The Baby Maker

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The Baby Maker Page 72

by Tia Siren

  “I’m taking the rest of the day off; I have some thinking to do.”

  He understood, and I walked out of the building. This was the first day I had taken off in more than a year. I informed my secretary of my absence, and she understood.

  I was already giddy about meeting up tonight, and nothing was going to bring down my excitement now. Before I left the building, I made my way to the bathroom.

  It was thankfully empty, so I locked the door. I peeled myself out of my clothing and took a picture of my best sexy look for Jake. I knew he would enjoy it. Then I got dressed and left.

  I wasn’t more than five steps down the road when my phone started ringing.

  “Hey, Jake. I see you got my photo,” I said with a smile.

  “I don’t think I can wait for tonight. What are you doing right now?” he asked.

  I giggled, because he was acting like a schoolboy who just ate chocolate for the first time, and then I laughed at the analogy.

  “I thought I might take a bath, but I could use some company.”

  “I’ll be there in ten minutes,” he replied, and then clicked off the phone.

  It was a good afternoon.


  It became a nightly affair; we both wanted it a lot. I would work hard all day at helping clients—and at sending him some of the juiciest photos he would ever see. And he told me he would get so worked up during practice that he would stay longer to work off sexual aggression.

  He must have been doing something right, because the game the following week was a spectacle.

  I sat in my usual box to watch the game, the players’ wives still standing nearby, chatting their heads off as usual. I avoided their gazes but could tell that they were eyeing me the entire game. I really paid them no mind.

  The most interesting thing to me was that Monica was still in the room with the players’ wives.

  “So, Monica, how’s the new man? I hear he’s getting a lot of press about a possible trade.”

  “I wouldn’t mind moving on. This team isn’t good enough for my man,” Monica said.

  Even though I was trying to avoid their gazes, I couldn’t help but let out a snarky laugh. I was pretty sure they could tell I was listening in.

  “Did you hear about Jake? I hear he’s sleeping with some new tramp now,” Monica added.

  I let them talk while I drank. Their words weren’t hurting me at all. I just wished I could yell at her about who was sleeping with her ex-boyfriend, because I was sure she would have been quite surprised.

  Jake went on a warpath; the other team didn’t even see it coming, and he easily was the best player in the game. He was starting to seem like the player I had recruited years ago. I thought he was beginning to feel like it again as well.

  After the game, we partied hard. I went over to his place, and I gave him a victory dance he wouldn’t soon forget.

  “I feel like a huge weight has been lifted off my chest,” he said.

  I laid my head on his chest and listened to his heartbeat as we relaxed and enjoyed our evening.

  “You have a string of away games coming up. Will you be okay without me?” I asked.

  “I’m not sure. Will you be okay without me?” he said between laughs. “What brings this on?”

  “I just like this; I don’t want this to change anytime soon,” I replied. “You know how players get when they’re on the road.”

  “How are players on the road?”

  I rolled my eyes, wondering why he even needed to ask.

  “Players like to hook up with girls on the road; it’s obvious. I like how this is right now, but I don’t want to end up sharing you with some tramp you meet.”

  He pushed me off.

  “What do you really think this is?” he asked.

  I sat up, a bit surprised.

  “I think this is two attractive people spending their nights together. But, I want to spend time with someone who doesn’t need to sleep with a bunch of hookers.”

  He got up out of bed.

  “Do you know why I broke it off with Monica? Because she hounded me about this crap all the time when I would leave town.”

  “Yeah, well I’m not Monica, but I sure as hell don’t feel like sharing.”

  He started picking my things off the floor.

  “What, are you kicking me out now?”

  He tossed a bundle of clothes onto the bed. I took the hint and started getting dressed.

  “If you’re going to start pushing me into a relationship like Monica, then you can just get out now. I don’t need this.”

  “You know what, fine. Go off and screw all the hookers you want. Don’t come crying back to me when you get back.”

  I threw on the last of my things and pushed toward the door. He didn’t say anything as I left; only silence followed me. I could already feel some tears welling up behind my eyes, but I was too proud to let them show.


  I buried myself in work. The stress of it was taking over, and I was barely interested in going out when the weekend finally came. I stayed in and spent time catching up on work.

  Then the tabloids started filling me in about what Jake was up to while he was on the road.

  He made the cover of a magazine with his latest girl; she looked just like Monica. I felt disheartened by how fast he went back to skinny white girls. That didn’t seem to take long at all.

  The first away game that hit was terrible to watch. His head just wasn’t in it, and it was obvious. Served him right; he deserved to lose a game after losing me. Get used to feeling loss, Jake. You’ll be more used to it when contract negotiations are up this year.

  My phone rang after the game was over, and it was Jake. He must have wanted to say something, because he left me enough messages afterward. I didn’t care; I had no interest in talking or hearing from him at all. I deleted the messages before bothering to listen.

  Then my phone went silent for a while.

  Another away game dominated the television, and despite my anger at Jake not having subsided, I was still rooting for them. Jake made an impressive showing, barely getting away with a win. His head might not have really been in the game, but the team managed to shore up his lack of ability to play.

  My phone started ringing; it was Jake again. I picked up the phone this time.

  “Hello,” I said.

  “Did you see the game?”

  “Yeah.” I sighed. “These are some rough away games.”

  The phone was silent for a moment, even though I could hear the guys cheering in the background.

  “I’ll be home in two weeks. Can I see you?”

  I was surprised he was saying this so soon.

  “Fine,” I said. “But don’t expect me to be in a good mood.”

  “That’s okay; I just wanted to talk and maybe get a drink.”

  “You’re buying,” I said as I ended the call.

  I could feel my mood beginning to improve.


  It wasn’t until Wednesday that I went to see my doctor. I’d had morning sickness for the last few days and was getting really tired of it. She walked back into the room with a cheesy smile on her face, and I started to laugh uncomfortably.

  “I suppose congratulations are in order,” she said.

  “Congratulations for what?” I asked.

  “You’re going to be a mother.”

  I almost started choking on my own saliva when she said it.

  “No. Really? I don’t want to be a mother,” I said.

  Her smile dissipated a bit.

  “Well, if you’d like, we can discuss options for terminating the pregnancy,” she said.

  “I don’t want that either,” I said, shaking my head. “I don’t know what I want. Give me some time to think about this before I do anything, would you?”

  She nodded and handed me some pamphlets. I stuffed them into my purse and just walked out.

  I was pregnant, and here I thought I had been doing so
well with birth control. I contemplated calling Jake right away, but then I didn’t. I had a feeling he had little to no interest in starting a family, especially considering his situation with Monica.

  I stayed silent for the next couple of weeks. We still talked a few times, and it seemed he was interested in rekindling our romance. I was interested in doing so as well; it had been long enough without him.

  I was the first person he called when the team plane landed at the airport. He wanted to see me right away, so I decided to indulge him.

  I went to the bathroom at work again, being careful to lock it behind me. I stripped off my top and leaned toward the mirror, giving my best “fuck-me” face, and sent the photo.

  Before I started putting my top back on, I heard the stall behind me click open, and I froze. Monica, of all people, was in the bathroom with me. I reached down and grabbed my top as she started washing her hands.

  “Don’t feel so embarrassed. We’ve all done it at some point,” she said.

  “What brings you to the agency? I didn’t think you were a client,” I said.

  She pulled a lipstick out of her handbag and began to draw a line over her lip.

  “I’m not, but my soon-to-be husband is. He’s talking to Martin right now.”

  “Ah, that makes a lot more sense now.”

  “So, who’s the man on the receiving end of that photo? He must be pretty eager if you’re sending him something like that.”

  I held back a laugh as I thought about the coincidence.

  “I don’t think I can say. Agent-client confidentiality and all,” I said with a smile and a wink.

  With the worst timing possible, my phone started to vibrate. Jake’s photo popped up on the screen in full view of my current company.

  I tried to snag it before she saw, but the damage was done.

  “Jake? Why is he texting you?”

  “He’s my client. Why wouldn’t he be texting me?” I said, trying my best to deflect her suspicion.

  A click of realization shot across her face, and then a scowl took its place.

  “How long have you been sleeping with him, you little slut? You must be the reason he wasn’t interested in marrying me.”

  I picked up my bag and started backing toward the door, but she advanced on me quickly.

  “Tell me, you piece of trash!” she said, grabbing my hair. She wasn’t very strong, which was good for me. I grabbed a hold of my hair and put a foot to her stomach to push her away.

  She fell to the floor and looked up at me with rage on her face.

  “I’ll have your job for this! I know the owner, and he won’t let you stay here after I’ve had a chat with him!”

  I was already unlocking the door and making my way out as quickly as I could. She followed me, trying her best to catch up, but I was quicker.

  I hopped in a taxi and headed straight to Jake’s apartment. He hadn’t arrived back from the airport yet, so I waited in the lobby downstairs.

  I twisted my phone through my hands, nervous. I waited for a call from Martin, thinking he’d be furious with me. My head was starting to feel a little woozy when the door opened.

  Jake stood there with his bag in tow. I stood up and walked over to him, wrapping my arms around him in a big hug.

  It must have been unexpected for him, but he still held me back.

  “I need to take my mind off today. Think you can do it?”

  He just picked me up and cradled me in his arms as we rode the elevator up. I leaned in and kissed him as though it were the first time. It felt like my heart would burst out of my chest.

  Inside his apartment, I could hardly contain myself. I was already clawing at his back, trying to take his shirt off. He threw me down on the couch and dropped his bag.

  I undid my blouse, regretting wearing something with so many buttons on it today. He threw his shirt to the floor and walked toward me while I was still trying to unbutton. It didn’t look like he cared; he just pulled the shirt away and lifted my chest up to his face. I tugged my bra off and tossed it aside.

  He was like a hungry dog ready to eat, and I didn’t mind feeling like his meal. He took my nipples into his mouth as I worked at the zipper on my pants.

  He kept pulling me in closer so he could devour me. His passion turned me on more, and in his impatience, he yanked off my pants. I had almost soaked my underwear through just thinking about his sweaty shape on top of me again.

  I shoved my hand down the front of his pants to feel his manhood. He was bigger than I remembered, and I thought about it inside me again.

  He grabbed my ass and lifted me into the air until I was sitting on his shoulders. With his mouth, he pulled aside my panties and started to lick along my slit. With every flick of his tongue, I felt sensations shoot into my legs. I held on to his head for dear life and pulled his tongue farther into my sex.

  He lapped up my juices and kept begging for more. I hadn’t been aroused this much before that I could remember. My muscles start to tense up as an orgasm wracked me with ecstasy.

  Jake could tell, and I let out a loud moan. Then he started lowering me back down. Once I was finally face to face with him, I leaned in and kissed him hard on the mouth. I could taste my sex on his breath. I wrapped my legs around his lower body, trying to hold myself in place.

  He walked, while we kissed, toward the bedroom. He continued to fondle my ass as we walked, holding on tight. I didn’t think he could see too well, because we kept knocking things over as we went. I didn’t want to wait till we got to the bedroom, but I had no say in the matter.

  With a push, he shoved me to the bed, and I peeled off my soaked panties. He tore off his pants, and I could see his throbbing erection, a monster about to consume me completely. I urged him closer.

  He fell to the bed and crawled to me on all fours.

  “I have been waiting for this for too long,” he said.

  He pushed me into the silk sheets and started kissing me up and down. Then I felt his manhood waiting at my entrance. I took the initiative this time, wrapping my legs around him and pulling myself onto him. With what felt like a pop, I could feel the entirety of his member tear me open. I winced in pain, but it subsided just as fast.

  For a moment we just lay there, feeling each other’s most intimate places and enjoying each second. But he wanted more. I gave it to him.

  I leaned up, forcing him to his back, straddling him with my legs. Then I started to ride up and down, letting him come almost all the way out before thrusting him back inside. He felt so big, and each thrust sent shivers down my spine, all the way to my toes.

  The two of us moaned as I rode the length of his shaft. It didn’t feel like a slow build today; it just felt like an explosion in my head that traveled down to my private parts. The muscles inside me clenched and started to choke his manhood.

  He exploded inside me, and I still wanted more.

  I kept riding up and down as our juices mixed together on the bed. Another orgasm took hold of me, and I shuddered but still kept going. By now I wasn’t pulling in and out but was just moving my hips around in circles.

  It didn’t last long though, as I didn’t have any energy left to continue, so I lay myself down on his bare chest, collapsing into this perfect moment.


  We both woke up at about the same time. My legs felt like dead weight, so I rolled over on the pillows. He laughed, and I did the same.

  “What’s the plan for today?” I asked.

  “Breakfast, I think,” he replied.

  He stood up and turned to see me still laid out on the bed, and something stirred inside him. He joined me again, and we enjoyed ourselves again in the morning.

  After the last night, though, I had almost nothing left. He had worn me out in entirety. It was another couple hours before we were dressed and sitting at a breakfast table just down the block.

  “Tell me, what kept you occupied while I was at the away games?” he asked.

  I st
ared at the menu and couldn’t think of what to tell him.

  “I worked,” I replied. “It seems there’s always something that needs to be done at the agency.”

  “Seems reasonable,” he replied.

  “How was the girl at your first away game?” I asked, with more than a little resentment.

  “She wasn’t,” he said. “She was ready and able, and she wanted to do some really kinky stuff, but she wasn’t you.”

  I blushed and did my best to hide myself behind the menu.

  “After our fight from before, I wanted to do something crazy to prove to myself that I could, but when the time came I just didn’t have the interest.”

  I couldn’t hide the truth from him any longer; he needed to know.

  “Jake, I have something rather important to tell you,” I started.

  “Yeah? What’s that?”

  “I visited the doctor about two weeks ago; I was having morning sickness and didn’t know what was going on. I’m a little embarrassed to say that I’m pregnant.”

  He pulled the menu out of my hand to see my face.

  “You’re pregnant?” he asked.

  I nodded.

  He leaned back in his chair and set the menu back on the table.

  “Well, no big deal. You’re going to terminate it, right?” he said with a casual attitude.

  I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. He wanted to tell me what I should do with my pregnancy. Maybe I should tell him where he could put his opinions.

  “Now that you bring it up, I think I’ll just keep it. It’s not like you wanted to be a father. I’m not ready to be a mother, but I’m willing to try. If you want to go off and fuck cheerleaders, go ahead. I’ll just be taking care of your illegitimate child.”

  I stood up and grabbed my things. I thought more than enough people could hear what was going on, and I knew I had made a mistake by talking about it so cavalierly over breakfast. I did my best to hide my face as I walked out of the restaurant.

  At least he’d helped me make the decision. I hadn’t known if I wanted to keep it to begin with, but the idea of being a mother sounded like a great adventure. I was feeling more confident now than I ever did when I was drinking.

  I plucked the pamphlets from my purse that I had yet to look at. The mothers looked so happy in the photographs, and I wanted that. Jake would have been a great father, not that I expected him to become one.


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