Blake (Season One: The Ninth Inning #2)

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Blake (Season One: The Ninth Inning #2) Page 8

by Lindsay Paige

I snort and cover it with a coughing sound. I hate to admit it, but she’s right. I’m a fool for not doing just that when we were in bed, but I’m going slowly.

  “Blake, this is Mrs.Gardner and her daughters.”

  Blake shakes my mother’s hand and nods at us both. I would have thought he’d told his mother about me.

  “Oh, Blake, I’m so glad I finally get to meet you. Between your mother and Sofia, I feel like I know you already.”

  Caroline looks at me with curiosity. “I work for the Angels,” I inform her. “Didn’t Mom tell you?”

  “I never talk about careers, Sofia. Just that I’m proud of you,” Mom answers for her.

  “Nice to meet you, Mrs. Gardner,” he politely says to Mom.

  “Blake, the Gardner’s want us to join them. Do you mind?” Caroline softly asks, but we all hear her.

  He flicks his eyes to me, but I make no move to sway him. “Sure, Mom, whatever you want.”

  Mom calls over the waiter for two more chairs and of course, she makes Blake sit by me. I scoot my chair closer to Harmony since this table isn’t built for five people. Blake doesn’t argue with my mother and takes his place to my right. His leg rubs up against mine, and I hold back a small ting of glee. I turn into a twelve-year-old girl who’s sitting next to her crush. I’m a fool of epic proportions.

  Caroline turns the attention to me. “Sofia, what do you do for the Angels?”

  “I’m their massage therapist,” I answer.

  “Really?” She looks over at Blake, but he’s staring off into another direction. He does that when he’s uncomfortable. “That must be a fun job.”

  “Oh, she loves it,” Harmony quips in. “She gets to have fun with all the guys, right, Sis?”

  I narrow my gaze at her. “It’s a rewarding job.”

  “I bet it is,” Harmony mumbles behind her wine glass and I swear I think Blake chuckles.

  “Blake, my husband and I saw the game the other night. You did an amazing job with the last inning. It’s quite a distance from home plate to second base, right?” Mom asks.

  “Thanks, Mrs. Gardner. It’s only a 127 feet, though.”

  “I couldn’t throw that far.” Mom softly smiles at him. “Your mother tells me you’re single.” I cough and sputter into my wine and Harmony snorts. “Girls, are you okay?” Mom asks, but she knows exactly what she’s doing.

  “I’m perfectly fine right now.” Harmony has a large smile on her face, knowing that Mom is pumping him for information, and it’s going to embarrass me.

  “You could say that, but there’s someone in the picture.”

  My heart slams into my chest and Harmony’s still trying not to laugh, but failing at it. Mom is about to saying something, but is cut off by Caroline.

  “There’s someone? You never told me that, Blake. Who is she?”

  Oh dear God. I look at Mom who’s staring me down. If he says my name, this lunch is going to turn into a CIA investigation of questions and answers.


  “I knew it!” Harmony and Mom say at the same time as Caroline’s mouth drops.

  I cut him a mean glare. “Really, you had to say something right now?”

  He shrugs. “I try not to lie to my mom.”

  “When did this happen?” Caroline’s face goes from shock to jubilation.

  “A little while ago,” I answer her and kick Blake with the spike of my heel in his shin, hoping to hurt him a little bit.

  “Blake, Sofia has been going on about you.” Mom smiles and then leans over to Caroline. “She keeps saying it’s only friendship, but a mother knows.”

  I roll my eyes and give Blake the meanest look I can muster, but he doesn’t seem fazed.

  “She’s constantly on the phone with him,” Harmony jumps into the mix.

  “We’re both sitting right here.” I gather their attention.

  “I feel left out that I didn’t know,” Caroline says.

  “Mom, we’re friends and taking things slow. That’s all,” Blake reassures her. He uses a different tone with her. It’s soft and comforting. You can see how much he loves her just by the way he looks at her. It’s the real Blake, and it makes me less mad.

  “Caroline, have you found your dress yet?” Mom’s question sends them talking about everything with the benefit and I’m thankful the attention has left us for the moment.

  I lean over to Blake. “Thanks for that. Mom will never leave me alone now,” I whisper.

  “You’re welcome. If it makes you feel better, Mom will be the same way to me now. We can handle it.”

  “Are you sure? You don’t know my mother very well.”

  “Sofia, you’re the first girl I’ve mentioned to Mom in six years. If I wasn’t sure, I would have kept my mouth shut.”

  I sit back in my chair. Six years? I had no clue. I assumed that Blake had been more open about his relationships with his mom. I tell my mom everything. Well, minus the sex parts, of course.

  “Girls, are you excited to be auctioned off?” Caroline brings the conversation around.

  “We’re thrilled that our mother is forcing us to do it against our wills,” Harmony answers, causing us all to laugh.

  “It’s not going to be that bad. Your father already said he won’t let anyone harm you girls.” Mom shakes her head. “And no one is going to. Everyone knows it’s for fun.”

  “Are you sure about that? There’s some creepy millionaires, Mom. I know because I’ve dated a lot of them,” Harmony says.

  Mom shakes her head. “It’s for fun.”

  “Well, I’m sure Blake will bet on you, Sofia.” Caroline smiles and pats Blake’s hand.

  It’s then I notice the inside of her forearm. There are handprints. They’re faded and you can’t really tell unless you look closely, but they are there. When I look back up to her, I notice the concealer is heavy around her eyes and my heart breaks a bit.

  “I’m sure he’ll try hard.” My voice cracks a bit because I want to help her badly.

  We order our food and we all talk and listen to Mom and Caroline. She’s sweet like Blake. We’re relaxed, and it’s nice to see a different side of Blake. He loves his mom.

  Of course, at the end of the lunch, my mom snatches the bill before Caroline and Blake can get their hands on it. When we’re about to leave, Blake softly strokes my hand before thanking my mother and leaving with his mom.

  I’M AT MY parents’ house, and we’re about to leave for the benefit. We’re waiting on Mom and Jack is starting to get irritated. He takes a swig from his beer. I mumble I’ll go check on her and disappear up the stairs.

  “Mom? Are you about ready?” I call from outside the bedroom door.

  She opens it with a smile. “I’m ready.” Her dress is extremely conservative and I frown at what it means that it goes to her ankles and has long sleeves.

  “Before we go,” I start, but stop. Mom waits, looking at me expectantly. “The Gardners will be there tonight.”

  “Yes, I know.”

  “Let’s go!” Jack yells.

  “He doesn’t know about Sofia, does he?”

  “I never talk about your personal life with him. It upsets him more. You know he still wishes he was on that field and in his twenties.”

  I nod, a little more relieved with one less thing to worry about tonight. The drive to the event is silent. I won’t ever complain about not having to hear Jack talk. Unfortunately, my luck ends the moment we step inside the building and are led to our table. Standing around it, talking to some other people, is Sofia and her family. I’m so distracted by my view of Sofia that I don’t realize my parents stopped walking and I bump into Mom.

  “Sorry,” I mutter. She’s wearing a white dress that looks silky and stops mid-thigh. I can only see her from the side, but I don’t think there’s a back to her dress. There’s definite skin showing. I fist my hands to attempt to push back the urge to go over and touch her. Her hair is up in some sort of girly style. She’s amazingly beauti
ful. My father’s voice snaps me out of my staring.

  “Are you looking at that hot piece of ass?”

  I lock my jaw, deciding silence is the best answer. Art, Vivian, Harmony, and Sofia face us with smiles, but I’m not sure if they’re real or not. I keep my eyes above their heads because I don’t need to give Jack any more indication that he should pay attention to Sofia.

  “Blake.” Art walks over to me. “I’m glad I finally get to meet you.”

  I shake his hand. “It’s nice to meet you as well, Mr. Gardner. Have you met my parents, Jack and Caroline?”

  “Jack, nice to meet you,” he says with a gruff voice. It turns nicer as he smiles and speaks to my mom. “Caroline, my wife has raved about you. I’m so glad to have the pleasure of meeting you today.”

  Never to stay silent long, Jack asks, “Aren’t you going to introduce me to the beautiful ladies, Art?”

  Art’s eyes narrow slightly, but he nods and keeps his tone neutral. “Of course. This is my wife, Vivian, and my two pride and joys, Harmony and Sofia.”

  “Are you two going to be a part of the silent auction tonight?” Jack keeps his gaze on Sofia, and I wish I could smack him in the back of the head, as if that would make him stop staring at her. I know what he’s thinking, and I don’t want him anywhere near Sofia.

  “Yes,” Sofia answers, briefly glancing at me. “Mom wanted us to contribute.”

  I need to get him away from her. Otherwise, I’m going to be strung tight all night. “That’s nice,” I deadpan before facing my parents. “Do y’all want to walk around first?”

  “Of course we do. People need to see my amazing family, right?” Jack says.

  “Right. We’ll see you all later,” Mom tells them as Jack starts walking away already.

  Vivian reaches out to touch Mom’s arm. “Caroline, you and your family will be sitting with us, don’t forget.”

  A bright smile lights up her eyes. “I won’t.” Mom glances at me, the scowl surely present on my face, and her smile falters. She leans over and whispers, “Sorry, Blake.”

  I start leading her away, mumbling, “Let’s just get this over with.”

  We find Jack and move around the room, introduced to nearly every person in attendance. In between fake smiles and lies, Mom and I walk a little behind Jack around the auction tables. There are pictures of each woman up for auction along with a little information about them. When I reach Sofia’s smiling face, I take a moment to write down my bid while Jack is distracted. There’s no way I’ll lose.

  Back at the table, everyone is seated. An announcer gets things rolling, waiters and waitresses refill our glasses, and people continue to mill around while some eat. It’s a pretty laid back event it seems. Luckily for both Sofia and me, we’re sitting next to each other. Unfortunately, Jack is here, and he’s tipsy.

  “Sofia,” Jack begins, interrupting Art in mid-sentence. “You are a gorgeous woman.”

  The happy, funny, sweet, and caring girl I’m used to seeing is replaced by a woman who feels very uncomfortable to have the attention of a jackass. “Thank you, Mr. Foster,” she says, glancing at me. It’s like I’m eight-years-old again and can’t look anyone in the eye. My gaze keeps hopping around the room in front of me, avoiding eye contact with everyone. When will this damn thing be over?

  “You know, back in my day, a girl like you would always be around the bull pen.” God, why can’t he just shut up.

  Sofia’s confused voice asks, “A girl like me?”

  “Yes, hot, gorgeous, young. They all would try to get with me.” And I’m sure each one of them would regret it if they knew what he’s like.

  Finally, Art does what I wish I had the guts to do. I would, but I know it’ll only be worse for Sofia and Mom if I did. “Jack, as much as I appreciate you being here for the benefit, do not speak to her that way. She has a boyfriend who already thinks those things and more about her.”

  “Boyfriend?” he slurs. “Now, who’s that lucky bastard?”

  “You don’t know who she’s dating?” Art asks confused.

  “Unless he’s a baseball star, I have no clue.” Jack seems just as confused as to why he should know.

  Art sits back and I can feel the curious, almost wary glances being thrown my way. I almost feel as if I’m undercover and at any moment, my cover could be blown. Thankfully, Art doesn’t do that.

  “He’s good kid, and I know he wouldn’t want you to talk about her that way, and I definitely don’t want you to. So, let’s move on to another topic.”

  “Yes, let’s do that,” Vivian agrees.

  The table breaks into quiet chatter, but I don’t really pay attention. It’s been awhile since I’ve wanted to have powers of invisibility, which is what I keep praying for. The ability to disappear from this hell.

  Sofia turns her head toward me and I hold my breath, having no clue what she’s about to say. “I don’t like Jack,” she whispers. “He keeps staring at me.”

  His eyes barely leave her and it makes me sick. “I know; I’m sorry. Just ignore him.”

  Her voice turns sultry and seductive as she says, “Did you bid on me yet?”

  I try to keep the corners of my mouth neutral, so I don’t smile, but I know I fail. “Yeah, and I think I’ll win. There’s no one else here who wants you as much as I do.”

  “Comments like that might get you laid, Blakey.” She winks. “And there isn’t a lot of material to this dress.”

  “Don’t remind me,” I tell her, keeping my voice low. “You’re beautiful.”

  Her smile quickly appears. “Well, look at you, being all flirtatious. I like this side of you.”

  “I like the side of you that wears dresses like this. Maybe you should see if it can be your new work uniform.” I’d be in her office every single day.

  “Maybe,” she shrugs. “Tanner would enjoy it immensely.” She giggles at the mention of the ridiculous moaner.

  I scowl immediately. “Never mind then.”

  Sofia laughs. “Ah, there’s my Blakey.”

  The announcer reminds everyone that this is the last call to place a bid. Jack gets up and I breathe a sigh of relief. A moment of peace, finally. It doesn’t last long though. The moment Jack sits back down, it vanishes. Conversation still moves easily and I half-listen, my thoughts torn between leaving and dragging Sofia away.

  One by one, the ladies stand at their table when their name is called and then the highest bidder is revealed. Harmony is going on her date with some heart doctor, who she already knows, according to Sofia.

  “Sofia Gardner, please stand.” The announcer goes on to tell her age, a few likes, and her connection to the event. “The highest bidder of the entire night with a hundred thousand dollars,” my stomach drops because that is not what I bid, “is Jack Foster.”

  The air is knocked out of my lungs in disbelief and anger. Sofia’s mouth drops as she slowly sits back down.

  “Jack,” I hear Mom say, “why did you bid?”

  “It’s for a good cause, right?” He shrugs and smiles at Sofia like he, well, like he won her.

  “You bid a hundred grand, Jack.” Mom’s unhappiness is clear.

  He gives her a mean look, and she shuts up.

  “You’re unbelievable,” I tell him, shaking my head. “Is it time to go? I have things I need to take care of.” Like getting her out of this. There’s no way in hell this is happening.

  “I’m not feeling well either,” Mom says so everyone at the table can hear her. “I think it’s time to leave.”

  “So, am I supposed to jump at your fucking command?” Jack’s voice rises with incredulously.

  Mom is quiet as she replies, “Jack, please remember you’re in public and there are cameras here.” Facing the Gardner’s, she adds, “We had a lovely evening, but I think we’ll be leaving now.”

  “Yes, we had a great time. Mom, why don’t you two go on outside and I’ll be out in a second.”

  She nods and Jack grumbles under his
breath as they stand and leave.

  Sofia’s soft, worried tone brings my attention back to her. “Blakey, I do not want to go out on that date.”

  “You’re not,” I reassure her. I turn to Art, hoping he won’t ask questions and will just do it. “Tell whoever you need to that I’ll donate five times as much if they find a way to get her out of this. They made a mistake or something, I don’t care, but she absolutely cannot go.”

  Art’s eyes are steely. “My wife and daughter speak highly of you, Blake, so please take this as no disrespect, but I know your father, and there’s no way in hell that Sofia is going anywhere with him. I’ll take care of it. You keep your money. You have my word that Sofia isn’t going on the date.”

  Part of me wants to argue that the money doesn’t matter to me, but I don’t bother. “Thank you.” I lean over, kiss Sofia’s cheek, and say, “I’ll call you later.”

  On the way home, Jack goes on and on about Sofia. She’s hot, a perfect piece of ass, how he can’t wait to take her out and fuck her good. When we walk into the house, I’ve had enough. It’s bad enough that he’s saying this shit about her, but he’s openly talking about his plans to cheat in front of Mom.

  “Shut up already,” I growl. “You’re talking as if she would be doing this voluntarily. And for all your talk about how I should respect Mom, you’re doing a fine job of it yourself. What the hell is wrong with you?”

  “You’re just pissed off because she is going to suck my dick and not yours.”

  “Unlike you, I don’t have to pay her to do anything. She is young enough to be your daughter!” I yell, trying to throw anything out there that could make him change his mind. “You’re a stupid son-of-a-bitch. You couldn’t even act like a ‘real’ man in public. What’s that going to do for your legacy, Jack?”

  He laughs. “She’s the daughter of a billionaire. She’s going to enjoy my company a lot and that will only help my legacy because I sure as hell can’t count on my son,” he sneers.

  “Jack, you spent a hundred grand,” Mom tries. “We don’t have that kind of money to be throwing out the window. She’s not going to sleep with you. You’ll have to hit up on some of your other contacts for that.” She doesn’t even sound bothered by this, but I guess after all this time, she’s used to it.


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