attends coronation of Queen Elizabeth II ref1
visits Kardamyli ref1
attends Joan and Paddy’s wedding ref1
accompanies Joan to Samarkand ref1
stands in Warwick Avenue dressed in Persian silk dressing-gown ref1
death of ref1, ref2
Kinshasa ref1
Kirkuk, Iraq ref1
Koestler, Arthur ref1
Kolkhurst, George ref1
Kreipe, General Heinrich ref1, ref2
La Trappe (Cistercian monastery) ref1
Lambert, Constant ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4
Lambert, Isabel see Rawsthorne, Isabel (Nicholas)
Lampson, Sir Miles ref1
Lampson, Miranda see Rayner, Miranda Lampson
Lancaster, Osbert ref1
at Oxford University ref1, ref2
as deputy editor of the Cherwell ref1
fined £5 for involvement in Graham’s duel ref1
comment on Pryce-Jones ref1
comment on the Café Royal ref1
press attaché in Athens ref1, ref2, ref3
Maudie Littlehampton cartoons ref1
friendship with Betjeman ref1
Leeds Museum ref1
Leeds Times ref1
Leeper, Primrose ref1
Leeper, Rex ref1
Lees-Milne, James
at Eton ref1, ref2
learns of Pryce-Jones’s break-up with Joan ref1
attends parties at the Connollys’ flat ref1
rebuffs Graham’s overtures ref1
invited to Kardamyli ref1
comment on Paddy’s manuscripts ref1
impressed with Chatwin ref1
comment on Chatwin ref1
Leigh Fermor, Joan Elizabeth
birth of ref1, ref2
character and description ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7, ref8, ref9, ref10, ref11, ref12, ref13, ref14
childhood at Dumbleton and Belgrave Square ref1, ref2
education and finishing school ref1, ref2
correspondence with Paddy ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7, ref8, ref9, ref10, ref11, ref12, ref13, ref14
pays regular visits to Dumbleton ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4
works at embassy in Athens ref1
comment on her father ref1
relationship with her brother Graham ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5 and note, ref6, ref7
appearances in the press ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6
prefers parties in Bloomsbury to the London social season ref1
lifelong friendships with Billa and Coote ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6
affair with Pryce-Jones ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7
nicknamed ‘Dotty’ by Betjeman ref1
bridesmaid at several weddings ref1, ref2
attempts to persuade her father to let her marry Pryce-Jones ref1
Betjeman’s poems presented to ref1
sails to India and Australia with her mother ref1, ref2
literary and artistic friendships ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7
tours Ireland on horseback with Penelope Betjeman ref1
as successful photographer ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4
friendship with Bowra ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4
accompanies Byron to Persian Art and Archaeology Congress ref1, ref2
diary entries (1936 & 1945) ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5
interest in all things Tibetan ref1
visits Paris, Rome and New York ref1, ref2
affair with John Rayner ref1, ref2, ref3
marriage and divorce from John Rayner ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5
accepts Isabel’s affair with John ref1
copes with John’s illnesses ref1
hopes but fails to have her own children ref1, ref2, ref3
buys painting from Piper and Banting ref1
moves flats in London during wartime ref1, ref2
portrait and photographs of ref1, ref2
wartime employment ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5
as professional photographer ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7
sexual flings during wartime ref1
relationship with Paddy ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5
travels to Kirkuk ref1
in Athens ref1
watches Paddy and Cardiff take cocaine ref1
travels round Greece with Paddy and Xan ref1
takes ‘a hideous, furnished, tart’s flat’ in Curzon St ref1
visits Bowra with Paddy ref1
supports Paddy financially ref1
stays with the Betjemans at the Old Rectory ref1
visits the Camargue ref1
travels to the Caribbean and Central America ref1
correspondence with John ref1, ref2, ref3
shaken at death of Dick Wyndham ref1
accompanies Connolly to Aquitaine ref1
Connolly makes a pass at ref1
visits Turkey ref1, ref2
leads her own life away from Paddy ref1, ref2, ref3
visits Dublin and Ireland ref1
attitude to marriage, divorce and homosexuality ref1
annoyed at not having gone to see the king’s coffin ref1
relationship with her divorced parents ref1
as exotic younger aunt to her siblings’ children ref1
discovers the pleasures of Greece ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4
offered a house on Hydra ref1
Bowra writes poem to ref1
finances the house at Kardamyli ref1
her bedroom at Kardamyli ref1
marriage to Paddy ref1
quotes Rilke’s words on marriage ref1
life and visitors at Kardamyli ref1
warns her guests about her numerous cats ref1
and death of friends and family ref1, ref2, ref3
visits Bulgaria ref1
visits Samarkand ref1
fondness for Chatwin ref1
inherits Mill House ref1
writes letter on fox hunting ban ref1
final years ref1
death and burial ref1, ref2
Leigh Fermor, Patrick ‘Paddy’
correspondence with Joan ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7, ref8, ref9, ref10, ref11, ref12
discovers the pleasures of Greece ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4
comment on Joan’s maiden name ref1n
walks from Hook of Holland to Constantinople ref1, ref2
at party given by Connolly ref1
sees wartime propaganda by Isabel Delmer ref1
in Cairo ref1
wartime adventures with SOE in Egypt and Crete ref1, ref2, ref3
wartime affairs ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4
military and literary awards ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5
relationship with Joan ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4
meets Joan’s family ref1
character and description ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6
takes cocaine with no effect ref1
friendship with Xan ref1, ref2, ref3
travels round Greece with Joan and Xan ref1
correspondence with Durrell ref1, ref2
sent home from Athens ref1, ref2, ref3
relationship with Bowra ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4
supported financially by Joan ref1, ref2
visits the Camargue ref1
travels to the Caribbean and Central America ref1
stays with the Smarts at Gadencourt ref1
stays in abbeys and a monastery in France ref1
articles by ref1
travels with Joan to monasteries in Turkey ref1
attitude to marriage, divorce and homosexuality ref1
as traditionalist at heart ref1
memories of the house on Hydra ref1
involvement in erection of monument in Kalamata ref1
his bedroom at Kardamyli ref1
marriage to Joan ref1
affairs post-marriage ref1
e and visitors at Kardamyli ref1
and deaths of friends ref1
visits Bulgaria ref1
chaotic state of his studio at Kardamyli ref1
as successful author of books, articles, reviews and obituaries ref1
friendship with Rudi Fischer ref1
visits Peru ref1
friendship with Chatwin ref1
divides his time between Kardamyli and Mill House ref1, ref2, ref3
friendship with Deborah Devonshire ref1
final years with Joan ref1
finds writing increasingly difficult ref1
death and funeral ref1, ref2
Between the Woods and the Water ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4
The Broken Road ref1
The Cretan Runner ref1, ref2
‘From Solesmes to la Grande Trappe’ ref1
Mani, Travels in the Southern Peloponnese ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4
‘The Rock Mountains of Cappadocia’ ref1
Roumeli: Travels in Northern Greece ref1, ref2, ref3
Three Letters from the Andes ref1, ref2
A Time of Gifts ref1, ref2, ref3
A Time to Keep Silence ref1, ref2, ref3
The Traveller’s Tree, A Journey through the Caribbean Islands ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7, ref8
Travels in the Southern Peloponnese ref1
The Violins of St Jacques ref1
Leigh, Vivien ref1
Leningrad ref1, ref2
Les Biches (ballet) ref1 and note
Leuven, John van ref1, ref2, ref3
Levi, Peter ref1
Levita, Shelagh ref1, ref2
Lewis, C. S. ref1
Lindsay Drummond Ltd ref1
Lismore Castle, County Waterford ref1
Listener ref1, ref2, ref3
Liu-kiu Islands ref1
Lloyd of Dolobran, Lord George Ambrose ref1
Admiralty House ref1, ref2
Athenaeum, Piccadilly ref1
Bag O’Nails, Soho ref1
Barbican ref1
Blue Ball Yard, St James’s Street ref1, ref2
Bryanston Square ref1
Bush House, Kingsway ref1
Café Royal, Regent Street ref1, ref2
Caxton Hall Register Office, Westminster ref1, ref2, ref3
13 Chester Row ref1
Charlotte Street, Fitzrovia ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4
Cloth Market ref1
Curzon Street ref1, ref2
Devonport Mews, Bayswater ref1
Eaton Terrace ref1
Eldar Gallery, Great Marlborough Street ref1
Embassy Club ref1
Florida nightclub ref1
Gargoyle Club (Boeuf sur Toit), Dean St ref1 and note, ref2, ref3
Halkin House, Belgrave Square ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4
Heywood Hill bookshop ref1
Hotel Normandie, Knightsbridge ref1
King’s Road ref1, ref2, ref3
26 Lancaster Gate ref1
32 Maddox Street ref1
Natural History Museum ref1
Palace Gate ref1, ref2
Ritz Hotel ref1, ref2, ref3
St Margaret’s, Westminster ref1, ref2
St Olave’s Church, Hart Street ref1
Schmidt’s Restaurant, Charlotte Street ref1
9 South Eaton Place, Belgravia ref1
Sussex Place ref1
Upper Grosvenor Street ref1
Verulam Gardens, Gray’s Inn Road ref1, ref2, ref3
Westminster Abbey ref1
Weymouth Street, Marylebone ref1
London Mercury ref1
Losch, Tilly ref1
Lubbock, Lys ref1, ref2n, ref3
Luke, Micky ref1
Lygon Arms, Broadway (Worcestershire) ref1
Lygon, Lady Dorothy ‘Coote’ ref1
family background ref1
lifelong friendship with Joan ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4
character and description ref1
house party at Madresfield ref1
as Cordelia in Brideshead Revisited ref1
attends party at the Connollys’ ref1
visits Kardamyli ref1
has her car stolen driving back to Greece ref1
Lygon family ref1
Lygon, Hugh Patrick ref1
Lygon, Mary ‘Mamie’ ref1, ref2
Macaulay, Rose ref1
Maclean, Donald ref1, ref2, ref3
Maclean, Mary ref1
McNab, Constance ref1 and note
MacNeice, Louis, ‘Twelfth Night’ ref1
Madresfield, Worcestershire ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4
Madrid ref1
Madura (ship) ref1
Magouche see Fielding, Agnes Magruder ‘Magouche’
Man Singh II, Maharajah see Jaipur, Maharajah
Marchesa (schooner) ref1, ref2
Mariegold (journalist on the Sketch) ref1
Market Overton, Rutland ref1
Marshall, Bobby ref1
Marshall Plan ref1
Maslin (butler) ref1
Mason, Diana ref1
Mason, John ref1, ref2
Massy, Hugh, 8th Baron ref1
Matadi ref1
Matisse, Henri ref1
Maugham, William Somerset ref1
Maunsell, Philip ref1
Maxwell, Sir Aymer ref1, ref2
Mayo Clinic, Boston ref1, ref2
Mayo, Elton ref1
Menasce, Denise ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5
Merton College, Oxford ref1
MEW see Ministry of Economic Warfare
Mill House, Dumbleton ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4
Miller, Henry ref1n
Milner, Lucy ref1
Ministry of Economic Warfare (MEW) ref1
Ministry of Information (MoI) ref1, ref2
Mitchell, Martin ref1
Mitford, Deborah see Devonshire, Deborah Mitford ‘Debo’, Duchess
Mitford, Diana see Mosley, Diana Mitford
Mitford, Jessica ref1
Mitford, Nancy ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6
Mitford, Pamela see Jackson, Pamela Mitford
Mitford, Tom ref1, ref2, ref3
Mitford, Unity ref1
Moholy-Nagy, László ref1
MoI see Ministry of Information
Monsell, Bolton James ref1
Monsell, Bolton Meredith see Eyres Monsell, Bolton Meredith
Monsell family ref1
Monsell, J. S. B. ref1
Montagu, Edward John, 3rd Baron ref1
Moorehead, Alan ref1
Morris, William ref1
Mosley, Diana Mitford ref1, ref2, ref3
Mosley, Oswald ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4
Moss, Billy ref1, ref2
Moss, Stanley ref1
Mounsell, John Jnr ref1
Mounsell, John Snr ref1
Mount Eyres, Rwanda ref1
Mount Sharp, Rwanda ref1
Mount Sybil, Rwanda ref1
Mountbatten, Louis ref1
Mourtzinos family ref1
Mourtzinos, Strati ref1
Muir, Edwin ref1
Murray, Diana ref1
Murray, Jock ref1, ref2, ref3
Muspratt, Helen ref1
Mussolini, Benito ref1, ref2
Napier, Elma ref1 and note, ref2
Nash, Paul ref1
Natar, Carl ref1
National Buildings Record ref1
National Popular Liberation Front (ELAS) ref1
National Trust ref1
Nazis ref1
Neurath, Konstantin ref1
New Statesman ref1, ref2
New York ref1, ref2
Newbolt, Sir Henry ref1
Newton, Sally ref1
Nicholas, Isabel see Rawsthorne, Isabel (Nicholas)
Nicolson, Harold ref1
Nijinska, Bronislava ref1n
Norfolk Churches Trust ref1
North Borneo Company ref1
, Ann ref1
Norwich, John Julius ref1
Nyansa, Rwanda ref1
Observer ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4
Ogilvie-Grant, Mark ref1, ref2, ref3
O’Hara, John, Butterfield ref1 ref1
Old Rectory, Farnborough (nr Wantage) ref1
Olympic Games, Berlin (1936) ref1
Operation Torch (1942) ref1, ref2
Orwell, George (Eric Blair) ref1, ref2
Oxford University ref1
Oxford University Dramatic Society ref1
Paget, Sir Bernard ref1
Paget, Celia ref1, ref2
Paget, Mamaine ref1, ref2, ref3
Pakenham, Lady Violet ref1n
Palaeologi family ref1
Paris ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4
Parladé, Jaime ref1n, ref2, ref3
Parladé, Janetta Woolley ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7, ref8
Partridge, Frances ref1, ref2
Partridge, Ralph ref1
Patmos ref1
Père Lachaise Cemetery, Paris ref1
Peru ref1
Phaliréas, Socrates ref1
Philippines ref1
Philkoura, Angela ref1
Phillips, Agnes Magruder ‘Magouche’ see Fielding, Agnes Magruder ‘Magouche’
Phillips, Jack ref1
Picasso, Pablo ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4
Pickering, Sir Edward ref1
Piper, John ref1, ref2
Piper, Myfanwy ref1
Pitt-Rivers, Michael ref1
Political Warfare Branch (PWB) 15th Army Group ref1, ref2
Political Warfare Executive (PWE) ref1, ref2
Poppy see Pryce-Jones, Thérèse Fould-Springer ‘Poppy’
Post Office Fellowship of Remembrance ref1
Potter, Cora Brown ref1
Poulenc, Francis ref1n
Powell, Anthony ref1, ref2n
Powell, Lt Richmond ffolliott ref1
Pryce-Jones, Alan ref1
at Eton ref1, ref2, ref3
sent down from Oxford ref1
correspondence with Graham ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7
joins the staff at the London Mercury ref1
sexual ambivalence ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4
character and description ref1
meets and falls in love with Joan ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4
nicknamed ‘Boggins’ by Betjeman ref1
dedicates book on Beethoven to Graham ref1
continues to see Joan ref1
unhappy visit to Dumbleton ref1
breaks off his engagement to Joan ref1, ref2, ref3
visits Salzburg ref1
meets, proposes and marries Poppy ref1, ref2
at party given by Connolly ref1
comment on gossip concerning Joan ref1
at party given by Coote Lygon ref1
memory of the young Brian Howard ref1
as member of Mosley’s New Party ref1
recalls lemurs in Connolly’s flat ref1
sleeps with Joan after his marriage ref1
wartime employment ref1
Joan Page 34