Love, Lies, and Obsessions

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Love, Lies, and Obsessions Page 10

by Demettrea

  “Hey lil mama.” She smiled and that warmed my heart. I had my man,my daughter, and nothing could ruin that moment; but misery loves company.

  Chapter 13

  Say What Now


  As much as I wanted to keep Mia’s little secret, I couldn’t risk Harlem finding out from someone else. We were sitting in Harlem’s basement with the rest of the crew. Mia was out with Dominick so this was the perfect time to talk. We still hadn’t handled the situation with Raymone and Milan. It was like they disappeared off the face of the earth. At one point, Jasmine was keeping tabs on them but they had disappeared again.

  “So what’s the deal with the nigga that shot me,” Harlem asked and everybody looked at me.

  “All I’m gonna say is you got a gangsta broad.” The look that Harlem gave me let me know that he didn’t like the direction this conversation was going.

  “Come again?”

  “Mia handled the situation with Rico.”

  “What the fuck you mean she handled it? How the fuck did my girl get that close to that nigga?””

  “Bruh, nobody knew until she called. When we got there, she had tortured his ass and was ready to kill him. I couldn’t have his blood on her hands so I had Jas take her home while I finished the job. As far as Balou; Ava took care of him and anybody else affiliated with him. So they are no longer a problem.”

  “Everybody get the fuck out now,” he screamed at us.” I knew he was going to be pissed. Everybody grabbed their shit and hauled ass. I was the last to leave. I had to make sure he was good first.

  “Bruh, you good?”

  “Not now dawg. I need some time to process this shit. She could have gotten herself killed. I was already laid up in the damn hospital but she didn’t think about the outcome of that shit. What if something had happened to her and I didn’t make it? Who would Harley have? Huh?”

  “Come on dawg. She was just doing what she thought was right. You have to look at it from her point of view. She felt niggas violated and wanted to make them pay. Whatever you do don’t be too hard on her.” I left him with that. Shit, if I had a girl like Mia, I’d be unstoppable. It seemed that the things she had gone through made her a different person. She was no longer the young naïve Mia; she was a boss bitch that demanded respect. I couldn’t be mad at her for that.


  When I got home, Harlem was sitting in the den watching the game and Harley was in her swing. “Hey baby,” I said kissing him but he half kissed me back. “What the hell is your problem,” I asked. He gave me a look like he wanted to choke my ass. “Sit down.” It was more like he was demanding me rather than asking. I knew Harlem wasn’t one to play with so I sat my ass down.

  “So while I’m laid up in the hospital you out playing gangsta huh? Did it ever occur to you that you could’ve been killed? What about my daughter Mia? What if niggas wanted to retaliate and they did it to her?”

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t think about that. I just…”

  “That’s the problem, you didn’t think. I got a whole squad out there to handle shit like that. I don’t need my girl or my baby getting caught in the crossfire.” He got up and walked away.


  I had to walk away from Mia. I know she meant well but she had to think about Harley. The outcome could have been very different. I try hard to shield her from the street life because it wasn’t for her. Mia was a good girl and getting involved in that life would fuck her up. I grabbed my keys and wallet off the counter and headed out the door. I needed a drink. Shit, a nigga ain’t been out the hospital a full week and I was already stressed.

  I headed to my club to see how things were going. I wanted to check on the books and the staff. Let niggas know I was back. I also wanted to look at the security cameras. I always had security with me so I wanted know how the hell someone was able to shoot me without losing their life on the spot.

  When I pulled up to the club there were three cars in the parking lot and I only recognized two. I called Tez to see who all was in the club.

  “What’s good bruh,” he answered.

  “Shit. I’m outside but I’m trying to see who in there.”

  “Oh just me, Jas and Tino.”

  “Oh ok. I’m on my way in. Get those security tapes out for me”

  “I got you bruh.”

  I got out of the car and headed in. When I walked in to my office Tez was sitting there with the surveillance tapes and a blunt. Only this nigga. He couldn’t go a day without that shit.

  “What’s up bruh?” I asked giving him dap.

  “I can’t call it. Here are the tapes, the books, and a blunt. I’m out.”

  This nigga was a trip but he was my homey. I wouldn’t trade him for the world. “Alright man I’ll check you later.” He left out and I began going through the video footage. I needed some answers. I obviously had some disloyal ass people on my team that needed to be dealt with.

  Chapter 14

  Something’s Not Right With You


  It had been two weeks since Harlem went off. We were barely speaking to each other and it was pissing me off. He was never home unless he was showering or sleeping. It was like we were strangers sleeping under the same roof. Frankly, I was tired of it.

  Today was a nice day and I decided to take Harley out to the park. She was two months and getting bigger every day. I grabbed her stroller, her diaper bag, and we headed out.

  There was a nice little crowd at the park. After walking around the track twice, I found a bench to sit on. “Hey do you mind if I sit here?” That was the sexiest voice I’d ever heard. I looked up to see who the voice belonged to and there was this Idris Elba look alike standing there. Damn, brotha was fine as hell. I had to control myself. “Uh, no. Go ahead.” He sat down and I smelled his cologne, I didn’t know what it was, but it smelled good as hell.

  “You come here often,” he asked me. “Naw. It was such a nice day I decided to bring her out for a walk. What about you?”

  “I’m babysitting my niece. I figured this is what kids like to do so I brought her here.” We shared a laugh. “Well, it’s about time for us to head back. It was nice talking to you,” I told him saying goodbye.

  “Same here. Have a good day beautiful.” I headed back towards my house before I got into trouble. I was horny and Harlem was on some other shit.


  I looked up at the clock and realized that I had been in the office damn near all night. Mia was going to kill me. I had been neglecting her; not purposely, but I had to figure this shit out. If someone was able to get that close to me then my family wasn’t safe either. I’d be damned if something happened to Mia or my daughter.

  It was going on three in the morning when I decided to head home. When I pulled in the garage, I heard the TV still on in the den. I wondered who was still up. When I walked in the kitchen, my mom was in there getting something to drink.

  “Hey Ma. What you doing up,” I asked kissing her on the cheek. She gave me the look of death.

  “You better chill out. You are stressing that girl out. She has been through enough. You out in the streets all times of the night and neglecting her. She thinks your cheating. Now you know what she went through with that other man. You better fix this before you lose a good woman.” My mom walked away leaving me feeling stupid. I headed upstairs. I peeked in on my baby girl before heading to our room. Mia was lying on her side looking fine as hell. Man I loved that girl. I knew I needed to get my shit together before I lost her.

  Chapter 15



  I woke up around ten a.m. That was unusual for me because Harley usually woke me up earlier. I went to her room to check on her and she wasn’t in there. I assumed Mama Rose had her. I went to the bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth. I felt bad because I had slept through Harley’s wake-up call. I made a mental note to do something nice for Mama Rose. She had been there for me in more ways than I could
count. My mom hadn’t been around much because she was too busy chasing behind my daddy. I loved my daddy but he wasn’t the one for my mom.

  I headed down the stairs in search of my baby. I found her in the kitchen with Harlem. I was surprised to see him there. He was usually gone by that time.

  “Hey baby,” he greeted me with a kiss. I walked over to the table where Harley was sitting in her bouncer. “Hey mommies baby. When did she wake up,” I asked Harlem because I never heard her cry.

  “About an hour ago. I wanted to let you sleep in. I know you do a lot when it comes to her so I wanted to do my part. I hope you’re hungry.” I don’t know what was going on with Harlem but I liked it. I was seeing the old him finally.

  “What did you make?”

  “We have pancakes, turkey bacon and eggs.”

  “Sounds good.”

  Harlem made our plates and we sat in silence for about ten minutes. “What are your plans for today?” I asked him. “I was supposed to go to the club and the barbershop on the eastside to do the books. Why what did you want to do?”

  “Nothing. Just asking,” I said and continued eating. I don’t know what it was but for some reason I felt like Harlem was creeping. I don’t know if it was my insecurities or what, but I didn’t like the feeling. I decided to put the thought in the back of my head for the moment. I had no proof so I left it alone.

  “Well I gotta head out. I’ll try not to be out too late. I love you.” He bent down and kissed me before walking out.

  “Well I guess it’s just me and you toots.” I picked Harley up and we headed to the den. I put Harley on her blanket for tummy time and I called Kita. It had been a minute since we kicked it.

  “Hey Diva. What you been up to,” She answered the phone.

  “Well damn somebody’s bored.”

  “Whatever trick. Where is my God baby?”

  “Right here. Kita I think Harlem is cheating on me,” I blurted out.

  “Say what now? Where did that come from?”

  “He’s been so secretive lately, staying out all night and worst of all we haven’t had sex in almost a month.”

  “Damn Mama. I don’t know what to say about that one. I don’t think he’s cheating though. Harlem worships the ground you walk on. He might just be going through some things so before you jump to conclusions talk to him.”

  “You’re right. Thanks Kita.”

  “No problem diva.”

  I hung up with Kita and thought about what she said. I would have to have a talk with him when he came home.


  The club was doing well and money was flowing in. Something was missing though. I know I was supposed to be retired but the allure of the game kept calling me. It was like a drug I was trying to get off of. I was addicted to the fast life.

  I walked out of my office to go and mingle with the crowd. As I was headed to the bar, I saw one of the baddest females there that night. She ain’t have shit on Mia, but honey was stacked.

  She saw me looking and smiled. Damn a nigga was slipping cause not once had I ever thought about stepping out on Mia. But hell, I’m a nigga. As long as she didn't find out, I was good. It wasn’t like I was trying to have relationship with the broad; I just wanted some different pussy. I knew where home was.

  Shorty stood about 5’7 and weighed maybe 140 pounds with a nice ass. I had a thing for big butts. She had milk chocolate skin and sort of resembled Gabrielle Union. I walked over to where she was and spoke, “How you doing beautiful?” She smiled at me and answered, “I’m good and you?”

  “I’m great. Can I get you a drink?”

  “Sure. I’ll take a glass of Moscato. Thanks.”

  “No problem. What’s your name Ma?”


  “Well Ashley, I’m Harlem.”

  “Look let’s not beat around the bush Harlem. I like what I see and when I see something I like, I go after it.” She leaned up close and whispered in my ear, “I want you.”

  Damn my dick was hard as a brick. I grabbed her hand and led her up to my office. As soon as we stepped off the elevator, we went at each other. I pulled her dress up over her head and snatched her thong off in one swift motion. I grabbed her titties and sucked them while she unbuckled my pants. Once my dick was free, she dropped down to her knees and gave me some of the best head I'd ever had. After I released my soldiers in her mouth, I pulled her up and walked her over to the couch. I grabbed a condom out of my wallet and slipped it on before plunging deep into her wetness. Her pussy walls were tight as ever.

  “Oh fuck Harlem this shit feels so good. Oh yes fuck me harder.” I gave her what she asked for. I was blowing her back out when I heard sniffles. I turned around and Mia was standing there watching me.


  Here I was trying to be spontaneous and surprise my man and I walk in on him fucking some random bitch. I couldn’t believe that shit. The one person I thought would never hurt me did. I was too through. There were no second chances. I had been through this shit enough. It was time for me to take care of Mia. Fuck everybody else.

  “You ain’t shit Harlem. Here I am trying my best to please you and you fucking someone else. It’s cool though, continue.” I walked out of his office with a broken heart. I promised myself that this would be the last time I allowed a man to hurt me. He didn’t even bother to come after me, which told me a lot.

  I drove straight to Kita’s house to pick up Harley. I wasn’t going anywhere near his house. I was done with Harlem and his bullshit. I just hate that I had a baby with him.

  When I got to Kita’s I banged on the door. “What the hell are you doing here? You’re supposed to be getting ya back blown out,” she asked with a confused look.

  “Well apparently my man was too busy blowing somebody else’s back out,” I said sarcastically. Kita just stood there with her mouth open.

  “Look I just need to get Harley’s stuff so I can go.” She grabbed the diaper bag and car seat and handed them to me. After securing her in her seat, I headed out with promises to call Kita later.

  Thank God I always had extra clothes in my trunk so I wouldn’t have to go home. I ended up at Mama Rose’s house. I killed the engine and I cried. I said I wasn’t going to cry over a man again but there I was crying. I straightened up and got out of the car. After grabbing my baby, I walked up to the door and knocked.

  “Mia what are you doing here this late? Is everything ok with Harlem,” the questions just kept coming.

  “He cheated. I walked in on him having sex with someone else Ma.”

  “Oh my Lord. Come on in here. Give me the baby and you go and get yourself together.” I handed her Harley and went to the bathroom. After about twenty minutes, I came out. “Are you ok Mia,” she asked. She seemed to be genuinely concerned.

  “I will be. Can I stay here for a few days?”

  “Girl you know you don’t even have to ask that.”

  “Thanks Ma. I appreciate it.” Harley and I headed upstairs to the guest room where I cried myself to sleep.

  Chapter 16

  It’s So Hard to Say Goodbye


  It had been three months since I was caught with my pants down and Mia still wasn’t talking to me. I don’t believe I got so weak and let that shit happened. Now I may have lost my girl. She had been staying with my mom and every time I went over there, she made it a point to leave. I was missing her like crazy but I wasn’t about to kiss her ass.

  Today was the day of the annual basketball game that was held every year. It was East side versus West side. “You ready to do this dawg,” Tez asked me. “Hell yeah.” I looked back at Ashley who was sitting on the bleachers watching. Ever since my break-up with Mia, I had been hanging tough with Ashley. She wasn’t my girl she just helped pass the time until Mia made up her mind.

  During the second quarter, I looked up and saw Mia sitting with Kita. I almost shit bricks. I knew there was no chance of us getting back together if she saw Ashl
ey there. I tried to focus on the rest of the game but it was hard. My mind kept going back to Mia. We ended up winning, but barely.

  “Yo dawg, look like you got problems. Ashley here and lil sis here.”

  “I know. I’m about to send Ashley’s ass home.” I walked over to Ashley.


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