Little Comic Shop of Horrors

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Little Comic Shop of Horrors Page 4

by RL Stine

  Now you know!

  The stairway has turned itself into a slide! Your feet skid out from under you, and you bang your elbow. You’re going faster, and you can’t stop! You claw frantically at the slide. But you can’t get a grip on the smooth metal. You don’t even slow down — you just make a noise like nails on a blackboard.

  It makes a good blend with your screams as you zoom faster and faster, deeper into the dark …

  Speed on to PAGE 127.

  Even if you climbed on one another’s shoulders, you wouldn’t make it up to the ceiling. But then you get an idea….

  “Follow me!” you cry. Rushing to the storeroom, you pull on a box of comics. “We can use these to build a stairway!”

  Jack and Cammie leap into action. You shift box after box, banging and crashing. These things are heavy!

  “What’s that noise? What are you doing?” Milo yells from his mirror. “Am I going to have to come down there?”

  You’re too busy to answer. You pile up a stairway of boxes. Jack and Cammie hold it steady as you scramble up.

  The pile begins to shudder. As the cartons fall apart, you leap, clinging to the edge of the trapdoor. It takes all your strength, but you pull yourself through. You made it!

  “I’ll get help!” you call down to Cammie and Jack.

  You peer around. You’re behind the counter in the comic shop! The whole building shakes as boxes crash below. Comics flutter up through the hole. You grab one in midair and shove it in your pocket as you run for the door.

  Below, Milo screams wildly. “You can’t get away!” he howls. “You’ll ruin everything!”

  Hurry to PAGE 7.

  Static electricity crackles around you. Lightning bolts zap from your head to blast the deadly hair balls in midair.

  “Good shooting, RAY-ge!” Jean Greene shouts.

  The other Y’s Guys mob the professor. When the smoke clears, all that’s left of him is a scorched spot on the rug. His mental powers were right. He was in deadly danger!

  You turn to Wolfen-Bean. “How — ?” you begin.

  The bean-warrior shrugs. “A couple of months ago, I walked into this weird comic shop and reached for this rack …” Wolfen-Bean grins. “It’s cool. I like being a superhero!”

  “But what about the danger?” you ask. “You could turn into an inkblot!”

  “What are you talking about?” Wolfen-Bean demands.

  You explain.

  “No way,” Wolfen-Bean scoffs. “We’ve got it made! Watch. Guest shot!”

  “Stop!” you shout.

  Too late. The bean-man’s body shudders. He’s melting!

  The rest of Y’s Guys glare at you.

  “YOU!” Stinky Stanley shouts. “This is all your fault!”

  Defend yourself on PAGE 132.

  Hot breath ruffles your hair. The lion’s roar deafens you.

  When your ears stop ringing, you hear a voice yell, “Up here!”

  You peer up to find a kid leaning over the plywood wall above you. He stretches out his arms to you.

  “Jump!” he yells. “I’ll pull you over!”

  You don’t need another invitation. You leap as high as you can, reaching for the boy’s hands.

  Will you make it? Is luck on your side?

  Take a look at the hour hand on the clock.

  If it’s close to an odd-numbered hour — one, three, five, seven, nine, or eleven o’clock — turn to PAGE 43.

  If it’s near an even-numbered hour — two, four, six, eight, ten, or twelve o’clock — turn to PAGE 80.

  This is kind of fun, you think. At last you’re getting the hang of this superhero thing!

  You buzz around the room, throwing punches at the air. You want to be ready for Dr. Doof’s next attack.

  Then you notice that the evil doctor isn’t getting up. He lies sprawled on the stage, helpless. Not moving.

  Hmm. That shock shouldn’t have knocked all the fight out of him, you think. In fact, his super-armor should have protected him against your Insecto-Electric Hornet’s Sting.

  Apparently, it didn’t work this time.

  You start to get nervous. “Uh — Doc?” you call. You hover over the doctor’s flat form. Is he still breathing?

  Doof’s metal-muscled hand moves like a striking snake. Before you can buzz off, he grabs you by the throat!

  If you try to break free, turn to PAGE 119.

  If you try to reason with Dr. Doof, turn to PAGE 30.

  You fire your Insecto-Electric Hornet’s Sting at Dr. Doof from across the room.

  And miss! Your shot smacks into a blast-bolt Dr. Doof had aimed at you.

  The two bolts of energy explode together, throwing off rainbow-colored sheets of flame. But in the middle of the fireworks display, there’s a gaping black hole.

  “Behold!” Dr. Doof cries in a loud, hammy voice. “Our battle has sheared the very fabric of the universe. This hole could be a Doorway to Anywhere!”

  Anywhere? you think.

  Could it be a way out of this crazy Comic Books Universe?

  You buzz forward, ready to zip through. Then you think again.

  Doorway to Anywhere? That sounds kind of risky.

  Maybe you should let Dr. Doof go first.

  If you go through the Doorway to Anywhere, turn to PAGE 19.

  If you let Dr. Doof test it first, turn to PAGE 100.

  You eye the Wally-Monster suspiciously. “Why didn’t you ask Tex Loudsnore to get us out of the Comic Books Universe?” you demand.

  “I didn’t get a chance,” Wally replies, sulking. “The second I entered his lab, he got me with creature-creator juice.”

  Sounds likely. “Go and turn yourself in to the police,” you order. “I’ll deal with Tex Loudsnore!”

  Leaping high into the sky, you head for Mount Skull. In the comic, Super-Doer never managed to find out where his archenemy’s hideout was. But, since you read the comics, you know exactly how to get there.

  Minutes after leaving Bigg City, you spot a mountain shaped like a skull. You fly into the giant skull’s left eye. It’s a cave that leads deep into the mountain.

  Twenty feet inside, your path is blocked by a steel door. With your Super-Doer powers, you know you can get through the steel door and talk with Tex Loudsnore.

  The question is, which power should you use?

  If you try your magma-vision again, go to PAGE 37.

  If you test your strong breath, turn to PAGE 68.

  You stumble out of the cave and into the bright sunlight of this comic-book world.

  A tiny dot comes zooming down out of the sky.

  What now? you wonder miserably. A missile? A meteor?

  No, worse. It’s Gnatman, Super-Doer’s superhero buddy!

  “Hold it right there, monster!” a whiny voice roars out from the hero’s mouth.

  Could it possibly be?

  “Wally!” you yell. “You’ve got to help me!”

  But once again, your words come out as a rush of flames. Gnatman flutters his gnat wings and zips out of the way.

  “Oh, you want to play rough, huh?” Wally’s voice sounds just like a gnat’s annoying buzz.

  But then he starts flitting around you, raining blows at super insect speed. WHAP! KAPOW! BLAM!

  It’s more than annoying. It’s downright painful!

  BAP! You crumple to the ground. Your giant body raises a huge cloud of dust. You start sneezing uncontrollably.

  And that’s just the beginning of your torture.

  Oh, by the way — it’s also the beginning of


  For a second you wonder what you’re supposed to do. Then you remember. You’re a superhero! It’s your duty to save the building.

  You leap up — and suddenly you’re flying! Wind ruffles your hair. Your cape flaps behind you as you soar high over the building. You look down … and your jaw drops.

  Just flying is incredible enough. But you didn’t expect this!

  Something th
e size and shape of a Tyrannosaurus rex is smashing at the building with its hands and tail. But the thing’s scaly skin is made of shining metal. And your cosmic-ray vision shows that there’s machinery inside.

  The creature turns its glowing glass eyes on you. You expect an attack.

  Instead, the robot dinosaur says in a whiny voice, “Oh, great! Now I’ve got Super-Doer after me.”

  You skid to a stop in midair. You know that voice.

  “Wally?” you cry in disbelief.

  If you try to talk things out with Wally, go to PAGE 25.

  If you’d rather fight him, go to PAGE 102.

  You leap straight into the air and zoom past Cammie and Jack. For the next few twists and turns through the maze, you lead the way. They finally catch up with you.

  “Take it easy,” Jack pants. “Old Menes probably went right back to sleep.”

  “Yeah,” Cammie adds. “After a couple of thousand years, he needs his rest.”

  “That — that —” you gasp. “That really was a mummy?”

  Cammie nods. “The maze is full of old-time monsters. That’s why you have to —”

  “Look out!” Jack suddenly yells.

  You turn, just in time to see a figure leap from the top of the maze wall. All you see is a pair of blazing red eyes, flying toward you.

  There’s barely time to raise an arm to protect yourself. The eyes are right on you. You feel hot breath on your face …

  Then jaws clamp shut on your arm!

  Use your free hand to turn to PAGE 101.

  But what comic will you jump to?

  One of your favorites is Silent Sal, the comic book about teenagers. But there are no mad scientists there. Well, you could try Super-Doer.

  But you’d better make up your mind fast. Ballistic Bug is zooming straight at you.

  He’s going to flatten you!

  Hey! You’ve got it. There’s another comic book that you like. It’s about a supergroup of mutants, Y’s Guys. Their leader is a superscientist! That’s the same thing as a mad scientist, right?

  Ballistic Bug’s fist is about a foot from your nose.

  Keeping the Y’s Guys in mind, you yell, “Guest shot!”

  Just before his fist connects with your jaw, Ballistic Bug fades out.


  You start to fade in on another scene. But before you can make out any details —

  “Look out!” a voice yells.

  Fade in fully on PAGE 74.

  Pretending you’re still frozen, you watch Loudsnore work at his computer. The huge, complex machine even speaks!

  “New data entered from manipulation of transuniversal phlogiston,” the computer reports.

  Huh? Oh, well. Just because the computer can speak doesn’t mean you can understand it.

  The mad scientist turns to you. “I’ve decided what to do with you,” he announces. “I’ve sent for another of my creatures. I’m going to send you both to destroy Bigg City!”

  You can’t keep still any longer. This calls for action!

  You wait until Loudsnore turns his back. Then you lean down and scoop him up. “In your dreams, Loudsnore,” you growl.

  “You can’t do this!” Loudsnore sputters. “I control you!”

  “Wrong,” you reply. “Right now, I control you!”

  Whoa! This is pretty excellent!

  “First,” you tell him, “I want you to change me back to Super-Doer.” You figure it would be a good idea to have superpowers while dealing with Tex. “And next —”

  But your next demand is drowned out. Thunderous footfalls echo through the cavern!

  What now? Find out on PAGE 88.

  “But, Professor, why?” you blurt.

  “Yes?” the professor replies.

  “No — I mean, Professor, why —”

  “That’s my name,” Professor Y snaps. “Don’t wear it out.”

  “I — I mean —” you stammer. You try again. “Why do you want to attack these visitors, professor?”

  Professor Y’s eyes gleam. “If you have to ask that, you’re no true Y’s Guy!” he declares. “You’re an alien spy!”

  His hair starts to grow, reaching out to you. You’ve seen pictures of this in the comics. But actually seeing the hair creeping around is, well, creepy.

  Whoops! You spent too much time staring. When you tear your gaze away, you notice that tentacles of hair have wound around your ankles. You can’t pull free!

  There’s only one thing you can do now. It’s risky. But you’ve got to use the magic words.

  “Guest — mmmmmph!” Your cry is muffled as still more hair attacks you, stuffing your mouth.

  There’s no escape now. Your doom is too horrible to describe. How horrible?

  Let’s just say that from here on, it gets really hairy….


  “Why should I trust you, Loudsnore?” you demand. “How do I know what’s in that test tube?”

  “I’ve got a Super-Doer robot you can test it on,” Tex Loudsnore suggests.

  You shrug. Sounds reasonable. “Where is it?” you ask.

  “I keep it in that special box over there.” Loudsnore points to a man-sized metal container by his lab table.

  The box has no seams. There’s no lid, no way to open it. So you crack it in two. Out pops a six-foot chunk of glowing, orangey-gray rock.

  It lands on your foot — and sinks in!

  Tex Loudsnore cackles. “That’s Ziptite, the one substance in the universe that can kill you, Super-Doer! In case you’re wondering, it will do the job, even though you’re a giant lizard with tusks.”

  You hardly hear. Searing pain shoots up your leg and through your body. Black spots appear before your eyes. And grow.

  The poison rock is all through you now. You’re done for. You topple to the ground.

  Your one consolation is that you land on Loudsnore!


  Your heart is pounding so hard, you can barely hear anything. But you strain your ears as you tiptoe down the shadowy corridors. You peek carefully around every corner.

  You can’t hear Frankenstein’s shuffling footsteps anymore. Even his roars of “NYAARRGH!” have faded away.

  You’ve lost him!

  With a sigh of relief, you lean against a plywood wall. A moth flutters past you. And a hand grabs it in midair.

  Hey! That’s not your hand!

  You spin around to face two kids about your own age — a red-haired girl and a boy with shaggy dark hair. He’s chewing on something. Both give you odd, closemouthed smiles.

  “I’m Cammie, and this is Jack,” the girl tells you. “I guess you got GLOMPFed, just like we did.”

  “How long have you guys been here?” you ask.

  “We’re not sure.” Jack swallows noisily. “But I know I had short hair when I got here.”

  You look at Jack’s wild mane. This is bad news.

  Go to PAGE 117.

  You shriek at the top of your lungs, “Guest shot!”

  When you open your eyes, everything is still dark. For a second, you think it’s the shadow of the robot’s foot coming down. Then you realize: It’s nighttime!

  With a sigh, you lean against a nearby brick wall. You made it! You’re safe! Of course, now you have to find out where you are. Too bad it’s so dark….

  Suddenly, yellow light glares around you. You blink. You’re blinded! Then you hear a faint buzz. It rises to a whine. Your dazzled eyes see a figure in a tight brown costume with flashing insect wings coming out its back.

  Ballistic Bug!

  “You’re in big trouble,” the bug says menacingly.

  Trouble? You look down. There are tools in your hand. You also notice an open safe next to you.


  You’re a burglar. Ballistic Bug doesn’t like burglars.

  You’d better jump to someplace new — and fast!

  To jump to a different adventure of Ballistic Bug, turn to PAGE 70.

  To try a total
ly new comic, turn to PAGE 61.

  Whistling, Tex Loudsnore putters around the lab. He walks past you as if you were a huge statue.

  You can’t even move your mouth to say the magic words that would whisk you out of here.

  Now he’s working on some sort of formula. Smoke wafts up to the ceiling of the cave — right past your giant nose. The smell is nasty. You twitch your nostrils to keep from sneezing.

  Wait a minute! Tex Loudsnore told you not to move a muscle, but you moved! Maybe the formula doesn’t work as well as Tex thinks. Maybe this “absolute slave” thing is fading away!

  You decide to test your theory. You try bending the little finger on your right hand. (Of course, now that “little finger” is four feet long!)

  The finger finally bends. Next you work on your hands and feet. Finally, you turn your head.

  The mad scientist is still working. He hasn’t noticed.

  How are you going to use your freedom?

  If you jump Tex Loudsnore, turn to PAGE 73.

  If you keep still and spy on him, go to PAGE 62.

  You suck in as much air as you can. Then you let it out with a WHOOSH! as if you were blowing out the candles on the biggest birthday cake in the world.

  The door flies off its hinges and lands with a crash in the long hallway beyond.

  As you walk down the corridor, you find that Tex Loudsnore has other defenses. All sorts of weapons attack you.

  But you’re Super-Doer! Deadly poison gas only makes you sneeze. And Tex Loudsnore’s disintegrator beam merely gives you a terrible itch!

  “Wow!” you exclaim. “This is incredible!”

  You could get used to being a comic book hero.

  The hallway ends at another steel door. No problem. Winding up, you smack it with your Power-Punch!

  See what happens on PAGE 136.

  “Yikes!” you shout. “Everybody run!”

  You push. You shove. You try to get out of the giant robot’s path. But the crowd is too thick. You’re trapped.

  “Hey!” a whiny voice says in your ear. “I know you!”

  You turn and spot a familiar face in the crowd. It’s a kid from school named Wally. Come to think about it, he hasn’t been in class lately.

  “Where are we?” you cry. “What’s going on?”

  “You just got here on the spinner-rack express, huh?” Wally asks. “Okay, I’ll make this fast. You’re stuck inside a comic — in the Comic Books Universe.”


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