Altered Destiny: A Hustler's Choice

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Altered Destiny: A Hustler's Choice Page 12

by Sherylynne L Rochester

  Sasha at the time did not mind that he was a drug dealer. When they met that never came between them, but over some time she noticed a change in him. He still showed her love whenever they would meet up once in a blue moon. He showered her with gifts and took her places. She was never really around when he was hustling or with the guys, but she did not mind it. The guys didn’t even know that she was his girl. He still took care of her. He was there for her when she needed him. She missed the old T. She missed his stories.

  T would say that after Mill was killed, little hustlers started making their way up, but no one had the game like Mill. There was one who did, but T called him weak. They devised a plan to kill all hustlers in their way. They moved them out and they moved in. They took people down just to get to where they wanted to go. They caught many of them slipping. They took them out easily. They terrorized the streets, took over the corners. They robbed drugs dealers so that they could get the money and the products. There was this one person they took out that had hundreds of thousands of dollars. They got that too. Before they killed him, he wouldn’t tell them where the money was, but they found it. It was at his woman’s crib. They murdered her too. Once every hustler in their way was taken down they became feared and well known in the streets. They used that money and that power to take over the streets. It was then that T made a name for himself.

  When T said that it was then that he made a name for himself, it rung in her ears. Over some time it got to his head. It was the killing that brought him back to his old ways of living. The killings gave him power. The more he killed the worse he became. That was evident when he decided he wanted S.D. out of the way. T propositioned Sasha to help him with the plan. He felt that her charm, sexiness, and how easy going she was would get S.D. to trust her. T had watched S.D. with different girls. He had figured out what he liked. So, he schooled Sasha on it. She was able to get his guard down and get the information T needed to take over the game. Sasha found S.D.’s weakness and T used it against him. It was too easy. It was like Samson and Delilah. Sasha found out what made him weak and used it to get what she wanted, to help the enemy. Since she helped T, she felt that she was as much a part of it as he was.

  After being down for a long time, Sasha decided it was time to be more active. As she thought about everything that took place the last few months, she began to realize it was time to take her rightful place. She was now tired of being the “housewife” even though she was not married to T. She got tired of waiting around for him and tired of being soft.

  T had abused her mentally and physically for weeks now, she was tired of it. He was being a monster and she was tired of it. All that had taken place the last few months and especially weeks had changed her. No longer was she going to lie down and take his mess.

  She was taught at a young age never to let anything get her down. Her grandmother had instilled in her the saying when life presented lemons you make lemonade. That was what she was going to do. She could have stayed down and allowed T to treat her like crap. She could have just allowed T to use her, but that was not in her character. She had strength and she was better than that. Something rose up within her. Maybe it was the anger or maybe she was just tired of how everything was turning out. Whatever it was made her want to change before it was too late. She helped T get to where he was. She deserved more than what he was giving her.

  Now days T was always handling business and not giving Sasha anytime of day. She would call. He would not answer. She would text. He would not respond. Sasha was missing him and missing S.D. as well. It was amazing how much she was thinking about S.D. lately. He showed her love. He had been there for her. T was not. Now, she was alone and tired of being in the house. She hated the situation she was in and decided to change it.

  She decided to get out and have some fun. It was a Friday and she wanted to go to the club to dance, drink, and get some attention to make her feel good once again. Early that morning she got up and went shopping. She wanted to get a dress that was to die for, a dress that would make heads turn.

  After about an hour of shopping she found the perfect dress. She, then, was on her way to get her hair done. She would look fabulous. As she was walking down the street happily and looking forward to partying that night, someone shouted out her name.

  “Sasha! Is that you?”

  She turned around. She recognized him instantly.


  “Yeah!” He grabbed her and hugged her.

  “How are you?”

  “I’m fine and you?”


  “Girl, you look good. Wow, you grew in all the right places.”

  “Stop it!” She said slapping him on his chest playfully.

  When Sasha last saw Adrian he did not look that good. He was 6’0 with a great build. More muscle than S.D. and had that pretty sexy baby face with lovely dark brown eyes. When he smiled his pearly white teeth showed through and made you want to melt. Sasha could not believe how good he looked, now. Right then and there she wanted Adrian.

  “So, what you doing? A little shopping?” Adrian asked.

  “I went shopping because I plan on partying and having some fun tonight.”

  “Where you going?”

  “To a club.”

  “Sounds like fun.”

  “Yeah, I need a break from everything. Too much is going on.”

  “Really. Well, we need to catch up and talk. How about we go out to dinner tonight instead?”

  “Um...” She thought about it for a while. She wanted to go to a club, but catching up with an old friend would be better. “Sure!”

  “Great! Let’s meet at Ashley’s. We will eat, talk, and catch up. Okay? Seven o’clock tonight.”


  “Great, you need me to pick you up or anything?”

  “No, I got a ride.”

  “Okay, I’ll see you tonight then.”

  * * *

  She met him at Ashley’s and she was excited to see him once again. They had so much to catch up on. When they were in High School, Sasha and Adrian were close friends, but they had lost touch when he moved to another state about two years ago. Now they were back together and having a great time as they caught up on old times.

  “Oh my, I remember that day when you placed laxative in the cake you baked and gave it to Mrs. Winters. She was so happy to receive it.” Sasha laughed. “Then after eating it she had to run to the bathroom. Why’d you do that to that poor old woman?”

  Adrian continued to laugh. “Man, she got on my nerves. No matter what I did she was always on me and always criticizing me so I taught her a lesson.”

  “You were wrong. You were always the prankster.”

  “Yup! Remember the time the Principal was glued to his chair.” Both of them laughed.

  “Who did that anyway?” Sasha looked at him with questioning eyes.

  “Nope not me. It was Stacey.”

  “What, Stacey? No way.”

  “Oh, yeah!”

  “You know, I wonder what she is up to now and if she is out of juvi. I haven’t seen her in a while,” she said.

  “She got out last week. I saw her the other day. You know I should call her and tell her to come over here,” Adrian said. “She gave me her number and told me to call her sometime.”

  “Really! Yeah, do that. I lost touch with her when we left school.”

  Adrian took out his phone and called Stacey. As he was talking to her on the phone their food arrived. Sasha dug into the food. She was extremely hungry. The last couple of weeks she had no appetite, but her appetite had finally returned.

  “She’s on her way and girl slow down it’s like you haven’t even eaten in days,” Adrian said.

  “Well, I haven’t.” Sasha continued to eat as Adrian gave her a puzzling look before calling the waitress over.

  “Ma’ can we get an order of ribs with a bake potato with butter and sour cream.”



  “I can’t wait to see her,” Sasha said.

  Sasha and Adrian continued to eat and talk as they waited for Stacey. About a half and hour later Stacey arrived. Sasha and Stacey were happy to see each other. It had been a long time. They both embraced each other smiling.

  Adrian stood up and pulled out a chair for her.

  “Oh, it is so good to see you guys,” Stacey said.

  “I know! Girl, I missed you,” Sasha said.

  “Yeah, well, after I went into juvi I lost contact with everyone. I wanted to write and call you, but you know I couldn’t. I didn’t know where you were staying?”

  “So what happened why they put you away for such a long time?”

  “Well, I stole a car and they found drugs on me. It had been my third offense. The judge got tired of seeing me in court so many times and said it was time I learned my lesson. So he sentenced me to juvi until I was 18, but I got out early because of good behavior and showing that I changed. I was in juvi for two years, but thank God I am out I couldn’t stay there another day.”

  “Oh wow!”

  “So what you been up too? I think when I went into juvi you were leaving to stay with another one of your relatives?” Stacey asked.

  “I went to stay with my eldest aunt…that didn’t last long because I was getting into so much trouble as she said. She had enough of me and threw me out some months after that.”

  “What?” Stacey said surprised.

  Adrian sat back and continued eating and listening to the girls talk.

  “Yeah, so I left and came back here. I started living with different people here and there until I met T.”

  “Who?” Adrian asked.

  “T is my man.”

  “Oh!” Adrian said shocked.

  “He’s hardly around now since he is handling business.”

  “What does he do?” Stacey asked.

  Sasha tried to shy away from the question, but she knew she could not. Stacey would pester her until she gave her an answer. “He’s a drug dealer.”

  Adrian did not seem surprised, but Stacey was. “What you doing with a drug dealer?”

  “It’s a long story.”

  “You don’t seem happy about it, right Adrian?”

  Adrian’s eyebrows went up as if to say maybe.

  “What do you mean? I am the same ‘ol Sasha. Nothing is wrong.”

  “Girl, you can’t fool me. I still know you!” Stacey laughed. “Come on tell us.”

  She knew she could trust them because when they were close friends back in the day they always shared things. She wanted to say something. She needed to say something and get things off her chest. So she decided to share.

  “Come on,” Stacey said again as he moved closer to Sasha.

  “Well, if I am going to tell you then let’s go back to my place so I can tell you everything.”

  “Why? Is it that deep?” Stacey asked.

  She looked at her and said. “It’s that deep.”

  Adrian called the waitress over and asked to have the rest of the food wrapped up. Sasha had a secret and finally needed to let it out. She needed to tell them. Most of all she needed some confidants.

  Chapter 23

  Sasha, Adrian, and Stacey went back to Sasha’s condo. Her condo

  was lovely. The living room was huge and had big windows that reached from the top of the ceiling to the bottom of the floor. It had a view that overlooked the city. The windows and carpeted floors were her favorite part of her condo. She loved and cherished her place so much.

  The walls of her living room were a pearl drop color. Near the window was a modern day recliner that Adrian quickly sat and relaxed in. On the other side facing the window were the sofa and the sofa chair that matched the condo perfectly. She had remembered S.D.’s excellent taste and made sure her condo was set up the same way.

  “Oh, I love this place,” Stacey said, as she made herself right at home and stretched out across the sofa. “So why are you so unhappy? All this is just wonderful!”

  Sasha smiled. “Let me warm up the food and then I’ll answer your question.”

  Adrian and Stacey began to talk as Sasha went into her kitchen to warm up the food. Ten minutes later Sasha brought the food out on plates and handed it to Stacey and Adrian and they all began to eat and talk once again.

  “You guys heard of S.D.?” Sasha asked.

  “S.D.? The name sounds familiar,” Stacey said.

  Adrian didn’t say a word.

  “Well, S.D. was the head drug dealer in the game. He had a lot. I do mean a lot. I use to mess with him too.” Stacey’s eyes widened as Sasha continued to speak. “I met T some time after my aunt kicked me out. We met through acquaintances and then we started dating. T was such a good guy then. I don’t know, but I think when he realized he was making a name for himself and killing so much, his mindset changed. He came to me and said he should be on top. I asked him what he meant? As far as I was concerned, he was on top. He said that he should be running the game and the streets. He felt that if it weren’t for him, S.D. wouldn’t be where he is now. Sometime later he said to me S.D. had a weakness and that it was women. He wanted me to act like I was into him and get him to trust me. Once his guards were down and once his plans were in place he’d take him down and we could then take over. I was skeptical at first, but he kept convincing me that once S.D. was gone then we could reign and have all the money and everything we wanted.”

  “So you went along with it?” Stacey asked.

  “Yup! S.D. was killed in Italy. T got someone to kill him there and when T got back he took over the game and the streets haven’t been the same.”

  “So you living large and I still don’t understand what the problem is,” Stacey said.

  “T is not there like he use to be. He promised me the world and now he is breaking his promises. We were happy in the beginning. Now he is a monster and he has changed.”

  “Well, that’s what happens when you run the streets like you say he does. He has to be that way,” Adrian said.

  “No...yes, I understand, but in all honesty I wish S.D. were here again running the streets. T has killed so many people and many more will die. I feel like it’s all my fault. Mostly, I just miss him. I want things to be the way they use too.”

  “Well, obviously, that won’t happen?” Adrian said.

  “I know! But things are getting out of hand and T needs to be stopped. He beats me, he is abusive, I don’t think I can take it anymore.”

  Adrian started to become angry. “Girl, no guy should put his hands on a woman.”

  “I am so sorry, I didn’t know,” Stacey said.

  “He got mad at me because I was carrying S.D.’s baby. I didn’t want to get rid of the baby, but if I kept it T wouldn’t take care of me and what else could I do.”

  Both Adrian and Stacey were in shock. They could not believe it.

  “That’s why I say he needs to be stopped.”

  “So what you want to do stop him?” Adrian asked.

  “No, actually, I want what’s mine,” Sasha said.

  “So what is yours? What do you want?” Stacey asked.

  “We were to run the streets together. Do this thing together.”

  “So, go ahead. What’s stopping you?” Stacey asked.

  Sasha thought about it for a moment. “He’s pushed me aside and said we couldn’t see each other in public until everything died down. He also said that his business is none of my business.”

  “It is your business if you were a part of the plan. The way I see it is that you are entitled to it all. In fact I know who T is.” Anger was all over Adrian’s face. “He killed my dude and that’s why I’m up here. I’ve been hearing a lot about him over in my neck of the woods and he’s causing a lot of stir up and messing with a lot of people’s money. And we don’t like it,” Adrian said.

  “Wait...what are you talking about?” Sasha asked.

  Stacey looked at him with a puzz
led look as Adrian sighed. He knew he had to come clean.

  “I came back down here to check things out. To see how they were running the game down here and to see who this T guy was. My guy, Rodney, was killed. I hadn’t heard from him and usually he hits me up after a meet. He never did. I sent my boy out to see what was up. He said they were all dead. I had him go through the streets to get the word on what happened. He said T and his guys did it.”

  “So wait you were looking for me? You knew I was his girl?” Sasha asked.

  “Nah, I didn’t know you were his girl. I wasn’t even looking for you. I just happened to see you, honest. I wasn’t after his girl and didn’t care who his girl was. I just wanted him and his boys.” Adrian was telling the truth. “This here is pure luck,” he said as he smiled.

  Stacey just sat back confused. She could not believe her ears.

  “I think we can take this T out. What do you think?”

  “I don’t know. I love him. He’s not such a bad guy.”

  “He killed a dear friend of mine. I will take him out when he least expects it. Whether you help or not.”

  “Wait.” Stacey joined in the conversation. “Let’s play with him a bit. You got your crew and I am sure they are down with whatever. I think we can do this?”

  “Do what?” Sasha asked.

  “Take over the game,” Stacey said as Adrian nodded his head. “It’ll be a piece of cake.”

  * * *

  Wow, take over the game. When you are in the midst of it all talking about it, it all sounds good but looking back at it, it was such a huge mistake. We started planning on taking over, bringing T down, and running the streets for ourselves. Adrian surprised me because in his quietness I would have never expected that he too sold drugs and was in the game. He was looking for more and taking over would bring the satisfaction he longed for. We decided we would do this together and get people that were loyal and trustworthy. I knew of many in T’s group that would leave and join forces. We could recruit them. I knew where T’s stash was and who his contacts were because some of them were the same as S.D.’s. T was about to get a run for his money. I was excited. My joy had returned. But, being here where I am now, I’m thinking, what was I thinking?


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