Naked in Prague, Pt. 2

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Naked in Prague, Pt. 2 Page 2

by Jones,Ciara

  Moira had told that story to friends in the years since and gotten some laughs. What she’d never told anyone except Kaye is that she’d spent the rest of that day curled up under the covers in her bunk, still naked, furiously masturbating. She’d had several confusing, guilty orgasms by the day’s end. It was the most bizarrely erotic day of her life.

  Up until now.

  What was it about being humiliated in such a way that turned her on? She couldn’t put it into words. Right now, tied by wrist and ankle to a cold railing, with panties stuffed into her gagged mouth, naked like a hostage and totally helpless, with eddies of cool mist swirling about her in the wind, Moira felt like she was seeing herself from a distance. This gorgeous pale body writhing in the moonlight with the river babbling behind her, like some perfect statue to be admired. She almost wanted to be found. To be photographed, captured in this moment. It would be so, so wrong.

  Then she heard a laugh nearby and there was nothing in her mind but white hot panic.

  Instantly, she froze. There was nothing but the sound of wind and water. She ceased to breath and struggle. She strained with every fiber of her being to hear.

  It was a man’s laugh, of that she was certain. It had sounded like an echo, distant, something that bounced off a wall and got carried by the wind. She scanned every rustle of leaves or motion of shadow. Nothing. No more sound.

  Wait. Another laugh. Closer.

  Oh god, Kaye, what have you done?!

  She felt so stupid. So angry. What an idiotic thing to do. On some level, no matter how scared or humiliated she’d felt tonight, Moira had understood it was all stupid fun. Getting hogtied on the bed, or marched down the street wearing only a hoodie, or stripped in the club and given to Alena. It was all some big game Kaye was playing.

  This was no game. This was dangerous. This was an invitation to be arrested or murdered or kidnapped.

  Another laugh. Closer. Moira began to struggle like never before. She twisted and writhed against the railing, begging her ropes to loosen. They dug into her wrists, her ankles. Her toes curled into the cool dirt under her feet. Her butt clanged against the railing as she tried to push her body away. Nothing. She was trapped.

  Finally, she saw them. A small group of young folks, four of them, her age or close to. They emerged from the darkness between two trees, tips of lit cigarettes dancing around their faces. More laughter, chatter in Czech. No English that she could hear.

  Had they seen her? She didn’t think so. She fell still as a statue while the youths made their way to the railing some fifty feet to her right. She heard low murmurs in joking, familiar tones, the kind of very important late night conversations college kids get up to everywhere in the world. Who fucked whom, who said what, which internet video’s hilarious right now. Moira prayed they’d keep talking forever. Chatter meant they hadn’t seen her.

  No such luck. Silence from the group and Moira’s heart stopped. A few words in a questioning tone. Footsteps on the pathway. Oh god. They were approaching.

  Kaye, what have you done to me?

  Moira stared down and closed her eyes tightly and called on every favor the universe might owe her to make herself disappear. She heard another laugh, close this time. A laugh at her. She couldn’t help it. She opened her eyes.

  The first thing she saw was her naked body below her, breasts still stuck forward on display, pussy hidden only by shadow playing on her hips. As she cast her gaze up, she realized she was surrounded. Four people, young, in jean jackets and band shirts, smoking and staring at her. Two girls, two boys. All eyes on her body.

  She could feel herself blush bright red. Every inch of her body broke out in intense goosebumps. Her eyes darted from one person to the next.

  “Hello!” said one of the girls, a blonde with cigarette in hand. She waved at Moira and broke out into embarrassed giggles. The accent was definitely Czech.

  “Mmmph,” replied Moira. The group exploded in giggles and hoots.

  Marching naked past the swim team had nothing on this. This was a new dimension of humiliation. What were these kids doing to do to her? Moira could do nothing but wiggle from side to side and wait.

  In the end, nobody touched her. But they had some fun with her all the same. The blond girl hopped forward and edged her face towards Moira’s breasts, tongue extended, as if to lick them. She got close enough that Moira could feel warm breath on her nipples before the girl got too embarrassed and turned away laughing.

  Next came pictures. One of the boys pulled out his phone and the two girls stood on either side of her, making faces and posing with peace signs and devil horns. Flash. Her naked predicament was preserved for all time. Flash. Both girls leaned in as if to kiss her cheeks. Flash. One girl grabbed her own breasts and looked over at Moira’s, glum-faced, as if jealous. Flash. Moira tried to curl up, her ass pressed hard against the cold railing. Flash. She wanted to scream, to shout, to swear. She bit down hard on the rope in her mouth. Her tongue pushed the panties around against her cheeks.

  Moira tried to remain stoic through each humiliation. But it was impossible. She found herself chewing hard on the rope, twisting her ankles and wrists against the cords. She would have rope burn like crazy tomorrow, yet another pleasant thought. The girls were trying to talk to her now. The blond one got right up in her face, saying something in Czech.

  “Mmmph. Mmmph, mmmmph,” was all Moira could say in response.

  I can’t understand you and you can’t understand me. What a fine conversation.

  “Alright, break it up. That’s enough.”

  All heads spun. Kaye stood behind the gaggle of youths, hands on hips, fresh cigarette in her mouth. She had a plastic bag in one hand and a stern look on her face.

  “Go on. Get! Shoo! Andale!”

  Still giggling, the group moved away from Moira. The blond girl gave a parting wave and the boy with the phone took one more snap and then they were gone, lighting new cigarettes and laughing like nutjobs as they disappeared back into the shadow that had spawned them.

  “Aww, baby. It’s okay. I’m here now. Come on.”

  Setting her bag down, Kaye approached Moira and pulled the cord from her mouth. Moira spat the panties onto the ground and coughed twice.

  “You bitch!” she whispered, fixing Kaye with a death glare. “How could you just leave me like that?! I could have been killed or groped or-“

  “Aw, babe. I’m sorry. I was never all that far away. I could see you the whole time, I promise.”

  Moira looked at the plastic bag on the ground.

  “Most of the time,” amended Kaye. “Promise.”

  “They got pictures of me! They’ll be all over the internet!”

  “Czech internet, maybe. Nobody’s going to know about it in the good ol’ USA.”

  Moira fell silent, still angry. Kaye reached out and stroked her face, delicately.

  “I’m sorry, babe. But you’ve been so good tonight. I didn’t want to spoil anything. I got you a present.”

  Moira’s eyes fell on the bag on the ground, making crinkle sounds as the wind played with it.

  “What is it?”

  “You’ll see. But first, let’s get you off that railing. You must be so cold.”

  It didn’t take long to get Moira detached from the railing. When did Kaye become a ropes expert? thought Moira. She wondered for another moment if she would be freed, but Kaye wasn’t done with her yet. Still trussed at the ankles and wrists, Kaye held her vertical, hugging her close. Moira felt the rough fibers of Kaye’s jeans against her naked legs, felt her nipples press into Kaye’s tank top.

  “My, you are chilly. Do you feel chilly?”

  Moira shook her head. She still felt hot as a furnace.

  “Your little booty is ice cold. You poor thing.”

  Kaye slipped her hands down over Moira’s exposed ass and began to massage her. Moira pressed herself hard against Kaye. Maybe she was a little chilly. Just a little.

  “Gotta warm you
up,” said Kaye, giving Moira a firm smack on the buttocks. Moira yelped. If Kaye hadn’t held her, she would have fallen.

  “You bitch…” she whispered again. Kaye smacked her again, harder.

  “So ungrateful. You haven’t even seen your present. You know what?”

  Kaye took a step back and seized Moira’s shoulders, then gently guided her so that she was face down in the dirt. Moira felt cool grass, dirt, and rocks cling to her breasts. Kaye plopped down beside her, cross-legged, and began massaging her ass once again.

  “Maybe I won’t give you a present. Maybe I’ll just head home and leave you here.”

  Another smack, gentler this time. Moira still tensed up. Her hair had fallen into her face, she had no visibility. A thousand people could have gathered around her to witness her being spanked like a baby. Moira felt Kaye’s hand leave her ass. She tensed in anticipation. The blow didn’t come.

  “Would you like that? Huh? To be left here until morning for all the tourists to find you?”

  Moira didn’t answer. SMACK!


  “Would you like that? Would that get you off? They’d get a million pictures of you, lying naked in the dirt.”

  Another SMACK. Moira’s ass was on fire.

  “You hear me, babe?”

  Kaye grabbed a handful of Moira’s hair and pulled it back. Moira exhaled hard as her head was raised.

  “Y-yes. I hear you.”

  “Wouldn’t that be humiliating?”


  “Yes what?”

  “Yes it would be humiliating.”


  “Because I’m naked.”

  “Yeah? What else.”


  “What else”? SMACK.

  “I’m naked and tied up.”

  “On the ground.”


  “Let’s get your present.”

  With a shove, Kaye moved Moira over to her side. Moira crumbled into a fetal position to avoid rolling backwards onto her hands. She watched Kaye grab the plastic bag and pull a box from it. Inside the box was a clitoral stimulator, a pink, C-shaped sex massager.

  And a remote control.

  Kaye stared at the remote for a moment before pushing a button. The massager began to buzz. She raised her eyebrows as if confused by it, then slowly pushed it against Moira’s midsection, right below the navel. It tickled something fierce. Moira began to struggle and laugh. She was in no mood to laugh, but still the giggles came. They made her angry, but there was nothing to do.

  Gradually, Kaye edged the massager lower, lower. Moira shivered when it finally made contact with her pussy. She felt fresh juices between her legs. Christ, she needed release. She could feel it already, this guilty inner understanding that being seen and photographed by those kids earlier had turned her on. I am such a weirdo¸ she thought to herself. Just one stupid orgasm, and then she could set her mind straight.

  Kaye sensed how close Moira was and shut off the massager.

  “Now now. We don’t want you finishing too early. Again.”

  Gently, she parted Moira’s pussy and inserted the dormant massager. The C-shape made it cling inside her, touching both her G-spot and clit. Moira shuddered deeply. The goosebumps were back.

  “Let’s see how this works.”

  Instantly, Moira’s nether regions were buzzing with intense energy. She gave out a loud whine and rolled down onto her front, grinding her thighs together in helpless, glorious agony.

  “Whoops. Too high. Let’s set it lower.”

  The buzzing lessened, and Moira calmed. It was still glorious against her overworked clitoris. Her butt bobbed and swayed in the air.

  “You like it, huh babe?”

  Moira couldn’t answer. She was biting her lip too hard. She felt Kaye working on her ankle bonds. Once again, they were being loosened. But once again, she wasn’t to be totally free. After about a minute, Kaye’s ankles were separated, but still bound by a length of rope between them, about eighteen inches in length.

  Kaye killed the vibrator. Moira lay in the dirt and wiggled her legs, testing their new range of movement.

  “Alright, up and at ‘em, girly. We’re almost home.”

  Kaye watched as Moira jerked and pushed herself up so that her ass stuck out straight into the air. Then she rose up to her knees, and finally, swaying, she pushed herself up to her feet. She took an experimental step and nearly fell. The rope between her ankles forced her to make small steps or risk tripping. At least I’m not in heels anymore, she thought.

  “Alright, let’s get moving,” said Kaye. “Homeward bound.”

  “W-where are we going?”

  “Over the bridge, you silly goose. Come on. It’s almost sunrise.”

  Sunrise means people. Moira almost didn’t care anymore. How many times she’d been exposed and humiliated tonight, being seen by a couple early morning tourists was almost banal.


  “Too slow, babe,” said Kaye, wiggling the remote in her face. A pulse of vibration shot through the stimulator still clinging to Moira’s pussy. She crumpled at the mid-section and nearly fell. Kaye seized the opportunity to smack Moira on the ass and Moira straightened back up with a yelp.

  “Bridge time. Let’s get a move on.”

  Slowly, with awkward steps, a bound naked girl marched in front of her girlfriend, only occasionally stifling a cry when a soft buzzing sound issued from her crotch.


  The previous events of the night had been an adventure. Crossing the Charles Bridge was an ordeal. Moira had to measure her steps very carefully, trying not to trip over the foot or so of rope limiting her stride. She found herself counting each step.

  One, two, three, four, BUZZ!

  Then she’d stumble a little as humiliating sex energy filled her body. It was an aggressive little vibrator Kaye had put inside her. Five settings, from low and distracting to torturous. It could pulse to a higher setting too. Kaye might leave it at one for a good while, just until Moira could feel pleasure from it, then it would PULSE up to three and Moira would gasp and bend at the waist. She was learning not to bend too far. Kaye was in a spanking mood it seemed.

  She didn’t want to imagine herself right now. Reddening ass on full display, red hair in her eyes, bare feet (she was starting to miss those high heels). She imagined the other students in her class seeing her now. Would she even care anymore? How much more of this could she take?

  Counting was easier. Five, six, seven, eight, ni- BUZZ!

  That time she nearly fell. Kaye caught her.

  “Come on, babe. Keep going.”

  Easy for you to say. A gentle push on the bum and she was off again, planting each bare foot on gritty cobblestones, further and further over the bridge.

  And Christ it was gorgeous out. Eddies of mist, moonlight, the first creeping rays of sun…

  Oh god.

  She tried to pick up the pace but there was nothing to do. Nine, ten, eleven, twelve. It was a long bridge, for foot traffic only. Vendors set up art stalls along it during the day. It was always lousy with tourists during daylight hours. Sunup to sundown, really…

  Thirteen, fourteen, fift- BUZZ!

  Moira stumbled again but caught herself. She allowed herself a louder gasp. No point in being quiet now. It was streaking time. She was racing the clock.

  She was almost at the halfway point when she lost the race. She could see them up ahead. A gaggle of tourists, a few joggers, the very first travelers and photo-snappers, still adjusted to a different continent’s time zone, ready to greet the day. Another BUZZ brought a cry of despair from Moira. There was nothing to do but trudge onward.

  Fifteen, sixteen, seven- BUZZ! Seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty, twenty- BUZZ! one. Twenty-two. Twenty-three…

  She grinned shyly as she passed the first group of tourists and tried to focus her gaze on the cobblestones in front of her feet. She could hear shocked laughter, th
e snaps of cameras and the clicks of phones. She turned up the volume on the counting in her head to drown them out. She felt she must have been blushing all over.

  Twenty-four, twenty-five, twenty-six, twenty-seven…

  Past them now. They were getting a lovely view of her reddened ass. A few farewell snaps and they were gone, with one hell of a vacation story to tell back at the office. Up ahead, a jogger stumbled in the path as she realized she was approaching a naked girl. When Moira was closer, the jogger said something in a questioning voice in Czech.

  “It’s okay! It’s okay!” said Moira, smiling. The jogger’s brow furrowed as she looked Moira up and down one more time, then she put her earbuds back in and kept jogging.

  Why did I say that? It is NOT okay. I’m naked on a public bridge getting photographed by tourists and tortured by my one and only. This is a literal nightmare.

  Another BUZZ nearly brought her to her knees. She felt the tingle of an orgasm building up inside her. Wouldn’t that be something? A real screamer, right here on the bridge for everyone to see?

  Twenty-eight, twenty-nine, thirty, thirty- BUZZZZZ!

  Kaye held the pulse button down. It must have been at four. Moira couldn’t help it. She edged over to the ornate stone railing and leaned over it, gasping deeply. She felt Kaye’s hand on the small of her back, those nails gently scratching her. The buzzing was incessant. She writhed, wiggling her ass she did so. She realized in some distant way that she must look like a total fool right now, tied up and shaking her rear, making humiliating sex noises. She found she couldn’t care. She ground her thigh together, trying to shift the vibrator out of place. It wasn’t working. Another orgasm was approaching fast, like a freight train…

  “Ahh! Ahhh! Ahh! Ohhhhhh!”

  The buzzing stopped. The orgasm fled. All that whining and lost time for nothing. She felt hot rage inside her. Sweat glistened on her forehead.

  “Get a move on, girly,” said Kaye, giving her another smack on the ass. Moira growled. She heard a phone click behind her, followed by a stranger’s laugh.


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