The Baby Maker

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The Baby Maker Page 40

by Tia Siren

  Shake your thang, shake your thang, do it to me like a wild thing, came from the speakers. I sang along quietly, raising my arms and wriggling my hips.

  I sat there and thought of Cam and his situation. He had lived at the top of our street for a few years and had a beautiful wife up until a couple of years ago. I had heard she died during childbirth, and the kid he had on his shoulders must have been his daughter.

  I watched as Cam went to change gears, and I leaned forward to turn the radio station. Then, my hand brushed over him as he rested on the shift stick. I pretended I had not noticed and Cam made no attempt to move his hand from below mine. I could feel his immense power, just from this quick touch. From years of arduous training, he had honed a body into what many would call, a killing machine.

  Damn, he's just so handsome. His green eyes just pierced my gaze, and he has got me going, and I’m turned on; and his body, phew, he must do some serious working out to stay in shape.

  I sat in silence and couldn’t take my mind off how he had stepped up to the plate and protected me, without me even asking. I was not sure if it was because he knew me or if he was just attracted to me.

  Was this his paternal instinct taking over. Or maybe… no, it couldn’t be.

  “We should be home in around thirty minutes,” he said, glancing in my direction.

  “I can’t go straight home,” I said, “I was supposed to be out with a girlfriend.”

  “So, what are you trying to say?” Cam asked.

  “I told my dad, the Admiral, that I would be home later, and besides, I have been drinking, and he will know,” I said, smiling and blowing my breath at him cheekily.

  “Katie, stop! Oh, dear God.”

  “That’s not very romantic now, is it? You knock a guy out to save me, and then you tell me my breath stinks,” I replied with a grin.

  “Ah, so you lied to the Admiral huh. And where did you say you were going?” he asked, looking hot as hell and smelling even better.

  “I said I was going shopping and then out to dinner,” I added.

  “You have made it very awkward with yourself this evening,” he replied with a slight smile.

  “It needs to be at least another couple of hours before I can go home, or the alarm bells will ring with Dad,” I explained.

  “We have all been in that situation, so I know what you mean. I have a good idea what your breath smells like without you even letting me know,” he replied with a smile. The streetlights cast shadows over his face as we passed underneath them. He looked at me and my heart skipped. God, he was hot.

  “I’ve got this under control.” I squared my shoulders.

  He laughed as he looked at me, my slender legs bare. I had only worn minuscule shorts and a tiny bikini-like top with a cute, velvet jacket.

  “Do you go shopping like that very often?” he asked.

  Shit, I have forgotten my bag in Peter’s car.

  I explained to Cam I had left my bag in the jerk's car, and that was a secondary reason not to go directly home. Dad would still be up, and there is no way I could enter the house dressed the way I was and hope to sneak past him.

  I found myself changing the subject slightly and talking more about Cam, rather than the knock on effect of me going home while stinking like a brewery.

  “So, what is your kid's name, if you don’t mind me asking?” I tried to make polite conversation.

  “Emmy, her name is Emmy and she's the best thing that ever happened to me,” he said.

  “Why is that then?” I asked, quizzing him.

  “A long story, but let's just say, a few years ago, that guy Peter could have so easily been me,” he explained.

  “Well, I don’t know any fucker who could put you on your ass in the same fashion?” I replied with a laugh.

  “From the base… and not wanting to sound big-headed, no one could. But Emmy can; she just knocks me out every time I hold her,” he added, and I could see the compassion in his expression and his smile as he thought about her.

  “She's a cute kid, and seems oblivious to the situation around her,” I replied, trying to make him feel cool about the whole single dad thing.

  Since Cam had put Peter on his ass, I had become undeniably turned on. And when I was over his shoulder, I was surprised he couldn’t tell that I wanted him then.

  “So, you have a sitter at home with Emmy?” I asked, trying to act cool. The chemistry was really something.

  “Yeah, Mrs. Hyndley from down the street,” he replied. I could sense him warming up to me.

  He’s not like the others.

  “Damn, she used to sit me when I was younger,” I said as I wondered if he was in a rush to get home.

  “She's helpful, and I was lucky to get her this evening, or I wouldn’t have been able to go to the party,” he replied, pausing at the stoplight.

  “It's only a suggestion, but if you have a sitter, do you want to go somewhere else for a while?” I asked as I turned to him and melted from looking at the stubble on his face.

  Cam glanced in my direction and I could see he checked me out before he spoke.

  Keep looking buddy, look all you want…God, yes.

  “Not tonight. You’re going home,” he said as he fixed his gaze back on the road.

  “That’s not right. You saved me from the jerk, so I’m yours now. You do know that, right?” I asked in a flirty tone.

  “Life is not a fairytale, unfortunately. I have no white horse. Just this jeep,” he said with a grin on his face.

  I unfastened my seatbelt and opened my jacket. My nipples were already hard. I opened my legs as I turned to Cam and leaned in closer.

  “It could be fun to do something different. Let's go somewhere we have never been before,” I said as I ran my hand over my shorts and bit my lip.

  Again, he glanced in my direction. I could see him re-position himself in his seat. His eyes lingered for a moment longer than normal. As I tried to flaunt my body, without being too obvious, I wondered if he was aroused. It would be a great feeling if I had this effect on him.

  He was silent and so sexy.

  “Boring, I thought you were out for some fun for once. What was the use of the party then?” I quizzed him.

  “I was, in a way, forced to go. I had enjoyed myself, and it has been a long time since I ventured out like that,” he said, glancing down the length of my body.

  I noticed he had some DVDs in his center console. I had a small opportunity to get closer to him. I waited until the car was going to go around a corner, and reached for the DVDs. It was as he turned to the left, that I let my hand slide over his leg as if by accident. My fingers brushed his pants and I pretended to fall toward his lap. I caressed his thigh as I pushed myself upright.

  “Oops sorry. I didn’t realize you were going to turn,” I said, blushing slightly.

  “If the disks had not been there, I would have thought you were trying to feel me up,” he said with a grin.

  “What do you take me for. That would be a bit damn obvious, don’t you think?”

  It had worked just as I had planned. And even if he did nothing to act upon it, at least he would know how tender my touch could be on his bare skin.

  “Well, accident or no accident, nothing is gonna happen. I can tell you that now,” he said, raising his eyebrows.

  I was pissed he wouldn’t take advantage of the situation. I had offered myself on a plate, and it was not enough that he had stood his ground and wouldn’t budge. I felt slightly dejected. I never had a man turn me down before. I had always been able to twist them around my little finger and get them to do as I pleased.

  I had always controlled the show, yet Cam was in total control of himself. So it looked like I was out of luck tonight.

  “You still can’t take me home anyway. I have to sober up a little and get rid of this beer breath I have,” I said as I sat back in my seat.

  I felt like a kid who had their toys taken away from them for being naughty. I sat th
ere and listened to the radio.

  “Well, if you need a good burger, there is nothing around here. They are all closed at this time, being so close to the base. We have to travel a while,” Cam said as he looked at me.

  I stared back at him with a mock stern expression. “Okay, but you have to pay. There is no way I could get money in these shorts,” I said as I ran my hands across my shorts.

  Cam looked at me as I stroked my shorts; he could see there was no way I could get money into them as they were just too tight and too small, and they rubbed my pussy as I slid my hips forward to show him just how small they were.

  I leaned back into the seat and rubbed my hands over the tiny pockets of my shorts and down to my thighs. “So as you can see, I have nowhere to put anything.”

  I noticed him look at my shorts and I was sure I saw him lick his lips. Maybe I had turned him on, but he wouldn’t show it. I had nearly admitted defeat, but I had got him to take me for a burger, and that was a good start.

  “Okay, you have proved your point, You’re wearing shorts that are too small to fit anything in. I’m not sure how you managed to get into them,” he replied with a cheesy grin.

  “Ha! Getting in them is easy, it is getting out of them that’s difficult. I have to slip my thumbs in and wriggle everything to slide them down,” I replied with a sexy grin.

  I, now, got my second wind in flirting, and I had nothing to lose really, apart from maybe walking home if he kicked me out of the car.

  “So, what burger place are we going to then?” I asked, just changing the subject altogether.

  “Well, it’s the best twenty-four-hour burger joint anywhere, Dicky Mee’s. If their burger doesn’t sober you up, nothing will,” he said as he headed toward the joint.

  “Damn, how far is it?” I asked. A breeze rushed into the window.

  “Not too far, just outside city limits. They cater for truckers and all that, so it can get very busy. But tonight it’s Friday, and all the truck drivers want to get home for the weekend,” he explained.

  “It is a good job I’m starving, I could eat a horse,” I said, patting my bare stomach.

  “I’m sure they do a burger which is bigger than you,” he replied with a laugh.

  “Very amusing; you know I’m more than a mouthful,” I said as I smiled at him.

  I could see in the distance. A large light blazed into the night sky; Dicky Mee’s. We had nearly arrived and I was starving.

  “I’m gonna have the works; one mother of a burger and extras on the side,” I said. I sat up in the seat. “What takes your fancy, Cam?”

  Cam slowed the car and turned into the truck-filled parking lot. “I might have the same, but nothing extra for me, not tonight.”

  Chapter 5


  I pulled into the parking lot and drove slowly toward the entrance. Dicky Mee’s burgers were well known as being some of the best around San Diego, but for most people, it was slightly out of the way. It was the truck drivers who benefitted most as it was on the direct approach in and out of the docks from the Naval base.

  I opened the car door and Katie stood out in the night air. Her legs wobbled slightly and I wrapped my arm around her.

  She looked up at my face. “That’s twice you have saved me tonight.”

  “Don’t complain, or next time I will just let you drop to the floor!” I said with a sly grin.

  We walked toward the entrance and entered into Dicky’s; the smell of grilled burgers instantly hit us. I could see the kitchen flames pour out from the flame grill when the chef tossed and flipped his burgers like an artist.

  Katie made her way to a table toward the back of the restaurant. I grabbed the attention of a waitress and followed her into the alcove. I had not brought Katie here because the burgers were good; it was so no one could possibly know me from the base. It would be bad enough for anyone to think Katie was dressed in that way, and she looked younger than she was.

  The waitress came and took our orders. Katie ordered a triple stack with cajun curly fries and salad with an extra-large chocolate milkshake. I ordered a quarter pounder special and a light beer.

  The waitress arrived with a large tray; it was full of Katie’s food. I wasn’t sure how she would manage to eat all of it, being such a dainty girl. My tray was a more sedate offering and fitted onto one plate and a small side dish of fries.

  “Come on then, tuck in,” I said, pickeding up my burger.

  “Right there with you,” Katie mumbled as she plowed her teeth into a burger that was nearly as tall as my beer bottle.

  I sat and looked at her and thought of the drive to here. I had sensed she had been flirting with me in the car, and I could have quite easily stopped somewhere and thrown her onto the back seat and ravaged her there and then.

  Katie was one of the hottest women I had seen, and she oozed sex appeal. It was amazing how her pale blonde hair and her amazing bright, blue eyes overwhelmed me. She was the epitome of summer fun and surf, and she made me wish I had stayed at home rather than gone to the party. I sensed trouble was looming somewhere along the line but this was one thing I couldn’t resist. I felt like a train on a track that had no way of being diverted away from the inevitable.

  “Come on then Cam, tell me about your past. How did you get to where you are now?” Katie asked as she munched on a mouthful of Cajun curly fries.

  “It is a longish story,” I replied as I sipped my beer and admired her.

  “We have time. I have to sober up, don’t forget,” she smiled.

  “Firstly, I joined the Marines straight from school and was a complete natural. I aced all the physical tests and soon got promoted. From there, I did one tour as a sniper and came back decorated after my first stint,” I explained.

  “A real tough guy then?” she asked as another handful of fries went into her mouth.

  “When I was back, and on stand down, I met Stacey. She just blew my mind. We had been together for nearly two years and I served another tour. But this time, I went as a SEAL instead of a regular Marine,” I said.

  “Ha, so you moved up the ranks again,” Katie asked, slurping on her milkshake.

  “I did; I had been placed in charge of a SEAL platoon,” I said as I paused to remember.

  “What is it?” Katie asked.

  “I was just thinking back to that time we had major conflict and were pinned down by some guerillas and two of the platoon were in front and stuck behind a rock. A mortar hit close to them and, well, they were in no shape to walk,” I explained as tears welled up in my eyes.

  “It's ok. You don’t have to tell me,” she said, putting her hand on mine.

  “No, it’s okay. Anyway, there was no way I was going to leave them lying there, waiting to die. Owen opened fire and covered me as I ran to them. Oscar had lost part of his leg, and Tommy had a shrapnel lodged in his throat and was slowly bleeding out,” I explained. “Well, there was no way I could carry them as they were… I had to improvise and sort their wounds before I could move them. I put a tourniquet on Oscar’s leg and somehow amidst the mortars that had now found their range. I managed to remove the shrapnel from Tommy and stop the bleeding.”

  Katie slowly rubbed my hand as I explained more. Fuck she’s hot.

  “It was do or die, and I couldn’t take one and go back a second time. I signaled to Owen to let loose with everything he could throw at the guerilla's position. On the count of three, he stood and let loose, all that he had, one machine gun against three mortar teams. I threw Oscar over my shoulder, grabbed Tommy's radio pack and dragged them couple of hundred yards to safety,” I said.

  “Wow, no wonder they talk about you the way they do,” Katie said in amazement.

  “What was I expected to do? I couldn’t just leave them to die. No fucking way!”

  “So, what happened next?” Katie asked as she leaned forward, interested.

  I explained more about how Owen and I received medals for our efforts, and that, at the time, I
also saved Owen’s life. He got shot as he covered me, and I had to return back to him after I had carried Tommy and Oscar to safety.

  “Your heroics just go on and on. Is there no end?” Katie asked again. She moved around the table and sat next to me like a long-lost best friend.

  “Stacey, she was above all medals and was my life. We got married and she became pregnant,” I said, my voice losing steam, “I was on duty at the base when I received the call from the hospital. There had been complications, and Stacey was in serious trouble. By the time I reached the hospital, she was gone.” My throat felt like it was about to close. “I was lucky Emmy survived. I then put in for the cadet training so I could look after her, and that’s my whole story.”

  “Wow,” said Katie. She placed her hand on my thigh.

  I looked at Katie and thought of how long it had been since I’d had sex. It was before Emmy was born. And when I looked at her, I had similar feelings, like I had when I met Stacey for the first time. But the Admiral’s daughter? Come on.

  “I think you’d better sit back on your side of the table, Katie,” I said.

  “If you say so. But you know you don’t really want me to,” she grinned as she slipped back to her side of the table.

  “So, what’s your story then?” I asked Katie.

  “For a start, I’ve never killed anyone or saved someone's life. I’m just an average girl. But, I do love babies!” she said as she smiled.

  “There must be more to you than that?” I asked. “An Admiral’s daughter and a wild child. What is that all about?” I leaned on the table as curiosity filled me.

  “Okay, I will try and spice it up. I’ve been in trouble a couple of times and have had to use my dad's name to get out of it. It was nothing bad, and not really me, more of the company I kept,” she said as she asked for the menu. “I’m top of my classes, and the wild child thing is…. well, that you will have to find out for yourself!” Her eyes pierced me.

  “I’m sure there is more to you than you’re saying, and you can fill me in another time, okay?” I ordered a coffee and a banana split for Katie.


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