“Details.” Lexi dismissed airily. “Why did you say yes?” Lexi asked with a pointed look. Riana remained stoic. “Let me help. You said yes, Ri, because somehow you knew instinctively they wouldn’t pass judgment, they wouldn’t change how they act around you or treat you. Much like me and Sam. Now, given that, we have to wonder why it is you don’t tell Ryan.” Riana seethed. She really hated when Lexi had such valid points. “I don’t really believe you trust Ryan as much as you say you do.” Lexi concluded. Riana scowled at her. “Just think it over a bit, Ri. There’s something not right there, and you know it. You can’t beat yourself up for seeing something good in someone else.” She caught Riana’s eye. “He sees the good in you.” Riana’s face quickly darkened with an embarrassed blush.
Lexi smiled sympathetically at Riana. She could tell that Riana’s mind was overcome with too many conflicting thoughts. “Everything will be okay honey. Just enjoy the ride.” She grinned at the end and gave Chester a quick kick and took off. Riana gave Adonis the okay and they chased after Lexi and Chester. Soon, the sound of thundering hooves could be heard behind them.
Alex and Riana pulled away from the group after Riana coaxed Alex on to race. Lexi fell back and sighed. It was painful and frustrating for Lexi and Sam to watch Riana struggle with something that seemed so obvious to those who watched from the outside. The worst part was it wasn’t new. Riana had struggled with the rollercoaster that was Ryan for years. Lexi hated that Riana couldn’t see how much better she deserved.
“Everything okay?” A calm, deep voice questioned. Lexi looked over and smiled at Derek as he brought Ringo up to her and Chester.
“I’m sure everything will be okay.”
Derek cocked his head to the side a bit. Lexi looked towards Alex and gave a little nod. “Ah.” Derek comprehended. “I see.”
“I think she’s making it more complicated than it has to be.” Derek nodded. Lexi watched ahead of them as Alex caught up to Riana. They both looked so happy. Matthew and Sam trotted along behind them; Matthew finally comfortable in the saddle.
“I was worried at first.” Derek’s voice startled Lexi out of her thoughts. “About Riana and Alex.” He finished. He appeared lost in his own thoughts for a moment. “I mean, you, Sam and Ri didn’t worry me exactly. We felt at ease with you all right from the start. There was just something I could see when Alex and Riana would look at each other that worried me. Surely you remember our ride to dinner in Chicago and my commentary.” Lexi smiled and nodded. “I guess...I mean, now that Kim is out of the picture I don’t worry as much. I just don’t want him to jump into something too quickly after her, you know?”
“I do. Of course, there’s still Ryan lingering about in Ri’s life.” Lexi noted with obvious annoyance.
The group ahead of Lexi and Derek continued to play and chase each other as Lexi and Derek fell further behind. “What’s going on there anyway?” He asked. “It just seems like there’s some, umm, interesting dynamics.”
“What a polite way to put it, D.” Lexi laughed. “I think it’s pretty much impossible to explain because it just doesn’t make sense. They met in college. Riana was instantly smitten. It was good for a little while.” Derek nodded as he followed along. “He plays with her now though. He can’t seem to fully commit to her. He keeps her just barely holding on, giving her just enough that she has hope he still loves her. It pisses me and Sam off so much, watching her go through the same cycle of bullshit time and time again. She knows deep down it’s not right.” Lexi explained. She was pretty worked up by the end of it.
“Well she has to, otherwise why would she have kept this place a secret from him?”
“Exactly!” Lexi exclaimed. “She’s a hopeless romantic though, and loyal to a fault. Makes for a bad combination when it comes to her Ryan drama.”
They rode in silence for a bit. They lost sight of the other four but neither of them seemed to mind. “What about you?” Derek asked suddenly.
“Huh?” Lexi questioned. She wondered if he was blushing or if sunburn was setting in.
“Do you...have...someone..” He trailed off and it finally clicked for Lexi.
“Oh!” She blurted. “No. I prefer to keep my life a bit less complicated.” She smiled at him. He nodded with a small smile.
“Me too.” He remained quiet afterwards. “Say Lex? Where did they all run off to?” Lexi scanned the horizon.
“No worries dear, I know where Riana took them. C’mon.” She called as she had Chester take off in a canter towards the edge of the sky.
Alex enjoyed being able to run with Apollo after Riana decided she finally trusted him enough in the saddle to go all out. He was able to fully understand the appeal of horseback riding. Trail rides were nice, but letting a horse go full force was a thrill unlike many other things. There was an exhilaration in the sensation of so much power beneath him and the sun and wind against his face. Riana’s time loss while riding finally made sense to Alex. Matthew and Sam cantered around as well, but Riana; she flew on Adonis. Riana’s face was overcome by unadulterated happiness. Alex looked around and realized they had lost Derek and Lexi. He also noticed the barren landscape had gradually transformed into green. Suddenly Riana pulled up beside him; both her and Adonis panted heavily. “Hey Sunshine.” Alex greeted.
“Hey.” She breathed. “We’re gonna stop for lunch right up here.” She nodded towards a small lake. Alex pulled back on Apollo to slow him down to lazily walk along with Adonis. Matthew and Samantha trotted up to them, then also eased down to a calm walk.
“Break time?” Samantha questioned. Riana nodded.
“Awesome, I think my ass needs a break.”
Matthew grumbled.
The fact Riana pretty much lacked a filter from brain to mouth was frequently entertaining and this moment was no exception. The laughter exploded from her mouth, “Matthew you don’t have an ass!” Her laughter was contagious and Alex leaned into Apollo’s neck as he, too, laughed heartily.
“Yes I do!” Matthew argued. Even Samantha snickered.
“Sure. Whatever you say, Matt.” Riana chuckled. They eased up to a green clearing next to the edge of the lake. Samantha was the first one dismounted. She quickly looped Lilo’s reins around a tree then turned to hold Sonny’s reins as Matthew dismounted.
Alex followed suit and swiftly hopped off Apollo. He grasped his reins and led him over to Riana, where he stood by to assist her, much like Matthew had when they first arrived. Riana gazed down at Alex and gave a small smile as she lifted her right foot from the stirrup and swung it up and behind her. As she started her descent Alex grasped her hips and eased her to the ground. Her feet hit the grass and she turned to face him. Alex assumed she would thank him, but she was silent. He was keenly aware of the proximity of their bodies, and how his hands still had a firm grasp on her hips. Her eyes had the slightest bit of veiled desire, or maybe he had only imagined it as he was sure his eyes held the same forbidden feeling.
Riana tried frantically to take control of the feelings that took over her as she became locked into Alex’s beautiful and engaged stare. She was overcome by him; his intense eyes, the way his lip curled into his mouth as he nervously bit it, and the secure hold his heavy hands had on her hips. She couldn’t stop the desperate pleas in her mind; pull me closer, kiss me, I need you. She barely noticed when her tongue snaked out and wet her lower lip as she closed her eyes and sighed. Alex unconsciously mirrored the same behavior.
“Hey lovebirds!” Samantha teased. “You going to unload lunch or what?” Riana shot her a vehement glare but turned away from both her and Alex as a deep and revealing blush overtook her face. Alex simultaneously relinquished the physical hold he had on her and took a step back. Riana was sure, however, the emotional and mental hold he had on her wouldn’t be so easily broken.
As Riana went to remove everything they needed for lunch from Adonis’ saddlebag she noticed her hands trembling. She sensed Alex next to her. She knew she couldn’t look
at him, if she did she’d surely lose herself. His rough, calloused hand gently covered her quivering hand and fingers. “Let me help.” He urged softly as he removed his hand from hers and proceeded to open the saddlebag and pull their cold lunches from it.
Riana slowly ambled around Adonis to get water from the other saddlebag. “Hey kids!” Derek hollered as he and Lexi trotted down the hill towards the clearing where Riana, Alex, Sam and Matt set up. Riana took a deep breath, thankful for another distraction. Derek and Lexi dismounted quickly and tied up their horses. Riana tossed a half-frozen water at Derek. “Thanks lady!” He called out as he handed it to Lexi. Riana grinned as she saw first-hand his gentlemanly ways weren’t just a public production.
They casually unpacked everything for lunch and ate while they chatted amongst each other. Riana, ever the wine connoisseur, packed a bottle of Asti for all of them to split. The horses enjoyed their time in the shade and sipped at the lake’s edge. Lexi decided she wanted to relax and close her eyes and Derek was quick to offer his chest as a recliner of sorts for her. Alex nudged Riana, nodded in their direction and wiggled his eyebrows. Riana held back a giggle and lightly pinched him.
“Ugh, it’s so hot.” Samantha moaned. She looked at Riana and grinned. “Want to go swimming?”
Riana startled Alex when she jumped up eagerly. “Hell yes!” She yelled as she stripped off her shirt and revealed her turquoise bikini top. The bright color offset her tan skin and brought out the depth of her cobalt eyes. She grunted as she pulled off her boots then shimmied out of her jeans. Samantha did the same, her off beat purple polka dot and tie dye bikini a perfect match to her quirky personality. The guys stared at them, completely bewildered. Riana suddenly became self-conscious. “Um, you guys coming?” Riana asked. Alex looked to Matthew.
“We didn’t know we’d be going swimming.” Matthew answered with a hint of confusion. Samantha giggled.
“If you’re implying you doing have any swim shorts, you’re wrong. We always swim in the lake when we ride, so we had Derek pack some shorts for you.” She asserted. She skipped over to Lilo and pulled three sets of shorts from the saddlebag. “D, you can wait until Lex wakes up, but here ya go.” She grinned as she tossed a pair in his direction. Next, she threw a pair at Matthew then Alex.
“We promise not to peek.” Riana snickered as she grabbed Sam’s hand and hastened to the water.
Matthew looked to Alex and shrugged. “At least they plan ahead.” They left the picnic area and went to change by the horses; the hope being that the horses and the thicker trees would shield them from any prying eyes. “So...Alex…” Matthew ventured cautiously. “Seemed to be a little, um, moment between you and Ri earlier.”
Alex’s eyes turned playful yet a bit embarrassed. He cleared his throat. “I’m not exactly sure what happened there.” Alex admitted as he slipped on his shorts and tossed his jeans and boxers onto Apollo’s saddle.
“Alex,” Matt started as he shed his shirt. “I’m not saying this to be mean, okay? I just want to look out for you--for both of you.” Alex looked at him expectantly. “It’s obvious you have some feelings for her. I also think it’s obvious she has feelings for you.” Alex snorted in disbelief but Matt continued. “You need to be careful Alex. She’s a taken woman. I don’t want to see things… get messy.”
Alex tightened his jaw, then sighed in defeat. “I do. Have feelings for her, that is.” He glanced up at Matt, his eyes smiled just a bit. “I wouldn’t say it’s obvious she has them for me. I can hope right?” They both chuckled. “You’re right though. I know she’s taken. I know I need to respect that. I just… He’s just such an ass to her.”
Matthew looked at him tenderly. He knew it couldn’t be easy for him; to have formed feelings for a woman taken by someone who didn’t treat her so well. “She needs to see a man can be kind to her. Be that man, Alex. Be there for her and she’ll figure it out.”
“Allllleeeeexx!!!” Riana called. “Maaaaatttttt! Come on!” Matthew laughed when he saw how quickly Alex answered Riana’s call as he was already at least six steps ahead of Matt as he headed towards the lake.
Chapter Twelve
Let Me Hold You
“Good. Fucking. Lord.” Riana mumbled as Alex sauntered towards her and Sam. She quickly regretted the decision to go swimming, it was obviously a terrible idea to see the man half-clothed. She looked to Samantha, panicked.
“It’s okay Ri, relax. You’re friends. It’s okay.” Sam tried in vain to calm Riana down.
Riana gave her an urgent look. “It’d be easier to be friends if he wasn’t so ungodly beautiful. Ugh, look at him.” Alex’s shaggy black hair was still disheveled from the ride, he smiled joyfully, his eyes were bright and alive. Riana’s eyes continued to scan along his body; his broad shoulders, taut arms, and smooth, toned chest. He wasn’t heavy by any means, but not quite thin like Matthew. He was strapping; strong and robust. Her mind went places she unsuccessfully tried to keep it from. She felt her body flush from the intensity of the images that flashed in her mind; her hands delicately tracing over his skin, his strong hands on her, their lips melding together. She told herself she could never have someone who exemplified beauty and sex in such a way. It was torture to entertain such silly fantasies.
Samantha couldn’t very well blame Riana for having freaked out a bit. Alex was, indeed, unnaturally sexy. The best part was he didn’t seem to realize it. He strolled towards the bank, then got an evil grin as he eyed Riana. Samantha grinned. She found it adorable how they already seemed able to read each other.
Riana started to back up with her hands in front of her, “Don’t even think about it, Alexander!” Alex’s grin radiated and he took off in a full run. Riana gave a delighted squeal and tried to escape. Alex got to her quickly, scooped her up effortlessly and flung her over his shoulder like a sack of flour. He gave a deep, hearty laugh and Riana giggled uncontrollably.
Sam felt movement beside her and she turned to see Matt watch the antics between Alex and Ri. Matthew couldn’t hide the happy amusement which danced on his face. “It really is pretty great, and terribly sad at the same time isn’t it?” He mused. Samantha knew exactly what he meant and nodded.
Samantha didn’t want to ruin the mood of the day going over the dramatics of Riana and Alex. She typically avoided any negativity if she could so, instead of engaging Matthew, she hollered through laughter at Alex, “Hey! Let her go!!” as she leapt towards him. Riana had been moved from over Alex’s shoulder to cradled in his arms with her hands latched behind his neck. Samantha jumped on Alex’s back but the next thing she knew Matthew had her slung over his shoulder. It was a blur of laughter and happiness.
Derek and Lexi remained on the shore. Lexi was still asleep against him. Derek eased his eyes shut as he drifted into his thoughts. Despite his initial apprehension regarding Lexi, Riana and Sam he couldn’t deny the fun they’d had and the ease in which he talked with all of them; especially Lexi. He looked down at her as she rested between his legs, her head placed against his chest. He absentmindedly twisted her curls around his fingers as he watched Riana, Alex, Sam and Matthew play in the lake. Derek started to contemplate that perhaps the reason he hadn’t found anyone to share his life with was because of his mistrust. It wasn’t easy for him to jump in and believe things were real when he’d been treated as a commodity for the last ten years. Riana, Lexi and Sam didn’t treat them like that, though. He loved how they teased the guys relentlessly but at the same time supported them completely. They had their own lives and didn’t appear to be obsessed with D.M.A. like other fans. They shared personal stories, but never expected any in return. He knew he had unwittingly started to increasingly trust them. For once, it didn’t scare him, he was excited to see what these honest friendships would bring.
Lexi stirred against him. She turned her head up towards his and smiled. “Did I actually fall asleep?” She inquired as she sat up.
“Indeed.” Derek grinned. “Everyone else is swimming
, did you want to join them?”
“Did you?” She questioned back. Derek couldn’t stop smiling at her.
He nodded thoughtfully as he looked back out at the lake. “Yeah, I think I do.”
“Sweet!” Lexi yipped as she reached down and pulled her boots and socks off. She then hopped up, undid her jeans and danced around a little as she squirmed out of them. Derek leaned back against the tree and laughed at her; while he also took in her curvaceous form. His gaze panned up her legs, over her smooth stomach and along the swell of her breasts before his eyes suddenly found hers. Lexi had a bewildered, yet amused look on her face. Derek was instantly flustered at being caught checking her out. Lexi raised one arched eyebrow, “You gonna get changed?” She asked with a wink.
Derek fumbled as he attempted to form words. “Umm. Yeah...I was… yeah...I’ll get changed.” Lexi giggled at him and reached down to offer him a hand to get up off the ground.
“Hey Matt? Does your son like horses?” Riana asked as they leisurely rode back towards the ranch. The sun had dipped into the horizon and casted long shadows ahead of them.
“Definitely.” Matthew smiled. “He’s only done carnival pony rides though. Tabs and I haven’t taken him full blown riding yet.”
Riana nodded thoughtfully. “I have a couple ponies. He could take one out.” She rambled as she stared off into the distance. Lexi and Sam knew she was dancing around the issue of Tabitha’s arrival the next day. “I mean, I’d keep them in the corral, but I think he’d really enjoy it. Sugar and Spice are both super sweet. Much like Sonny there.” She nodded towards Sonny.
Matt reached down and patted Sonny’s neck with a smile. “I think he’d love it Ri.” He assured.
As they got to the ranch Derek noticed an extra vehicle in the driveway. “Umm, Ri? I thought this place was secure?”
A large smile formed on Riana’s face. “Don’t worry dear, those are my ranch hands. Jake and Dustin help out around the stables for me.” She explained. “I’m especially happy to see them here now as I’m too exhausted to clean all these horses up.”
Disillusioned Love Page 12