The Baby Maker

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The Baby Maker Page 38

by Tia Siren

  She stood facing me with a big sponge in her hand. “Katie. Everyone calls me Katie,” she replied, stepping closer.

  “You look different; I haven’t seen you since you went away to college. You look grown up now.” Fuck, her eyes looked electric blue and were as wild as the Atlantic ocean.

  Katie looked at me with her bright blue, stunning eyes. “Yep, I’m twenty now, and back home for the summer.”

  I had heard stories about Katie Elizabeth Cornell and how she had made the Admiral’s life a living hell. She was the epitome of being a wild child and, whatever he had done to try to calm her down, backfired on him.

  The Admiral controls forty ships, but he can’t manage one young girl.

  I couldn’t help myself. I looked at her slender body. She looked younger than twenty, by at least a couple of years, maybe more. I couldn’t take my eyes off her, but the stories were just too many and I had put my wild days behind. This was the type of girl that would land me in trouble.

  “So, what are you doing back on base?” I asked as I watched bubbles slowly slide off her amazingly tanned body.

  “I have been grounded; confined to the base for the summer. I upset Daddy a while ago and this is my punishment,” she replied as she threw her sponge at her car in a pissed tone.

  “Well, I need to head off and get this little one fed and changed,” I said as I gestured to Emmy who was pulling up shreds of grass on the lawn.

  “Cute kid. You are?” she asked, ogling Emmy and then me.

  Damn, she’s sexy, but what a troublemaker. Fuck!

  “Just call me Cam. That is my daughter, Emmy. It was nice meeting you again,” I said as I started to walk slowly to the end of the street.

  “See ya, Cam,” Katie said, dunking her hand in her bucket and soaked her body as much as her car.


  As I strolled, I thought about Katie washing her car; she looked so gorgeous. Her body was slim and slender, and her breasts were nice and pert. It had been a long time since I had looked at a woman and thought she looked beautiful. I had always blocked this thought and thought of Emmy and her mother, Stacey. But Katie was model material.

  We arrived, the small place we called home. It was a Mexican style, one-floor two-bedroomed villa, or that was how they had described it in the brochure when we moved in. It was small, and I was sure the Mexican style just meant the tops of the windows were curved rather than straight. It was small, but not overly cramped, and had everything we needed. And the main thing was, it was clean and safe for Emmy.

  I put Emmy in her high chair while I prepared her food. “You hungry Emmy?” I asked as I walked around in the kitchen.

  “Daddy!” she replied from her limited vocabulary.

  I sat at the table and fed Emmy who lapped up her stewed, apple pudding. I had eaten a few weird things while on tour, but every time I faced baby food, I just had to turn my face up in disgust.

  I quickly changed from my uniform and did a few exercises. I found out that I needed to keep in shape at home. Now that I had been chosen for the cadet instruction position, my physical training for duty had somewhat reduced.

  I completed my usual routine of fifty pull-ups, fifty pushups, fifty squats, and headed for the shower. I turned on the shower and stood to look at my physique in the mirror. I’d placed Emmy in the ‘safe area’ in the living room. I felt lucky that I had managed to retain my athletic and muscular build even though my training had reduced. A lot could be said for healthy eating and regular exercising.

  Even though I considered myself to be “off the market,” mainly for Emmy's sake, I still had my “rockin’ build” and my “piercing green eyes,” according to women who had told me so. Apparently, these key factors still left me looking highly attractive and sexy, according to Tina, Danielle, Maria and my cousin back East.

  You're off the market, but you still have it.

  “Emmy, you ready for an afternoon nap? Daddy is ready for one,” I said, removing Emmy from her high chair and placed her on the couch.

  She smiled at me like I was chocolate.

  I laid down beside her and watched her as she closed her eyes and drifted off to that place where all toddlers go. I closed my eyes and thought about the journey that was set out in front of me; I had become a single dad, got based at the Thirty-Second Street Naval Base and had the arduous task of raising a daughter all by myself.

  It wouldn’t be easy, and I’d known, since Stacey had passed away, it would be difficult. But, I was prepared for the struggle and would make sure no harm would ever come to Emmy. It was not the life I had envisioned for myself, for sure, but I had Emmy and the honor of protecting American citizens. I would turn out right somehow… I just knew it.

  One thing that worried me and crossed my mind was that I would see her in the company of a girl like Katie, who had come to be known as a troublemaker. I would hope there would never be a day when I would see Emmy walking around in a skimpy bikini like the one that Katie had worn.

  “Emmy, promise me one thing, be a good girl when you get older. I’m not sure Daddy could take it if he had to discipline you,” I said as I drifted off into a light sleep.

  My mind drifted back to Katie and how she looked as she rubbed her car with her sponge, her breasts pushed against the wet glass, and her ass stuck out as she stood on her tip-toes to reach across the roof. I tried not to think of her, but I found my mind going back to the scene again and again.

  Stacey, I’m so sorry. Please forgive me. I stirred from my nap as I heard the phone ring.

  “Hello,” I said, rubbing my eyes.

  I could hear Owen from the other end of the line. “Well, you coming tonight or what?”

  “Damn, Owen! You’re relentless. No wonder you're getting divorced. Even I would divorce you!” I laughed.

  “Is Emmy asleep? I hope so. Fuck you Cam, and the horse you rode in on,” he replied, chuckling to himself.

  “If I go, it will only be a couple of hours yeah?” I looked at Emmy as she slept like a princess.

  “Sure, just a couple of beers with your old buddies, what can be better?” Owen replied.

  “I have to find a sitter for the evening first before confirming. So, either way, if I get one, you’ll be the first to know,” I replied as I thought of who to ask.

  “Roger. Over and out big guy. I’ll wait for your call, and if I don’t answer, mum’s the word about the party, okay?” Owen asked.

  “Sure, I got your six, you know that without asking,” I replied with a grin as I hung up the phone.

  I had a couple of options on who I could ask. Mrs. Hyndley was the best bet as she had sat Emmy for other couples on a few occasions, and she only lived a few doors away which would make it more convenient.

  I placed Emmy in her cot and turned on her mobile, the jingle of “Old Mcdonald had a farm,” filled the bedroom. Quickly, I headed across the road to ask Mrs. Hyndley for her assistance. She agreed, and I told her to be at my house by seven. Owen had told me the party would start at eight and I should, with a little luck, find myself back home at eleven.

  I picked up the phone and called Owen.

  “Yo, Cam, what's the news?” he asked, sounding excited.

  “I will come for a few hours. I managed to get a sitter,” I replied, trying to think of what to wear.

  “Hooyah! Cam Cross is back on the horse; welcome back buddy,” Owen squealed with delight.

  It had been a long time since I had been out to a party with any of the people from the base. I knew they would be wild and beer would be flowing like rivers, but I had changed. Emmy had made me calm, and I was nervous about how to react or how I would fit in.

  I hope I can do this…

  Chapter 2


  Dad lived in one of the biggest houses on the street, but it was too big just for him. He just couldn’t let go once Mom had left, because he had too many memories associated with the place. The house, like many others, was Mexican-styled and off-w
hite, with real terracotta slates on the roof. Although he had grounded me for the summer and brought me home from college, I’m sure he would be happy with my company for a couple of months.

  I’d just finished washing my car and entered the house, now soaking wet and glad that I had only worn my bikini… it could have given some of the guys from the base a bit of a thrill in the process. I liked when they looked at me.

  I noticed the way Cam was looking at me, and I was certain he would have chatted more if he didn’t have his kid along with him. A real cutie. He still looked as rugged as the last time I had seen him, before I left for college.

  I entered the kitchen from the garage and my dad walked from the other direction. My father, ‘The Admiral Joseph Cornell’, had been in charge of the base for fifteen years and had grown into one of the main training and operations bases in the country. I loved my dad, but being an Admiral, he was a stickler for rules and regulations.

  I wiped my feet and walked into the kitchen. “Hi Dad, how are you doing?”

  “Another busy day as always, but I’m good,” he replied. He looked at me and shook his head.

  Here we go. Another lecture on the dos and the don’ts.

  “Katie, can you please put on some damn clothes. You should not be walking around half naked, especially outside,” he said in a rough voice. “Families live here, and they can easily get upset.”

  “Come on Dad, everyone dresses like this, especially in this kind of weather,” I replied. I went to the refrigerator and grabbed a bottle of juice.

  “One day you will understand; I have a reputation to uphold, and all it takes is for you to bring it crashing down around me.”

  I looked in his direction and I sipped on my juice. “Just chill Dad, I’m fine!”

  “From history and your actions, you’re very far from fine,” he replied.

  I seated myself at the kitchen table. “I will change, just you watch. I’m growing up now.”

  I will just tell him what he wants to hear. Hopefully, he will relax a little.

  He shook his head in disgust. “We shall see, we shall see, Kathryn,” he replied as he walked up the stairs.

  I did not want to upset him because I wanted to go out of the base, and he had grounded me. I had to placate him and make him feel at ease, just so I could get what I wanted. I headed to my room, showered and put on some casual clothes that covered my beautiful little body that I just loved to show off. A girl’s prerogative, to wear whatever she likes.

  I headed back downstairs, went into the living room and sat on the couch. Dad watched the news, and I started to chat with him about nothing in particular.

  Without even looking in my direction, he asked, “So, what do you have planned for this evening?”

  “Dad, I want to go off base and catch up with Kelly. You remember Kelly, right? My old-school friend before I left for college?” I asked in a very quaint, little schoolgirl voice.

  “Ah, yes, she was a sweet girl, she could teach you some manners. You should spend more time with her,” he replied as he glanced in my direction with a look of ridiculous despair.

  I bounced on the couch. “Geez, thanks, Dad,” I replied. “I will let her know.”

  He looked in my direction with a stern look. “Where are you going anyway?”

  “We are going shopping, and then out for dinner. It has been a long time since I have seen her,” I replied half-lying through my teeth to make him happy.

  I hope there are some guys involved somewhere.

  “Ok, it sounds like you have a decent night planned for once. Just be home at a decent time and make sure you stay out of trouble,” he replied with a look of defeat on his face.

  I love you dad, but I can twist you around my little finger!

  “It is just a quiet night between friends,” I replied, smiling at him.

  He looked at me and silenced the TV. “Katie, you do need to grow up. Once fall comes, you’re back in college. I didn’t shell out a small fortune just for you to drop out and bum around, you know.”

  “I know that, but just remember, it was you who dragged me back here for the summer,” I replied, trying to defend myself.

  He scoffed at my answer. “And if I hadn’t, you could have made another stupid mistake with that ass of a boyfriend you had. He got thrown in the slammer. God, and if I had not received a call, you would have been right alongside him.”

  I lied through my teeth. “That was not my fault. I was just caught up in something he was involved in.”

  It’s a good thing you never found the real reason I was in trouble.

  “Well, either way, it’s good I bailed you out of that mess, and don’t forget I had to bring you back here so you could complete the remainder of the semester online, that’s how bad it was,’ he snarled lightly.

  “Relax Dad, I know what is going on. You brought me home for the summer, and I understand it is time to behave myself. Christ, you will see if I get into any trouble,” I replied in anger. I stood up from the couch and headed toward the stairs.

  “Just mark my words, Katie, I can’t take much more. You’re becoming too wild for your own good.” He turned the screen back on so the sound of the TV blared.

  “I’m off to my room to call Kelly!” I said, lying through my teeth, again.

  Dad hadn’t even realized I had lied to him about meeting Kelly. I had no such intention of just going shopping and having dinner. I had someone else to meet who was so much more fun than my old-school friends.

  I lay on my bed, picked up my cell phone and scrolled through the contacts. I stopped at Peter’s number and hit the dial button.

  I had bumped into Peter by accident just outside of the security gate. He was a junior ranking officer in a SEAL platoon and was on stand down after just returning home from a tour. He had around a month of semi-free time, so he could be some fun for the summer while I was away from college. He stood five fine and had short, blonde hair, grey eyes and a body to die for from the way his uniform looked on him.

  “Hello Peter, Katie here,” I said into the phone.

  “Hi Katie, how are you?” he asked.

  “I’m in tip-top form and ready for the weekend, whatever that may bring,” I said, giggling to myself.

  “Speaking of that, have you managed to get your Dad's approval to come out tonight?” he asked.

  “Of course, what do you take me for, I can lie and twist him round my little finger. I said I was out with Kelly for dinner!” I laughed into the phone.

  I could hear the excitement in his voice. “Good girl, I knew you could do it.”

  “So where do you plan on taking me?” I asked as I rolled over the bed.

  “There is a party off-base; some guy called Mikey, from one of the other platoons, is holding a party before he ties the knot, that is if you’re interested in going?” Peter asked in his sexy tone.

  “Well, hell yeah, I love a good party,” I said as I imagined all the other hot hunks that would be there. Peter was not ‘Mr. Right’, he was just ‘Mr. Right for the summer’.

  “I’m glad you like to party, I wouldn’t want you to be standing there all quiet and timid,” he laughed.

  “I bet I could show you a thing or two. It is not only you SEALs who know how to have fun you know,” I replied with a cheeky smirk on my face.

  “Is that so, what makes you think you can handle me then?” Peter asked in a flirty tone.

  I’m going to make him real crazy for me.

  “I could eat guys like you for breakfast, and then some. Us college girls can be real wild,” I replied, raising my legs in the air.

  I quickly took off my shirt and took a selfie of me in my lacy black bra.

  I know this will get him hot under the collar.

  “Bah, you’re probably all talk, I bet you’re a Miss Goody Two-Shoes trying to act wild, being the Admirals daughter and all that,” Peter said in a breathy tone.

  “I have just sent you a picture, Hooyah,” I replied,
grinning to myself.

  Peter coughed and spluttered on the line as he opened up the picture. He wouldn’t have expected that so soon, but no point beating around the bush, I reckon.

  “Geez, you look hot. I take it all back,” he replied.

  “You should see what else I’m wearing,” I said.

  Tempting them is so easy.

  Peter stalled for a moment and then spoke. “Tell me then, what else are you wearing? Um, or should I ask what you’re not wearing?”

  I lay on the bed and looked at my jogging pants and the t-shirt I was wearing, now on the dresser.

  “I’m on the bed in my bra as you saw, and small, black, lacy panties.”

  “Damn, I bet you look sexy just lying around there like that. I wish I was with you,” Peter said.

  “Oh, Peter, it is a shame you’re not here. I have a warm feeling in my stomach. If you could just, oh… you know,” I said seductively.

  “Shit Katie. You’re making me horny as hell right now,” he replied.

  Why do men fall for this so easily?

  I checked the condition of my fingernails. “Peter, oh Peter, I want you so bad.”

  Peter sighed on the line. “Damn, you will have my balls aching with any more talk like that!”

  Geez, this is too easy; he will probably masturbate himself stupid after the call.

  “Am I getting you hard Peter?” I asked in a husky voice.

  “Hell yeah, I can just imagine you getting me hard when I’m with you,” he replied.

  “Peter,” I whispered.

  “Yeah, what?” he replied.

  “You should have seen me washing my car, in a teeny, tiny bikini. I was all wet. My body was pushed against the windows when I rubbed and foamed the car,” I said in a sexy tone.

  “Dear God, I wished I lived up your street!” he replied.

  “Oh, yeah, well the cold water ran down my body and sent tingles down my spine, oh my nipples felt hard as they rubbed against the windows, oh, Peter I was hot and wet,” I went on.

  “Katie, stop it. You’re driving me crazy, just save some for later,” he said with a little bit of panic in his voice.


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