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Monstrum Page 1

by Ann Christopher

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  Published by Blue Iris Press LLC

  7350 Montgomery Road, #36035, Cincinnati, OH 45236

  © Copyright 2013 by Sally Young Moore writing as Ann Christopher


  This is a work of fiction. All characters in this book have no existence outside the imagination of the author and have no relation whatsoever to anyone, living or dead, bearing the same name or names. All incidents are pure invention from the author’s imagination. All names, characters, places and incidents are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

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  Book Cover Design by © MoreThanPublicity

  Book Cover Artist © Lora Lee

  Book Cover Interior Pages Illustration by © MoreThanPublicity

  Publishing History

  Blue Iris Press/Paperback edition/April 2014

  Blue Iris Press/eBook edition/April 2014

  ISBN-13: 978-0-9910664-2-1

  ISBN-10: 0991066421

  Published & Released in the United States of America

  10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1


  More Books by Ann Christopher

  Praise for Ann Christopher



  Part I

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Part II

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Part III

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Part IV

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Meet Ann Christopher


  The Davies Legacy: Twins of Sin Series





  The Hamiltons: Laws of Love


  Warner Family & Friends — Secrets & Lies Series






  Deadly Series



  Single Titles














  “Christopher gets it right every time. Emotional, page-turning reads and characters that stay with you long after you close the book.”

  ~ Lori Foster, New York Times Bestselling Author

  “Ann Christopher’s gift with words will leave you captivated and breathless.”

  ~ Brenda Jackson, New York Times and USA Today Bestselling Author

  “Ann Christopher’s Trouble delivers a scorching, chain-reaction of relationship chemistry that leaves readers breathless!”

  ~ L.A. Banks, New York Times Bestselling Author on Trouble

  “Christopher has a gift for storytelling...”

  ~ Romantic Times BOOKreviews on Trouble

  “TOP PICK! [A] brilliant and tasteful novel about love, tragedy, heartbreak and forgiveness. The author delves deep into her characters, and this touching story will have readers looking into themselves and reexamining the way they react to those around them.”

  ~ Romantic Times BOOKreviews on Risk

  “TOP PICK! Just About Sex is an exceptional story! Ann Christopher uses comedy to smooth over what could be uncomfortable topics. Her characters are colorful, well rounded and often inspirational…”

  ~ Romantic Times BOOKreviews on Just About Sex

  “TOP PICK! Tender Secrets is a riveting story of family drama, betrayal and revenge. Well-written with fascinating characters, situations and a spellbinding mystery, Ann Christopher’s book displays her awesome storytelling ability.”

  ~ Romantic Times BOOKreviews on Tender Secrets

  “TOP PICK! The heroine’s turmoil in dealing with a secret from her past and her love for her best friend is so intense it may well bring you to tears.”

  ~ Romantic Times BOOKreviews on Road to Seduction

  “TOP PICK! Scorching-hot love scenes, an intimate look at the campaign press, the heartbreak of Alzheimer’s and the fishbowl existence of a political figure make this story a keeper!”

  ~ Romantic Times BOOKreviews on Campaign for Seduction

  “TOP PICK! Christopher takes a seemingly unredeemable rascal and transforms him into a hero readers will cheer for. Sometimes heart wrenching, this story of redemption is masterfully done.

  ~ Romantic Times BOOKreviews on Redemption’s Kiss

  “A unique storyline presented in a romantic backdrop makes this a page-turner.”

  ~ Romantic Times BOOKreviews on Seduced On The Red Carpet

  “Tough men find their soft spots for smart, beautiful women in Christopher’s exciting romantic thriller… Rough romance interleaves smoothly with bloody, lethal confrontation en route to a thrilling conclusion.”

  ~ Publisher’s Weekly on Deadly Pursuit

  “This is a thrilling, taut drama with a classic on-the-run adventure, a noble hero, a smart heroine and a villain with no redeeming social values. There’s enough material here for at least one more book and that’s a good thing as readers will be looking forward to the next installment.”

  ~ Romantic Times BOOKreviews on Deadly Pursuit

  “This novel hits all the right romantic notes.”

  ~ Romantic Times BOOKreviews on The Surgeon’s Secret Baby

  “TOP PICK! Christopher does not disappoint in her second DEA thriller. There’s no shortage of heart-stopping action and explosive encounters. ‘Page-turner’ is definitely an apt description for this story because the surprises just keep

  on coming.”

  ~ Romantic Times BOOKreviews on Deadly Desires

  “The chemistry between the leads will thrill readers.”

  ~ Romantic Times BOOKreviews on Sinful Attraction

  “Touching and fiery.”

  ~ Romantic Times BOOKreviews on Sinful Seduction

  “TOP PICK! Scorching-hot love scenes, an intimate look at the campaign press, the heartbreak of Alzheimer’s and the fishbowl existence of a political figure make this story a keeper!”

  ~ Romantic Times BOOKreviews on Campaign for Seduction

  “TOP PICK! Christopher takes a seemingly unredeemable rascal and transforms him into a hero readers will cheer for. Sometimes heart wrenching, this story of redemption is masterfully done.

  ~ Romantic Times BOOKreviews on Redemption’s Kiss

  “A unique storyline presented in a romantic backdrop makes this a page-turner.”

  ~ Romantic Times BOOKreviews on Seduced On The Red Carpet

  “Tough men find their soft spots for smart, beautiful women in Christopher’s exciting romantic thriller… Rough romance interleaves smoothly with bloody, lethal confrontation en route to a thrilling conclusion.”

  ~ Publisher’s Weekly on Deadly Pursuit

  “This is a thrilling, taut drama with a classic on-the-run adventure, a noble hero, a smart heroine and a villain with no redeeming social values. There’s enough material here for at least one more book and that’s a good thing as readers will be looking forward to the next installment.”

  ~ Romantic Times BOOKreviews on Deadly Pursuit

  “This novel hits all the right romantic notes.”

  ~ Romantic Times BOOKreviews on The Surgeon’s Secret Baby

  “TOP PICK! Christopher does not disappoint in her second DEA thriller. There’s no shortage of heart-stopping action and explosive encounters. ‘Page-turner’ is definitely an apt description for this story because the surprises just keep

  on coming.”

  ~ Romantic Times BOOKreviews on Deadly Desires

  “The chemistry between the leads will thrill readers.”

  ~ Romantic Times BOOKreviews on Sinful Attraction

  “Touching and fiery.”

  ~ Romantic Times BOOKreviews on Sinful Seduction


  To Richard, M and V, the loves of my life. And to Grandma and Brian, who are forever in my heart and always missed.


  Special thanks to the following people, in no particular order: Lora Lee, for her spectacular cover art; Shannon Aviles and her team at More Than Publicity, including Stephanie Scofield, for EVERYTHING; early readers Eve Silver, Kristi Cook, and Mom (who, BTW, exposed me to Stephen King’s horror novels early in my impressionable life); beta readers V and AT, who gave me the teenage perspective, whether I was ready for it or not; and my editors Maria Ribas and Martha Trachtenberg, who helped me polish this baby up.

  And to V, who insisted it was time for me to stretch my wings and write something new—I can’t thank you enough.

  Part I

  When sorrows come, they come not single spies, But in battalions.

  Hamlet, IV.v.76–77. (William Shakespeare)

  Some idiot’s snoring. Loudly.

  I wish they’d pipe down, because I’m wiped out—

  Hang on. I’m not the idiot in question, am I?

  With that happy thought, I snort myself awake.

  Opening my eyes, I groggily register the sunny cabin, the rows of seats and my aisle seat . . . and the faces my snickering friends.

  Oh, yeah. Plane.

  The rest of my eleventh-grade class and I are on a small chartered jet, flying back to Atlanta. Our private school requires us to Do Good Works, so we’ve been on a working spring break trip to the Bahamas, where we finished our SCUBA certification and helped marine biologists document the local wildlife.

  Glaring at everyone, I sit up straight and rub the crick in my neck. That’s when I discover the stream of drool on my chin and give it a furtive swipe with the back of my hand.

  Too late.

  “Wow,” says Gray, who’s in the end seat directly across the aisle. His brown eyes are sparkly with mischief and his dimples deepen as he looks me over. “You are hot, girl. H-O-T.”

  “Screw you, Graydon,” I grumble.

  Frown lines harden his angular face, making him look like a solid block of milk chocolate. “Did you just call me by my full name?” He lowers his copy of Sports Illustrated with an angry flourish. “Don’t make me cut you.”

  “Leave me alone, Graydon.” Since we’ve all been together in the same classes and the same private school since seventh grade, I know when to take Gray seriously. This is not one of those times.

  Gray nudges Carter on his right and points at me. “Note the hair.”

  Oh, crap. My corkscrew black curls have thrived on the humidity all week. I don’t need a mirror to know that I probably look like a sheep waiting to be shorn. I try to pat it down.

  “You look good, girl.” Carter leans across Gray so he can see me better with his bright blue gaze. Cupping his chin, he shoots me a smarmy up-and-down look of deepest appreciation, then gives me his signature move: a head toss that emphasizes his long blond rock star hair. “Can I get your digits?”

  “Check back with me in a year or so.” I give up on trying to tame my hair and drop my arms in defeat. “You should have your first chest hair by then.”

  “Seriously, though,” Gray says. “You should probably get your stylist on speed dial when we get back to Atlanta.”

  “Okay, we were in the Bahamas for a working trip,” I remind him. “So forgive me if I was so busy studying the flora and fauna—”

  “Someone’s been paying attention in Latin class for the last four years,” murmurs An, who’s sitting on my left. She’s been listening even though she’s got her nose stuck in her marked-up copy of Macbeth. She was born in China and adopted by an American family when she was a toddler. “Maggie? Origin?”

  Maggie sits on An’s other side, in the window seat. “Flora,” she drones. “From the Roman goddess of flowers. Fauna—”

  “Aw, geez,” I say, rolling my eyes and turning back to Gray. “You. If you want perfectly coiffed hair, you need to check out your pal Rico Suave there.”

  Gray looks to Carter. “You do look good, man.”

  “Will you soul-mate me?” Carter asks Gray mistily, turning back to his Guns & Ammo magazine.

  I laugh. “While you two sit there completing each other, I’m going to read my fencing magazine.”

  An frowns across at us. “You should all be finishing Macbeth.”

  I’ve already finished Macbeth and am weirdly fascinated by his kick-ass wife, not that I’ll admit it to this crowd any more than I’d admit I like studying Latin and ancient Rome so much that I recently had a DVD-watching marathon that included Spartacus, Ben-Hur and, my favorite, Gladiator. “We’re on spring break.”

  “You need to act like you want to get into a good college—” An starts.

  Without warning, it gets a whole lot darker in here.

  I blink stupidly, thinking, huh, that’s weird, but someone farther back in the plane screams and there are several “Oh, my Gods!” That’s when I begin to get concerned.

  I look overhead.

  The plane’s interior lights are still on.

  I look out Maggie’s window.

  The sky is dark.

  No. The sky is black.

  Craning my neck, I look out Carter’s window on the plane’s other side.

  The sky is black.

  Bewildered more than anything else, I try to make what’s happened fit into some set of facts that makes sense. Did some automated shades come down ahead of the in-flight movie?

  Maggie, whose face mirrors my confusion, apparently has a similar idea and touches the window.

  There’s no shade. The sky is black.

  A wedge of anxiety opens up inside me but, in a move that would make my therapist proud, I take a deep breath and swallow it back. “What’s going on, guys? Is this normal weather over the Atlantic?”

  Gray shakes his head, eyes wide. Balancing his elbows on his knees, he leans forward to address Sammy, who’s in the aisle seat direc
tly in front of his. “What do you think, Sammy?”

  Sammy, An’s brother by adoption, pauses before answering. Typical.

  The rest of us wait for his verdict. Also typical.

  Frown lines groove down Sammy’s forehead, making his heavy brown brows contract. “No idea.”

  The rest of us exchange worried looks.

  Behind us, the other kids and chaperones are working themselves up into a dull roar of distress. Someone shouts for the flight attendant.

  “It’s just a storm, right?” Maggie asks uneasily.

  Sammy gives his shoulders a dismissive twitch. “I checked the forecast before we left. There’s a tropical storm brewing down south, but it wasn’t this close to us. This is bizarre.”

  We all turn and stare out our windows.

  I see a black that’s absolute and impenetrable. A black that could’ve been made from coal mixed with tar and coated with the utter absence of light, something you’d expect to see inside a cave hidden three miles beneath the earth’s surface.

  I see a void.

  There’s no hint of shadow, sun, clouds or anything that signifies the earth I know. I could almost believe we’d hitched a ride on the space shuttle, except that if we were in space, I’m pretty sure we’d see a star or two.

  I have the crazy thought that someone has picked up our plane, nailed it inside a coffin and buried it.

  “Well, someone should be telling us something.” It doesn’t take Gray long to click into take-charge mode like the class president he is. He unbuckles, stands and moves into the aisle, looking over his shoulder for the flight attendant.

  That’s when we hear an overhead chime. It reminds me that someone official is in charge and makes me feel better. The idea of a plane full of teenagers, a couple teachers and a couple parents getting into trouble over the Atlantic isn’t exactly good for my anxiety disorder.

  “Passengers, this is First Officer Rizzio,” begins a clipped male voice.

  “First officer?” says An in a whisper. “What? Is the pilot too busy eating a doughnut to take this thing off autopilot and talk to us?”

  We shush her.

  “As you can see, I’ve turned on the seat belt sign,” First Officer Rizzio continues. “Flight attendants, please determine if there are any medical professionals on the plane and report to the cockpit immediately.”


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