Falling Into the Black

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Falling Into the Black Page 12

by Lauren Runow

  Before I can say anything back, his lips are on mine, and my legs wrap around his waist. I may not get the opportunity to say it back, but I can definitely show him.

  I shake my head. “That’s not important. Not anymore at least.”

  “Then definitely a boyfriend,” he states with a slight chuckle, and I wish I could laugh back but not about him. Carter is never a laughing matter.

  Chapter Twenty-Two


  Cole and I have spent every day together working on this case and then class on Wednesday night too. Now it’s Thursday, and I’m not finding it a coincidence that we both have tickets to see Shinedown. Our paths seem to be aligning more than I normally like, but in this case, it’s hard to fight fate.

  I was going with a group of friends, but when Cole offered to take me to dinner first, it was hard to turn down. He’s been the perfect gentleman this entire time. He’s only kissed me a few times, but they were simple and sweet kisses goodbye. He hasn’t tried to sleep with me or get me to stay at his apartment.

  He says he really wants to get to know me, and I’ll admit, I’m starting to fall for him, but I’m not sure I want to. I don’t do relationships, and I need to make sure he knows that.

  After work, we go our separate ways to get ready for the concert, but he’s supposed to pick me up at seven. And right on time, my doorbell rings like a chime to start a boxing match. I take a deep breath and walk to the door, ready to set the record straight.

  And then I see him. Fuck me. Those stupid glasses are sexy, and he’s wearing those jeans again, but now his hair is styled messy, and the cheesy grin on his face is too much.

  “You ready?” he asks.

  I turn to grab my purse and walk out without saying anything.

  “Nice ass,” he says while appraising my outfit.

  I went with my leggings with earphones on them and an oversized shirt that barely covers my backside, showing off the very bottom.

  He leans in, pushing me against the wall and grabbing me, lifting me up in the air where I instantly wrap my legs around him. For a second, I’m lost in his touch, then his kiss, and before I can push him away, he puts me down.

  “Just wanted to make sure you still tasted the same.” He wipes his mouth and grabs my hand. “Yup. Still pretty fucking amazing. Now let’s go.”

  I trip over myself as I close the door and follow after him like a lost puppy. His kiss caught me by surprise, and now I’m kicking myself that I fell into it without any hesitation.

  Dinner was as casual as our days have been, and thankfully, he hasn’t tried anything that would make this feel like more of a date than it is. My mind is playing tricks on me, and my not-so-smart side is totally okay acting like nothing’s happening between us.

  If I ignore it, it will go away, right?

  The concert is at the Warfield, and both of our tickets are general admission, so we don’t have to worry about not sitting with each other. My friends text me to say they’re already there, and I can’t believe I didn’t think about the fact they might meet Cole. Concern over how I should introduce him starts to turn in my stomach. Do I say he’s my friend, my teacher, my co-worker, the guy I met at a sex club?

  Even I laugh at the crazy way our lives have intertwined so drastically. Damn you, fate.

  Once we enter the venue, I don’t make an effort to connect with them, and instead, Cole grabs us some drinks, and we claim our spot toward the front of the stage.

  The group of friends I attend concerts with is always fun, but they never like to get up close. Fear of the moshpits keep them near the back, so it’s nothing new for me to be upfront and them in the back. I look over as the opening band begins, and the excitement of the music washes over Cole’s face. Music is my happy place and seeing him with the same vibe makes my heart sing.

  Damn you, fate.

  He looks at me before throwing his hands up in the air and dancing to the beat.

  We spend the night, singing at the top of our lungs, dancing and bouncing around like we don’t have a care in the world.

  It’s prefect.

  Afterward, our voices are rough and our bodies sweaty as we make our way to his car. When we arrive at my place, he doesn’t ask but instead simply parks his car and opens his door like he’s home for the night and we’ve done this a thousand times before.

  When we get to my front door, I turn to him. “What? You think you can just invite yourself in?” I tease but am serious as well.

  “I wouldn’t dream of it.” He holds up his hands in defense.

  I let out a deep sigh, not sure what to do with this.

  “Hey, don’t. I get it,” he says. “Just because I’ve already gotten to fuck you doesn’t mean I expect it now. We’re doing things backward, and I’m okay with that. I got to fuck you when it was just sex, and now, I want to earn the chance to sleep with you when it’s more than that.”

  “But what about the club on Saturday?”

  He lets out a laugh. “Oh, that’s still just fucking and believe me, I’m going to make up for this past week of being near you and not being able to have you. This.” He pauses and looks around. “This is different.”

  “Thank you, Cole.” I lean up to kiss his cheek.

  He turns to walk away, but when he reaches my sidewalk, he turns back to me. “I’ll earn it, too. I promise you that.” He winks, and I laugh in response, watching him turn back around and hop in his car.

  Chapter Twenty-Three


  I knew Cole was going to miss Thursday night due to a concert he was going to. I was supposed to go with him, but at the last minute, he sent me a text saying he was bringing a date, this student he keeps mentioning. I tried to warn him again, but he swore this one wasn’t going to be an issue.

  His ditching me for a date isn’t something new for him, and I almost expected it, was excited about it even.

  This meant I was going to be alone at the club, and it might finally be my chance to reveal who I am to Evangeline. But to my dismay, she wasn’t there either. After waiting until midnight, I finally threw in the towel and headed home. A few other members tried to pique my interest, but I was there for only one reason and one girl.

  I called Cole Friday and even this morning to see if he wanted to play a game of basketball, but he hasn’t returned my calls, just a text saying he’s swamped with work, but he’d be here tonight.

  I only hope she is too, and we haven’t scared her off.

  Cole is first to arrive, and Evangeline not far after, which rubs me the wrong way at first, but then I blow it off. There’s no way they came together.

  Tonight the club is a little bit of anything goes, so I have an idea, and I hope she’s down with it.

  Happiness washes over me when she walks right past Cole like she didn’t even notice him standing there watching a scene and comes straight up to me.

  “Hi,” I grunt out in my deep voice, still trying to hide who I am. My hand reaches out to her bare waist, pulling her into me. “I have a new game I wanted to play. You down?” I say, whispering into her neck as I kiss it softly.

  “I finally get the two of you, at once?” she asks, her hands roaming down my front and gripping my semi-hard cock.

  What I have planned will take the two of us, but a bit of disappointment creeps up my spine. I guess deep down I wanted her to only want me.

  “That’s my plan. Where’s Maverick?” I whisper again, not moving away from her neck and enjoying the last bit of time alone I have with her.

  She pulls away slightly, looking for Cole, who’s already standing to my right. Dammit.

  I look at Cole, trying to change my sudden mood and make sure he’s on board with my plan. I hold up the rope I had in my back pocket and watch as Cole’s face lights up. We’ve talked about doing something like this but never have.

  “Follow my lead?” I ask, though I’m not expecting him to say no. I’m just making sure he knows I’m in charge tonight.
br />   He nods, stepping to the side and allowing me to pull Evangeline with me. She stops briefly, leaning up to kiss Cole, and the act surprises me. Then I remember last week when she stormed out of here. Maybe that was just her way of saying what happened was forgiven.

  Tonight I want to play with Evangeline, both for my pleasure and for hers. I want to torture her, sexually. See how far I can push her to the edge before she breaks. And then, I want to see if she can tell it’s me who catches her.

  I walk her to a chair I have waiting in front of a scene involving five people. Every person has something going on, and it’s hard to see where some bodies start and others stop.

  I remove her bra, and after wrapping one rope around her wrists and tying them behind her back, I lean down in front of her, kissing my way down her belly. I slide off her panties and lick her quickly, just enough to tease her and get her wet, both on the inside and out.

  “Sit down,” I whisper.

  She obliges, and I turn her knees out, one to each side, so she’s open and on display for me. Taking the rope, I wrap it around her ankles and secure them to the edges of the chair, so she has to keep them open.

  Then I walk away, grabbing Cole to follow me and leaving her there, naked and wide-open on display.


  What the fuck? I look around and watch Cole walk away with Secret, leaving me here without a word. I asked him to let me play, but I didn’t know I’d be getting tied up. He wasn’t the one who did it, though…Secret did. Cole watched in amusement, and I’m dying to know if he was internally laughing at me because he was giving me what I wished for or if he’s in on this.

  A moan of pleasure sings out and grabs my attention, pulling me into the scene in front of me.

  I watch as one girl is lying on her back, a guy up on his knees fucking her while a girl leans over and rubs her clit. Suddenly, I understand why Secret tied my legs the way he did.

  A throb works its way through my core, and I’ve never noticed how much relief I get from closing my legs tightly until I don’t have the ability to do so.

  I turn to the other two people in the scene, but my ache gets worse when I catch a glimpse of her face and the extreme pleasure ripping through her as the guy slides in and out at a leisurely pace. The way her hands fly down on the bed, grasping for any bit of control she has left, lights my insides on fire.

  The time slowly ticks away and a need growing low inside me is driving me to the brink. I squirm in my chair, looking for any type of relief but nothing works. My pussy is aching, and all I can do is stare at the cause of my plight.

  I turn my head to the right and then the left, but all I see are other scenes unfolding, and thoughts of being those women makes my body tingle in anticipation.

  My lips part and my head starts to bob ever so slightly with the motion of him sliding in and out of her. I’m absolutely mesmerized by my view, and I don’t notice Cole behind me until I feel his hand grip my breast and a quick warm breeze blow across my open legs.

  The two sensations together make my body boil, feeling like I’m going to explode. The idea that I’m finally going to get my night with both men makes me curl my toes in anticipation as I drop my head back and give my body freely to both of them.

  My eyes were closed but before I can open them, my mask is removed, and a soft blindfold is tied quickly in its place. I jump at the thought of people seeing me, but Cole leans down, whispering in my ear, “It’s okay. It covers the same amount as the mask. Do you trust us?”

  I bite my lip and nod my head. A warm hand caresses my pussy, running his finger through my folds for a brief moment before my legs are released from their hold.

  Cole lifts me from behind, and I’m walked to another part of the club. In my head, I envision the same place we’ve been, but honestly, I don’t know, and the thought makes me tingle in ways I’ve never felt.

  I have no clue who’s watching, where they’re taking me, or what’s going to happen, and I swear, I’ve never been so turned on in my life.

  I’m sat in what feels like the same chair as before, and they reposition my hands above my head, tying them to the chair again so I can’t move.

  To my surprise, my legs are brought up high, and I can feel a rope being tied around my mid-thigh, to my ankle and to what feels like the back of my chair as I can feel the ropes against my shoulders.

  My ass slides forward slightly into a more comfortable position, and I rest my head on the edge of the chair as I listen for clues of who’s who and where they are. When we walked over here I could tell, but now, they’ve both moved around and are being eerily quiet, so I have no clue.

  The feeling of two fingers sliding up my slit takes me by surprise.

  “So wet for me,” Secret grunts out in his sexy Batman voice.

  Another hand joins his caress, and I can’t tell if it’s Cole or Secret. When yet another hand wraps around my breast, just the way I like it, warmness overtakes my entire body, and I know I’m in for one hell of a ride.

  Having so many hands on me at once and not having a clue who’s who or where they are is intense. Take away my sight, and every touch feels ten times more sensitive, more intriguing, more mind-blowing.

  They both remove their hands, and I’m left there, on display, for a minute, the anticipation killing me.

  I don’t feel anyone near me until the warmth of a tongue moves up my slits and wraps around my clit. Within a few seconds, I’m panting, trying to move my body in any way I can to find any kind of relief from what I’ve had pent up. When two fingers push inside me, curling up to the exact right spot, I scream out the most intense orgasm I’ve ever felt.

  “Do you feel better now?” Secret whispers in my ear.

  I bite my lip, nodding, still not able to actually speak.

  “I’m glad that spot of yours hasn’t changed,” he says quickly before walking away again.

  His comment has me reeling, but when I hear the tearing of a condom wrapper, all of my attention is focused on where they are and more importantly, who I’m going to get.

  With my legs still tied up, a tip teases my entrance, and I shudder when he pushes in ever so slightly before pulling back out. He’s playing with me, and he’s fucking good at it.

  “Do I get to know who’s doing me tonight?” I ask.

  In unison, they answer, “Both of us,” with Cole in his normal voice and Secret in his grunting tone.

  This teasing game is building an ache so low, so deep inside me that I want to scream and just when I think I can’t take it anymore, a finger is placed lightly on my chin, turning me to the side, and when the tip of a cock touches my lips, I open up wide, welcoming him in.

  As I do, I’m finally given the other man’s cock fully, and he picks up his pace, sliding in and out while I suck on the other’s length.

  So many sensations run through me while being tied up. Taking what they’re giving me and having no control over the situation brings me to the breaking point again.

  The man fucking me leans over, so he’s closer to my face.

  “She’s close, I can feel it,” I hear Secret grunt.

  Cole agrees, “Hell yeah, I can feel it.”

  They’re both so close that I can’t tell who’s in front of me and who’s directly to the side of me. Not knowing who’s about to tip me over the edge is the exact push I need to send me flying again.

  My mouth opens wide from around the other guy’s cock as I scream and he pulls out completely, leaning down to kiss my lips.


  Now I know Cole is the one inside me still, pumping away with his own release.

  I’m lost in Secret’s kiss and almost forget that my legs are tied up, and Cole is still inside of me. The way his lips touch mine ignite something deep inside that’s been dormant for way too long.

  He starts to pull away, and I let out a whine, not wanting his lips to leave mine.

  I hear his small laugh and he leans in, whispering, “It’s re
al, isn’t it?” before bringing his lips to mine again, giving me what I want. Wrapping his fingers through my hair, he kisses me like we’re the only two people in the world. And for these few minutes, we are.

  Chapter Twenty-Four


  I stayed up all night thinking both about my kiss with Secret and Cole’s behavior. So many feelings are running through me; feelings I’ve stayed away from for years now. The thoughts have me staying in all day and hiding from the world.

  Curled up on my couch in my sweats with my hair in a ponytail, I’m shocked when there’s a knock on my door.

  Looking through the peephole, I see Kamii, and happiness fills my body. I gladly open the door, but my smile fades when I see the infant carrier sitting on the floor in front of my place.

  The sight stings my chest. I’ve been doing so well dealing with the birth of Becca, but with my mind going crazy from both Secret and Cole, too many memories are coming on too strong and having her spring this on me, not being able to mentally prepare, might be too much.

  I try to hide my true feelings. “Hey, girl.” I open the door wide, welcoming her in before taking a deep breath.

  “Hi, I hope you don’t mind me dropping in like this. I had to get out of the house, and I wanted to go over some stuff with you for the club, so instead of calling, I took the chance and ran.” She stops to laugh. “Well, ran as fast as I could when having to get Becca ready and pack everything I need for her. Being a mom is exhausting.”

  I smile, but inside, all I can think is I’ll never know what you mean.

  We walk over to the couch, and she removes Becca from her carrier, sitting down and holding her tiny body against her chest.

  “So, we have a few new members who want to come in, and one who is leaving,” she states, getting right to business.

  I’m still standing, not noticing that I’m staring at Becca and Kamii pauses, looking up at me. She closes the files she had opened and sits back in her chair.


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