Loving Bear: A BBW Paranormal Shape Shifter Romance (Love Laid Bear Book 2)

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Loving Bear: A BBW Paranormal Shape Shifter Romance (Love Laid Bear Book 2) Page 3

by Amber Belmont

  He glared at me as he said the last few words.

  “I don’t need to go anywhere,” Justin shook his head.

  “Me neither,” added Matt.

  “Good. Now, I talked to Shelby about some of my ideas for rearranging the displays and she’s given the go-ahead for me to try a few new things, so Justin, you come out back with me while Matt and Jess stay out here.” He turned to me. “That’s if you think you can keep your attention on the customers.”

  I waited until he’d turned away before poking my tongue out at him. Matt sniggered, but Nick didn’t react as Justin obediently followed him to the back of the store.

  “If I were you, I’d get out while you still can,” I told Matt.

  “What – and miss out on the greatest comedy duo ever?” he laughed.

  “What do you mean?”

  “You and Nick are hilarious,” he replied. “The way you flirt while pretending you don’t like each other.”

  “Flirt?” I frowned and shook my head. “I don’t know what you’re talking about. Nick just accused me of flirting with Justin and now you tell me I’m flirting with Nick? All I’m trying to do is get on with my job. I’m not flirting with anyone!”

  “Oh you’re flirting with Nick all right,” Matt laughed. “Justin’s just a distraction. It’s Nick you’re interested in. I can always tell.”

  “Is that right?” I pulled myself up to my full height, all five feet of it. “Well for your information, I’m not interested in anyone. Not Nick, not Justin, and, just in case you were wondering, not you either. So if you don’t mind, I’m going to go and tidy up the displays. Nick might think he knows how to make flowers look their best, but I’ve got regular customers I reckon would disagree with him. They love my work.”

  I went and busied myself with a perfectly respectable display of roses, trying to hide my embarrassment. I didn’t care what Matt said. I wasn’t attracted to any of my co-workers, especially not someone as arrogant as Nick.

  Chapter Four

  I had never been so glad to flip the sign to ‘closed’. Now that I was stuck with Nick for a while, it was harder to put up with his constant criticism when there was no end in sight.

  My day wasn’t over yet either. I still had a class to get to. Luckily, there were a couple of hours before it was due to start, so I figured that I’d go and spend them in the library, doing some last minute study before the quiz and making the most of a little peace and quiet.

  “Are you coming for a drink?” asked Justin, as I picked up my things.

  “Thanks, but I don’t think so,” I replied. “I’ve got a class tonight and I need to get some last minute study done.”

  “Then a drink is exactly what you need,” Matt told me. “Just one beer to relax. It’ll help you focus.”

  “Really?” I arched an eyebrow. “I have a psychology professor I bet would disagree with you.”

  “Then have a juice while we have a beer,” suggested Justin. “Come on, Jess. It’ll do you good to spend some time with your new co-workers and I bet you’ll do better in your quiz if you unwind a bit first.”

  I thought about what he said. It was true that I was pretty stressed after learning that Nick would be sticking around. Maybe a quick drink was just what I needed.

  “All right,” I said at last. “But just one drink, okay? I really do have a quiz tonight and I need to get a good score.”

  “Don’t worry. We’ll throw you out ourselves the second you finish your glass,” promised Matt.

  “Are you coming with us, Nick?” Justin called out. My breath caught in my throat at the thought of spending any more time with him than was absolutely essential.

  “No. You go.” Nick stuck his head out from the back room. “I’ll sort out the tills and get things set up for the morning. You kids enjoy yourselves.”

  “Will do, boss.” Justin turned to me. “So where’s the best place to go to have fun round here?”

  I thought for a moment. “The Anomaly,” I replied. “They serve food, so I can grab something to eat before my class and you can actually hear yourself think there. Plus it’s really close to a number of clubs if you decide you want to go on to somewhere else after I’m gone.”

  “Sounds great,” Matt nodded, turning to the back of the store. “We’re going to the Anomaly if you want to catch up, Nick,” he called out. I could have cursed him. Did he really need to tell Nick where we were going?

  “Thanks, but I’m going to be a while. I’ve got a lot to get through here,” came the reply, much to my relief. By the time he was finished here, I’d be at my class, seeing how many case studies I could cram onto one piece of paper.


  As we walked into the bar, I gazed around, looking for a spare table. The Anomaly was usually busy, but tonight it was even more crowded than usual. Luckily for us, a couple got up just as we were walking in, leaving a small table free, just big enough for the three of us.

  “What are y’all having?” asked Matt as Justin and I sat down.

  “It’s okay. I’ll get my own.” I dug around in my purse for some change. “I’m only staying for one drink, remember?”

  “Put your money away,” Matt ordered. “Call this a thank you for letting us work with you.”

  “Like I had any choice in the matter,” I pointed out, as I put my purse down. “But that’s very kind of you. Could I get a cranberry and orange juice please?”

  “Sure. Do you want any vodka in that?” Matt raised his eyebrows suggestively.

  “I told you. No alcohol. I have a class to get to. I’m not going to be able to do the quiz if I can’t see where I’m supposed to write the answers!”

  “All right. One cranberry and orange juice coming right up.” Matt took Justin’s order and disappeared off in the direction of the bar, soon coming back with three glasses.

  “Here’s to us,” proposed Justin, holding up his beer in a toast.

  “To us,” Matt and I echoed.

  “May we have many happy days working together,” Matt added.

  “Despite the boss from hell,” I concluded before we all took a sip from our drinks.

  “Boss from hell?” laughed Justin. “Oh come on. Nick’s not that bad.”

  “Don’t worry,” Matt reassured him. “She’s only saying that so that you don’t guess her secret.”

  “Matt…” I warned, having a horrible feeling that I knew what he was going to say.

  “Which is?” Justin prompted.

  “That she lurves Nick!” chuckled Matt, taking a large swig of his beer as I swatted at his shoulder.

  “You liar!” I gasped. “You know that’s not true.”

  “Yeah, because obviously you’re immune to those piercing blue eyes and hair that looks like it came out of a shampoo ad,” said Matt. “And you’ve never imagined running your hands down his chest to see if he’s as ripped as he looks. Methinks the lady doth protest too much!”

  “Aside from the fact that it would be completely inappropriate to think of my boss in that way,” I said tartly, “I can honestly say that no, I never have.”

  “Really?” Justin’s voice went up in disbelief. “Then you’re a rare creature. Usually Nick has women throwing themselves at him. It’s all the poor man can do to fend them off. Nobody would blame you if you did like him.”

  “Yeah, well, I guess I have better taste than most women,” I shrugged.

  “Are you seriously telling me that you don’t find him attractive?” Justin asked.

  “Physically attractive? Sure.” I feigned nonchalance, trying to cover the fact that when I’d first met him, I thought he was the most gorgeous man I’d ever seen. “I mean, you’d have to be blind not to notice the way he looks. But there’s more to life than a pretty face and Nick has to be one of the most arrogant, conceited, smug, self-important man I’ve ever met. What’s more-”

  I got so caught up in my rant that I hadn’t noticed Matt and Justin’s expressions change from amusement to horror
until I felt one of them kick my shin.

  “Ow!” I bent forward and rubbed my leg. “What did you do that for?”

  “Presumably to stop you speaking your mind,” Nick answered from behind me. “Which is a pity. I was rather enjoying learning what you really think. Please. Carry on and don’t let me stop you. I’d love to learn more about my apparently limitless faults.”

  I gulped, feeling the blood drain from my face as I wished that I’d asked for that vodka after all. I couldn’t even blame alcohol for my stupidity.

  “Is that the time? I completely lost track. I really ought to get going. My class starts soon and I wanted to do some last minute cramming. If I run, I could still make it to the library to get some study done. I guess I’ll see you all tomorrow. Bye now.” I knew that I was blabbering as I scrabbled to gather my things and get out of there.

  “Jess, wait. It’s OK.”

  I didn’t know who was calling to me to stay, but I didn’t care. All I wanted was to get as far away from there as possible.

  Chapter Five

  As Matt, Justin and I went to leave the store at the end of another long day filled with a tense atmosphere and little small talk, Nick called out to me.

  “Can I have a quick word with you?”

  “Uh-oh. You’ve been summoned,” whispered Justin.

  “Good luck!” added Matt as the two men walked out, leaving me alone with Nick.

  “What is it?” I asked, following him out back. Every ounce of my being was focused on trying not to come across as if I had an attitude, even though I resented having to spend any extra time with him now that I wasn’t on the clock.

  “It’s- I-” Nick paced up and down as he tried to find the right words. “Oh screw it.”

  He stepped forward and kissed me. At first, I tried to push him away, but the feel of his lips against mine, his strong arms holding me, were overwhelming and I melted into him, giving into the physical attraction I’d felt when I first met him.

  His tongue lightly flicked out to brush against mine, making me moan as he ran his hand down my back to undo my zipper. He reached up to slip my dress straps off my shoulder, revealing my lacy black bra.

  “You’re beautiful,” he told me, leaning down to nuzzle my neck. I closed my eyes as he deftly undid the clasp on my bra, the cool air making my nipples harden as he exposed my breasts.

  He made his way down my body, his tongue painting slow, erotic circles around my nipples. I grabbed a handful of his hair, luxuriating in the feel of him against my skin.

  He lifted me up so that I was sitting on the counter, his strength making me feel as though I was light as a feather. He stood up, a seductive smile on his face as he reached up and tugged my panties off, leaving me wearing nothing but my dress pooled around my waist.

  I gasped as he slowly knelt down in front of me, reaching up to push my knees apart. I closed my eyes and arched my back as I felt him kissing my thighs, driving me wild with anticipation. I could feel myself getting moist as he drew closer and closer to-


  I woke myself up with my scream. I was drenched in sweat, my body feeling as though someone really had just been seducing me.

  Not just someone. Nick.

  I glanced over at the clock. It was half an hour before I was due to get up for work, so I decided to get up and make myself a coffee.

  Going over to my closet, I saw the dress I’d been wearing in my dream, sending a hot flush rushing through me. There was no way I was wearing that today!

  Instead, I decided to wear some casual pants with my wide-necked, black and white striped shirt. After the dream I’d just had, I wasn’t in the mood to wear anything that could be considered seductive and I thought that this was smart without being too sexy. I knew I was overreacting, that my dream was just a consequence of Justin and Matt’s teasing, but a little superstitious voice inside me said that I shouldn’t take any chances.

  When I walked into the kitchen, mom was already there, cooking up a storm.

  “Hey mom. You’re up early.” I crossed over and gave her a quick squeeze before turning to put on the coffeemaker. “Anything wrong?”

  “Oh, no, nothing really,” mom sighed, although I could tell that she’d had another sleepless night. I wished that there was more I could do to make her life easier, but until I graduated, the money I earned at Tulips would have to do. “I just thought I’d make you and Tate a decent breakfast. I worry about you when you go to work and you haven’t eaten properly.”

  “Thanks, mom.” I rested my head against her shoulder, the pair of us standing in silence, lost in thought and our own troubles.

  “You look nice today,” she said finally. “There’s been a definite glow about you recently. Is there any special occasion… or person… I should know about?”

  “You kidding?” I laughed nervously. “This old thing? I just threw on the first thing that came to hand.”

  “That shirt is really flattering on you,” mom said, lightly tugging it down on one side. “It suits your figure. Are you sure there isn’t anyone you’re making an effort for? It’s been a long time since you talked about a boy and I don’t want you to be lonely.”

  I thought about Nick. He was no boy. There was no doubt that he was all man.

  “No, there definitely isn’t anyone,” I replied. “Can’t I look good just because I want to?”

  “Of course you can, sweetie. I just want you to be happy, that’s all.”

  “I am happy, mom,” I reassured her. “Don’t you worry.”

  “I’m your mom,” she reminded me. “I’m always going to worry. Now sit down and I’ll make you some eggs.”

  I pulled out a chair just as Tate came crashing into the kitchen in his usual noisy style. He didn’t seem to be able to go anywhere quietly.

  “All right! Eggs!” He sat down at the table, happily helping himself to food. Mom and I exchanged a glance over his head, both of us wishing we were as carefree as Tate.


  For once, the bus was running on time, so I arrived at work just as Nick was unlocking the door.

  “Morning, Jess,” he said.

  “Morning,” I blushed. Last night’s dream combined with what Nick had overheard last night meant that if I had any choice in the matter, I’d have never come back this morning. Unfortunately, bills still needed to be paid, even when you’d made a total idiot of yourself.

  “I’m glad you’re here before the others,” he told me, leading the way into the store and turning on the lights. Was that a hint of snark I heard in his voice? “Can I have a quick word with you?”

  I gulped as I had a flashback to what had happened in my dream when Nick had asked for a ‘word.’

  “Sure,” I replied.

  “It’s- I-” Nick paced up and down as he tried to find the right words. I made sure I kept my distance, remembering the way he’d kissed me. Not that I really thought that he’d want to kiss me, but it was weird how my dream seemed to be playing out in real life and I wasn’t going to take any chances.

  “Look, it seems as though we got off on the wrong foot,” he finally said. “When I heard what you said about me at the bar last night, I realized that I could have been a little more… tactful in how I’d dealt with you. After all, you’ve been working for Shelby for quite a while. She wouldn’t have kept you around if you weren’t good at your job.”

  “Thanks,” I said, confused by this sudden shift in attitude while I tried to shake visions of my dream out of my head.

  “Anyway, I think that we ought to sit down and talk. Really talk,” he told me. “I know that you’ve got an issue with me, but we should be able to work it out if we take some time out to get to know each other, start over. That’s why I was wondering if you’d come out for a drink with me?”

  I didn’t even need to think about it. “That’s very kind of you to ask, but no. I’ve got too much on. I’m studying at college most nights and I only agreed to go out with Matt and Justin b
ecause we’ve just started working together and I thought it would be good to spend some time with them after our first day. Given what happened, I realized that it was foolish of me to socialize with colleagues. I think we should keep things strictly professional from now on.”

  Nick nodded his head slowly. “Fair enough,” he said. “I can understand that attitude. What about lunch instead? I mean, you need to eat during the day anyway, so it’s not as though I’m asking you to give up your own time, and it’ll be my treat to make up to you for the way I’ve behaved.”

  “I don’t know…” I bit my lip as I thought about it. An invite to lunch didn’t have to mean anything, but it was strange how my dream seemed to be coming true. I wasn’t sure that it would be a good idea to spend time with him without anyone else around.

  “It’s just a lunch,” urged Nick. “We don’t know how long Shelby’s going to be gone so it’s important that we can work together for the sake of her business. We don’t have to like each other, but we do need to build better relations to make sure that Tulips is still standing by the time she comes back.”

  “True.” Maybe it was the pleading look in Nick’s eye or maybe Matt was right and I was attracted to my temporary boss, but maybe lunch would be a good idea after all. “All right. I’ll have lunch with you.”

  “Great.” The smile that lit up Nick’s face was nothing but pure joy, surprising me. Was he really looking forward to getting to know me better? “I’ll make sure that Justin and Matt know that they need to look after the place for an hour or so.”

  “Or so?” I cocked my head to one side.

  “Well, what’s the point of being the boss if you can’t take a long lunch every once in a while?” Nick grinned.


  “Focus, Jess!” I cursed myself as I had to cross out yet another mistake as I attempted to take down a customer’s order over the phone. As the clock ticked down towards my lunch date with Nick, I became more and more nervous, which was stupid. It was just a lunch. Nick had said so.


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