“She would be crazy to cross Pietro, and especially Mario.”
“I still say we pay her a visit.”
“That is not for us to decide Rosina.”
“We shall see.”
They finally pulled up to the iron gate that surrounded Mario Mabille’s compound, a lush sprawling property with one very large white villa, two large guest houses, a residence for his bodyguards and a large swimming pool alongside a tennis court. Mount Vesuvius loomed on the horizon to the east.
“Nice place in a nice neighborhood, but a couple thousand years ago living here, he would have been toast when that erupted,” Aaron said, pointing to the volcano.
The gate finally opened. Four men armed with automatic weapons greeted them.
“Mr. Gugino, Mr. Surdul, Miss Stucco, I have to make sure you are not armed before you can go any further,” Gino said.
They all allowed themselves to be frisked before Gino and one of the other men took them back to the pool area.
“Would you like something to eat, or drink?” Gino asked.
“Coffee,” Pietro said.
“Scotch for me with a lot of ice,” Aaron said.
“Water,” Rosina said. Her facial expression was not a smile, but it was no longer a sneer.
Mario joined them, a middle aged man with greying hair combed back, round sunglasses resting on his long straight nose that seemed to point to the grey beard and hair on his sun tanned chest, clearly visible through his half unbuttoned white shirt.
“If you are here without an invitation, I am already aware of the fact this must be something important,” Mario said.
Rosina was about to speak when Aaron stopped her.
“We are going to need some privacy, and a computer Mario,” Pietro said.
“Bring one of the guest laptops. Make sure it does not have a dead battery.”
Rosina was using all of her will power to keep from exploding, but she dare not anger or insult Mario. Many who did never lived to talk about it.
“Are you sure you don’t want something to eat?” Mario asked.
No one could think of food at the moment.
Gino returned with a Toshiba laptop and placed it in front of Mario.
“Okay, what is so important?” he asked, opening the computer.
Rosina waited for Gino to be out of hearing range. “Log into your offshore account.”
“Which one,” he grinned.
“Take your pick.”
Aaron was getting nervous now that Rosina was being asked to talk. After a few moments, he could tell by the look on their faces that Mario too was looking at something very disturbing.
“Is this some kind of fucking joke?” he asked, motioning for Gino to come over. He summoned two others before doing so, their weapons trained on the three visitors.
“I was hoping you could tell me,” Rosina said.
“What is that supposed to mean?”
“I was the first to discover this, then Aaron, then Pietro and now you.”
“Somebody is playing us but who would have the balls?” Pietro sneered.
Before Mario’s eyes, above the browser screen still open to the page that showed his new balance as $660.06, appeared this message. WHAT WAS YOUR’S IS NOW MINE – THE WATER GODDESS
“Water Goddess? Is it that bitch in Spain?”
“The thought did enter my head,” Rosina said.
“Do we have your permission to go and question her?” Pietro asked.
Mario stared past them at the view of Mount Vesuvius for what wasn’t more than a minute, but seemed like an eternity to them. He was about to speak when the phone ringing in his shirt pocket startled him.
“Speaking of the devil,” he said quietly before answering it.
“Wait a minute Ines, slow down and start all over again,” he said, and then switched the speaker on.
“I said everything is gone. Everything do you understand?” Ines shouted.
“Don’t talk on the phone. Can you come here today?”
“There? Why?”
“Because the same has happened here.”
There was silence on the other end for a moment.
“Are you there?” Mario asked.
“Wait a minute. There is more. There is a message.”
“Is it from the Water Goddess?”
“Yes, but how did you?”
“We got one too. What does it say?”
“Get here as fast as you can,” Mario said.
“I will leave right away.”
“Did any of you receive some fucking Water Goddess message?”
“I did,” Pietro said. “It said Beg forgiveness of the Water Goddess.”
“What about you two?” Mario asked.
“With your permission I will get our computers out of the trunk and check,” Rosina said.
Mario nodded his approval. She walked out to her car and returned with Aaron’s laptop and hers.
Aaron started his computer to see this message. YOU MAY BE FORGIVEN – THE WATER GODDESS
Rosina started up her computer. “It’s just fine with me bitch, whoever you are?”
She turned the computer for the others to read the message. YOUR LIFE IS MINE – THE WATER GODDESS
Water Goddess
“She insists on being with us when the time comes. I cannot and will not try to change her mind,” Quintus said.
Denise looked at him, sighed, and said, “Okay.”
They had returned to the farmhouse after wrapping up what needed to be done in Paris.
“Well, she has sure learned how to wield a Gladius,” Layla said, turning her head from Quintus to Coventina practicing her swordplay with Odumnus in the yard under torchlight.
“Yes. We did not spend the entire day on a blanket in the bushes,” Quintus laughed.
“I’ve been conversing with Mys. They have shield medallions for the women that function like yours do,” Denise said.
“Hey. You said you were hungry. Come on in and eat,” Aja shouted from the doorway.
“Be right there.”
“Quintus. Early tomorrow morning, Layla and I are going upstairs to meet with Mys and the others. Is there anything you need?”
“They should have a package for me as well as the medallions. There is nothing else for now.”
“Great. Come on baby, my stomach is growling.”
Midway through their microwaved lasagna Coventina joined them at the table.
“You’re quite good with that Gladius,” Layla smiled.
“I hope to only have to use it once,” Coventina said quietly.
“I’m going to get you up very early tomorrow,” Denise said. Coventina had asked that she be able to create the message they would send the wretches who turned her life upside down and not Denise using her medallion to pose as her.
“I will be ready whenever you need me.”
“We are still undecided as to where to lure them when the time comes, and I am sure there will be a lot of ‘them’.
“What would be needed?” Coventina asked.
“A remote place, easy to find, easy to reach, that we could use to our advantage. It must be out of the public eye.”
“This is not bad for packaged lasagna,” Layla laughed.
“It is edible, but you really cannot beat lasagna made from scratch,” Denise grinned.
“I have not tasted a better lasagna than your lasagna Denise,” Aja said. “One day I will try to make your sauce, for starters.”
“It is so easy to make darling. When this is over I will coach you through it, and leave you a few gallons.”
“Denise. Can this place be in the UK?” Coventina asked.
“We would prefer to not have it on their turf, but it might get very messy,” Layla said.
“There is a farmhouse. It belonged to my great grandfather who handed
it down to his daughter and then to my mother.” She paused for a moment to compose her self. “It is in Northumberland, Sewing Shields. I used to love going there during the summer when I was young. It is very near Hadrian’s Wall and Mithra’s Temple.”
“We shall find time to visit it tomorrow morning then,” Denise said.
“It is also very near Coventina’s Well.”
“It is sounding better by the moment,” Layla smiled.
“Now, for the morning’s shoot. It is important we be near water. Aja has shown me a few places near here on the map we can use,” Denise said.
“Why not do it when we get to Sewing Shields?” Coventina asked. “Broomlee Lough. It is an inland lake very near where we are going.”
Denise started checking something on her iPhone before she answered. First Google Maps, and then, the weather. “The forecast calls for a mild morning fog, but clear skies. It could be perfect.”
“Great, than it’s settled.”
“Not quite. It means we will need to get an earlier start than planned. I am going to have to let Mys know.”
“I will be ready,” Coventina smiled. She seemed happy to know that she would be back in the UK.
“Behold, the Water Goddess,” Layla grinned, spreading her arms out towards Coventina.
“Yes,” Denise whispered.
Sewing Shields
Aya and Mys joined Denise, Layla, Coventina and Quintus in the room they had dined and met in before. They collected them at the farmhouse and were now en route to the other farmhouse belonging to Coventina’s family.
Quintus, the items you require are in the package at the end of the table, Mys said.
“Thank you.”
Denise, these medallions are for all who have not yet received one.
Thank you. Thank all of you. Is there an instruction sheet?
The controls are rather simple. Quintus, please pay close attention, as there is a feature in your medallions you have not yet used. Coventina, if you would allow me.
Coventina walked over to where Mys seemed to be floating next to her seat. She handed a medallion to her and instructed her to place it around her neck. Using another medallion she showed them all how to activate the shield. Coventina followed her lead. Mys then showed them how to activate the stealth feature. When Coventina activated it she disappeared from view.
Would the rest of you activate your stealth feature?
They all did as asked and once again, Coventina was visible to them.
“Well that works a lot like ours,” Denise said, deactivating her medallion.
Your friends from the Tyrine are very innovative.
“How much time do we have?” Layla asked.
You have this day, and the following two before we must depart.
“Well then, we’ve a lot to cover then,” Denise smiled.
We have reached the coordinates you gave us.
They made their way back to the Mustang and got in. Not wanting to risk attracting attention to their destination, they were dropped a few miles away.
Layla steered them down highway B6318 heading west. She noticed a huge smile on Coventina’s face as she gazed out the window.
“Those are remnants of Hadrian’s Wall,” she said, pointing out the now shortened line of that wall built so long ago, seeming to press against the road they drove down before veering off in another direction.
“I know it was undoubtedly a horrible affront to your people, but it must have been an amazing feat and thing to behold when it was built,” Denise said.
“I am sure most Britons back then would agree with you, but I think the presence of the Romans and all they taught us and left us simply made us a better people.”
“You’re not the only one to ever think that.”
“Coming up on your left is a tiny turnoff you can miss if you blink that takes you past Coventina’s Well and back to Mithra’s Temple. There, that is it,” Coventina pointed out.
“I’ll stop back later. How far is the farmhouse?” Layla asked.
“Just a few kilometers up. It will be on the right.”
“It’s a perfect morning for what we came here to do,” Denise said, as the Mustang passed through dense patches of fog.
“Slow down and take the next right. Don’t worry. No one has lived in that house for years.”
Roughly a kilometer down the secondary road she had them slow so she could tell exactly where to turn in the thicker fog away from the road.
“Here. Yes, this is it. Turn left onto this dirt road. It is probably rather bumpy so take it slow.”
Layla pushed a few buttons and they were gliding just over the road’s surface.
“There, on the right, that’s it.”
Appearing out of the fog was a one level farmhouse, with a long building next to it that resembled what could have been a barn, or a stable.
“It’s a humble dwelling,” Coventina laughed. “Come on, let’s have a look inside.”
She got out of the Mustang and walked to a small stack of different shaped bricks to retrieve the key needed to open the door. Once inside, she opened the drapes on the few windows the old structure had.
“It is fabulous,” Denise said. “A little sprucing up and a fair amount of food is all we’ll need.”
“Well, we might need those futons,” Coventina laughed.
“How far is the nearest neighbor?” Layla asked.
“That I know of, but mind you I have not been here in a few years, no closer than three, maybe six kilometers.”
“We should bring everyone here, today, to settle in before dark.”
“Food, how far is a grocer?” Layla asked.
“That I will have to research,” Coventina laughed.
“Yes but first, let us get our work done at this lake,” Denise said.
“Back there, in that direction, you cannot tell with this fog, is the start of miles of forest.”
“Great. We love forests and live in one back home,” Layla said.
Coventina guided them down more dirt roads to Broomlee Laugh.
“Just say when, you’re the director,” Layla giggled.
“It’s a nice quiet morning. Pull up right over…there.”
They exited the car. Layla collected the tripod and camera from the trunk and followed them to the waters edge.
“Hadrian’s Wall is right up there,” Coventina said.
“I will rejoin you shortly,” Quintus said, as he walked up to the area she had pointed out.
Layla set up the camera. Coventina moved into place a few steps into the lake. Denise had asked her to speak from her heart after having earlier gone over the script, or gist of what she wanted the message to convey.
Quintus was mentally somewhere far removed from a message. He was thinking of the inevitable confrontation with those he felt compelled to pay back for their crimes against the love of his life and her family.
The morning sun broke though a break in some passing clouds, sending a beam of sunlight directly onto the lake that was the backdrop for Coventina’s message.
From where he stood, Quintus thought she looked like a goddess.
Rosina was speeding back to Rome, the sun setting through her driver side window. Aaron was asleep in the seat next to her. Mario had almost pleaded with her to stay with him as a guest, like Pietro and Ines agreed to do, until they could sort out what was happening. But she would not listen. She found it impossible to stay in one place when she was so angry, when she felt threatened, and she felt both, in droves. She knew that the stash of cash she had in a safe deposit box was all she had in the world, after so many years of hard work. Thinking about it just made her angrier. She wondered if anything more could happen to make things worse, and longed for the possibility of getting her hands on the Water Goddess, whoever she or he was.
When she finally made it back to
Rome she decided to stop by one of the sex slave operations she profited from while Aaron was still half asleep. She could see the reflection of flashing lights before she got to the corner. She switched off her headlights and pulled up to the corner slowly. The operation was being raided. There were cops and SWAT teams in the street. Women were being carried out on stretchers or being helped if they could walk, to the waiting bus and ambulances.
“What the fuck Rosina, I was,” he started to say before he was cut off by her forcing his head to turn to the right and see what was happening. “Fuck.”
“Fuck is right. Let Pietro and Mario know. I am going to cruise past some of the other places.”
“They are going to be so fucking pissed.”
Rosina put the car in reverse and backed it up down the street to the next corner to avoid being seen. “We have to assume they know who we are, where we live, what we drive. Aargh, just let me get my hands on this bitch Water Goddess.”
“They want us to check out every operation and report back to Mario’s place, in person. He does not think we are going to be safe if we remain in Rome.”
On the way to two of the other sites that she would find were also in the midst of being raided, she passed by Aaron’s place. “Should I chance it?” he asked. They did not see any police outside of it.
“You’re call. They could be anywhere, waiting, they could be inside waiting for you already.”
“Yeah, you’re right. I am going to chance it. If I am not back down in two minutes leave without me.”
Rosina looked at her watch. “The clock is already ticking.”
Aaron simply walked up to the door and entered. Rosina could see light moving inside from a flashlight and put the car in gear. Just before the two-minute mark Aaron came running out with two large suitcases.
“Back seat. There is no room in the trunk for those big fucking things, what the fuck is in there?”
“Just some clothes in one, and some firepower in the other.”
“Firepower. Good.”
She drove the next few blocks with the lights off. Before they got to her place they passed a fourth site that was being raided. “I wonder if that bitch is being raided in Spain?” she asked.
Coventina Page 22