Nan's Story

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Nan's Story Page 13

by Farmer, Paige

  John and Michelle sat on one side of the table. Married almost four years, they were expecting their first child in October and Michelle had to sit a few feet from the table to accommodate the watermelon in her lap. Arthur was sitting across from them, to the left of Elsie’s spot at the foot of the table. Joe occupied his usual place at the other end. There was no sign of Buddy yet.

  At first Nan didn’t see CJ, nor did she think to look for him, when he crawled out from under the table near Elsie’s feet. It had been a few weeks since she saw him last and in that short time he seemed to have changed a lot. Nan let her breath go as she looked away from him.

  “Nan,” her mother said, standing up quickly, deftly avoiding CJ’s fingers. “Come sit.”

  Nan felt uncomfortable at the way they all stared at her as if she were some slow minded kid who’d stumbled and fell. It was on the tip of her tongue to say something snide when Buddy entered the room from the opposite doorway.

  “Hey everyone, sorry I’m late.”

  He carried a helmet under one arm, which meant his motorcycle was sitting out front. Buddy started to say something else when he caught sight of Nan.

  “Well I’ll be damned. If it isn’t Nana-banana in the flesh,” he said, clearly bemused. “Geez, look at you.”

  Nan could only muster a flat hello.

  “Well, we’re all here,” Elsie said looking pleased as she pointed at two empty chairs next to Arthur. “Now we can eat.”

  Nan shuffled to the chair left of Arthur and Buddy took the one on the other side of her. Nan noticed that all the plates on the table were empty except for Joe’s. Typical of her stepfather, Joe didn’t dabble in the niceties of life like waiting for everyone to be seated before eating.

  Conversation started back up, slowly at first and then picking up speed as Nan stared at her plate. Elsie passed the croissants, which Arthur handed to Buddy after Nan made no effort to take them. Buddy put one of the pastries on her plate and took one for himself before passing it on to Michelle. Nan absentmindedly began shredding her croissant into strips along the buttered creases. She made no move to eat them, instead stacked them in a woven pattern. Under the table she felt CJ crawl over one of her feet and she jumped. He pulled himself into a standing position using her knees for leverage and poked his head through the crook in her arm. He looked curious, as if he’d stumbled on something new and remarkable. It didn’t occur to Nan to reach down and pick him up, but she wouldn’t have had the strength to do it even if it had.

  Her family tried to act normal as Nan sat mute in their midst. CJ must have decided that Nan wasn’t so remarkable after all and retreated into the jungle of feet. She went back to destroying her breakfast.

  “Hey Nan,” Buddy started carefully. “Some of the guys from work are gonna’ play ball today down at Clough Field. Wanna’ come along?”

  It took Nan a moment to comprehend that she should answer.

  “I…I don’t think so, Buddy,” she replied. “Thanks though,” she tapered off.

  “C’mon, it’ll be fun. Lots of the guys bring their wives and kids. I’ll take mom’s car and leave the bike here so we can bring CJ. It’ll be great!”

  Elsie looked alarmed by the thought of Nan caring for CJ in her unfocused state. Nan felt the first of what would go on to be many pangs of resentment toward her mother over CJ.

  “Or you could go on your own and leave the baby here with me,” Nan’s mother blurted. “I don’t mind watching him.”

  Elsie looked at Nan’s brother, brows knit.

  “Buddy, he’s just too young to be entertained by a bunch of drunken wharf rats swinging sticks at a ball,” she said.

  Nan felt Buddy stiffen up at his mother’s remark, but she knew there was truth to her statement.

  “Okay then, come without CJ. You can cheer me on,” Buddy clipped.

  Nan started to protest, but Arthur and John joined in urging her to go. Joe stayed quiet though, his eyes skipping disinterestedly from one person to the next. If he had suggested she go, Nan would have most certainly not. As it was, she was too tired to keep fighting and Joe kept his mouth shut, so finally, she relented.

  “Alright,” she groaned. “I’ll go for a little while, but when I’m ready to leave, you promise you’ll bring me home?”

  “Sure, no problem,” Buddy replied. “See, no crossies,” he said holding up his hands.

  She knew he wanted her to smile but she didn’t. Instead she pushed her chair back, stood up without a word, and left her family behind. Nan returned to the sanctuary of her room and once there, in the midst of an argument with herself about whether or not she should go, she indifferently threw on denim shorts and a white t-shirt and pulled her natty hair into a bun. As she sat down to tie her tennis shoes she caught a glimpse of vacant eyes in the vanity mirror. For a moment it was her father’s face overlaid with hers, wearing the unmistakable beaten look that hung over him during the last few years of his life.

  “Daddy,” she whispered. “I can’t do this.”

  A bend in the road is not the end of the road unless you fail to turn. This was something Sam said many times when Nan was a child. She took a deep breath before embarking on her first steps toward rejoining the living.

  John and Michelle were getting ready to leave when Nan slowly walked back down the stairs. They both kissed her cheek, going on about how good it had been to see her. Michelle’s pregnant tummy bumped into Nan’s own flat one as she reached in to hug her and Nan winced as if she’d been slapped. Buddy was trying unsuccessfully to convince Arthur to join them.

  “Sorry man, I’ve got to study,” Arthur said. After receiving his Bachelor’s degree in education, Summa Cum Laude no less, he was now pursuing his teacher’s certification. If Nan could muster up any feelings at all, pride in her brother would have been chief among them.

  “Books, schmooks,” Buddy replied. “Only use I’ve ever had for ‘em is for holding up the end of the couch.”

  “You know Robert, it wouldn’t kill you to pick up a book once in a while,” Elsie snapped. “At least your brother’s trying to make something of himself. You might try it some time.”

  “Don’t you worry about me ma,” said Buddy. “I’ve got all I need to know right up here,” he said, tapping his forehead.

  He turned to Nan.

  “Ready little sister? CJ’s not going, so let’s take the bike. You can wear my helmet.”

  “Okay,” she replied. The internal debate raging in her head about whether to change her mind at the last second was shut down when Buddy steered her by the elbow out the front door. She stood docilely as he adjusted the straps on the helmet so it would fit snug on her head. There was no face plate so he grabbed an extra pair of sunglasses out of his saddlebag and put them on her.

  “You look like a bug,” Buddy said laughing. He pointed at one of the long round mirrors that stretched out from each side of the bike. He was right, especially in the distorted reflection where things are always closer than they appear, she did indeed look like a human fly. An unhappy fly, she thought and straddled the seat behind him.

  Although the helmet was a little too big for her, it stayed in place for the most part while she held on to Buddy’s waist. As they travelled the fifteen minutes to the ball field, she stared down at the pavement streaming by her feet. She wondered dispassionately what would happen if she lowered her foot and let it drag on the road. The image of her being pulled from the bike and tossed along the highway didn’t bother her as much as it probably should have.

  A dozen or so people were already there when Buddy and she pulled up. Several of them recognized her brother and waved as he parked. He helped Nan off the bike and was perturbed by her inability to get the helmet off by herself. Nan’s fingers fumbled around with the strap, but she couldn’t make it budge.

  “Here, let me.” Buddy said, exasperation creeping into his voice as he undid the buckle and pulled it off her head. “Why don’t you go sit on that hill,” he said pointi
ng to a slope just past the third baseline. Nan looked over and was relieved to see the patch of green empty. She couldn’t stomach any small talk just now. Walking over, she noticed for the first time how warm the day had grown. She’d forgotten to put on deodorant, but wasn’t all that concerned about starting to smell. Maybe that would keep people away from her.

  More players arrived and the game got underway. Buddy’s team had first ups and they were in the dugout waiting their turn at bat. Everyone wanted first ups since some moron left his bottle in the field a few weeks before and a player gashed his knee open. In response to that incident, a new rule was made that players could only drink while on the bench. Buddy was batting fourth so he brought Nan a beer. She looked at it as if it was a foreign object, but the sun was hot and she knew it was unlikely there would be anything else to drink.

  Her brother ran back to his place on the bench and raised his bottle to her.

  “Cheers,” he mouthed.

  Obliging him, she raised hers back and took a sip. She hadn’t touched a drop of alcohol since finding out she was pregnant with CJ and was surprised at how cool and good it tasted. At least her mouth felt alive.

  The man batting just before Buddy was tall, with thick tree trunk arms and a mop of blond curls spilling out underneath the beat up ball cap he wore. From where Nan was sitting she could see the large gap between his front teeth, but in spite of that, he was still fairly good-looking. She could tell by the cheerful ribbing her brother was giving him that they were friends, however she had no idea who he was.

  He struck out on the first pitch, though sent the second one flying far into center field. Nan could see the sinewy muscles in his legs flex and retract with every lope of his long stride as he rounded second base and headed to third. The ball had been thrown, and it was now a race between him and it to the bag. He leaned back and slid, despite his bare legs, his feet hitting the base well before the infielder’s glove. He jumped up and brushed at a painful looking swath of road rash that stretched the length of his thigh and laughed. He caught a glimpse of her out of the corner of his eye and tipped his hat in her direction. Nan tried to smile, but it felt like a grimace. She clapped her hands lightly to let him know that she was impressed.

  The game played on, and now Buddy was up to bat. He hit a double, driving the guy with the road rash home. Her brother turned to wave at her as he reached second base, but Nan was no longer on the hill. She was at the bench fishing around in the cooler for another beer. As she plunged her hand into the ice, fingers closing on the neck of a bottle, a voice spoke from behind her.

  “Want something with a little more kick?”

  She spun around and was standing face to face with the guy who hit the triple. He was holding a square bottle of Jack Daniels and took a swig from it. Up close, Nan could see a glint in his pale blue eyes. He wasn’t as handsome as she’d first thought, but there was something undeniably powerful about him. She looked over at Buddy, but he was now engrossed in the game. Accepting the whiskey and taking a hearty gulp, she welcomed the way the smooth amber liquor ignited a fiery comet that worked its way to her belly. She smiled and sipped again.

  “Heath Merrill,” he said, taking the bottle back and leaving a pause for her to fill.

  “I’m Nan Bower. Buddy’s sister,” she told him. He looked surprised by her name and nodded at the field toward Buddy.

  “How’d such an ugly mug like that end up with such a pretty girl for a sister?” Heath said with a lopsided smile.

  It had been a long time since Nan had been paid a compliment on her looks, albeit a meager excuse for one. She found herself feeling like she actually existed for the first time in a long while. She laughed and allowed him to steer her back to the spot on the hill, though not before he grabbed a couple more bottles of beer. As they sat on the grass, a crack of the bat sent Buddy running. He circled third in front of them, but didn’t pay attention as he tried to reach home. He slid like Heath, but was wearing jogging pants so sustained no injury.

  Buddy stood up, brushing himself off and reveled in his teammate’s excitement. He looked up at the hill and finally noticed Nan sitting with Heath. His expression was perplexed, but gave them a quick wave. Nan waved back before Buddy went for the cooler. After one more strike out and a caught pop fly, it was time for Buddy’s team to take the field. One of the guys called out to Heath to grab his mitt, but he begged off, pointing at the tender looking scrape on his leg.

  “Gonna sit this one out, boys! Next inning,” Heath told them in his booming voice.

  Nan could barely remember what they talked about, but she remembered the glow of the alcohol and that he’d been able to make her laugh. They spent almost the whole game sitting in that spot on the hill, watching the players. She recalled telling him an abridged version of the events that had unfolded over the year and welcomed his coarse “that bites” conclusion.

  “It certainly does,” she responded.

  Heath worked with Buddy, or more accurately for Buddy, at the docks. It was clear he admired Nan’s brother, but his hard attitude made Nan wonder what Buddy might be like when he wasn’t around his family. She knew from her experience with the two faces of Sam Bower that just because you were related to someone and lived your life right next to them, it didn’t necessarily mean you knew them.

  Nan learned that Heath had been born and raised in a town about an hour away, but had been in Portsmouth for the past eight years and working at the docks for the last six. He had one older brother who’d joined the Marines before Heath graduated high school, and they hadn’t seen each other since. Heath didn’t seem to mind at all that Nan offered little to the conversation. He clearly liked talking about himself and Nan’s reservation gave him plenty of room to do just that. They finished off the bottles of beer and more than half of the whiskey by the time the game was over. Nan had to be helped up and almost staggered while walking to Buddy’s motorcycle.

  “I can’t drive her home like this on the back of a bike!” Buddy said shooting Heath an annoyed glance.

  “No problem man. I’ll bring her home,” Heath said, winking at Nan.

  Buddy looked wary, but Nan knew her brother wasn’t going to let Heath take his bike so he could drive her, and there was no way she could hold on behind him.

  “Alright Heath, but bring her right home. No place else,” he said firmly. Buddy gave Heath the address, repeating his instructions for him to bring Nan directly home, and headed off to catch up with some of the other players for drinks at State Street Saloon.

  In Heath’s car, Nan had to roll her window all the way down and close her eyes to stop the wave of nausea that swept over her as soon as the tires hit the road.

  “You okay?” Heath asked, appearing concerned. “It took me over a year to save up the down payment for this baby, and it’s impossible to get the smell of puke outta’ leather.”

  Concerned, yes. About her, not so much.

  “Yeah. Jus’ probly a little too much hooch,” she replied, slurring some, but not opening her eyes.

  “Want me to find somewhere to park?” he asked.

  “Might be a good idea,” she said swallowing hard.

  They were near Pierce Island which was connected to Portsmouth by a short humming bridge. The city’s public pool was located here, along with a small playground and picnic area nearby, but with the pool closed on weekends the island was likely to be deserted. He turned right, heading over the bridge and drove a bit past the pool, pulling into a clearing between the trees that looked over the river. The playground sat empty to their right, swings swaying gently in the breeze.

  “Wanna get out?” he asked her.

  “No, just let me sit here a minute,” she replied. With the car shut off, Nan’s nausea eased and she opened her eyes.

  “I’m sorry,” she said to him, hoping he didn’t think that she couldn’t hold her liquor. It had just been a long time, and what had only created a mild buzz and given life to party-Nan several years bef
ore, now made her drunk.

  “Not a problem, baby doll.” Heath said. For some reason, Nan flinched at the casual term of endearment. Heath would go on to call her that hundreds of times, and on every occasion it sounded to her as if he couldn’t bring himself to say her name.

  “Do you come out here often?” she asked him, without particular interest, but wanting to keep him talking.

  “Yeah, from time to time,” he replied.

  He picked up the bottle of Jack from the floor between them and took a swig. The shot of alcohol seemed to push his talk button again and he launched into more stories about himself. Heath went on to tell her that he’d dated his fair share of women, but had never really gotten serious with anyone. He liked his life as simple as it could be and didn’t want to be responsible for anyone else. Although Nan had told him about CJ, she made it clear her mother was really raising him, and Heath appeared to have dismissed him completely.

  Without a lot of grace, Heath stretched his arms with a yawn, landing one on Nan’s shoulders. She jumped, but thought he’d pulled it off with such adolescent flair, she found it a little charming. She was still feeling fuzzy from the alcohol, but the emotional fog that had settled over her throughout the past eight months seemed to be clearing some.

  When Heath moved in to kiss her, Nan didn’t pull away. His breath, in waves of stale liquor, came in short bursts as she, without any encouragement from him, reached down and rubbed her hand over the hard mound in his shorts. It was clumsy and unceremonious when Nan let Heath have her in the back seat of the car, but for the length of the brief encounter, she only focused the call of her body and let it block out everything else. They sat up afterward and Nan fished around on the floor for her shorts, pulling out her now slightly squashed pack of cigarettes. Heath reached through the two front seats, opened the glove box and took out one of his own.

  With their smoke wafting out the windows, Heath continued to talk about himself, his life, and his ambitions, modest as they were. Nan determined that nodding strategically was enough to convince him she was listening, and so he went on undeterred. She used a pause in his stories to remind him that she probably needed to get home. All the effects of the afternoon’s alcohol had dissipated and although regret wasn’t exactly what she was feeling, there was a resignation that she was getting what she deserved. And it was with the same resignation Nan accepted Heath’s invitation to dinner for later that week.


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