Her Sweet Liberation: Billionaire Secrets - Book Six

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Her Sweet Liberation: Billionaire Secrets - Book Six Page 10

by Sinclair, Drew

  Lindsay hadn't moved her hand from Ruben's manhood throughout his narrative and still didn't dare move an inch. Something was happening inside her, the kind of thing that happens when instinct takes over and reason is forced into the back seat.

  She wanted to be that older girl.

  She wanted to turn him on like that. She wanted to turn him on even more and leave him so fucked up and changed forever that he would fuck nobody but her for the rest of his life.

  She had to take that girl's place in his mind - she had to clear the bitch out of his lurid fantasies and be the one to turn him on when he was alone, sexed up and looking for love in the darkness.

  She let go of his cock and got out of the bed.

  "Don't go anywhere." She said.

  Ruben didn't say a word. When Lindsay returned she was fully dressed, except for her underwear. Ruben contracted visibly from head to foot when he saw her.

  "What the fuck are you doing?" He said in a frightened whisper.

  "I want that bitch out of your head once and for all." She said.

  "I don’t understand. I thought you needed to know--"

  "I do know. I get it now. She used you and she terrified you so that you were afraid to ever repeat what happened to you as the victim, but you had to go on getting your kicks as the dominant one. You needed to make people cum without fucking them to prove you weren't the victim. I get it all, loud and clear, even if you don't."

  Ruben was rigid with fear and anticipation. No-one had ever outed him like this before and even he had never put it so clearly in his own head. He was terrified and thrilled at the same time.

  "Lay back down and get rid of those sheets." She said.

  For a second he didn’t move and Suzy quailed momentarily inside. This could backfire so easily, so badly. She had no idea what she was doing other than a crazy gut feeling all twisted and messed up by her unspeakable lust for the man in front of her.

  But then he did it. He obeyed.

  He wanted this too and that was enough for her. Another part of Suzy that she had never even known existed took control of her actions.

  "That's better." She said soothingly. "Now close your eyes and listen to every word I say."

  She sat down next to him and he gave her one last glance as though they were saying goodbye forever. Then he closed his eyes.

  "Good boy. Now just listen to me and don’t say a word, don’t move a muscle."

  The man beside her went completely still

  "You need to know," she said, "that I am fully dressed. Except for my panties. Nod your head if you understand?"

  Ruben nodded.

  "Good. Now you, of course, are totally naked and you will prepare to cum all over yourself exclusively for my pleasure. Nod if you understand."

  His cock gave a violent throb in response and he nodded his head again.

  "I'm going to watch you cum. I'm going to watch your cum spill onto your naked stomach, I'm going to watch your legs, your thighs, I'm going to look at your ass, your cock and your balls for as long as I want to and then when I'm ready I'm going to touch them."

  His shaft was began to throb rhythmically. Suzy felt her own insides begin to contract and pull at her. This was crazy, sick and intoxicatingly sexy. Nothing, but nothing like anything she had ever done with a man before.

  She continued.

  "I'm going to stroke you slowly. Very slowly, wherever I want. When I'm bored with that I'm going to lick. Slowly. Then I'm bored with that I'm going to bite and what I want to bite most of all is your cock and balls."

  His rod was straining now and she found it wildly exciting that just her words could do this. And this wasn't just any man, this was Ruben Mayweather. The invincible CEO, and arrogant, cocksure billionaire.

  Plenty of cock now, but definitely not so sure.

  "I'm going to squeeze you slowly and watch you cum. You will cum only when I say you are ready to cum. When you're finished I'm going to make you do it again and again and again until I'm satisfied."

  His cock moving faster than ever and a single, clear drop of pre-cum slowly left his tip. Suzy was shocked at her desire to wrap her tongue all around him and catch that drop of pure love, but she held herself back. She had to make him lose himself completely before she could take her pleasure.

  "I'm nearly ready for you now Ruben, I'm almost ready for you to do it for me, right here in front of me. For my personal pleasure."

  His whole body was beginning to shake now - shooting his load wouldn't be as easy to do without physical contact as it was when he was sixteen. The human body changes, matures, increases in self-control, but this experience was touching the core of his sexual being and every muscle he possessed was straining for release.

  "You've got to say one more thing." He broke his silence but kept his eyes closed. "One more thing to make it like it was… you’ve got to threaten me. Tell me you're going to save it, tell me you're going to save my cum and use it against me."

  Her heart began to race at his words as something deeply primeval overcame her. Yes, she would do it. She would threaten to take from him what he could never take back and use it against him.

  She put her hand over his eyes and his whole, huge, muscular body bucked in response. She leaned her head over his cock and then spoke the words.

  "I'm going to take this sperm and use it. As soon as you cum all over yourself, you're mine Mayweather."

  He was gasping underneath her but still unable to release. She was tempted to let him strain a while longer, after all, he had once done the same to her, but another part of her wanted to see him spill.

  She filled her mouth with warm spit and then began to let it dangle down slowly towards his waiting cock and slowly, slowly it arrived, welcomed by a long, agonized moan from the man at the other end of that member and as the saliva piled on and dripped off his cum finally arrived and he screamed as it splashed out.

  "Oh my God. Oh my fucking God, Suzy, what have you done to me." He pushed her hands away from his eyes.

  "This isn't over yet." She said, her eyes wild with determination. She mounted him quickly and pushed his still quivering, cum covered member inside her hot, wet, hungry channel. Another long groan came from Ruben and now he looked up at her, in shock and amazement.

  She began to move up and down on his thick shaft, exulting in her control.

  "Fuck Suzy….this is too real."

  "Look at me Ruben, this is me, not that fucking bitch. Look at me."

  He tried to take her in That face that had haunted him since the day he first laid eyes on her, dominating him, controlling him, fully clothed and mounted onto his helpless cock.

  She arched and moaned her body to take him more fully and then she began to feel her tipping point. Ruben Mayweather was naked and helpless to defend himself underneath her and she was going to keep on going until she had taken exactly what she wanted from him, not a drop less.

  "Keep looking." She said, desperately, furiously. "I want you to see who's fucking you. It's me Ruben, it’s me. Now say my name."

  He stared at her wildly, struggling against her, but tired as he was, exhausted and spent he could not resist. It was his most shameful, hidden fantasy multiplied by ten - humiliation, temptation and abject devoted love all at the same time.

  "Suzy, God damn it. Oh my God Suzy… fuuuuuuuk…" He let out a long, low groan just as Suzy exploded into a searing scream of turbulent, reckless orgasm and then the two collapsed - dazed, confused totally in love and utterly fucked within an inch of their messed up lives.


  Nadia sat on one of the curved lavender sofas in the lobby of the Disneyland Hotel, 1150 West Magic Way. This was definitely one of the more surreal moments of her life despite the bizarre path destiny and decision had led her down over the past ten years. She was about to meet with an investigative journalist to disclose to her voluntarily the biggest, hottest most dangerous secret of her life and she was doing it here in the themed crazi
ness of Disneyland.

  The woman who walked towards her was instantly recognizable as the person who had been led away by Ruben all those weeks ago looking broken and defeated, but she was very different to what she had expected. The woman who strode towards her seemed every bit as strident as cocky young investigative reporter should be and with an added edge of something else she couldn’t quite put her finger on.

  If she couldn't pin down what that other thing was there was one thing at least of which she was absolutely sure. This woman had been very recently fucked and she had been fucked very, very well indeed. The glow of intensely satisfying orgasm - probably multiple - together with the relaxed walk of someone who’s body had just been opened fully to receive pleasure were unmistakable.

  And there could be no doubting who had given that pleasure either.

  Nadia couldn’t help but smile. After all, she was in love with Dale's brother and if he was anything like Clayton in the sack then it was a miracle the girl was even walking straight if she had just been the recipient of a Hargrave bedroom onslaught.

  She stood up, held out her hand and smiled.

  "Ms. Komerov." Lindsay said. "You don’t know how much I appreciate your coming all the way over here to talk to me. It really means a lot, and not just to me but to my niece as well."

  Nadia nodded and sat down again.

  "I'm glad you changed your mind." She said. "And I know you won’t regret it."

  "I hope not. So what is it that you’re here to tell me exactly."

  Nadia looked around, scanning exits, hotel workers, possible hiding places for surveillance technology. Old habits die hard and this was a sensitive issue. Maybe her years in the witness protection program and then going off grid on her own had changed her forever.

  "I'm here to tell you that what they did to the individual in question." She said. "And I'm here to explain to you that they did it on my advice."

  Lindsay nodded her head. She had already heard Dale's side of the story but had decided to reserve her opinion until she had heard Nadia's version of events as well.

  "Go on." She said.

  Nadia continued.

  "I suggested that we use the same drug against them that they had used against us. Have you heard of… " she lowered her voice to a whisper, "… have you heard of scopolamine? Devil's Breath?"

  Lindsay nodded.

  "We found their stash and used it on them. Once they were under we recorded them revealing every secret about every dirty deal and every associate of theirs that we could think to dig out of them. Once we had them filmed totally collaborating and singing like the proverbial canaries we drilled them for every bit of financial information we could and then set to controlling it. If you know anything about this particular drug then you know you can get a person to willingly, happily, do anything for you and they don't remember a thing afterwards. We gathered more information about them, this particular gang, than any sting operation in history and we turned it all over to the authorities. Anonymously of course. The hold of the Russian Mafia has been smashed all along the Eastern Seaboard because of this and my father and his men will never, ever show themselves above ground again. If they do then all of that evidence and financial information will go to their enemies. People they fear far more than the US government, believe me."

  Lindsay hadn't said a word. Everything coincided exactly with what Dale had told her. No bloodshed, no violence, everything handed over to the authorities and everything taken care of. There was only one small discrepancy and Lindsay's reporter's instinct couldn't let it slip by.

  "What did you mean by 'my father and his men' exactly?"

  "Didn’t Dale tell you?"

  Lindsay shook her head and Nadia nodded in understanding. It was so typical of the Hargrave brothers, always protecting the people they cared about whenever and wherever they could.

  "That was good of him." Nadia said. "Look, I'm the one who should be apologizing here. That evil monster you were investigating…." It was still hard for Nadia to think about, much less talk about him as her family. "That evil monster is my father. My name is Nadia Komerov but Mikhail Boyevik is my natural father and all of this mess started when I gave evidence against him and destroyed his business in Washington DC. I ended up in the witness protection program and to make a long story short, you and little Nena were kidnapped by his men. I'm so, so sorry for everything that has happened to you and I will do everything in my power for you to get your life back again. In full. Believe me, I know better than anyone what it's like to see your whole world disappear and have to run away from everything you know and love."

  It was getting personal now. Nadia hadn't intended for it to go this way, but now that it had she was having trouble holding herself together.

  "Do you know better than anyone what it's like to bring an eight year old girl into hiding with you?" Lindsay didn't look up. She was struggling not to feel like a victim of circumstance, like one of the unfortunate, hapless bystanders in one of her own breaking stories. They were the sort of people she would empathize with, however briefly, before moving on to the next fact or detail. She had never expected to be one of them herself.

  "I'm sorry." She said. "That's not like me. I didn't mean that. I dug this particular hole for myself and I'm not blaming you or anyone else. And I don’t need your help to get my life back, I just need you to leave me alone and stay out of my way."

  She went to stand up again but Nadia put out her hand to stop her.

  "I lost everything I had Lindsay. I graduated summa cum laude from the best universities in the country and started my career as a senior analyst with a ground breaking technology company in the defense industry. BoyTech. Mikhail Boyevik's little brainchild and cover for his illegal activities. I had no idea the CEO was either a high ranking Russian mobster or my father until this year."

  Lindsay sat down again. Her love of a good story would never leave her, even if she would never be in the business of publishing again.

  "When I figured out that my employer was spying on the US government and selling information to the highest bidder while also running his own mafia crime empire I blew the whistle and testified against him. That's when my mother disappeared. I had to go into hiding but then the government wanted to force me into the spying game for them as well. That's the trouble with having the kind of skills I have in this country. They want you and saying no isn’t an option. Unless you have someone like the Hargraves backing you up of course, then things become different."

  "Is that why you're with him? For the protection he gives you?"

  "That's nothing to do with it. Nothing at all. I hid from the government for over four years without his help and I could do it again, but who really wants to live that kind of life? And besides all that I fell crazy in love with the guy and I now can't be without him. Even if he didn't have a penny to his name I'd be right by his side. I know it sounds corny but…."

  Her voice trailed off. Why should anyone ever believe that?

  Lindsay was silent. Could she say the same about Dale? Or was she just looking for a protector herself? Someone to give Nena a better life and take them out of imminent poverty.

  "Do you love him?" Nadia asked.

  Lindsay couldn't say a word. Nadia watched and waited. The woman in front of her was trembling.

  "You’re shaking." She said. "Let me order you something, some tea maybe."

  "It's okay. I don’t need anything. I just don’t know if I can say I love him or not. It's too confusing. He ruined my life but now he's here to save it again. I want to believe what you said about Boyevik, about your father, but how can I trust either of you?"

  "I trusted you. You may not be a reporter anymore but you could still make this story public and we wouldn’t be able to do a thing about it. Even if nobody believed it the rumor would stick and never go away. This goes both ways Lindsay. I'll give you proof of everything I've said if you want me to, but you have to give me time. I can’t just show up on my
father's doorstep. We know exactly where he is but he doesn't know we know."

  "You're tracking them? All of them?"

  "Yes. All of them. And your friend Vasily and his men. We did the same to them. You'll never hear from them again. Period. I guarantee it. Hargrave Robotics and Mayweather Services guarantee it."

  "So why didn’t you all just do the same to me? Couldn't you just drug me and make me reveal enough to you that--"

  "It's nothing like that. This is the mob Lindsay. The government failed at protecting me from them before and trust me, once you get involved with them there's no end to it. Not unless you have the kind of resources available to Clay, Dale and Ruben. They're protecting themselves and protecting us as well. You're not a dangerous criminal so of course they would never do anything to harm you or Nena, but you are a reporter and you just wouldn't let the story drop. You had to publish so Ruben and Clay had to do something."

  "I never published anything. Marco stole that information from me. I had already made up my mind not to public."

  "If that's the case then why are we here now?"


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