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Turning Tables (WeHo Book 3)

Page 6

by Sherryl D. Hancock

  “Everything okay at home?” Jovina asked.

  “Nothing’s ever okay at home these days,” Cat replied looking unhappy.

  “Who’s at home?” Jovina asked.

  Cat looked back at her for a long moment, then put her arm out, gesturing for Jovina to lay with her. Jovina happily complied.

  “Elizabeth,” Cat said in answer to Jovina’s question.

  “And who is she?” Jovina asked, feeling a stab of jealousy that someone lived with Cat.

  “Technically she’s my ex,” Cat said.

  “Technically?” Jovina asked. “But you’re still in love with her,” she said, her tone sad.

  Cat looked back at her for a moment, then said, “I guess I am, to a point.”

  Jovina nodded, “Is she the one that hurt you?”

  “Did, has, still is,” Cat said, not looking happy about it.

  Jovina shook her head, “I didn’t think anything or anyone ever hurt you,” she said honestly. “You always had the Teflon heart, nothing stuck to it.”

  Cat looked back at Jovina for a long minute, she supposed that was how Jovina would feel, and in a way she was right. She’d been a lot stronger before.

  “Well, I guess that’s true enough,” Cat said, “But I met someone that I really wanted and couldn’t get to and that kind of turned the tables on me.”

  “Elizabeth?” Jovina asked.

  “No,” Cat said, shaking her head, “No, I met Kana Sorbinno.”

  “The AG’s bodyguard?” Jovina asked.

  Many people in the gay community knew who Kana was, her sexual orientation had become center stage when Midnight Chevalier had run for Attorney General and her slimy opponent tried to accuse Midnight of lying to the people. Midnight had not only stood up for Kana, but also for the right of all gays to marry and love who they wanted.

  “She cheated on Palani Ryker?” Jovina asked, surprised.

  “No,” Cat said, “They had broken up at one point, and that’s when I met her.”

  “Oh,” Jovina nodded.

  “But yeah, she was still in love with Palani, and I was stupid enough to fall for her,” she said grimacing.

  “Ouch,” Jovina said, knowing what it was like to be in love with someone that wasn’t emotionally available.

  “Oh yeah,” Cat said, nodding, “But, it also made me crave a relationship in the worst way. So when I met Elizabeth, I guess I was primed to fall again.”

  “How did you meet her?”

  “Actually I met her when she needed my help,” Cat said, looking hesitant, “Okay, look, nothing I say goes any farther than this, okay?”

  Jovina looked surprised, but nodded.

  “Bet was on coke, and she’s Midnight Chevalier’s niece.”

  “Oh,” Jovina said, now understanding why Cat had said what she had about things not going any farther.

  “Midnight was running for AG then,” Cat said shrugging, “And I knew if that got out, Midnight’s chances were nill.”

  “So you helped her get off the drugs,” Jovina said, her look sad.

  “I wasn’t able to be there for you, at least I could be there for someone and do some good, right?” Cat said, reaching up to touch her cheek tenderly.

  Jovina nodded, accepting the indirect apology.

  “Anyway, we ended up together after everything,” Cat said, “The problem was that she was straight.”

  “Obviously she didn’t stay that way,” Jovina said.

  “No, but I could tell she wasn’t completely happy or completely comfortable with being with me.”

  Jovina looked doubtful, but didn’t say anything.

  “Well, remember a year and a half or so ago, that thing that happened with Midnight?”

  “With that guy trying to kill her?” Jovina asked.

  “Yeah,” Cat said nodding, “Well, he wanted to distract her, so he went after the people in her circle,” she said, the tone of her voice telling Jovina that she wasn’t going to like what Cat was going to tell her, “He started with me.”

  “Oh my God…” Jovina breathed.

  “Yeah,” Cat said, grimacing, “It wasn’t good, I can tell you that. The problem was, when they found me, Bet was in San Francisco, fucking her bartender, her male bartender.”

  Jovina shook her head in disbelief.

  “Yeah, that pretty much destroyed my trust in her,” Cat said.

  “I think that’s understandable,” Jovina said.

  “I’ve never been able to forget that, no matter what I try, no matter what she says,” Cat said, shaking her head, “And I’m pretty sure she’s fucking someone new and I’m pretty sure it’s the new male chef in her restaurant.”

  “Oh, Catalina…” Jovina said, her eyes searching Cat’s, “I’m sorry.”

  “Yeah, you can see why I’m kind of fucked up at this point,” Cat said, grimacing.

  “I can see how you wouldn’t want to trust anyone else ever again.” Jovina said.

  Cat nodded sighing.

  “So you helped her with getting off drugs,” Jovina said, coming back to the sore spot.

  Cat looked pained, but nodded.

  “But you wouldn’t stay with me,” Jovina said, her tone of voice sad.

  “I couldn’t stay with you,” Cat said, her blue eyes searching Jovina’s for some kind of understanding. “We’d just watched Rachel die,” Cat said, her eyes sad, “And I knew you were on that same path.”

  “I never used needles,” Jovina said, shaking her head.

  Their friend Rachel had died of AIDS, from using heroin that she shot into her veins. She’d gotten AIDS from a dirty needle.

  “You were going to die, Jovina, on the path you were on,” Cat said, her eyes glazing with tears, “I couldn’t watch, not you…”

  Jovina stared back at her, understanding dawning. She shook her head sadly, “I was so lost without you,” she said, “I spiraled for a long time.”

  Cat grimaced, “Tell me,” she said, knowing she didn’t want to know, but feeling like it was something she needed to know.

  “I can’t,” Jovina said, shaking her head.

  “Please?” Cat pleaded.

  “I can’t,”Jovina repeated, “I don’t want you to know that… what I did, what happened.”

  Cat reached up, touching Jovina’s cheek, “I’m so sorry,” she said, pulling Jovina to her and holding her close.

  Jovina cried softly as Cat held her.

  When Jovina had quieted, Cat lay holding her, stroking her hair.

  “So we’re both pretty damaged,” Cat said, staring up at the ceiling, “Maybe that’s why this,” she said, indicating their bodies lying close together, “Isn’t exactly a good idea for either of us.”

  Jovina raised her head, looking up at Cat, then in one fluid move, she slid the sheet from Cat’s body and leaned in to kiss Cat on the lips, her hand caressing Cat’s skin as she did. Cat responded instantly, moaning softly as she deepened the kiss. Within a minute they were both breathless.

  “Still think this is a bad idea?” Jovina asked, her tone wry.

  “I think I’m just gonna shut up now,” Cat replied, moving to kiss her again.

  An hour later they both lay spent on the bed.

  “So,” Jovina said when she’d caught her breath, “You want to go to a party?”

  “What party?” Cat asked.

  “A friend of mine’s birthday, it’s later this afternoon,” Jovina said.

  “Sure,” Cat said, shrugging.

  That afternoon they walked out to the street, where Cat’s car was parked.

  “This is yours?” Jovina asked, taking in the slick blue sports car.

  The car was a dark blue Nissan 370Z, with black wheels. Cat had purchased it a few months before.

  “Yeah,” Cat said, nodding, “Why?”

  “Just that my friend Skyler will love you,” Jovina said, smiling.

  As they climbed into the low slung car, Cat looked over at Jovina, “Why?”

��Cause she drives a Z too, and she loves them.”

  “Ah,” Cat said nodding.

  She hadn’t realized how big the “Z Community” was until she’d bought one, she found that people, mostly men, were always commenting on her car. Other Z drivers would slow down to look at her car as it passed, it was an interesting experience. It appeared that one of Jovina’s friends was part of that community.

  Cat drove, and Jovina provided directions to Brentwood. Cat’s iPod was plugged into the car stereo, so music played. Jovina had forgotten how much Cat loved music, she seemed to have it on no matter where she was, her iPod seemed to be an extension to her hand, always with her.

  A song began, and Cat smiled as she turned up using a button on the steering wheel.

  The song was Katie Perry’s Circle Drain, it was about drug addiction. The chorus was the kicker, and Jovina felt every word.

  “You fall asleep during foreplay,

  Cause the pills you take are more your forte

  I’m not sticking around to watch you go down.

  Wanna be your lover,

  Not your fucking mother,

  Can’t be your savior,

  I don’t have the power,

  I’m not gonna stay and watch you circle the drain.”

  As the song ended, Jovina looked over at Cat, reaching over to turn the stereo down.

  “Is that how you felt?” Jovina asked.

  Cat nodded, looking over at her.

  Jovina drew in a deep breath, nodding as she sighed. She’d never really realized how Cat must have felt when she walked away. It never occurred to her that it hurt her at all. Cat was always the tough one out of the two of them, the one that could be cold and heartless, to way of Jovina’s thinking. She had no idea how much guilt Cat carried around. She thought maybe she was starting to see it.

  They made the rest of the ride in silence, but Cat reached over and took Jovina’s hand, squeezing it gently, making Jovina smile. It was Cat’s way of apologizing.

  The house they pulled up in front of in Brentwood was beautiful. It wasn’t overly ostentatious. Not exactly pop star’s mansion, Cat thought to herself. Jovina had told her that the party was for Quinn Kavanaugh, at her girlfriend’s house. Then went on to tell Cat that Xandy Blue, the latest hot pop star, was also the latest pop star to come out as a lesbian. Quinn had been Xandy’s bodyguard and star to come out. Quinn, her bodyguard, had won her over with her gallant butch ways and her downright heroic acts. Quinn had become a household name when a fight she got into in Belfast Ireland had made it onto You Tube. Later in the year she’d become more famous when Xandy and she had been in Kansas for a benefit concert for the victims of an F5 tornado. Xandy’s aunt’s house had been hit by another tornado while they were there, and it had been Quinn who’d single handedly lifted a section of the house’s collapsed roof to rescue Xandy’s seven year old cousin.

  Cat got out of the car, and walked around to open Jovina’s door. Cat was dressed casually wearing jean shorts, strappy sandals and a rich blue silk top that cut low and clung attractively in all the right places. She looked sexy as hell to Jovina, especially since she’d done her makeup using the same color of eyeliner, making her blue eyes seem even bluer. As she got out of the car, Jovina took Cat’s hand, and pulled her close to kiss her. Cat surprised her by turning her to lean against the car, moving in close to deepen the kiss. Jovina moaned, sliding her hands through Cat’s hair, holding on tight as her body came alive instantly. It was insane to be this attracted to someone was all she could think.

  When their lips parted, both of them were breathing heavily. Cat smiled, her eyes staring down into Jovina’s. Jovina blew her breath out, shaking her head. Then grabbing Cat’s hand she turned and led her toward the house.

  They arrived just in time for the first toast. It started the afternoon out nicely. Quinn offered Cat a beer, which she accepted, even surprising Quinn by choosing Guinness over a milder beer. Jovina was proud to see how easily Cat fit in with her friends. She tried desperately not to cling to Cat every moment of the time that they were there.

  At one point, Cat was in the backyard alone smoking, and another woman came outside. The woman moved to stand near Cat and looked over at her, she had the most beautiful light blue green eyes Cat had ever seen.

  “Jo tells me you drive a Z,” the woman said, smiling.

  Cat grinned, “You must be Skyler,” she said.

  “I am,” Skyler said, extending her hand to Cat, “Skyler Boche’.”

  “French?” Cat asked, detecting a slight accent.

  “Close,” Skyler said, grinning, “French Creole,” she said.

  “Aw,” Cat nodded, “Yes, I just bought a three-seventy not too long ago. Jovi says you drive one too?”

  “Yeah, I have a Nismo,” Skyler said, referring to the special edition from Nissan Motorsports.

  “Nice,” Cat said, “I’d just get into trouble with that kind of power.”

  Skyler chuckled, “Yeah, I try to avoid trouble if I can.”

  “How does that work out for ya?” Cat asked, her blue eyes sparkling.

  Skyler grinned, dropping her head, “Fortunately I have friends at the Sheriff’s Department and the PD, so I’m usually spared.”

  “That does help,” Cat said.

  “Did I hear right, that you’re a cop?” Skyler asked, her look curious.

  “You heard right,” Cat said, “San Diego PD. And you are…?”

  “I work for LA Fire,” Skyler said, “I’m a pilot.”

  “Very cool,” Cat said, nodding, “and your girl is Devin, right?”

  “Yeah,” Skyler said, smiling fondly.

  Cat nodded, seeing the look of pure love in Skyler’s eyes, and smiling. It was good to see someone so in love with their girlfriend, good, but painful at the same time.

  Jovina stepped out of the house then, walking over and leaning in to kiss Cat’s cheek, her hand touching Cat’s waist proprietarily. Cat glanced over at Jovina noting the look she was giving Skyler and rolling her eyes, and she lit another cigarette.

  “How’s it going, Sky?” Jovina asked, smiling as if she hadn’t just marked her territory with Cat.

  Skyler didn’t seem to have noticed, she just nodded to Jovina, “Good, good,” she said, “busy as usual.”

  “I’ll bet, those latest fires have got to be causing you guys a lot of work.”

  “Yeah, you could say that,” Skyler said, grinning.

  “Sky flies a rescue chopper,” Jovina told Cat.

  “Yeah, she was saying,” Cat nodded.

  “She also flew Blackhawks in Iraq,” Jovina said, nodding respectfully at Skyler.

  “Wow,” Cat said, her eyes widening, “that must have been intense.”

  Skyler took a deep breath, her eyes taking on a faraway look for a moment, but then she nodded, “It definitely had its moments.”

  Cat noted the look in her eyes when she said it and knew there was a lot more to it than that, but not wanting to be nosey with someone she’d just met. She sensed this wasn’t something to push on.

  Quinn joined them a moment later and they stood talking. When another guest, Jerry, joined them, she recognized Cat.

  “I know you from somewhere,” Jerry said to Cat. “Where are you from?”

  Cat looked back at Jerry, grinning, she knew exactly who Jerry was.

  “I met you at a club in San Diego,” Cat said, “I was dating Kana at the time.”

  “Oh my God yes!” Jerry said, nodding her head, “How is Kana?”

  “She’s good,” Cat said, smiling.

  “I never see Palani these days,” Jerry said, glancing at Skyler and Quinn, “Kana’s wife. Also a model, like me.”

  Quinn and Skyler nodded.

  “Probably because she’s pregnant,” Cat said, grinning.

  “Holy shit, she is!?” Jerry asked.

  “Yep,” Cat said, smiling.

  “Wait,” Skyler said, putting out her hand, “Is this Kana Sorbinno, K
ana? Like the AG’s bodyguard?”

  “One in the same,” Cat said, nodding.

  “And how do you know her?” Quinn asked, trying to figure out the connection.

  “I work for San Diego PD, like Kana did before,” Cat said, “and I dated K for a little bit.”

  “Impressive,” Skyler murmured, then she looked at Jovina, “And how do you two know each other?”

  “We grew up together,” Jovina said, “In the Castro.”

  There was a round of “Ohs…” as everyone recognized the gay district in San Francisco.

  Later Cat was outside again, feeling the need to escape to smoke. There was music playing next door, and Cat heard water running. Cat was sitting in a chair smoking, when Quinn came out to smoke as well. To Cat’s surprise Quinn canted her head, looking at the fence that separated her yard from the neighbor with the music on.

  “Jerich!?” Quinn yelled.

  “Yo?” came the reply.

  “What the bloody hell ya doin’ over there?” Quinn asked the unseen person.

  There was no immediate reply, finally Cat heard a long suffering sigh and the voice said, “Watering my plants.”

  Quinn looked at Cat and made a face shaking her head, “Get yer ass over here!” she yelled then.

  Again there was no reply.

  “And stop fuckin’ lookin’ for an excuse to say no, cause I’m not takin’ it!” Quinn added.

  Cat heard a deep rich sounding chuckle from the other side of the fence. “Fine! But don’t expect me to be presentable, I just got home and not even changed yet.”

  “We don’t care, Jerich, just get over here.” Quinn said, grinning.

  “Yes dear,” was the reply.

  Quinn walked over to the back slider, sticking her head inside. By the time Jericho strode around the side of the house, Quinn had a Guinness ready to hand her. Jericho grinned, taking the bottle gratefully, clinking it to Quinn’s.

  “Happy birthday,” Jericho said, with a grin.

  Cat watched from her chair, checking out the new comer. She was very definitely butch, but a very hot one from what Cat could see. She had warm brown skin, black hair that was back in a ponytail and sunglasses on. She wore jeans and a black T-shirt with “DEA” on it in yellow, and black cowboy boots. She had what cops would call command presence, someone that people noticed when they entered a room, or a back yard in this case.


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