Old Ladies Club 1

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Old Ladies Club 1 Page 12

by Erin Osborne

  When the waitress comes back with our food, she says, “Those two men said to let y’all know your lunch was taken care of. And can I just say whoever belongs to them is lucky? They’re two of the most gorgeous men I’ve ever seen.”

  “You must be new then,” I tell her. “Because every one of our men is hotter than hell.” Even though Jayden is the best looking one. Not that I’m biased or anything.

  “Relatively, just started a few weeks ago,” she replies. “Do y’all need anything else?”

  “I think we’re good as long as you keep the sweet tea coming.” She nods.

  Later that night, curled up to Jayden on the couch while we watch our guilty pleasure, Supernatural, he says, “Heard Hannah’s been getting shit around town.”

  “Yeah, apparently so. Just found out today, lover. It fucking pisses me off, too. If it hadn’t been for a comment she made on our old ladies site, we might have never found out. At least now, the guys know and I bet one or the other will go along with her, if not both of them, just to give a huge fuck you to the idiot who feels the need to spread their venom.”

  “She’s feisty so my bet is on her getting her backbone and fighting back. But I’m seeing now that this site might not be a bad thing for y’all after all.”

  Chapter Seventeen


  It seems that the guys from all the clubs are giving us the go ahead to continue on with the site. While I’m happy as fuck, I still hate that they thought they were going to steamroll over us about it. Cage and Joker are slowly earning their way out of the doghouse. They aren’t completely out of it, but I won’t keep them there for very long.

  “Skylar, you here?” I hear called out by Melody.

  “In the kitchen,” I respond.

  As usual, I’m baking and making arrangements for dinner tonight. I think an easy meal in the crockpot is going to be what the day calls for. So, I pull out what I need to make spaghetti and meatballs. The sauce, and everything I add to it, is slowly filling the crockpot as Melody takes a seat at the island and watches me. I’m cutting, chopping, and opening jars as I wait for her to tell me what’s going on with her.

  “I know I haven’t been really vocal about the old ladies site. I just want you to know that I have your back. It’s an amazing idea and I think it’s something that we really need. I read over the posts this morning and saw that the one old lady, Hannah, is having some issues because she chose to love two men. You’re going to be the one to help her through it the most. Who would she turn to if we weren’t on this site?”

  “I know you’ve had our back,” I tell her, pausing in my movements. “You don’t have to be vocal or anything for the rest of us to know you have our back. You okay, Mel?”

  “Yeah. I haven’t been feeling too good lately and I don’t know what’s going on.”

  “You sure you and Keira aren’t going to be pregnant together?” I ask, watching as realization dawns on her.

  “Oh my God! Do you think it’s possible?”

  “If Glock is as good as my men are, yeah it’s more than possible,” I tell her, smirking at the knowledge that more babies are about to be joining our family.

  “Well, I guess I’m going to the pharmacy. I’ll see you later,” Melody tells me, grabbing her bag and heading out of the house.

  I turn on my music and dance to a new country song while making dinner and checking on the pans of brownies baking. Before too long, I feel hands on my hips and heat radiating at my back. Reaching one arm up, I feel Cage’s long hair. I grind back into him and feel his hardness at my ass.

  “Keep it up, baby girl, and you’ll be gettin’ bent over this island,” he tells me, nuzzling my neck.

  “Don’t threaten me with a good time,” I tell him, pushing back even farther.

  After a fun-filled afternoon, while the kids took their nap, I’m sated and ready to finish doing what I was doing before Cage interrupted me. Joker came in halfway through and wasn’t about to miss his opportunity to join in the fun. Now, I’m thinking about the situation that Hannah finds herself in. Joker sees that I’m lost in thought and tries to get it out of me. This isn’t something he needs to know about though. I can’t break Hannah’s trust, or any of the other old lady’s.

  “Babe, why can’t you talk to me?” he asks, grabbing some more baking sheets for the cookies I’m making for the cookout.

  “Because. You guys have your club secrets and this is no different. It’s not my problem to discuss and I’m not going to break anyone’s trust. If I do, then I might as well shut the site down now,” I tell him, leaning into his arms.

  “I get it. As long as it doesn’t have anythin’ to do with us or anyone else in our club.”

  “Nope. It’s another old lady. I’ll help her through it and hopefully it works out.”

  Once I have the cookies in the oven, I grab my phone and send a message to Hannah. She’ll respond when she gets back on.

  Me: I know that it’s hard to ignore the stares, people not understanding what kind of relationship you’re in, and the rude comments. Please don’t let this ruin your chance at happiness.

  I wait to see if Hannah is going to respond. Not having anything else to bake right now, I make the meatballs for the spaghetti. The cookout was kind of a last-minute thing and I’m not going to waste the sauce that I already started. So, I throw some more sauce on in a few pots on the stove to cook until it’s time to leave. I hear my phone chime and pick it up, seeing a response from Hannah.

  Hannah: I don’t understand why people even give a shit, to be honest. I love my men to pieces and quite honestly, until them, I was a virgin. Yet these messages I get imply I was anything but that. Of course, the men are beside themselves and DJ is on a tear trying to figure out who is doing it.

  I respond: Honestly, the only thing that matters is what you and your men think and feel. These people have nothing better to do so they pick on people that don’t live their lives the way they think they should. Although, I’m worried about your safety if you’re getting messages. Please be careful!

  Now, I’m even more concerned for Hannah. It’s one thing for people to make nasty comments about something they don’t understand, and don’t want to, but it’s another for someone to send messages to another person. This is getting into stalker territory. Hopefully her men and DJ can figure out who is doing this and can get it handled before it gets worse than what it is already.

  Joker and Cage can read my mood and know that I’m not in a good one now. I’m lost in thought about the things that could happen to Hannah and her men. Even if nothing physical happens, mental damage can be worse than physical any day of the week. It’s the type of abuse that will last a lifetime and have consequences that people suffer from daily.

  My men try to get me out of the funk that I’m now in and I don’t know that it’s going to work. Hannah and her situation will be in the back of my mind until I know things are better for her. If I have to message her daily, I will. That’s probably going to be the best way for me to make sure that she’s okay and knows that she has someone on her side that is living the same lifestyle as her and her men. The old ladies that surround her can’t know what it’s like to live, and be with, two men. I can so I’ll talk her through everything if I have to.


  We’re at the clubhouse for a cookout. I’m not sure why it was needed for today, but we’re all rolling with it nonetheless. In my book, it’s just nice to see us all interacting and loving on our men again. Even Skylar is not giving Cage and Joker the cold shoulder like she was. We can all see that something is weighing heavily on her mind, but she’s being tight-lipped about it.

  Melody is acting strange. Almost like the way I was before Blade found out that I was pregnant. Is she pregnant and not telling Glock about it? I’m not sure, but we’ll find out when the time is right for her. Seeing that I have a few minutes before we have to start putting all the food out, I use my phone to pull up the old ladies site. I go t
hrough the posts that have been made the last few days and love the idea of having one post for the day for us to comment on. I’m almost ready to close out of it when I see that Melody has posted in it. She hasn’t really been that active in here to date, so my curiosity is high.

  Melody’s post: Have you ever found something out that you’re afraid to tell anyone? I don’t even want to tell my man and we’ve been to hell in back. I don’t know how to tell the other old ladies of the club or my man. Any suggestions would be helpful.

  I’m not sure what she’s talking about, but I’m hoping it’s nothing too serious. So, I click on the comment bar so I can let her know that I’m here for her without drawing attention to her with the men around. If she wants to pull me aside, I’m here whenever she needs me.

  My response: Melody, you take all the time you need to talk to us. I’m not sure what’s going on, but I’m here if you need to talk, if you need to vent, if you need a shoulder to cry on. Message me and tell me to meet you inside if you have to. I’ll listen and maybe we can come up with a solution together.

  As I look up, I see that Melody is also on her phone. I’m hoping that she sees my response, and know she does when she searches me out from across the yard. Before anyone can catch on, I look past her and watch the kids for a few minutes. You can already see some of them pairing off at a young age. Melody and Glock’s son is following Kasey around the yard. Melody turns to see what I’m looking at and glances back at me with a smile gracing her face. Alice is with the younger kids and she’s reading them a story.

  Blade comes up behind me and wraps his arms around me. Looking up at him, I can’t believe my luck. My man is the love of my life and I can’t wait to see where our life takes us. Our little family is growing and I want to see the kids grow and learn to love the way that Blade and I love one another. Hell, the way any of the couples in the club love one another. If this site takes off the way I think it will, who knows what the future has in store for us.

  Maybe one day, we’ll be able to form lasting bonds and friendships with the other old ladies. It would be amazing to actually get to meet them one day and be able to put faces to the names that we’re talking to. If the men let us, that is. I know that they’re going to put up a fight if we decide that we want to get together and meet up with them. We’ll just have to cross that bridge when we get there. I for one know that I would love getting together to meet these other ladies. I’ll have to bring it up to them once we get further into this little club we’re forming.

  To be continued…


  I would like to dedicate this book to all of the readers. Personally, you have been there when I have needed support, let me have my space when I need it, and still share my work and get my name out there. This is what you do for all of the amazing Indie Authors that you love and support. Without you all, none of this would be possible for myself and others that have stories to tell. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

  ~Erin Osborne


  I would like to thank my family first. They are the ones who sacrifice the most each time I write a book, or in this case, contribute to. I love y’all more than all the words.

  Michelle Thomas, my amazing PA, and best friend. I drive her crazy with my last-minute notices, and despite all she has going on, she loves me still.

  As always, to all my girls in Kayce’s Kinky Corner, you rock! It’s your daily motivation that keeps this dream alive for me.

  My sister, Liberty Parker is going to be mentioned in every single book, so just get ready. She’s my rock daily. If it wasn’t for her, I probably would’ve thrown my writing towel in long ago. Despite my woes, she’s always available to listen to me and lift me up.

  ~ Kayce Kyle

  I would like to acknowledge my family, for always supporting me, and sticking behind me through thick and thin. I need to give a shout out to my husband Greg who came up with the foundation of these four books. We had a conversation one night, and he asked a question which made me ponder, ‘what about the women behind the scenes?’ From that day forward the Old Ladies Club was born, and I had three amazing women, and authors, back me up in this project. Erin, Kayce and Darlene, thank you for taking this journey with me.

  To my amazing PA Nicole Lloyd, I’d be lost without you. You not only spread the word of my work, but you also keep my schedule updated and keep me on task. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for taking me in and becoming part of my fabulous #tribe.

  Jenni Copeland Belanger - I need to say lady, I didn’t need your threats of whips and chains to get this one done...thank you for taking care of my daily pimps and always being there when I need advice and a guiding hand.

  Liberty’s Luscious Ladies - without the support of you I would’ve given up a long time ago. Thank you for your endless support and friendships.

  To our readers, thank you for taking a chance on us and accepting us faults and all. Without you there would be no US! Love you to the moon and back.

  ~Liberty Parker

  To #MyTribe, who have been with me since my stories were merely ideas and supported me and all my crazy along the way. Couldn’t do it without y’all and don’t even wanna try.

  To three of the best authors I know - Kayce, Erin, Liberty - thank you for caring about me and being there, especially this past year or so. Y’all have each cheered me on, given me invaluable advice, and just...been there...when stuff hit the fan for me and I didn’t know where to turn.

  To my beta girls - several of who were dragged into this project with me. Y’all have given me some of the best laughs of my life, and the support? Has been phenomenal. When I wanted to toss in the towel, y’all said no. Good thing I listened, hmmm?

  To my family - y’all have probably never read anything I’ve written and that’s okay. I still remember when my oldest son, Tony, looked at me when I was visiting and said, “I bought your first book. It’s not my kind of read but I wanted to support you.” I wouldn’t expect my son to read a romance book, but stranger things have happened, that’s for sure.

  To my bestie, Debbie Clarke - you’ve supported this dream of mine for more years than I can remember, and I love that you’re along for this crazy ride with me. Can’t wait for Australia!

  ~ Darlene Tallman




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