Yield To Me

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Yield To Me Page 6

by Richards, Tory

  “Get off me!” she snapped, not bothering to keep her voice down. “You won’t get a penny from my father or Jonathan if you…if you touch me.”

  Her unexpected remark caught Brent by surprise. “Somehow I doubt that.” There was a trace of laughter in his voice. “But if it was a stipulation, it just might be worth the forfeit of all those millions.” What the devil am I saying? Her nearness was affecting him and he took a step back.

  Tom finally entered the room in a clumsy stumble, drawing to a halt when he saw them at the front door. His sigh of relief was unmistakable. “I’m sorry, Brent, it didn’t occur to me to check the connecting bathroom door.”

  Brent didn’t budge, never taking his eyes off Sophie. “Forget it, Tom, go back to bed. I have the situation under control.” His stare captured and held the vulnerability he saw reflected in Sophie’s eyes. He made an attempt to read what he saw, but he’d never been any good at figuring women out.

  “You know, I get the impression you’re not the defenseless little senator’s daughter you’d like everyone to believe. She would never have attempted to escape while two men were holding her captive.”

  “Then you’re wrong,” Sophie replied, injecting strength into her tone as though to prove her point. “What person in their right mind wouldn’t try to get away if they were being held against their will?” She strained against his hands as though testing his strength, arching her body slightly, but that was a mistake when all it did was bring her into bodily contact with him.

  She stilled instantly. “Will you please let me go back to my room?”

  “You brought this on yourself, princess. All I’m doing is keeping you from leaving this apartment.”

  Struggling against a man wearing only boxer shorts, and snug ones at that, wasn’t a very good idea. Didn’t she have any inkling what she was doing? Brent clenched his teeth against the telltale signs of arousal racing through his blood. She was about to find out real soon. The fact he suspected she didn’t have anything on under his shirt wasn’t helping matters.

  “Stop that,” he ordered when she slammed her hips into his again, chipping away at his control. The next time she did it, he sucked in an audible breath, becoming angry at her inability to realize what she was provoking. He thrust his hips right back at her.

  Well, he’d warned her.

  His senses were suddenly wired, turning him harder than stone. Unbidden thoughts of reaching beneath the hem of his shirt and trailing his fingers along the soft skin of her inner thighs clouded his judgment, making him dizzy. He tried to tell himself it was because he was exhausted and needed sleep. But the truth was she made him want her too fast, and the thought of sliding between her thighs was sweet temptation. Especially if she was receptive. He closed his eyes, groaning inwardly, refusing to give in to the hunger of his body.

  Her helpless whimper penetrated the fog surrounding his head. With a low, frustrated noise, he pulled her away from the door, squashing down the lust riding him. Nothing could happen between them. Yet he couldn’t help wondering what it was about her that made him forget his resolutions about not trusting women. Given a little time, he could probably figure it out, only he was too tired to think about it right now. He pulled her behind him.

  “What are you going to do?”

  “Something I should have done in the first place,” he grumbled, ignoring the underlining fear he detected in her soft tone. She should have thought about the consequences before breaking her promise. He dragged her through the darkened living room. With a deft flick of his wrist, he unlocked her bedroom door, jerking her inside and slamming it behind them.

  “No!” When it became clear, they were heading straight for the bed she pulled back.

  “Yes!” Brent hadn’t had as much as a catnap in the last thirty hours and he was going to get a good night sleep if it killed him, or her! “I’m going to do whatever it takes to keep you in this bed long enough for me to get some shuteye.” He tossed her on it.

  As she bounced upon the bed, she reached for the hem of her shirt where it rode up high, but not before Brent got a glimpse of her incredibly long and sexy legs. He thought he saw a flash of black silk before she was able to yank the shirt down, answering his earlier thoughts about whether or not she was wearing anything under her gown.

  The soft glow of the bedside lamp filtering through the room cast a sensual warmth that provided just the right mood for lovers, if they’d been lovers. Brent ignored it, turning to the nightstand next to the bed. If memory served him correctly, he’d placed a pair of handcuffs there for an emergency. As far as he was concerned this definitely qualified. He rummaged around until he found what he was looking for, holding them up with a wicked grin.

  “You can’t be serious!” Sophie gasped, her eyes growing round. “I haven’t broken my promise to be quiet!”

  His chuckle held little humor. “You can’t be trusted. These are to ensure you keep the other half of your promise, to behave.” He reached for her wrist and clamped one end of the cuffs around it before she could pull free.

  She quickly rolled away from him, forgetting he still had the other end of the cuffs. Instead of forcing her back, Brent kneeled on the bed, yanking her wrist up with the cuff around it, fully intending to secure her to the bedpost.

  He hesitated, his eyes staring with total disbelief before swearing a blue streak a mile long. There is no headboard. Of all the rotten luck. He looked at Sophie, narrowing his gaze at the ill-placed humor suddenly brimming in their depths. Her expression clearly told him she’d guessed what he’d been about to do.

  For a moment, he forgot about everything except her beautiful face, spellbound like some gawky teenager getting his first look at a woman’s breasts. The look in her lovely blue eyes asked him what he thought he was going to do next, so he calmly took the empty handcuff and clamped it around his own wrist, which promptly wiped the smug look off her face.

  “You can’t do that,” she said when she was finally able to close her mouth again. Her eyes looked positively wild, the color on her cheeks deepening.

  “I just did,” he responded calmly.


  “Listen, princess, you’re safe tonight. I’m too damn tired to try anything.” Before she could stop him, Brent made himself comfortable on the bed next to her. He forced her down beside him with a not so gentle tug, fluffing the pillow under his head and releasing a deep sigh of satisfaction. “Get some sleep; tomorrow will be here before you know it.”

  He closed his eyes, hoping that was the end of further talk.

  It was going to be hell lying next to her all night but it was a temporary solution to having to worry about her escaping. Tomorrow he’d figure out something different but right now, all Brent wanted was some sleep.

  Sophie mumbled something under her breath. “What was that?” In spite of being fatigued, the humor was evident in his tone. “Did you say something about a goodnight kiss?”

  She became rigid with indignation. “No,” she bit out between her teeth.

  Brent hoped the silence that followed meant she’d accepted her situation. She moved against him as though seeking a more comfortable position. If he thought, he was going to get any sleep with her lying next to him all night he was crazy. He already felt the heat from their close proximity, and thanked God for the cool air of the fan overhead.

  In the end, it wasn’t enough. As Brent resigned himself to being hot, Sophie moved again, and again. What the hell was she doing? She tried to inch away from him, but their handcuffed wrists prevented her from getting very far. Once she attempted to roll on her side, and then gave up with a low groan. Brent grinned.

  She stilled for a second. He opened one eye to peer at her, just as she reached up and began fluffing her shirt, which gave him a view of the curve of her lovely breasts.

  “Will you be still?” he grumbled, more annoyed because of the desire uncoiling inside his gut.

  “I’m hot!” she whispered, defending

  “Well, if you stop wiggling you’ll cool down. I’m hot too.” Inside and out.

  “I’m trying to get comfortable.” She began squirming again.

  Brent released a snort as she continued to twist and turn. Her fingertips inadvertently brushed against his naked thigh, sending fire straight to his loins. He tried to pretend it didn’t happen, but that was like trying to imagine she wasn’t a sexy woman. What he couldn’t ignore was her hip brushing against his rising cock.

  “Damn it!” he barked, losing control.

  “I’m used to sleeping on my side,” she explained with annoyance.

  With a deep sigh of aggravation, Brent rolled to his side, turning Sophie with him so that when they were finally settled she was in the scooped out hollow provided by his body. He put his arm around her because there was no place else to put it. She gasped at his audacity, and tried to scoot away. Only he yanked her back just as easily. “Now go to sleep!” he snarled against her ear. He didn’t care if she felt his hard-on or not.

  She gasped and grew as stiff as a board against him. Brent could just imagine what was going through her mind. Then he was questioning his own sanity. His dick was nestled against her soft ass; their bare legs were touching from thigh to ankle. His arm was beneath her breasts and his nose was buried against her fragrant hair. Everything at that moment became intensified. He willed his body under control.

  Not until her soft, steady breathing indicated that she’d fallen asleep was Brent able to finally relax and give in to his own exhaustion. He was still hotter than ever, but at least she wasn’t squirming anymore. With a sigh of relief, he closed his eyes and sank into a welcome slumber.

  Chapter 8

  Morning came as early as Brent had predicted. And with it the comprehension that she hadn’t been dreaming after all. She had been kidnapped and she had spent the night curled against the body of her drop-dead handsome kidnapper. What’s more, his cock was hard as steel against her butt.

  Sophie closed her eyes, catching her bottom lip between her teeth, unwillingly captivated by his arousal. Her last sexual encounter had been over a year ago. With a plastic surgeon who’d been more concerned with messing up his hair than seeing to her pleasure. The incident had left her so unsatisfied and disappointed that she hadn’t cared if she ever had sex again.

  Lying there in Brent’s arms while trying to ignore the fact his sweltering kisses had been the result of self-preservation, and not because he wanted her, still made her wish foolishly that the circumstances between them were different. She knew what she was feeling was crazy, and dangerous.

  So why can’t I ignore the feel of his muscular legs brushing the back of mine, teasing me as much as any calculated caress? And the way his even breathing kisses the flesh behind my ear, causing a quiver down my entire body that leaves an empty ache. Or how protected I feel with his arm thrown over me?

  There was something a little bit thrilling and risky about waking up in the arms of a sexy abductor. Brent’s body felt hard and powerful against her backside; something she hadn’t noticed the night before because she’d been so frightened. When his cock jumped against her, she felt an answering response in the lower region of her body.

  When his fingers flexed where they rested beneath her breast, realization of what she was doing hit her like a ton of bricks. What she was feeling was wrong and would go nowhere. When the air conditioner kicked on she thanked God for the cool draft that suddenly caressed her feverish skin. Though with relief also came the knowledge there were places she was barely covered, if at all.

  “You awake, princess?”

  Thank God! “Yes I’m awake, and I’ll thank you to stop that.” She purposely injected irritation in her tone. The last thing she wanted was Brent to think she enjoyed being curled up against him. She straightened away from him, as far as the handcuffs allowed.

  “Stop what?” he asked innocently, his voice low and sexy. Only Sophie wasn’t buying it. He knew exactly what she referred to.

  She released a sound of annoyance. “You know what,” she insisted, not falling for his obvious trap.

  “You mean this?” He pulled Sophie back against him until her bottom was flush against his hard as steel cock. “Does it bother you when a man shows you that he wants you?” His husky tone revealed he wasn’t immune to the intimate situation.

  Sophie fought down the desire racing through her blood. “You’re my captor…”

  “I’m a man first.” His voice had turned raspy with desire.

  She rolled onto her back with growing alarm, her mouth trembling. She was afraid of how she’d react if he kissed her, or did anything else. “Please leave me alone.”

  His gaze dropped, narrowing at a spot beneath her chin. A feeling prompted Sophie into reaching up. She touched bare skin, where her shirt had parted when she’d unbuttoned it the night before in an effort to cool off. She unwillingly glanced down, her heart sinking when she saw the curves of her breasts were exposed. And my nipples are hard! Is everything working against me? Her hand worked frantically at closing the material over her breasts. Suddenly his hand was there too, stopping her.

  “You’re beautiful in the morning.” His long fingers encircled her wrist firmly, pulling Sophie’s hand away from her body. The look in his dark eyes unnerved her, but she couldn’t look away. Spellbound like some innocent teenager experiencing her first crush. “Even with your chin stuck out in defiance and your eyes snapping with sapphire heat.” He lowered his face, and Sophie had no doubts that he intended to kiss her.

  “Please don’t,” she whispered, feeling her pulse quickening. She tried to pull free but couldn’t break his hold.

  “Why? What are you afraid of? Discovering something you can’t handle?” he challenged.

  “I can handle anything,” Sophie said softly, swallowing the lie when she thought about her dilemma with Jonathan.

  The silence that followed was palpable. Sophie had half a mind to close the distance between them and kiss him herself. It took conscious effort to remember what her situation was. But strangely, she didn’t feel any real fear of Brent. And that was crazy, wasn’t it? He’d kidnapped her, for whatever reason, but it was the threat of what he did to her peace of mind that was far more dangerous.

  “I’ll be the judge of that.”

  Sophie didn’t have time to ask him what he meant. Not when her mouth was suddenly crushed beneath his, and he was forcing his tongue inside. As soon as her tongue meshed with his, an explosion of intense heat spread through her body. Her brief resistance was cut short, he was much too big and strong and being handcuffed together worked out to his benefit.

  He rolled and she found herself in much the same predicament as the day before. As Brent deepened the kiss, his hand moved to the top of her shirt, sliding inside. Then his hand was on her breast, caressing and shaping her flesh. Moving his palm over her hard nipple until she was squirming. Sophie moaned beneath his mouth, trying to fight the potency of his sensual attack.

  Her whole body became alive with pleasant sensations. Tiny explosions of pleasure zinged through her blood. Wetness between her thighs indicated she was highly turned on and enjoying everything Brent was doing to her. In fact, she shamelessly wanted more. She arched against him, straining against his cock.

  Brent’s mouth left hers and moved down to her aching breast,

  “Oh!” The weak sound passed through Sophie’s lips when his warm mouth closed over her nipple. This isn’t right! But she couldn’t work up the strength to protest aloud.

  A gasp of surprise escaped her when he pulled her shirt open, ripping buttons off in the process. Then his mouth was kissing and moving over to her other breast. And his hand, the one that wasn’t handcuffed to hers, caressed down to her knee. The trip back up took him up the inside of her thigh to her creaming pussy.

  “Fuck, you’re already wet for me!” Brent rasped when his hand covered her hair-covered mound.

  Sophie couldn’t deny i
t. Nor could she deny the pleasure his finger was giving her. It burrowed between the plump lips of her pussy and found her clit. The first time his finger flicked over it her hips left the bed and she cried out. Brent’s mouth came crashing back down upon hers as his finger entered her twisting body.

  What am I doing? Giving myself to a stranger! But she was too weak to fight him. Everything he did sent a sharp new thrill through her, awakening her senses. Her hunger grew, overriding everything else. She couldn’t think, she could only feel. The room was suddenly filled with the sound of heavy breathing and sighs of desire.

  Before she realized what Brent was doing, he’d kissed his way down her body to her pelvis. She glanced down at him, at the same moment he looked up at her. When realization of what he intended became clear Sophie tried to draw him back up her body where they were joined at the wrists, only he was too strong for her. She shook her head, suddenly terrified of how far they had come.

  “No, please!” she begged, painfully aware of how weak it sounded.

  “If you want me to believe you then say it with a little more conviction.”

  When his kiss took him to the opening of her pussy, Sophie knew she was lost. It had been too long since she’d felt the arousing touch of a lover. Since she’d felt his intimate kiss. And against her will she found herself attracted to Brent.

  The warmth of his breath, the lapping of his tongue before it dove into her deeply, erased all other thoughts or wants but what she was feeling at that moment. Oh god! She was already so close!

  “This isn’t right,” she gasped. But nothing had ever felt so good. He was rapidly tonguing her into an orgasm. She arched beneath his mouth, her hands clenching into the sheets on either side of her. It was that or bury her fingers in his hair to hold him closer. When her panting picked up speed, his tongue picked up speed.

  “Noooooooooooo!” she cried out, unable to do anything but go with the fireball exploding through her twisting body. It was the worse betrayal. “Oh god!” She took a final deep breath and then expelled it, collapsing, drained. Her body convulsed without control when Brent slowly withdrew his tongue.


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