The Baby Maker

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The Baby Maker Page 54

by Tia Siren

  Emmy gripped the side of the swing and laughed each time she was pushed. Katie pushed her higher and higher, and Emmy laughed harder and harder.

  “Phew, I’m out of breath, you want to take over?” she asked me when I leaned in the doorway while watching them.

  “I’m okay where I am. I’m just enjoying the view,” I chuckled.

  Katie looked sternly in my direction and stuck out her tongue childishly.

  “Spoilsport,” she said with a chuckle.

  “Emmy, that’s enough, I’m tired,” Katie said and let Emmy slow down the swing.

  Katie removed Emmy from the swing and led her to her sand pit. “You want to show me how you make a castle?” she asked Emmy.

  “Ok Katie, make you castle,” Emmy replied as she filled her bucket with sand and started hitting it with her shovel.

  “I will be by the table with daddy for a while. I’m tired,” she explained to Emmy.

  “Ok, rest,” Emmy replied.

  I poured a glass of juice and took it to Katie who was slumped over by the patio table.

  “What a morning. I have not stopped yet,” she said while sipping from her glass.

  “You have a lot of energy when you want. I know; I have seen it up close and personal,” I replied with a laugh.

  “Do you mind; there are children in earshot,” Katie said laughing and adding a wink.

  I had realized while I was in the kitchen, the warmth that had just disappeared when Katie had not come around for a few days, had returned. Oh wow… and returned by the bucket full. The house felt not just warm and inviting, but alive.

  And I, for one, wouldn’t trade that for anything. This was my heaven.

  Chapter 24


  I sat at home on the patio and had just taken a swim. I stretched out on the sun living room and closed my eyes. I was super happy at how things had been with Cam and me. We had not had any heated discussions that we seemed to have every couple of days.

  I felt like I treated him a bit more fairly, and he respected me for who I was rather than the way I looked for the majority of the time. We had sort of gelled. Cam was starting to relax in my company, and I’d started to calm myself a bit at a time. I didn’t have the urge to be so rebellious as often.

  I could tell, from the position of the sun, that it would be time to go in as the air would start to become chilly and I wouldn’t be able to try and top my tan up anymore. I decided to call it a day and headed off inside to take a shower. As I had finished and started getting dressed, I could hear that Dad had returned home. Even he had seemed happier after the conversation he had put Cam through, and the way I had started to change. We had not reached real father and daughter stage, but it was not far away.

  I headed downstairs and Dad exited from his study.

  “Hi Dad,” I said and jumped on the couch.

  “Hi Katie. I have some news for you,” he said and sat on the edge of a chair.

  “What sort of news?” I asked.

  I hate you having news. It is always bad and always includes me.

  “I have found you a job, well, a job opening I know of,” he explained.

  I knew it. He's trying to lumber me with a job, like shelf stacking in a supermarket or stuck in a crappy office. Cheers Dad.

  “Well, you know the base has a day care center?” he said.

  “Yeah, so what?” I asked.

  “They have an opening where you would have to work with the kids. It’s right up your street, just the thing you enjoy, and it is a decent paying position. So, you will be able to earn your own money and be a little more independent,” he said.

  It sounded cool, but I had not had that much experience in that department, so I had doubt in my mind they would accept me.

  “You have no need to worry about the experience side of things. I managed to pull a few strings and, well, if you want the job, it is yours. And you just have to tell me ‘yes or no?’ Just consider it; it could be good for you,” he said and walked off into his office.

  I sat there for a few moments and thought about it. I hated Dad when he pulled strings. It made me feel hopeless and unable to do things by myself. But, on this occasion, it would be great if he managed to do something positive for me, for once. And, I could really do with a job. The money would be great, seeing that Dad had restricted my allowance to try and control my wild child outbursts.

  Shit, Emmy.

  Fuck, Cam, oh no.

  It dawned on me that I would miss out on being with Emmy in the afternoon, and I wouldn’t be able to spend time with Cam, fuck. The job is so tempting, but I don’t want to miss seeing them, not now that things are going so well between us.

  Dad walked out of his office. “I forgot to tell you something. Cam’s daughter goes to that daycare center. You will have at least one friend there all day with you,” he said with a smile.

  “Did you leave that bit of information out on purpose?” I asked.

  “Moi? I’m an Admiral in the United States Navy, young girl. You think I have time for little japes and jokes,” Dad said smiling.

  “Thanks, Dad, tell them I would love to take the position,” I replied.

  I was excited and couldn’t wait to tell Cam and Emmy that I would be working at the place where she goes. I saw Cam's car as it passed our house, so I decided to go and tell him now. I quickly changed and started to walk up the street. I could see, from a distance, that he was outside in the driveway and was talking to another woman.

  Fuck, so he did lie after all…

  Cam had been nice, and I had enjoyed all the time I had spent with him. And now he goes and does this to me? I couldn’t believe he would be so shallow as to see another woman at his home. How fucking cold and heartless is that?

  I stood behind a car and watched them for a while. The woman was stunning, and she played with Emmy who appeared to be fond of her.

  Shit, how long has this been going on?

  They talked for a while, and I could see that Cam spend a lot of his time smiling. He wrapped his arms around her and gave her a big hug, right before he kissed her. On the lips.

  The two-faced fucker. This is more than a number on your cell phone.

  She even hugged Emmy, my little Emmy. And she kissed her on the cheek. The woman hugged Cam again and left. I had no idea what to think about our relationship now. I had thought it was sailing along quite nice and now this. I will show him. I’m not going to cave in and call. I will just see Emmy at the day care center once I have started, and that will be that.

  I stormed back to the house and was confused and extremely pissed off. My cell phone rang, and it was Jenny.

  “Hey, girl, what you up to?” Jenny asked.

  “I had something planned, but I have just canceled it. So, I’m not doing anything now,” I replied.

  “You fancy meeting a couple of us down at Shooters Bar?” Jenny asked.

  “Why the hell not. I will meet you there in a while,” I replied.

  I changed my clothes and chose something that would get me noticed. Shooters was a local bar where a lot of the Navy guys hang out. So, I would be able to let my wild child run free for a while. I arrived at the bar and saw Jenny sitting by one of the tables. I headed over to her and we started to chat.

  “Where are the others?” I asked.

  “They dipped out. It is just you and me, I’m afraid,” Jenny smiled.

  If I had not known Jenny any better, I would have thought she had just said that to me to get me here so she could do some flirting with some hunky Navy guys. And, I was in the frame of mind to think it was a damn good idea, considering what happened earlier.

  “So, Katie, what did you have to cancel?” she asked.

  “It was nothing important. I was supposed to go somewhere, and they had uninvited guests, so I thought it best to cancel, no big deal,” I replied.

  “Well, get yourself a God-damned drink, will you? Let’s get this party started,” Jenny said.

; I walked to the bar and ordered a beer and tequila. I was pissed off. I was going to show Cam. Fuck him, if he can do things he wants, I will do the stuff I want.

  I glanced around the bar and could see that there were already a couple of Navy guys playing pool. They could be good for a distraction.

  I returned to the table and placed the drinks on the table. I had just downed my tequila and sipped on my beer. That was when my cell phone rang.

  I walked to the parking lot and answered the phone. There was no way Cam was going to talk his way out of this one. He had gone too far. I felt sorry for Emmy that her dad was a cheater and a liar, and he had used me all the way through.

  “Hello,” I said in a rough tone.

  “Katie, I was waiting for you and you did not show up. Is everything okay?” Cam asked.

  “Everything is fine, I’m out with friends at Shooters, so I’m busy this afternoon,” I replied.

  “I just expected you to come around, that’s all,” he said.

  “Well, if you want some company, why don’t you just call up your other woman, or your girlfriend, or whatever the fuck she is, and ask her to go around,” I snarled.

  “Katie, I have no idea what you’re talking about,” Cam said in a confused tone.

  Go on Katie. Let him have it.

  “Well, you should have thought about that earlier, shouldn’t you?” I hissed.

  “Listen to me Katie. I honestly have no idea what you’re talking about, I promise,” Cam said. He sounded upset.

  Cam pleaded some more and tried to assure me. He had no idea what I was talking about. I had enough, and seeing him with that other woman was proof that he would say anything to try and get out of it.

  “I can tell you sound upset, but I couldn’t really give a damn at the moment,” I snapped and hung up the phone.

  I would usually feel a little sympathetic with Cam after all we had been through, but not this time. My eyes had not deceived me. He had hugged and kissed another woman who he apparently knew.

  She was no stranger, so it must have been going on for a while, even before we met.

  “Rough phone call?” Jenny asked.

  “Man problems. You know when they get clingy and start apologizing, it makes me sick,” I replied.

  I knew that was not entirely right about Cam, yet I was infuriated and just wanted to let off some steam.

  “Hey girls, we saw you sitting here, all lonesome. You fancy shooting some eight ball?” the guy asked.

  “You have a name?” I asked.

  “Sorry, I’m Jamie. And my good friend over there is Roberto, but we call him Rob. He thinks Roberto sounds gay,” Jamie said.

  “It sounds very tempting. We’ll come over in a while, maybe,” I said and flicked my tongue over the tip of my bottle.

  “Okay. We’ll wait for you,” Jamie said. He looked a little hot under the collar.

  “Shit, Katie, let them know what’s on your mind straight away, why don’t you?” Jenny said.

  “It’s one sure-fire way of making sure they won’t look at anyone else. Mark my words, no matter who walks through the door.”

  “Undivided attention from the two SEALs, very smart. I take it all back,” Jenny said with a smile.

  We chatted some more and made use of the free drinks that the waiter continued to bring us, courtesy of Jamie and Roberto. They were unable to take their eyes off us, and were keen for us to join them at the pool table.

  “Whatever you do, don’t let them know that you can play pool. Even if you know you can beat them, they will get pissed, and they will also want to show you how to hold the cue, which can be fun,” I explained to Jenny.

  “Okay teach, I will do as you say. But it would be good to stuff them for a few games. We could beat them like we used to,” Jenny replied.

  We sauntered over to the two guys and made our introductions.

  “This is Jenny, and I’m Katie,” I said with a smile.

  “Well, you know my name Jamie, and this is Rob, also known as Roberto,” Jamie said.

  “So, how do you play this game?” Jenny asked as she put on a confused look.

  “The aim is to hit the white ball and this, in turn, hits one of the colors, which should hopefully go in one of the holes,” Roberto explained to Jenny.

  “Come on Jenny, have a go. Grab the stick,” I said.

  The two guys laughed between themselves.

  “It is not a stick. It is a cue,” Jamie giggled.

  Jenny leaned over the table and held the cue. I could see the look in her eyes that she wanted to show the guys what a real pool player can do, but she just went along with it. She pulled back the cue and struck the white, and it shot off at a forty-five-degree angle.

  “Oops, I’m not sure that was supposed to happen,” she said.

  “Here, let me have a go,” I said.

  I removed my jacket and I could see Jamie gaping at my breasts. I had only worn a very skimpy top, and he was enjoying every single second of it. I leaned over the table and held the cue.

  “Am I holding it right, Jamie?” I asked.

  “Hang on, I will help you,” he replied.

  Jamie leaned over me and placed his hands on mine.

  “You hold it this way; hold it tight and wrap your fingers all the way around it,” he whispered into my ear.

  Jamie pressed his hips against me, the bulge of his cock throbbed against my leg. He was not as big as Cam. I wasn’t interested. Not in the slightest.

  I pulled the cue back and struck the white; this one hit the blue and slowly rolled down the table.

  “Well Jenny, at least I hit one,” I said with a giggle.

  We continued to play and flirt with the guys, and I could tell that they thought they were on to a winner. I knew Jenny wouldn’t be interested in Roberto, and although Jamie was a bit of a hunk, he was younger than me, and he just wasn’t Cam.

  Neither of them had charisma, that real x-factor that drew you towards them. They were just two guys from the Navy who were out and hoping to get laid.

  Not tonight boys.

  I thought of Cam and what his reaction would be after I told him I was at the bar. And would he just ignore it? Or would he do something rash? But, either way, it was his choice, and I wanted him to know what it felt like for once.

  Jenny made her excuse and visited the ladies room. I hung on Jamie’s arm.

  “Come on Jamie, show me again,” I said and I leaned over the table.

  Jamie leaned over the top of me and placed his hands on mine.

  “Holy shit, you will never guess who has just walked into the bar,” Roberto said excitedly.

  Chapter 25


  Katie hung up the phone on me, and I was pissed. She just shoved something in my face, and I had no idea what she was on about. She had said she had gone to Shooters Bar, and I knew exactly what that place was like. She had chosen the one bar that could be at the worst possible location to take something out on me. It was the local haunt used by many of the Navy personnel to let off some steam, and it was the one place that a lot of girls went when they wanted to catch the attention of the guys from the Navy.

  I strapped Emmy into her car seat and fastened her into the back of the car. Owen had agreed to take care of Emmy, and I couldn’t believe I had to stoop that low again and ask him to babysit. Owen had told me his new girlfriend was excellent with kids, so Emmy wouldn’t be a problem. I had hoped he was right about this. Owen was bad enough, but throw a stranger into the mix, and I was not happy. At all.

  I arrived at Owens house and dropped Emmy off with him. I had said I wouldn’t be too late as I was just going to get Katie and have it out with her why she was so off.

  “So, Cam, what’s so important that you have to run off so fast?” Owen asked.

  “Just a small problem with Katie. Nothing for you to worry about. And, before I forget, you have a few things at my house that were dropped off earlier,” I said.

  “Ah, I see.
Don’t tell me Katie saw you with my ex. Damn her. She always makes things difficult,” Owen said.

  “Well, that isn’t your fault. Just make sure Emmy is okay, that is your concern,” I said as I walked to the car.

  “She will be fine. The new one loves babies, especially the practice part,” Owen replied with a huge grin.

  It was Owens ex she saw. Fuck!

  I left Owen’s house and was halfway to Shooters when it made sense to me. It was Owen’s ex who Katie must have seen me with. We had been outside talking around the time that Katie would have come to play with Emmy. God-damn Owen; he even gets me into trouble when he’s not involved.

  I arrived in the parking lot of Shooters and could hear the faint sounds of music blaring from the bar. I had been here a few times when I was younger, and it could get pretty rowdy. A few memories of when I was younger came flooding back, and many of the times I had visited here, I had caused trouble. I was sure that wouldn’t be the case tonight.

  I strode across the parking lot and opened the door. The noise from the jukebox hit me like a tornado. How anyone could talk above this noise was beyond me, and I could see no enjoyment in having music this loud, no matter how good or bad it was.

  I took three of four steps inside, and I could hear a few “ooh’s” and “aah’s” around me. Everyone had their eyes fixed on me, and it was most likely the effect of the video on the internet, the one of the kid who I had knocked senseless at the first party I had gone to with Owen. The whispers spread and a few fingers were pointed in my direction, but it did not seem to attract too much attention once you had stepped away from the doorway.

  I hope there are no cell phones filming. I wouldn’t be able to explain that one for sure.

  I glanced around the bar, and on my first scan, I couldn’t see any sign of Katie.

  Damn you, Katie, if you told me the wrong place.

  I looked around the bar again and could see a couple of kids by one of the pool tables. I noticed the one kid mouthed something to the other, and pointed in my direction. He stood to look and I could see Katie lying over the edge of the pool table. The kid had been lying over her, and probably would have agreed to show her how to hold a pool cue.


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