Blake (Season One: The Ninth Inning #2)

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Blake (Season One: The Ninth Inning #2) Page 12

by Lindsay Paige

  “Blake,” she says in a half-pleasured, half-irritated groan.

  Suddenly, I thrust into her, causing her back to arch. My pace is hard and fast, but every so often, I slow, sliding into her with ease. My hands grip her hips. Sofia props up on her elbows, trying to watch as I fuck her.

  “God, you feel so. Fucking. Good.” She keeps tightening around my dick, pushing me that much closer to the edge every time. Shit. This isn’t going to last long enough. Lifting my hand to her center, I rub her clit hard with my thumb.

  Sofia grabs a handful of the comforter with both hands. “Fuck me harder, Blake.”

  The faster I move, the tighter she gets. Her back arches, her head tilts back, and a moan rips from her throat as her body shudders with her release. I groan, reaching my own climax.

  “Let’s stay here forever,” Sofia says, her chest heaving.

  “I was just thinking the same thing.” Leaning down, I softly kiss her lips. “Let’s get cleaned up.” I let her use my bathroom while I go to the one down the hall. When I return, she’s picking up her bra. “Don’t.”

  She lifts her head to look at me. “What?”

  “Don’t get dressed. Stay here with me tonight.”

  “But my flight is tomorrow morning.”

  “I know. You’re waking up early already, right? Just wake up a little earlier to drive home first.” I walk over to her, pulling her into my arms, my dick coming back to life against her skin. “C’mon, Sofia. You’re probably coming off a sugar high, plus you just had sex. You’re in no condition to drive. You’re stuck here for another two hours at least, already.”

  A smile slowly lifts her lips. “I see your point, Blakey. I am getting kind of tired.” She fakes a yawn and I grin. She’s staying. For a moment, I wonder what it will be like to fall asleep in her arms. I take her hand and lead her to the bed, happy that I’ll get to find out.

  ONCE I REACH the hotel and finish unpacking, I reach for my phone. I haven’t texted Blake since we landed in Key West.

  Me: Blakey, I’m in sunny Key West. What are you doing?

  Blake: Laundry. It’s my favorite thing to do, you know.

  Me: Does that mean you’re naked right now? I could use a dose of naked Blakey.

  I bite down on my lip, thinking of him on top of me last night. I can still almost smell his cologne on me.

  Blake: Not naked, which is good. Hector just showed up. smh

  Me: Have fun. I’m heading to the beach in my new string bikini.

  Blake: Life isn’t fair. I’d kill to see that

  I giggle. I head into the bathroom, turning my backside to the full length mirror and snap a picture. I quickly send it to him.

  Me: Enjoy xoxo

  Blake: Very hot. You can walk around my house in that.

  I wouldn’t mind it.

  Me: Hope you have fun with Hector.

  I laugh at the screen and flip my phone off. I head back into the bathroom and slip into my swim skirt. My dad would kill me if I walked out in a string bikini.

  Before I leave, I knock on the adjoining room. “Harmony, I’m heading out.” I pull open my sliding door and step out to the beach. We are right on the beach and have a private cabin. I spread out my towel on the recliner. I rub some lotion on my arms and legs then let the heat of the sun warm my skin. I close my eyes and listen to the waves crashing around me.

  “You could have waited,” Harmony growls and takes the recliner next to me.

  “What? Are you incapable of walking ten feet by yourself?” I scoff at her.

  She doesn’t answer me and stretches out her legs. “Oh, this is the life. Can’t we stay here forever?”

  “No. We have jobs and lives back in Memphis.”

  “Okay, first,” she holds up one finger. “We have jobs. However, I currently have no life and you’re the only one I know getting laid.”

  “Once,” I correct her. “Blake and I had sex once.”

  “I haven’t had sex in a month. Do you hear me? A month.” Her tone is pure pain.

  “Maybe this will be your lucky weekend,” I say hopefully.

  We both turn at the sound of a happy squeal coming down the beach. It’s our parents. Dad is trying to tickle Mom, and she’s splashing water on him.

  “Will we ever have that?” I ask mindlessly.


  “That.” I point to our parents. “Will we ever be that much in love? They’re getting ready to celebrate almost thirty years together and they’re still in love and happy together.”

  “I hope so,” Harmony says sadly. “Don’t you think you’ll have that with Blake?”

  “I like Blake, but he has his own problems. I’m just trying to be there for him.”

  “But you slept with him?”

  I sigh heavily and nod my head. “It was bound to happen eventually. I never said I wasn’t attracted to him.”

  Harmony sits up and swings her legs off the edge of the recliner, facing me. “Could you fall in love with him?”

  I don’t answer her right away. There’s a lot to Blake and it’s good. “I think so. I mean, he’s a great guy, but his focus is baseball and his mom. I respect that. Look,” I sit up mirroring her pose. “I’m not some sixteen-year-old girl and this isn’t my first boyfriend. I’m close to thirty and I know how relationships work. They’re hard work and require time and commitment. Right now, for Blake, that’s getting his life and his mom in order.”

  She glares at me. “Cut the bullshit and tell me the truth.”

  I look over at my parents, holding each other in their arms, swaying in the waves. Could I see Blake and me doing that in our lifetime? Would Blake even express his feelings to me? Hell, I can barely get him to talk to me at times. Maybe I’m hoping for something that isn’t there. Maybe Blake wants to be friends with benefits. Would I be opposed to that? I’ve never done it and I don’t think I could. But, isn’t it what we’re doing now?

  I’ve used every tactic I know to break down the steel wall that houses Blake and I’ve made progress, but for what? For him or for me?

  I lie back in the recliner, not answering Harmony’s question. My thoughts hit me hard because I don’t know who I did it for. Did I hurt Blake more by forcing him to talk to me? I don’t think I did because I know he needs someone he can trust. I want him to trust me; he seems to because he told me everything about his dad and his life.

  I think back to yesterday and our date. The thoughtful gesture still makes my heart beat faster. He opened up to me and let me in a little bit more. Let’s not forget about the sex. I squeeze my thighs together as my body still aches for him.

  The best part had been being in his arms. His strong arms held me all night and I don’t think I have ever felt as safe. Waking up and seeing him next to me makes my heart race again. His sleepy eyes opening to meet mine is something I’ll hold forever in my memory.

  “Oh, fuck.” I sit and take several deep breaths.

  “What is it? What’s wrong?” Harmony asks, concerned.

  “Damn it, Harmony,” I growl at her.

  “What did I do?”

  “You made me think. Shame on you.”

  My sister’s expression is perplexed by my insane statement. “I don’t understand.”

  “I think I’m in love with Blake, and it’s your fault because you made me think about it.” I drop my head in my hands.

  “Please.” She rolls her eyes. “Anyone with a half a brain knows that you and Blake are in love. Once you both get your stubborn heads out of your asses, you’ll tell each other.”

  I don’t answer her. I glance back up the beach and see my parents still in each other’s arms. I can see their love for each other from all the way down here. I turn away, feeling the tears building up. I want that and I hope I find it someday.

  I push it all out of my head, clear my mind, and only listen to the waves. I don’t want to push things with Blake. If we never progress from the stage we’re at, will I be okay with that? I can’t
think about it. Not right now. I take a long, cleansing breath and relax in the hot sun.

  I’m almost asleep when Harmony shakes my shoulder. “Come on, we have to get Mom and Dad’s cabin ready for her surprise.” I nod and we go change into something casual and head over.

  We lay out Mom’s outfit for the pictures. The photographer will be here in about two hours and Dad is going to bring Mom back in a little bit so she can get ready.

  “You brought Dad’s clothes too, right?” Harmony asks.

  “Of course. Dad can’t coordinate anything but a suit,” I remind her and make sure his khakis and white shirt are on his side of the bed.

  “Girls.” Mom sounds shocked when she walks in. “What are you two doing?”

  “Surprise!” we both say happily and Dad wraps his arm around Mom’s shoulders, kissing her cheek.

  “Um...I don’t understand. I know this trip is for my birthday. You don’t have to shout surprise.”

  “That’s true, but we have a present for you.” Harmony smiles. “You need to get all dressed up in these outfits and meet us on the beach in two hours.”

  “No exceptions,” I add. “We’re on a time limit.” Harmony and I head out of their cabin and back to ours to make sure we’re ready on time as well.

  Two hours later, we meet the photographer and Mom almost cries when we tell her about the surprise. For the next hour, we take pictures as a family, separates, and even a few funny ones. The photographer promises to have the proofs to us in few days and Mom hugs all three of us tightly.

  “Thank you for being the best kids and husband in the world. I couldn’t have asked for a better present.” She wipes the tears from her eyes.

  We all head to dinner together and it’s relaxing, fun, and the best time I’ve had in a long time. I love my family more than anything. I watch the interaction between Mom and Dad. Their soft brushes against each other, how they lean into one another, and the love in their eyes.

  I walk on the beach after everyone else goes to their cabin to sleep. The sun has set, and the moon is bright. Even though I’m trying to keep Blake out of my mind, he’s been there the entire time. I think about his hazel eyes, his strong arms, and his laugh. My heart jumps at how protective he is of his mother and the love he has for her. There’s something admirable about it. Seeing his protective, sweet side is something only I see. When he’s around other people, all they see is his scowl.

  When I get back to the cabin, I slide the patio door shut and change into a pair of pajama shorts and a tank top. I check my phone, but there’s nothing from Blake. I’m sure Hector has kept him busy all day. I rest against the pillow, letting the moonlight be my natural nightlight, and I call Blake.

  “Hey, are you busy or is Hector still driving you crazy?” I ask casually.

  “I’m not busy. Having fun?”

  “Yes. Mom loved her surprise. We all had our pictures done, and I think my shoulders are sunburned. I think that’s a successful day in the Keys.” I giggle at my own lame joke.

  “Put some of that aloe vera gel stuff on your shoulders. It’ll take care of the sunburn pretty quickly.”

  “I think Harmony has some. I’ll steal hers. What did you do today? Enjoying your day off?”

  “Played video games. Aside from being able to rest, I don’t really care for days off sometimes. I feel like I should be doing something more productive.”

  “You could,” I pause for a beat. I shouldn’t rock the boat, but I wonder what he’d say. “Fly down here and hang out on the beach with me?” I can hear the nervous tone in my question.

  “You want me to crash your time with your family?” He seems unsure.

  “I’m joking.” I put on my best fake laugh because I know he’s slightly panicking. “I know that you can’t come down here.” I quickly change the subject. “What are you doing tomorrow?”

  “I don’t know yet. And I never said I couldn’t come.”

  My smiles grows at his words. “Would you if I really wanted you to?” My nervousness is back.

  “Yeah, I would, Sofia, if you really, really wanted me to.” He stops for a second and then says, “And if you’re sure your family won’t mind.”

  My heart is all aflutter thinking about him coming to me. “That’s sweet, Blakey, but you don’t have to come. Although, my mother is nagging me to death to bring you to Sunday dinner. Do you think you can suffer through an afternoon with my family? Hey, maybe we could take your mom with us.”

  “We’d like that.” He sounds confident in his answer and it makes me smile more.

  “Okay, I’m sure we’ll find a Sunday together.” I stop and look up to the ceiling. Pushing Blake is something I’ve done before to get him to express himself to me. My thoughts are running away from me, but I need to find out the truth before I really put my heart out there and it gets broken.

  “I’m going to ask this, but I’m asking for my own curiosity and not to pressure you. Do you think our friendship will be more later on? Or will we always be just friends? And let me clarify, I’m happy being your friend, but I’m wondering, too.”

  There’s no sound coming from the other end of the phone. I even check to make sure the call didn’t drop. I’ve done it. I’m pushing him into something he doesn’t want. I’m about to tell him to forget it when he answers me.

  “I already think it is more.”

  My cheeks hurt from the smile on my face. “When did you get to be so romantic, Blakey?” I tease him to lower the tension between us.

  “Just because I’m grumpy doesn’t mean I’m not romantic and all the stuff that goes with it.”

  “You surprise me at every turn. I’m shocked. Before you know it, you’ll be sending me flowers and love notes.” I giggle at the thought of him sending me gifts.

  “I’ve never written a love note and if I tried, you’d probably return it and say not to do that again.” He laughs through the phone and my heart races at bit more.

  “Then we’ll stick to sexting and naked pics.” I match his laugh.

  “That works, but I’d much rather actually have you in front of me.”

  I moan as the ache for him comes back. “Really? You’re going to flirt with me right now when my eyes are starting to grow heavy and I have a full day ahead of me.”

  “Sorry. I’ll let you go, so you can get some rest.”

  “Blake,” I lick my lips and blurt out my feelings. “I think you should know that I like you, a lot.” I’ve officially become a sixteen-year-old schoolgirl again and I’m telling my crush that I like him.

  “I like you too, Sofia.”

  With that, I say good night and fall asleep the happiest I’ve been in a long time.

  ON MY LAST day off, I’ve been running errands, cleaning the house, picking up some of the stuff I slack off on during the season. Nothing was accomplished yesterday with Hector around, which is to be expected. I’m putting groceries away, the last of my tasks of the day, when my phone rings. I half expect it to be Sofia, but by the ring tone, I realize it’s Mom.

  Before I can even say anything, I’m distracted by the commotion in the background. It sounds like shouting, stuff breaking, and Mom’s ragged breathing.

  “Mom? What’s going on?”

  “He’s gone crazy,” she replies in a low voice.

  “What? Why? Where are you?”

  “The Hall of Fame nominations were announced today. He didn’t get in. I’ve never seen him this angry, Blake. He’s been on a rampage and I’m in the closet in the spare bedroom, so I could call.”

  Shit. I didn’t even think about those being today. “Are you okay? I’m on my way, alright?” I grab my keys and head for my truck.

  “I’m fine for now. He’s destroying his office. Hurry, Blake. He’ll come looking for me soon and I don’t think there’s anything stopping him.” The fear in her voice holds my heart still as I press the gas to hurry like she asked.

  “I’m on the road. Stay on the phone with me. What has he been

  Mom is quiet for a moment. “He can’t believe it and how he’s one of the best. He’s convinced you had something to do with it.”

  Good. Even though I didn’t, it’ll make him focus on me once I get there, which means he’ll leave Mom alone. I can handle the brunt of his anger.

  “How long has he been in his office?”

  “Since five minutes before I called. Where are you? He’s gotten quiet.”

  “Turning down your road.”

  “Caroline!” I hear his yell and Mom’s yelp. “Get the fuck out of there.”

  The call ends. I’ve pulled into the driveway and rush to get inside once I’ve turned the truck off. I can hear his shouting first thing followed by the resounding sound of a slap. I quickly find them. His back is to me, his arm pulled back, getting ready to hit her. I reach out to stop him by grabbing his shoulder and tugging him backward.

  “Leave her alone, Jack.”

  “Look who’s all big and bad now. My fucking worthless son. You’re nothing but a bastard! You’ve ruined everything! You and your bitch mother have ruined everything!” He lunges forward, taking a swing and hitting me in the jaw before I can move out of the way.

  “How the hell did we do that? If your life is ruined, it’s your own doing. Not ours.”

  He stands in my face, the stench of alcohol overwhelming my senses. “I’m fucking Jack Foster, you little shit.” He pokes my chest hard. “You should be thanking me every day of your damn life that you have had the opportunities you’ve had. It’s because of me! Now, it’s because you that I’ve lost the nomination, because you fucking suck.”

  “Thanking you? For what?” I ask incredulously. He’s gotta be kidding me! I should keep my mouth shut, but I don’t. “Jack Foster obviously doesn’t mean shit to anyone but you. If you lost the nomination, I can’t say I’m upset, but it had nothing to do with me and everything to do with the fact that you’re not good enough. Your ego must be bigger than the talent you had.”

  “You fucking asshole. How dare you say I have no talent? I’m more of a man than you’ll ever be. Now, get the fuck out of my house and don’t come back.”


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