Arrival of the Fittest: Solving Evolution's Greatest Puzzle

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Arrival of the Fittest: Solving Evolution's Greatest Puzzle Page 28

by Andreas Wagner

  39.Actually it would report even more. The final version of the Köchel catalog—there are six—does end with #626, the Requiem in D Minor, but also includes numerous entries with variations, such as the Church Sonata in C (#317a) and the Aria for Soprano in B-flat (#317b).

  40.Some functions, such as the NOT and NOR functions, can be implemented with single transistors. The upper output bit shown in figure 22 corresponds to the lower significance binary digit. It is computed by the so-called exclusive or function (XOR). The lower-output bit is the higher-significance “carry” bit that is the result of an AND function.

  41.Integrated circuits also contain some more complex, derived logical building blocks, such as multiplexers, demultiplexers, and registers, but all of these are based on Boolean logic functions. See also Balch (2003).

  42.Such devices also come under other names, such as reconfigurable hardware or programmable logic devices. For an overview see Balch (2003). There are several classes of such devices. The research I discuss here was carried out with a specific class in mind: field-programmable gate arrays (FPGAs). Like many other integrated circuits, such arrays contain many more than just AND and OR gates. They also use more complicated units of computation, such as logic blocks, each of which may contain a full adder, several lookup tables that store truth tables in random access memory, multiplexers, and others. But the principle is still the same: They perform complex computations by networking simpler computational units.

  The programming of such devices is different from more conventional software programming. A search program like the one I described earlier to search a music database is typically executed on a hardwired chip, whereas on a programmable chip a program can change the wiring of the chip itself. It amounts to creating a piece of hardware that can execute a given computation task faster than software running on a generic hardwired chip. Limitations of FPGAs include that they are slower and more expensive than application-specific integrated circuits. See also Balch (2003), 250.

  43.The field of machine learning is a well-established research field whose current focus is not programmable hardware, but methods (often implemented in software) that enable computers to extract statistical information from complex data.

  44.Once again, I am using the word “wires” not in a literal sense—flexible metal threads—but metaphorically. They are integral parts of an integrated circuit.

  45.A difference from proteins is that amino acids form a linear string, whereas the gates in a circuit have a two-dimensional arrangement.

  46.The number of functions a circuit can compute depends not only on its number of gates but also on the number of input and output bits.

  47.It also allowed us to study idealized situations, such as exploring every possible wiring change in a circuit, whereas some such changes may be prohibited in a commercial FPGA architecture. We considered circuits that could harbor OR, AND, XOR, NAND, and NOR gates, because these are the five most commonly used two-input logic gates. Each input could be wired to any of the input gates in the first column of the sixteen-gate array. Each output could be wired to any of the circuit’s output bits. Gates were wired internally in a feed-forward fashion where the input of a gate could only come from a gate to the left of it in the array. Such feed-forward connectivity is important to avoid complex dynamics, such as cyclic behavior. More details on this work, including some of the numbers I discuss, can be found in Raman and Wagner (2011).

  48.The circuits we studied had four input and four output bits, and there are 1.84 × 1019 possible Boolean functions with this property.

  49.When I say that no two gates were identical, I mean that gates at the same position in the two circuits computed different Boolean logic functions. The maximal distance we could achieve in such a random walk depended only little on the frequency of a logic function, that is, on the number of circuits computing this logic function. There may be Boolean logic functions encoded by very few circuits that are highly similar, but those would be very hard to find in a vast circuit space. Previous work has recognized that neutral change can be important for the performance of evolutionary algorithms. See, for example, Banzhaf and Leier (2006), as well as Brameier and Banzhaf (2003), Miller and Thomson (2000), and Yu and Miller (2006). However, to my knowledge, nobody had demonstrated systematically, and in a system that can be implemented in hardware, that genotype networks and the diversity of their neighborhoods are generic features of a configuration space (not restricted to one or a few Boolean logic functions).

  50.This means that these functions are not likely to be found in the neighborhood of a specific circuit different from the focal circuit in whose neighborhood they occur. (But they may occur in the neighborhood of other circuits in genotype space.)

  51.A thousand wiring changes may seem like a lot, but keep in mind that programmable hardware can rewire at lightning speeds. Some useful information on the reconfiguration time of a commercial FPGA is given in Schuck, Haetzer, and Becker (2009).

  52.This holds, as usual, for phenotypes (functions) sufficiently frequent that circuits encoding them can be found through a blind search. This property of the circuit library is important, because it can minimize the amount of array reconfiguration (and thus time) needed to change from one function to another.

  53.A minor difference from my previous notions of phenotype and function is that any one circuit, any one wiring pattern, may be able to display more than one (computational) behavior, depending on the input to the Boolean logic function that it encodes. One can view a circuit that explores the circuit library to preserve an old, optimal computation while improving a newer, still suboptimal computation as walking along the circuit network in which both computations are unchanged, while exploring the neighborhood of this network for circuits that improve the new computation.


  1.See Darwin (1969), 58.

  2.See proposition 168 in Wittgenstein (1983), 99.

  3.See Wigner (1960).

  4.See Tegmark (2008). A skeptic might argue that the correspondence between mathematics and reality is just an artifact of human history—that there is a huge space of all possible mathematics and we have “sliced” only those theorems from this space that actually describe the physical world. But that assertion raises the question of what the nature of this space is and why useful math exists at all in it.


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