a fine ass nigga in there that’s ready to give you the world. Tonight we are going to have fun and leave all that shit at the door."
Tez and Harlem emerged from the club. Milan and I got out of the car so that he could park it. “What’s good Ma,” Tez asked hugging Milan .
“Shit, it’s all you boo,” said Milan.
Milan looked at Harlem. “What’s up Harlem? Look who I brought with me,” she said pointing at me. This bitch did not have to put me on the spot like that.
“What’s good Ma? How you been,” he asked while embracing me. I damn near came on myself from the intoxicating smell of his YSL cologne. He was looking good too. He was dressed in black True Religion jeans, white tee, a black Detroit fitted cap and white Air Force Ones straight out the box.
“Hey Harlem,” I said hugging him back. After parking the car, we all headed inside the club and straight to VIP. There was no need to be bothered with the crowd because we had everything we needed in VIP including a dance floor. There were bottles of Ciroc, Dom P, and Moët floating around. Everyone was having a good time except me. Harlem noticed my distant look.
“So Ma, tell me why you letting that nigga stress you out? You too damn pretty to be looking sad. You should have a smile on ya face every day,” Harlem said. Being the hustler that he was Harlem and Raymone had crossed paths and often ran in the same circles. Raymone was doing the thing but Harlem was that nigga. His paper was long and his reach was even longer. He was a boss and Tez was his right hand man.
“I’m good. I just feel like I put so much into this relationship and all I get in return is bullshit. I’m fed up. I’m tired of the bitches, the kids, the lies. Hell, I’m tired of it all,” I answered him.
I hated seeing baby girl sad. She was the type of female to ride for her nigga and Raymone didn’t appreciate her. It was one thing to cheat cause with the territory came pussy; but when you bring it home to wifey that’s a whole different ball game. She needed a real nigga to take care of her. I had been waiting for that nigga to fuck up so I could get a chance with her. I had seen Raymone with plenty of chicks besides Mia and I knew my time was coming. That fuck boy didn’t know what he had. I’ve always had a thing for Mia but I was too caught up in the game to try my hand with her. Pretty soon though this hustling shit will be over. A nigga was ready to settle down and have a couple of seeds.
“Are you really fed up or are you just fed up for the moment until he says he’s sorry,” I asked her. I had to know where her head was before I made my move. Most females say they tired of being dogged but go right back to the same person that’s dogging them.
“Honestly I don’t know if I can do it anymore period,” she answered with a sigh. I knew she was just acting on emotion but little did I know I’d get my chance with Mia sooner than l
ater thanks to Raymone and his constant fuck ups.
“Let’s go dance so I can see what you working with,” I said grabbing her hand. I wanted to take her mind off her dude.
“Boy bye, I’ll dance circles around ya ass.”
Brandy’s new joint “Put it Down” was jumping through the speakers and Mia was getting it in. I was mesmerized by her moves. It was as if no one in the room existed but the two of us. I wanted her in the worst way but I was willing to wait till she was completely done with her nigga. I wasn’t trying to be her rebound. I wanted her to be with me because she wanted too.
After we danced to a couple of songs, I walked her off the dance floor into a private booth where we kicked it for most of the night. I wanted to have her to myself. “So what’s up with me and you,” I asked her.
“Uh, nothing. I have a man in case you forgot,” She replied.
“Man cut that out. That nigga can’t treat you like I can. You a queen and should be treated like one.” I scooted close to her and whispered in her ear.
“Does he eat your pussy and make you have multiple orgasms? Or does he know how to hit that spot just right where yo ass will be knocked out for the rest of the night? Huh Ma? Naw that nigga can’t, cause he ain’t me. The look on her face was a dead giveaway that I was right.
“You are a trip boy.”
I nibbled on her neck and she moaned. “Come home with me tonight,” I asked. “For what? We not fucking,” she asked with a smile. I laughed. “You funny Ma. But naw, a nigga just wanna spend some time with you. We don’t have to do nothing unless you want to” I countered. “I’ll think about it Harlem. I know you and you’re not gonna chill with me all night and not want to fuck.” She gave me a side glance. “I didn’t say I didn’t want to. I said we didn’t have to,” I replied.
“Whatever Harlem. Let’s go back to the table with everybody else.”
“What, you scared Ma? I ain’t gonna bite you unless you want me too.” She laughed and headed back to VIP and I followed behind her. “You want something to drink,” I asked her. “Yeah, I’ll have an Amaretto Sour.” I ordered her drink and we talked about a lot of stuff. We had a chance to catch up. For some reason Mia felt comfortable with me and I was glad. It was like no time had passed since we last saw each other. My phone went off. I looked and it was Vanessa, a chick I had been fucking with. I was getting a little tired of her nagging me every time I stepped out of the door. She didn’t do shit but sit on her ass and spend my money. She just didn’t know her time was almost up. I didn’t fuck with hoes that chased a dollar, and she was becoming too clingy. She was just something to do for the time being.
“Yeah,” I answered even though I didn’t want to. “What time you coming over?” This bitch was working my nerves. “I’m kickin' it with my peoples right now. I’ll be there later.” I hung up without waiting for a response. Shit, she’d get the picture eventually. “What you got a curfew now,” Mia laughed.
“You real funny Ma. I ain’t thinking about that girl. I’m a grown ass man.”
“Yeah alright let me find out you cuffin'. So what you been up to lately,” she asked changing the subject. “Shit, just tryn’ wrap this hustling shit up. I’m actually ready to settle down have me a couple of seeds and a wife.”
“What’s wrong,” I asked noticing her mood change.
“Nothing. Just thinking about how nice it would be to have kids and a husband someday.”
“What you doing tomorrow,” I asked her. I wanted to take her out and spend some more time with her.
That was one thing I loved about Mia; even though her dude had money she worked for her own. She was educated and pretty. Mia had graduated at the top of her class and had a Bachelors in Nursing. All these other broads I kicked with only wanted to sit back and spend my money. Don’t get it twisted, I had no problem taking care of my woman but every man needed to know that if the shit hit the fan their chick would hold it down.
“Well when you get off hit me up cause I want to take you somewhere.”
“It’s a surprise.” She smiled. That smile was like a magnet. Every time she smiled at me, my dick jumped. I had to switch the way I was sitting so she wouldn’t notice my erection.
“Ok.” We just sat and kicked it for the rest of the night. After playing the last song, the D.J announced that the club was closing. The lights came on and everybody took the party to the parking lot. Mia stood by my black Range Rover kicking it with me while she waited on Milan.
I pulled her close to me and inhaled her scent and my dick instantly became hard. It had to be against the law for a woman to look and smell that good.
“Damn Ma you smell good as fuck. What you wearing?”
I leaned in her space and whispered in her ear, “Make sure you wear that tomorrow alright?”
“What makes you think I can get away tomorrow?”
“Find a way.”
“What about Vanessa?”
“What about her? Vanessa ain’t my girl. Now that I know dude fucking up I can step my game up with you. You belong to me. Always have and always will. I don’t give a fuck about dude.”
Milan walked up with Tez before she could respond. “I see somebody is getting reacquainted,” Milan said. “Bitch stop hating. You ready cause I got to work in a few hours,” Mia said as she pointed as her watch. “Yup, let’s be out,” Milan said. Mia gave me a hug and I kissed her long and hard. I caught her off guard but I couldn’t help it. It was something I had wanted to do all night. She obviously liked it because she didn’t resist. I finally broke loose after what seem like forever. “Damn Ma, you taste good.” I walked her to Milan’s car and opened the door for her.
“Don’t forget to call me tomorrow.”
“I won’t.”
I couldn’t get my conversation with Harlem out of my head. I wondered what he meant when he said I had always belonged to him. Whatever it meant I liked how it sounded. I was definitely going to take him up on his offer to hang out tomorrow. Shit why not? Raymone did his dirt so I didn’t feel bad at all.
I couldn't wait to get off work. I was a pediatric nurse at Children’s Hospital and I loved my job. All day I thought about Harlem. I was acting like a big ass kid. It was a quarter till two and almost time for me to get off. I made my rounds and headed back to the nurses' station. Since all of my patients were fine, I decided to text Harlem.
Me: hey what u doing?
Harlem: Thinking bout u. what u doing ma?
Me: About 2 get off work. What time u wanna get 2gether?
Harlem: Soon as u get off, so call me
Me: Ok
I had the biggest smile on my face. I couldn’t wait to get out of there. As soon as the clock struck two, I rushed out of the building to get home to shower and change. I was so excited to see Harlem that I forgot all about Raymone being home. I pulled up in the driveway and didn’t see his car but saw a rental car instead. I wondered if he was still mad about me messing up his car. Not that I cared because he deserved everything that came to him. I’d do it all over again if needed.
“Shit. I don’t feel like dealing with this nigga and his shit.” When I walked in to the house, he was sitting on the couch smoking a blunt and playing the Xbox. I didn’t even speak to him. I went to the room to find some clothes because I was ready to get out of there as soon as possible. After deciding on a yellow spaghetti strap tank top and blue Levi jeans, I laid my clothes across the bed and hopped in the shower.
It took me about ten minutes to shower. I had to make sure I was fresh and clean because you never know. I stepped out of the shower and grabbed the terry cloth towel that was hanging up and as soon as I stepped out Raymone was standing there. I jumped.
“You scared the shit out of me,” I said walking past him.
“Fuck you going?”
“To the mall with Milan.” I was really starting to get irri
tated with his ass.
“Damn, a nigga home and you about to go chill with Milan. Fuck kinda of shit is that?” I couldn’t believe this nigga had the audacity to go there being that he was never home. “Look Raymone don’t come at me like that. Cause had you been here instead of out fucking some other bitch, you wouldn’t have to worry about me leaving with Milan.” I walked away and began getting dressed.
“Man what the fuck you talking about. Ain’t nobody fucking around on you,” he yelled. “Save it, cause ya bitch called me. How the hell you think I found out where you were? Maybe if I started doing the shit you do we wouldn’t have so many problems. You know, fuck other niggas; maybe even have a baby on you.” I looked at his facial expression. “Yeah I didn’t think so. If you will excuse me I’ve got somewhere to be.”