Trapped (Romance on the Go)

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Trapped (Romance on the Go) Page 3

by Scarlet Fox

  “Can I fuck you?”

  The question was so animalistic, so guttural that she shuddered in his arms. “Yes. Please.” She thrust her backside into his groin, begging him to do just that. “I need you to.”

  He exhaled breathily in her ear, no doubt at her eagerness. Removing his hand from her breast, he took his cock in hand and guided it into her entrance from behind.

  Katie gave a shaky groan and her eyes closed in ecstasy. With her sense of sight inhibited, she was able to concentrate on the physical. She could feel his every touch, every caress. Her body was so in tune with his, her hips rocking back to meet each of his thrusts.

  And this time his thrusts were not the gentle lovemaking of before. His hips shoved forward, slamming his body into hers. With a hand on her hip, he guided her body against his own, taking her roughly.

  This was so different from their first encounter, but no less enjoyable. The force of his thrusts pressed her breasts against the cold glass, causing her nipples to harden even more. Her hands slammed against the cool surface, her nails clawing at it for purchase. She could hear the sound of his thighs slapping against the back of her own, the sound of flesh on flesh.

  No one had ever taken her like this before, this roughly, this openly. She felt exposed and so damn turned on at the same time. Her breath escaped her in harsh, whimpering pants. With each slam of his hips, she felt his cock caress against her walls, urging her toward climax. And if his growls of pleasure were any indication, he was getting close too.

  He circled his thumb over her clit, and it was her undoing. With a cry of passion, she let orgasm take her. Her pussy clenched and spasmed around his dick, milking him as he followed her over the precipice.

  She felt him trembling behind her, his hands now gripping her hips, his fingers digging into her flesh. She gave a soft moan, loving the feel of his body against hers.

  “There,” he whispered into her ear. “Wasn’t that so much better than running?”

  And she had to admit—it truly was. She was done running.

  Chapter Four

  They’d stayed in the shower for a long time, soaking up the warmth of the water and one another’s bodies, stealing kisses whenever they could. Katie couldn’t remember ever receiving so much attention from a man. Lei had washed her hair, running his fingers lovingly through her long, dark locks. He’d washed every inch of her with delicate fingers, making her shiver and want him all over again.

  Once they’d finally stepped out, he’d wrapped them both in a large, fluffy towel and walked her back to the bedroom. The two of them had fallen into bed together and spent the next hour talking.

  “So you pushed yourself into a master’s degree to prove to Nathan and I that you were just as smart as us?” Lei’s voice was full of astonishment as he gazed down at her.

  Katie lay on her back, with Lei beside her on his side, his head propped up on a hand. “I did,” she admitted guiltily. “You were both so smart, and you always made me feel like a fool. I wanted to prove to you both that I was just as intelligent, that I wasn’t just an annoying kid sister who couldn’t keep up.”

  “Oh, baby. I stopped thinking that a long time ago.” He ran a hand along her hip through the thin sheet that covered her. “We were kids when we said that stuff. Every kid says shit like that to their little sister. I can’t believe you carried comments from immature twelve year olds all the way through college.”

  She let out a sheepish chuckle. “It was good motivation.”

  He rolled his eyes with an amused smirk. “I wasn’t head over heels for you at the time, but I started getting stiffies every time you walked out in a bikini from about tenth grade on. Trust me, I wasn’t thinking you couldn’t keep up with us. I was thinking I couldn’t keep up with you.”

  Her lips curved into a smile and she lifted a hand to stroke along his bare chest. “Is that so?” It was still hard to wrap her mind around the fact that Lei–the boy she’d know nearly her entire life— had feelings for her. “And here I thought you barely noticed me at all.”

  He closed his eyes and gave a soft groan. “Oh, I noticed all right. I had to make an effort not to blatantly notice.”

  Katie laughed at this and rolled onto her side. With little effort, she was able to climb onto his lap, straddling him on the bed as she forced him to his back. The sheet slipped down around her waist and tangled between the two of them. “I’m finally starting to believe you have genuine feelings for me, but can I ask why?” She smiled wryly at the question and shrugged. “I’m not fishing for compliments. I’m just curious what made your thoughts of me shift from Nathan’s little sister to someone you wanted to get naked and roll around with. It’s a little bit of an extreme jump.”

  His expression became thoughtful as he gazed up at her. “It was a multitude of things.” His hands went to her thighs and he idly stroked his fingers along patches of bare flesh where the sheet left her exposed. “You were smart. And not just book smart. Culturally smart, I guess.”

  He grimaced. “I’m a third generation Asian American. I was born here. Yet I’ve had dates treat me like a foreigner. They’ve talked loud or slowly, as if I needed assistance in understanding them. They’ve questioned my enjoyment of a hamburger, because Asian people should always want sushi.” He rolled his eyes at this. “I’ve had dates tell me they expected me to be a bad driver.”

  He let out a weary sigh. “I’ve never had to worry about that kind of shit with you. You never treated me as if I was any different than anyone else we hung out with. In fact, you never cut me any slack. I respected that.”

  This admission surprised her, because she’d never thought of him as different than any of the rest of them. He’s just been Lei. No one in their group had treated him any different, so the dating world had never entered her mind. She’d just assumed everyone treated him the way they did.

  “I get shit from both sides,” he said with a little laugh. “My grandmother constantly bitches because my name is pronounced ‘Lee.’ It’s too American for her.” Shaking his head in amusement, he waved this off. “But all of that aside, I started to look at you in a different light for many reasons. You’re tenacious. You go after what you want and don’t let anyone stand in the way of your goals. You’re also compassionate. I think watching you nurse that raccoon back to health two summers ago while still finding time to work and prepare for the upcoming semester pretty much did me in. You’re an amazing woman. You’ve got an amazing heart, and I don’t think anyone’s ever properly loved you for it before.”

  Heart melting, Katie leaned down to brush her lips against his. “I think someone did. You just did it from a distance.” Her lips lingered against his, and the kiss she’d intended to be innocent shifted into something passionate.

  His hands traveled up her thighs to her hips, caressing her.

  With a soft moan, she rocked her lower body against his, feeling his growing erection through the thin sheet that barely managed to separate them. “Again already?”

  “What can I say? You’re irresistible.”

  With a minimal amount of maneuvering, she managed to get the sheet out of the way and lowered herself onto his stiff cock. “Mmm … you feel so good.” Pleasure tingled through every inch of her body, from the soft stroke of his hands to the fullness of him between her legs. Her mouth pressed roughly to his, becoming needier. Nothing had ever felt so right. She needed him. Kissing Lei was like coming up for fresh air. It revived her belief in love.

  When she sat up to get a better look at him, he ran a hand slowly down the center of her chest. “I want to watch you ride me.” He chuckled at this, probably finding talking dirty to her as peculiar as she did. “I’m serious. I want to watch your body as it moves on top of my dick. I want to watch your pleasure, watch your excitement.”

  Katie smiled. “I’ve got no problem with that.” She’d never minded being naked in front of a man before, but with Lei, she had a desire for it. She loved the idea of him watching her
, of him taking pleasure in seeing her body.

  She tugged the sheet free of her legs and tossed it to the side. She wanted nothing separating them or hindering his view. Once she was sure he had complete visual access to her body, she began moving on top of him. She rolled her hips ever so slowly, rocking on top of him.

  He groaned, his head falling back against the mattress, though he never took his eyes off of her. “You are so damn sexy.” He slid his hands up her thighs, over her waist, and up her ribcage.

  When his palms finally cupped her breasts, she moaned. Her hands lowered to his chest, and she braced herself as she moved on top of him. This thrust her breasts together, taunting him.

  Lei quickly replaced his hands with his mouth, his tongue laving at her nipples. His suddenly free hand went to her clit, and he caressed it firmly with a thumb.

  Katie cried out, her body trembling. “You are so good at that.” Her movements sped as she reveled completely at his touch. Unable to hold back any longer, she sat up. Her hands moved to rest on the top of her head, giving him a full view of her body. She’d planned to go slowly this time, but he made it impossible.

  Her breath escaping her in harsh pants, she began moving so vigorously she bounced on top of him. The sound of his possessive growl urged her on. Sex had never been so good. Never.

  Lei thrust up roughly, driving himself deep, and it brought on her orgasm. A scream tore from her throat as she rode out her pleasure. The feeling of his fingers digging into her hips, of him emptying inside of her, drew out her orgasm, made her experience a second wave.

  Once they were both done, she collapsed to his chest. It took a moment for her to realize it was the most intimate moment she’d shared with him. They were both naked, with him still inside of her. Her cheek rested against his heart, and he was running a hand over her hair.

  “I will never grow tired of that,” he whispered, then pressed a kiss to the top of her head.

  She didn’t think she would either. For the first time in her life, she was envisioning a future with a man that lasted longer than living in the moment. She could picture forever.

  Chapter Five

  “Stop cheating!” Katie giggled as she spooned another forkful of tuna salad onto a cracker.

  “I’m not cheating!” Lei gave a laugh of his own. “Just because I’m amazing at Yahtzee does not make me a cheater.” He stuck a finger in the rim of the bowl holding the tuna they’d wrangled together and tugged it across the kitchen table in his direction. He scooped some onto a cracker and shoved it into his mouth.

  She rolled her eyes and leaned back in her seat, pushing the score card away. She’d just lost her third game in a row and was ready to call it a night. The tuna bowl was nearly empty, their drinks were gone, and the moon already shone outside.

  Staring at him, she cocked her head to the side. “I don’t remember you being this fun. When did you become this fun?”

  He chuckled and reached across the table to take her hand. “I’ve always been this fun. I was just too shy to let you see it.”

  She climbed to her feet and crossed the small space to his chair before sinking down onto his lap. “I don’t remember you ever being shy either.”

  His arms came around her and he nuzzled his nose against her neck. “I hid it well.”

  He was obviously done hiding it now. They’d spent an amazing day together. The snow was still coming down, blocking the roads, but they’d still enjoyed some of the winter delights of the area. They’d gone out and built a snowman together. They’d had a snowball fight. Then once back inside, they’d snuggled in front of the fire and discussed their dreams for the future. Lei confessed his goals of buying a house in a residential area where he could settle down and raise a family. She’d shared her hopes of finding a good job now that she’d obtained her degree. Their talk had been causal and intimate, both of them sharing things they’d never talked about with one another. It was nice, getting to know him in a way she hadn’t before. They’d enjoyed making dinner together and settling down to play the few board games they’d found in the living room.

  Snuggling closer, she leaned in to press a gentle kiss to his lips. “I’m glad we got stranded in this cabin together.”

  “Me too. I think it might be the best thing that’s ever happened to me.”

  She went to reply, but a yawn escaped her. She stretched her arms above her head and gave a tired exhale.

  “Ready for bed?”

  She bobbed her head in affirmation.

  Depositing her on her feet, Lei stood and stretched as well. Taking her hand, he turned her to face him. “I … uh … I don’t want to assume anything. Before I take another step, I wanted to discuss the sleeping arrangements with you.”

  She gave a sound of disbelief at this. “Are you serious?” Laughing, she took his hand and tugged him in the direction of bedroom. “We’re sharing the bed. We’ve had sex two, three times already today. I think we’re way beyond the point of worrying about sleeping arrangements.”

  “I just wanted to make sure.” With a content sigh, he shut the bedroom door behind them as they entered and pulled her into his arms. “I don’t want to pressure you or screw this up. I meant it when I said I waited too long for this to do something stupid.”

  “Don’t worry,” she said with a playful smile. “You’ve done everything right. You’re almost too perfect.” Stepping back, she tugged her shirt over her head and tossed it to the side. Then she wiggled out of her shorts. Her bra quickly followed her other clothing, then she climbed into the bed and pulled the blankets around herself. “Coming?”

  His eyes eagerly drank her in as he unbuttoned his shirt and dropped it to the floor. He quickly added his jeans to the pile. “Most definitely.” He climbed into the bed beside her, and she scooted in to make room for him.

  She’d assumed he would immediately go for sex, but Katie found herself pleasantly surprised when he pulled her into his arms, spooning himself against her back. His arm hugged her tightly against him, and he pressed a gentle kiss to her shoulder. “Please tell me this isn’t going to end once we get back. I don’t want this to end.”

  “I don’t want it to end either,” she whispered, snuggling back against him. His body was so warm and comforting. She never wanted to leave this peaceful embrace. Apparently her own concerns that the real world might put a kink in their perfect harmony had flitted through his mind as well. Things were so amazing between them right now. She worried what would happen when they got back to civilization and had to face reality. What would Nathan think? What would Lei’s parents think? They’d always been nice to her, but she hadn’t been sleeping with their son then. She wasn’t Asian. Would that matter to them? It didn’t seem to matter to Lei now, but would it later?

  She shook these thoughts from her head and stroked her fingers lightly along his arm. “This is all so crazy. I never would have imagined a few days ago that I’d be going to sleep in your arms.”

  “I never would have thought such a thing either.” His hand shifted upward ever so slightly, and he caressed her left breast, fingertips brushing against her nipple. “But I plan to take advantage of every second we have alone together.” He shifted slightly in her direction, and she felt his erection pressing insistently against her backside. “How about you?”

  With a soft sound of desire, she rolled onto her back and pulled him partially on top of her. Her hands went to the back of his neck and she drew him down into a slow, sensual kiss. “I plan to take advantage of every moment.” She didn’t want to waste a single one.

  Chapter Six

  “Hello? Katie? Lei?”

  Katie awoke to the sound of her brother’s voice and a pounding on the cabin’s front door. She sat up in bed with a gasp. She was completely naked. Lei was naked. The two of them were in bed together after a full night of making love. This was so not the way she wanted her brother to find out about the events that had transpired between herself and his best friend.

p; Panicked, she reached a hand out and shook Lei’s shoulder. “Wake up! Lei, wake up.” She stumbled out of bed, her legs tangled in the sheets. “Nathan is here! Shit! Lei, put some damn pants on.”

  She was tugging her own pants up when she heard the front door open.

  “Lei? Katie?”

  She tugged her shirt on as Lei hopped up and down on one foot, trying to get his jeans on. She turned to rush out into the hallway, but Lei grabbed her arm, tugging her to a halt.

  He yanked her toward him and pressed his lips to hers in a firm, passionate kiss. “I needed one more of those before things got crazy.” He kissed her again, his mouth demanding. “Now go greet your brother.”

  Katie squeezed his hand before turning and racing out into the hallway. She skidded into the living room to find her brother peering into the kitchen, obviously searching for her and Lei. “Nathan!” She raced across the living room and threw herself into his arms.

  He hugged her tightly for a moment before pulling back to look at her. “Are you all right? Lei said you guys were fine, but I was so worried.”

  “We’re fine. A little bit of snow wasn’t going to slow us down.”

  “Yeah, well it had all of us at the lodge scared shitless. The owner of the lodge had a truck out here clearing the roads as soon as it stopped snowing. I had to fight them to be the one to come out here and get you guys.”

  He glanced over her shoulder, his expression curious as he peered farther into the cabin. “Where’s Lei?”

  Putting his clothes back on. She did not want to admit this. The truth was nothing she felt like sharing at the moment. This was not the time or place for such an admission. So she gaped at him, unsure of what to say.

  Thankfully, Lei came around the corner at that moment, a wide grin on his face. “Nathan! My man! Good to see you. I was starting to fear we’d be trapped here all winter.”


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