The Baby Maker

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The Baby Maker Page 23

by Tia Siren

  I arrived at the hospital, and the nurses had already helped her into a wheelchair. They slowly wheeled her outside where I was waiting with the car. We had arranged for her to stay at my house so she could rest much easier than at her apartment.

  I had listened to what Piper said at the hospital. She would be fine with twins. It seemed she wouldn’t have space in her life for me. I left Piper sleeping upstairs and decided to call Tyler, to bring him up to speed on all the recent craziness.

  “Tyler, it’s me,” I said.

  “So then, big guy, am I supposed to congratulate you now?” he asked.

  “To be honest, I’m not so sure at the moment,” I said. “We went to the hospital, and we found out we are having twins.”

  “That’s a handful, but I get to congratulate you on being a father, again,” Tyler replied, laughing.

  “We also found out that Piper became pregnant before we had the contract drawn up,” I said. “So she’s not bound by any of it.”

  “Bad timing from the sound of it,” he said. “So now you have no control over anything.”

  “No, I want to be in their life, but I’m not sure she is willing to have me. I’ve realized what I had been missing out on all these years. I have been stupid all the way through.”

  “Well, you know as well as anyone, if the contract was not binding, you’re winning. She won’t be able to prevent you from having access. And you should be able to be part of their lives and see them grow up.”

  “I’m not sure she wants me in their life, at all. I don’t want to fight or argue. I’m tired of it all.”

  “Like I said, she can’t stop you. You don’t have to argue about it. Just state your case. Piper is reasonable. And she has given you ten years!”

  Tyler and I chatted more, and my mind wandered off. It was good he could chat for a while without being interrupted. Never in all my life could I imagine that I would have children. At least, not children I wanted to be a part of my life. The thought had never occurred to me. Now, there are twins to consider, and her. So, it’d be like a triple loss if she doesn’t want me around.

  The more I thought about it, the more I wanted to be there for them. I wanted to be their father and watch them grow up. I wanted Piper, too. To deny me all that would be heartless and cruel. I was amazed that Piper could even consider that as an option. If it was true, I had to respect that wish. Now I had lost everything. Baby Maker had come to an end. I had lost the one woman I really loved and wanted to give everything to. Not only would I lead a lonely life, but it would be without them.

  “Tyler, I feel like I have been tricked,” I said.

  “Why, Evan?” he asked.

  “Twins. Piper got everything she wanted in life, multiplied by two.”

  “Surely, there has to be more than that going on,” Tyler said.

  “There has to be. She’s the only woman I have ever loved. Period. And I know she feels the same way about me. She just has to. I can feel it.”

  “What are you going to do?” Tyler asked.

  “I think I better go and talk to her properly; I have to know where I stand,” I said.

  “Get to it, big fella,” Tyler said. “Do what’s right, man.”

  “I’ll speak to you later.”

  I hung up the phone and sat thinking. I had to get my facts straight before I presented my case to Piper. Because so far, I had made a complete mess of everything. I’d either not said the correct thing, not said anything, or misunderstood what she had been telling me. I was surprised she had put up with me at all. I had made everything hard work. I needed to put it right. Again.

  How many times had I done this? I’d lost count. The more I tried to do the right thing, the more I got it wrong. I gathered my thoughts. This was my last chance with Piper. I wasn’t going to make a mistake this time. I was going to do it right. I was going to put things right. Everything.

  I took a few deep breaths and stood up. I walked quietly upstairs and walked toward my bedroom. I quietly opened the bedroom door and poked my head inside. Piper sat up in bed, reading.

  “There’s no need for you to sneak around,” she said, giggling. “It’s your house.”

  “I didn’t want to disturb you if you were sleeping,” I said.

  “Come on in, I’m obviously awake,” she said, laughing.

  I walked into the bedroom and climbed on the bed next to Piper. I rolled to face her and rested my head on my hand. My heart raced, and I panicked that I wasn’t going to be able to say what I needed to say.

  “What did you want? You didn’t just come to see if I was asleep.” She knew my heart well.

  “You’re right,” I said. “I need to talk to you before I explode.”

  “Sounds important.”

  “It is. It’s about us.”

  Piper put her book on the bedside table and rolled over to face me. I looked deep into her eyes and felt her calming influence wash over me. I was ready. With her subconscious support, I could do this.

  “Come on then,” she said. “Tell me all about it, Evan.”

  “I just want to say, I’m so sorry for everything that has gone on,” I said.

  “If this is an apology, we’re going to be here for a while,” she said, smiling. “This could be a huge, long apology.”

  “It’s more than that; this is everything I have to say. I want to put it to bed, once and for all.”

  Come on, Evan, spit it out.

  “I’m listening.” Her perfect eyes made me feel safe.

  “I went about everything the wrong way,” I said. “With the contract and all my stipulations. I should never have even thought about it.”

  “That makes sense, but I had to do it to be with you,” Piper said.

  “The biggest thing I want to say is,” I paused.

  “This must be a big thing for you?” she asked. She knew I was nervous.

  “Well, you know when I said I didn’t want to be a father?” I asked.

  “Yeah,” she replied.

  “That wasn’t exactly correct,” I said with a grin.

  “So, what are you trying to say now?” she asked, waiting.

  “The day we found out you were pregnant, I left your apartment,” I said.

  “Yes, you did,” she replied, her expression darkening.

  “I know you were thinking I wasn’t interested.”

  “It had crossed my mind,” she said, her eyes narrowing at me. “And may have made me cry for a week.” She rolled her eyes.

  “Oh, I’m sorry for that,” I said. “Just add it to my sorry list.” I couldn’t suppress a grin.

  “Just shut the fuck up and tell me the other part, for goodness sakes,” she said and slapped me on the arm.

  I was getting distracted, and I was so glad Piper had slapped me. It brought me back to reality.

  “I was in total shock,” I said. “You were lucky I was able to say anything.”

  “So, you weren’t upset that I was pregnant?”

  “Hell no,” I said, smiling. “I barely made it to the car before I cried my eyes out with happiness and was banging on the steering wheel with joy.”

  “Why the fuck didn’t you come back upstairs? You fool, Evan!”

  “I didn’t want you to see me like that. I know. I’m a dumbass sometimes. And you know that, too. I was one for ten years, don’tforget.”

  “Oh, I haven’t,” she said, grinning.

  “When you said the words, ‘I’m pregnant,’ I knew I wanted to be a father,” I said. “I wanted to be in your life and in our baby’s life.”

  “Is that so?”

  “Piper Hogan, you have been the only girl I have ever loved, my dream girl,” I said, smiling.

  “After ten years, you finally get around to saying it?” She rolled her eyes, teasing me. “And you’ve kept that to yourself all this time? You really are a dumbass.”

  I nodded and laughed. “I can’t argue with that. But you have to admit, once I get going, there’s no stoppi
ng me.”

  Piper sat up and pulled me closer to her. I looked deep into her eyes and brushed the hair from her shoulders. I thought I’d explained things the right way for once. I hadn’t lost my temper or gotten things wrong. Now was the time for me to show my devotion to her. To the woman I’ve always loved.

  I placed my hand on her cheek and locked my lips onto hers. Piper threw her arms around me and locked me in a full embrace. I could tell she was after more than just a kiss. I wondered if having sex with her could cause any harm. Now with the babies growing inside her.

  I was aroused, and I could see Piper wanted more. Was it safe? I didn’t want to hurt her.

  “Evan, make love to me,” she cooed.

  “You should be careful, you know, in your condition.”

  “You’re safe,” she said. “I’m not breakable, you know?”

  Piper slowly opened the buttons on her pajama top. “I’m part of a strong trio,” she said, with a seductive smile.

  The buttons popped open, and she slipped it from her body. Her breasts bared before me.I licked my lips and caressed her soft skin.She laid back on the bed, and I flicked my tongue over her nipples, one by one. She sighed as if it was the first time we made love.

  I pulled back the bedsheet. Piper laid there in just her pink panties.

  “You will have to slip them off,” she said. “My wrist hurts.”

  “With pleasure,” I said.

  I took hold of the elastic and tugged at them. Piper lifted her ass, and I slipped them down over her slender legs. I looked at her body and the life that was now growing inside her. The life I had helped to create.

  My hands ran over her body. My tongue licked every crevice of hers. Around her breasts and over her belly. I kissed her softly and moved my mouth lower. I ran my hand up her legs and caressed her inner thigh. I kissed her soft skin, and the muskiness of her pussy drew me ever closer.

  I kissed her thigh and moved my mouth to her sex, the warmth of it on my face. I spread her moist lips and revealed her budding clitoris. My tongue darted over her, and she squirmed and writhed under the touch of my tongue. I moved my tongue deep inside Piper’s wet pussy. She placed her hand on my head and pushed me into the perfection of her womanly body. It was heaven.

  “Evan, make love to me, baby,” she said.

  Chapter 38


  Evan sat up, and I pulled at his shirt. I opened the buttons and lifted it from his body. My wrist was sore, but I wanted him so badly the pain was a dull ache in the back of my mind. Evan must be hurting, too. Dark bruises stained his ribs and arms like storm clouds where the crazy woman managed to hit him.

  He stood from the bed and unbuckled his belt. He smiled at me, pulled down the zipper, and tugged at his pants, letting them drop to the floor. I stared at his bulge when he slipped free from the confines of his shorts. His overly large penis was upright and erect.

  He crawled onto the bed and laid on his back. I inched my way closer to his side and placed my hand on his cock. I started to caress his manhood. The warmth within him began to rise. I ran my fingers gently around his huge cock, and it grew under my tender touch.

  Next, my beautiful Evan ran his hand over my soft belly and rubbed his fingers over the velvety skin of my vagina. We caressed each other. The sensations within my body started to rise. The soft touch of my fingers increased the hardness of his manhood. His cock was warm and twitched with every touch of my fingers. My hand slipped and cupped his sack; his balls swirled inside my hand. Evan rubbed his hand back and forth on my pussy, teasing my throbbing lips.

  I breathed heavily as his finger slid between my lips. The moistness spread, and my pussy was soaked. My clit throbbed. Evan placed his finger over it and rubbed. I moaned into his ear, and he rubbed my clit harder. My body wanted everything he had to give.

  Evan slid his finger past my lips and pushed it into the depths of my arousal. My muscles gripped his finger. I bit my lip in pleasure, and his finger slid deeper within me. I wrapped my fingers around his cock and drew down. The slit in the head of his cock dampened under my sensual touch. My finger teased. Evan whimpered.

  I continued and circled my finger around his slit. He moaned and groaned as his arousal twitched to become fully erect. I gripped under the head and slowly drew my hand down his massive shaft. The skin tightened and his pulse throbbed. I drew my hand back on his shaft, the head desperately ready for the touch of my tongue.

  I lowered my head and swirled my tongue around the slit. Evan’s body shuddered. I slid the head inside my wet mouth. It bobbed, my lips tight under the rim of his glans. I sucked hard and bobbed my head rapidly. I used incremental strokes and slowly slid my head further around his shaft.

  Evan ran his fingers through my long hair, and I lowered my hot mouth down to the base of his shaft. I held his huge cock in my mouth, the head finding the back of my throat. I was wetter and vibrations flooded through my throat as I took it all in. I gripped tighter with my lips and sucked. Evan’s hand moved with the rhythm of my head, the slight pressure forcing me further onto his huge cock. I caressed his balls and I increased the speed at which I stroked his massive erection. His pulse throbbed. His wet cock glistening from the saliva that coated the length of his shaft.

  “I want to make love to you,” Evan whispered. He placed my hair behind my ear.

  I could feel the emotional attraction between us. Our lovemaking was soft and gentle. Evan laid on his back; his dick stood proud. I straddled over him and sat on his thighs. I wrapped my hand around his shaft and quickly stroked his cock. My body inched forward. I raised my hips and rubbed the head of his cock against my swollen clit. Like heaven, it touched me.

  My back arched, and I caressed my breasts. My budded nipples hardened under my touch.

  I lowered myself. The head of his cock began to fill the depths of my eager pussy. My hands rested on Evan’s chest, supporting my weight. My head bowed, and my hair fell over my head.

  I moaned. “Oh, god, Evan.”

  I began to rock my hips. My pussy stretched from Evan’s erection inside me. I clenched my fists. My fingers dug into Evan’s chest. Evan moaned. I moved on him, slowly at first.

  But I couldn’t keep things slow for long. I couldn’t help it. I rocked hard on his huge shaft. The width of his arousal rubbed my clit. I moaned out in pleasure. My body writhed on his. I looked at Evan through strands of my long hair.

  His gaze fixed on mine. He raised his hands and caressed my breasts. I thrust them toward him. He raised his head and took my hard nipple into his warm mouth. His tongue flicked and darted across the tip, heightening the sensations throbbing through me. He wanted me and he sucked hard, drawing my nipple tightly into his hot mouth.

  I thrust my hips back and forth. His cock filled me well. I got off on his hardness, and I could feel my juices as they flowed, his shaft wet from them.

  Evan brushed the hair from my face. He caressed my shoulders and ran his strong fingers down my arms. We both moaned, enjoying our lovemaking together. He gripped my hips and raised my body. He thrust his hips up and pushed his cock deep inside my sex.

  “I want to fuck you doggy,” Evan whispered.


  “We have to be careful with the kids,” he said, smiling.

  “I’m not fragile,” I replied, smiling right back.

  “I know, but it will put my mind at ease,” he said.

  He loves doggy and so do I.

  I crawled from Evan’s ripped body and rested myself on my forearms. I spread my legs, and Evan knelt behind me. He ran his fingers over my ass and caressed the softness of my cheeks. His body moved closer to mine. I reached and grabbed hold of his warm, thick cock. I held it against my pussy, and Evan pushed his hips forward. He slid into me and sent shudders flooding up my spine. He pushed with desire, pleasing me.

  He started to thrust faster. My pussy felt liberated by his warmth. The width of his cock spread the sensation so it flowed into my whole body. I
widened my legs and lowered my hips. Evan pushed faster into me, and I buried my face into the soft pillow. Each time he hit my sweet spot, I moaned out for him.

  Evan gripped my hips, his fingers digging deep. He thrust harder and harder. He pulled my hips back to him. His cock needed my pussy. We both groaned at the pleasure we felt.

  I could feel the swirling sensations pooling up inside my body. My body felt warm, and my breathing deepened. The hot air of my breath flooded over my face. The pillow dampened as I bit into it, hard. My eyes closed, and I gripped and twisted the bedsheets. He was filling my depths and raising my levels of pleasure with every thrust.

  No other person has made me feel this way. There was something special about Evan.

  My pussy ached and throbbed from the huge size of Evan’s manhood. His strong fingers gripped my hips tightly. Our bodies clashed in the height of our passion, and perspiration flowed from our pores. I tilted my head and saw Evan, his body tensed as he enjoyed me. The light fell perfectly over his body. He looked like a god, the muscles in his stomach hard and chiseled into his physique.

  I pushed my hands into the bed and thrust my ass back to him. Evan was lost in the moment. My body readied itself for my final moment. He was trying to let me come first. I gripped tightly onto the bedsheets. My ass pushed back to Evan, and he drilled inside my pussy. I loved it hard and fast.

  “Evan, I’m close.”

  “Same here, baby. Come for me.”

  Evan kept his rhythm, and his breath deepened. The grip on my hips tightened.

  “I’m gonna come,” I squealed.

  “Not yet, fight it,” Evan moaned.

  I blanked my mind. Sensations filled my body. I tried to fight the feeling. His cock drilled deeper inside me. I was close, so desperately close.

  “Evan, I can’t hold it,” I screamed.

  “Come for me Piper, come now, baby girl.”

  His thrusts increased, and his grip tightened. He screamed through his gritted teeth. I could feel his body tense, and his warm come started to flow. My body reached a fever pitch. I couldn’t hold it within me. I let go, and all of the sensations flooded from my wet pussy through my horny body. The pit of my stomach felt like hordes of butterflies had been let free. Waves of pure ecstasy flooded through every fiber of my being. My body had finally released, and I finally slumped with satisfaction.


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