Brent knew he’d lost the battle when her tongue darted out to moisten her lips. He intended to kiss her and this time it wasn’t to quiet her or put on a show for anyone. The hunger heating his blood was nearly paralyzing. His cock was as hard as iron; pushing against her impatiently. It took all his strength not to show her how much he wanted her by pushing her back upon the bed and following her there.
Instead, he held on to the thin string of what self-control he had left. Wrong or right, he wanted Sophie willing. He wanted her to melt in his arms, and to hear those little purring sounds that indicated she was hot. And liked what he was doing to her.
“I am honest,” she insisted, running her tongue over her bottom lip, her eyes half closed. Her heightened color held him mesmerized.
“How honest?” he demanded, his nostrils flaring with the scent of their combined arousal. Her breasts were crushed against him; rounded softness peaked with hard little crowns digging into his chest. Demanding he notice them. He watched her throat work as she tried to swallow, denial warring with inevitability on her expression.
“Honest enough to admit I want you.” Her words were low and barely audible, drawn from the very heart of her. She didn’t just want him to kiss her; she wanted him. It couldn’t get any plainer than that.
The passion simmering in his gut was replaced with something he was afraid to explore, an emotion frightening in its intensity. His heart rate picked up speed, every nerve ending becoming raw and exposed. There was nothing on God’s green earth that was going to stop him from taking her lips and her body. Even thoughts of prison for the next twenty-five years didn’t cool his libido.
He leaned in closer, doing what he’d wanted since the first time he’d sampled that soft, snobbish mouth. The very air around them crackled with unspent energy. Brent took her mouth with an urgent hunger in a kiss not tempered with finesse or tenderness. It was basic and raw, revealing the wild need surging through his body. Sophie surprised him by matching his passion, leaning into him and whimpering softly with abandon, not showing any signs of reluctance. Her nails curled into his shirt with ardor. Her response was more than he could have hoped for.
Her moan was low and weak beneath his mouth. There was no way it could be misinterpreted as a sound of protest. Her surrender caused desire to lick through Brent like wildfire on a dry summer day. It was hot and rapid, totally out of control. Driving him to press his attack until Sophie was on the same sensual plateau as him. He wanted her just as horny and demanding. He wanted her wild.
She opened her mouth and he slipped his tongue inside, invading the cavern to caress her tongue, explore its secrets, and taste a sweetness that matched no other. His hand left her hip and glided over her breast, slipping inside the opening of her shirt to cup her warm, naked flesh. She tore her mouth away, crying out with sharp surprise. Her flesh swelled against Brent’s palm; her body trembled wildly when he purposely grazed her nipple with the rough pad of his thumb. She arched against him with a sharp gasp. Her reaction fired the lust boiling in his blood; he thrust his hips against her seeking relief. Knowing the answer lay in possessing her sweet body.
He tried to pull away, knowing he should keep his distance. The muscles in his arms flexed as he fought the mixed emotions sweeping through his shell-shocked mind. Part of him, the part that was hungry to be inside her, wanted to continue; the other half, the sensible half, just as determined to end it. But nothing had ever felt so right.
Her body was alive against his, prompting Brent to caress her more boldly. He pulled her shirt up so he could touch her naked flesh, and then his hand moved to her bottom, kneading the rounded globe left naked by her thong. His exploration took him to the soft dampness between her legs. Flicking his finger across her mound seemed the natural thing to do.
“Oh!” She arched against him. Her control seemed to snap and she began her own aggressive assault. Brent didn’t stand a chance when her hands smoothed over his shoulders and down his back. She raked her nails over his muscles like a cat sharpening her claws. The pain sent sharp pleasure shooting down to his groin. She pulled his shirt out of the waistband of his jeans and then her hands were smoothing over his bare torso, as though wanting to memorize what she was feeling.
Brent sucked in his breath, and groaned, as their passion grew to gigantic proportions. He felt like a rocket getting ready to launch. Sophie moved suggestively against his cock, with a purr that was anything but satisfied. It revealed her hunger, while fueling his to uncontrollable heights. She lifted his shirt, spreading wildfire along his abdomen and chest with her soft, open mouth. Using her teeth and tongue on him in a way that drove him crazy. Words seemed unnecessary as they traveled the same path to pleasure.
Losing control, Brent gave her a little nudge and together they fell back upon the bed. Her fingers curled into his shoulders as he impatiently tugged at the buttons left on her shirt, exposing more of her skin to his marauding lips and tongue. He suckled her quivering breasts, tugging on her nipples. Rolling them with his tongue until she was arching against him with a cry. He was hungry for more, letting her know in no uncertain terms that he wanted her.
All of her!
He rolled, bringing Sophie with him until she was on top. His eyes feasted on the perfection of her full breasts with their rosy tips. For a moment, their movements ceased; their gazes met and clung; they held their breaths. Then Sophie’s hands went to his shirt, pulling it open without unbuttoning it. He shuddered uncontrollably when she lowered her head, reining hot little kisses along his neck and shoulders before traveling down his chest until she reached his nipples. Her hair tickled him, but stopping her didn’t enter his mind when her warm, wet mouth closed over one tight protuberance. The flick of her tongue across that hardened nub rendered him powerless. He felt control slipping away.
She leaned forward, and Brent let out a strangled groan. Excitement slammed through him as he caught the reflection of her wild movements in the mirror above. He’d been meaning to have it removed. Now he was glad he hadn’t gotten around to it. Seeing their reflection as they made love was far stronger than any stimulus on the market. He was entrapped in the erotic scene playing out; the excitement of watching Sophie making love to him with her hands and mouth. She kissed and nipped at his skin, while caressing him wherever she could reach.
When her hand glided over his throbbing cock, his moved to her only undergarment. It was easy slipping his finger inside, reaching the damp heart of her and testing her readiness. Her clit was swollen and her pussy was creaming for him. Brent nearly had heart failure when Sophie’s hips shot forward, giving him better access. His nostrils flared, taking in a deep breath of her arousal. With half-closed eyes, she glanced down at him, sinking her teeth into her bottom lip. With one finger buried deep inside her body, his thumb manipulated her swollen clit.
“Oh!” she said breathlessly, rocking against his finger. Brent knew the signs. Her lovely expression said she was close to climaxing. And he was about to have his own huge explosion. Only this wasn’t the way he wanted it to end. He slid his finger out, ignoring her cry of frustration. Jamming his fingers into her thick hair, he pulled Sophie to him, the throbbing in his body almost too painful to endure. Every part of him was attuned to her. He wanted her in the most basic way, but first he intended to kiss her.
As their lips joined, he felt her hands smooth over his shoulders, tugging impatiently on his shirt when it got in the way. Brent felt her breasts brush against his chest, appreciating their fullness and the hard little nipples digging into his flesh where his shirt was open. Then, without warning, Sophie tugged on his bottom lip, groaning out in frustration as she yanked on his shirt again.
Smiling beneath her mouth, Brent held her close to him while he reversed their positions, once again placing Sophie beneath him. Without giving her a chance to catch her breath, he reached for her thong and ripped it from her body, before smoothing his hand over her hip to her naked buttocks. She thrust her hips against his
erection, nearly ending what little willpower he had left.
Sensing her distress, Brent tore away long enough to pull his shirt off and toss it to the floor, before reaching for the snap to his jeans. He took a moment to look down at Sophie, seeing the desire on her beautiful face, and amazed by it. His gaze raked over her lovely nudity with a fierce hunger, before tugging the snap open and the zipper down. Leaving them on, he lowered over her again. He couldn’t recall a time when a woman had fired him up with the need to fuck her no matter what the consequences.
His lust for Sophie ruled his emotions, his actions, and that was something that never happened. But here it was happening again. He knew as his body touched her that he would lose his mind if he didn’t make love to her in every sense of the word. His muscles flexed beneath her palms as she ran her hands over his shoulders and down his back. The little mewling sounds coming from her indicated she liked what she felt. He sucked in his breath when her hands roamed even lower, pausing when she came to the obstacle of his jeans. He wondered if she was going to let it stand in the way of what she really wanted.
He didn’t have to wonder long. It didn’t take much effort for her to slide her hands beneath the loosened garment and continue her sensuous journey. Brent nearly lost control with the feel of her small hand clenched into his buttocks. He pulled back, seeing the naked desire in her half-closed eyes, knowing it mirrored his own. What they were doing was madness but there was no stopping now. He was too far-gone. His instincts telling him Sophie was in the same place.
“Sophie…” he growled, burying a hand in her hair and dragging her up so he could kiss her, wishing he’d taken the time to remove his pants. They were in the way now, and he was loath to leave her.
“Yes?” she gasped after gently breaking the burning kiss.
His heart pounded like a jackhammer in his chest. “You’re killing me, sweetheart.” The endearment slipped through his lips before he could stop it. It didn’t matter. Isn’t there an unwritten law somewhere that said anything goes during lovemaking?
His hands traveled from her shoulders down her back, unhesitatingly gliding over the curve of her rump and down the backs of her thighs. The intimate journey took them to dizzying new heights when his hand slipped between her thighs, letting his fingers dip teasingly into the hidden heat there.
“Brent!” she cried out.
“Yes?” he asked between kisses.
“Now who’s slowly killing whom?” she questioned in a breathless little voice, accepting the hunger of his caresses with pleasurable moans.
Unexpected laughter vibrated through him, which quickly turned into a growl of need when her hand slipped into the front opening of his jeans. His answering response was a savage kiss that ended in a searing path down her neck and shoulders. Her body jerked wildly but he ignored it, soft whimpers of desire urging him to continue with his bold strokes. He wanted to take it slow but her movements demanded he put an end to the fire he’d created inside her. Her catlike purrs pleaded with him not to stop.
He did stop though, when he realized how close she was to completing the journey. He slid his hands around until he reached her buttocks, kneading and caressing her flesh until they were both a little crazy with hunger. As she rocked with shameless abandon against his hardness, it was then Brent realized he couldn’t take any more.
“You have about five seconds to change your mind, if you’re going to,” he rasped, snaking his tongue out to lick at a burgeoning nipple close to his mouth. “Before I part those silken thighs and make you mine.”
His hoarse words seemed to enflame her more and she caught her breath, pulling away to look at him with glazed eyes. After a heart stopping moment, she raised her face with intentions of kissing him, but his hand tangled in her hair, preventing her from reaching her destination.
“No, Sophie, I want the words,” he rasped wildly, needing to know her answer without any doubts. He didn’t want her throwing it back in his face again that he’d forced himself on her.
“Yes!” she gasped fiercely, slowly raising her face a second time. “I want you to fuck me,” she breathed against his lips. “I want you inside me!” When her lips finally closed over his they became lost in a whirlwind of passion and desire.
Sounds of mutual pleasure rocked through the small cabin, and Brent knew there was no turning back. Sophie’s hands were there suddenly, pulling at his pants until they were down enough to free his seeking cock. His heart locked in his tight throat as her fingers guided him to the soft, plump folds of her pussy. Thrusting forward in one smooth motion, he buried himself deeply inside her womb.
“Oh my!” She arched into his possession, her cry of pure pleasure echoing throughout the cabin. “Oh!”
That one single thrust was almost Brent’s undoing, as the warm yielding flesh of her body enveloped his dick in a tight, wet heat. He paused briefly to let the feeling pass. He had more control than that, and he wasn’t about to cheat them. Sophie, on the other hand, had other plans, tightening her muscles around him, urging him to move. Urging him to lose control.
He moved, slowly at first, withdrawing from her body until just the tip of his penis stroked her clit in a teasing sweep, before slowly gliding back home. She gasped sharply, shivering, clenching her hands into the flesh of his buttocks. However, her wildness didn’t force him into yielding control. Instead, it had the opposite effect, impelling him to move even slower, drawing out each thrust as much as he dared.
“Oh God!” she cried in a voice laced with smoky heat, her head thrashing against the pillow. Her cool, haughty demeanor replaced with the blazing fire of a hungry vixen.
Continuing to tease her, Brent’s stamina began to waver when he felt the telltale river of sensation igniting deep inside his body, signaling release was imminent. He began fucking Sophie harder and deeper, control escaping him as intense pleasure spurred him on.
Sophie matched his passion every step of the way, moving beneath him wildly while welcoming him into her moist body. She pleaded with him to put out the fire, but he didn’t need any encouragement to end the inferno between them. Her cries of release and the convulsing of her body when she climaxed sent him over the edge. Slamming his mouth down on hers, all it took was a final deep thrust and he was spilling hotly inside her.
Chapter 14
Stirring slowly, Sophie burrowed deeper beneath the covers vaguely wondering why she was naked and aching all over. As she roused more fully she became aware of other, more subtle changes in her body. Tenderness between her thighs; a lingering tingle that seemed to envelop her whole being. She felt warm; her breasts swollen and sensitive. A lengthy moan escaped her after running her hands down her body and gently probing between her thighs.
Oh God! It hadn’t been a dream.
Her eyes bolted open when she realized the wetness between her legs was the end result of a passionate coupling with Brent. A deep heat raced throughout her body when it all came rushing back to her with startling clarity. How she’d responded to his caresses with shameless abandon. How she’d wanted his possession.
She unwillingly recalled how eagerly she’d wanted to give him pleasure as well. How much she’d enjoyed his hands and mouth on her, while his cock pounded in and out of her. Yet instead of feeling shame for her weakness, thinking about it only aroused her all over again.
Rolling to her side she came face to face with Brent, who was still asleep, his lips parted slightly as he breathed in shallow spurts. She froze, holding her breath. The early morning sunrise filtering through the semi-sheer curtains gave off enough light to make out his masculine features. He was even more handsome in a relaxed state, with his expression unguarded, and his thick hair tousled like a little boy.
She thought about their intense lovemaking. He’d seen to her needs as well as his own. Something she hadn’t experienced with any other partner. Not that she’d had all that many. In contrast, Brent was older than most of the men she’d dated and his experience showed; he’d
been a powerful and thorough lover. She knew she’d never be able to sleep with another man and not make comparisons.
Again, she felt a warm glow fill her body at the image of them entwined in the throes of passion, but she couldn’t afford to linger on that right now. Tearing her gaze away from his sleeping profile she looked around the cabin until her glance fell on the door that led topside. There had to be some way she could make contact with the outside world. At the very least, contact her father to assure him she was all right. It surprised her to realize she was more concerned with that then with escaping.
When her gaze landed on Brent, again the reason became crystal clear. She didn’t want to escape at all. She wasn’t an expert on kidnappings but intuition told her something wasn’t right about the whole situation. Eventually she was going to find out what. She wasn’t quite ready to believe his story about kidnapping Eunice Holland either. Besides, escaping Brent would lead her directly into Jonathan’s arms.
On that thought, she slowly turned away from him, scooting to the edge of the bed. She carefully reached for the first shirt she saw on the floor, slipping it on and keeping her head turned so she could watch him out of the corner of her eye. Then, holding her breath, she rose gingerly to her feet. She was certain Brent had a cellular phone somewhere on the boat. The first place she checked was the pockets of his jeans, sighing with deep disappointment when her search turned up nothing but some loose change and his truck keys. Then it occurred to her he’d hardly keep it in the bedroom where she might get her hands on it. She turned toward the narrow hallway leading to the galley.
When she was far enough away from the bedroom, she hurried the rest of the way to the tiny galley, which had all the amenities of a normal kitchen only in much smaller dimensions. There was even a small nook to sit and eat in. Her gaze darted wildly around the confining space, and she jumped for joy when they landed on the small black cell phone. Dashing to the counter she snatched it up, almost dropping it while hurriedly dialing her father’s private number. It bypassed his secretary’s desk and right now, she didn’t have time to waste talking with Rita.
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