Suspending Reality

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Suspending Reality Page 23

by Chrissy Peebles

  Nick was right: The control tower was the perfect place to spend the night, and I felt like we would be safe. “We can see a zombie coming from anywhere.”

  Lucas playfully slugged me in the arm. “Yeah, but the best part is that we can talk and be as loud as we want.”

  I gave him a fist-bump. “Yeah!”

  “I like it!” Jackie said, grabbing a box of food from the trunk. “I can whip up some dinner with this stuff. How about cold chicken noodle soup with crackers, baked beans, and Spam?”

  “Mmm. A meal fit for a king.” Claire laughed as she grabbed some candles and other supplies.

  I got a crowbar out of the trunk and wedged the lock until it finally snapped. I agreed to stay downstairs with the girls while Nick and Lucas checked things out. We left Tahoe sleeping in the back seat; we weren’t about to carry his sorry butt up all those stairs. But then a thought struck me: Wait a minute…he did save my life back there. Maybe I should cut him a break and not ride him so hard. I decided if he didn’t come up by dark, I would go out and get him. I owed him that much.

  “Your brother is so brave,” Claire said, wearing a big smile. “He’s not afraid of anything. When I’m with him, I just feel so safe.”

  I smiled and decided to put her on the spot. “You have a thing for Nick, don’t you?”

  Her cheeks grew red. “Yeah, he’s really sweet.”

  Jackie grabbed my arm and smiled. “So is Dean here.”

  I flung my arm around her shoulder and pulled her close, my heart racing. “Is that all I am to you? Sweet?” We’d shared a rather passionate kiss, and now I was standing there with my arm around her, so I was pretty sure there was more to it than “sweet”.

  “Is there something wrong with sweet, mister?” she chimed, meeting my gaze.

  “No, but I’d rather be sexy and irresistible.”

  She batted her eyelashes like a puppy dog. “Should I rephrase?”

  “Oh brother,” Claire said.

  “Yes, please do.” I shot her a playful look.

  She wrapped her arms around me and stared into my eyes. “Dean, uh, what’s your last name?”

  “Walters,” I said.

  “Dean Walters, you are sexy and irresistible and sweet, and I like you. I also trust you, and I consider myself lucky to have met you.”

  “That’s more like it.” I softly kissed her lips. “But I could say those same things and more about you.” My lips brushed hers again. When she leaned into me, I put some distance between us. “No, let me tell you what I think about you.” My voice grew slightly husky. “You’re gorgeous and clever, brave and adorable.”

  Her face lit up, and her lips curved into the most beautiful smile I had ever seen.

  “Get a room, you two!” Lucas said.

  Jackie turned around and playfully punched him. “Shut up!”

  He chuckled. “Just because we’re in the middle of a zombie apocalypse doesn’t mean you can’t get arrested for public displays of affection.”

  We all laughed, and the mood seemed lighter.

  “So I take it everything’s safe up there?” Claire asked.

  “All clear,” Nick said.

  We went out to the Jeep to get Val. I scooped her up from the back seat. She was still out cold, but she looked a lot paler, and she was sweating profusely.

  Claire and Jackie glanced over. “Is she okay?” Jackie asked.

  “It’s all part of the process of becoming a zombie,” I said.

  Nick nodded. “We’ll prepare her bed upstairs.”

  Claire didn’t waste a minute. She was right by his side, holding some pillows and blankets and a box of supplies to be carried up.

  “Here, Claire, let me help,” Nick said, taking the box before he turned and looked at me. “You got the vials in case sis changes?”

  I nodded. “Yep.” Carrying Val, I climbed up what felt like a million flights of stairs, but eventually, we reached the open space overlooking the airstrip below, and I could finally lay her down.

  Claire hurried to cover her with a blue blanket.

  Val opened her eyes briefly and said. “Hey, do you know what a lobster feels like when it’s boiled?”

  I shook my head. “Not really.”

  “I do.”

  I could tell she was roasting, so I took off the blanket and chuckled at her attempt at sarcasm, something she’d obviously inherited from our mother. “There. I hope that’s better. Just get some rest, sis.”

  She closed her eyes and drifted back to sleep.

  The view from the top of the control tower was amazing. I could see from every direction. I picked up a pair of binoculars from a desk and realized I could see as far as the woods stretching in the distance. Nothing would get past us.

  “We’re taking those,” Lucas said, pulling me aside.

  “I’m sure nobody cares at this point.”

  He opened my black bag and inspected the vials. “Everything looks good here.”

  “Of course. I’ve been guarding them with my life.”

  “Keep up the good work. You’re doing great.”

  I nodded. “Well, there’s a lot on my shoulders, I’ll tell you that.”

  “Yeah, I know. It’s to be expected since we’re the world’s only hope for survival.”

  “No pressure or anything.”

  His expression darkened. “Seriously, Dean, you’re doing a fantastic job. You really are a hero.”

  “I wonder if they’ll even work. You really think we’ve got the cure?”

  “If not, it’s the closest thing we do have. We’ve got to get those vials to the scientists in Washington. This is the most important mission of our lives.”

  I bit my lip hard. “I know.”

  His eyes glimmered with hope. “We’re gonna be able to help so many people. We can’t think of this as the end of the world. We need to think of it as the beginning of a new life…for everyone.”

  “I hope it’s the miracle we’ve all been praying for,” I agreed.

  He zipped up the bag. “Well, there’s only one way to tell. We need to test it on your sister.”

  “That’s the plan,” I said.

  “For her sake, as well as the sake of all humanity, I sure hope it works like we want it to.”

  “Doc ensured me this is the final formula, and I believe he was telling me the truth.”

  Lucas nodded gravely. “Yeah, me too.”

  Jackie’s laugh drifted over, and we both smiled. She was joking around with Claire and Nick. When I met her gaze, she smiled; she had the cutest smile, teeth gleaming white like a Hollywood movie star.

  “Hey,” Lucas whispered, “Jackie’s really cute.”

  “Yeah, she’s hot, smart, funny, and super sweet. I like everything about her.”

  “She seems perfect for you. I guess time will only tell.”

  I shook my head. “Yeah, she looks a lot like, uh…”

  “Who?” he asked.

  “A lot like my next girlfriend.” Maybe I was jumping to conclusions. After all, we hardly knew each other, but I was smitten. I wasn’t going to rush anything, especially with everything we were going through. We’d just take it nice and slow. Besides, my main focus right now was saving Val and getting home.

  “She’s all yours,” Lucas said. “Besides, I like your sister. She’s pretty when she isn’t threatening to eat me.”

  “I could tell you like Val,” I said.

  “The second I laid eyes on her back on the island, I was totally blown away. It sucked that I had to arrest her. I really hated that. Would it bother you if I asked her out sometime when this is all said and done?”

  “It’s fine with me if you wanna go after my sister. You’re the most honorable guy I know.” I playfully slugged him. “Just don’t go pulling pranks on her the way you do to the guys back on the island.”

  “She might like a guy with a sense of humor.”

  I laughed. “Yeah, or she might punch you in the face.”

Chapter 20

  The airport control tower was the best possible place for us to rest and stay the night. The highest story boasted fantastic visibility, allowing us to see any approaching zombie from a mile away. We weren’t worried about single zombies though. Our main priority was not to draw any attention; we had to avoid a herd. Scanning the area below the tower, I realized that even if a whole bunch of them tried to corner us, there’d be enough time to jump in the Jeep and race down the airstrip that led to the main road.

  “What are you thinking?” Jackie whispered from behind me.

  I smiled but didn’t turn to face her. “Nothing Earth-shattering. I just realized we can get from the airstrip to the main road by taking a few different directions.”

  She rubbed my back gently. “Always plotting ahead, aren’t you?”

  I inclined my head, not sure where she was headed. “Sometimes.”

  She laughed. “Relax. It’s a compliment. I wish I was more of a planner rather than jumping in headfirst without thinking of consequences. I might’ve saved myself a bit of trouble in my life.”

  “And I wish I was more carefree,” I said, finally turning. My gaze fell on her lips first, then trailed up to her beautiful eyes. “My paranoia’s something I learned from Nick. Did you know he’s already plotted our escape plan in case we have to evacuate?”

  She cocked a brow. “Impressive. I haven’t even planned my dinner yet.”

  I laughed and pulled her against my chest, marveling at how good she smelled. “That’s something I like about you.” My heart picked up in speed at the realization. I liked a lot of things about her—a whole lot of them.

  We settled in, and Claire laid out a red and white blanket on the floor. Jackie dished out cold chicken noodle soup, baked beans, and Spam, just like she promised, on paper plates. I lit some thick white candles and put them in the center. Girls usually dig candles, and I had a strong hunch Jackie would like them too.

  “Our first romantic dinner,” she said.

  I grinned while everyone sang, “Awww!” trying to make light of a tough situation. I laughed as I drank a warm, flat Pepsi. I was so hungry and thirsty that I didn’t even care. I could have eaten a whole other can of baked beans, and I didn’t even like them.

  The stairs creaked as someone walked up them. We all exchanged shocked glances.

  Jackie ran to the window and glanced out. “I don’t see any zombies around and it looks like Tahoe isn’t in the backseat anymore.”

  My heart raced as I rushed to the door. “Who is it?”

  “It’s me.”

  “Lake Tahoe?” I asked. I was so thankful it was a human’s voice and not a zombie’s moan and heavy breathing. At this point, I just needed a little breather from all that kind of crap. I’d only been out here for three days and seen enough to last me a lifetime. Of course, after a good night’s sleep, I’d probably be ready for more adrenaline rushes tomorrow.

  “Funny. Just let me in. My side’s killing me.”

  Hesitating, I opened the door. Even though he had saved my life, I was still ticked at him for almost killing Val. How can someone forget something like that? I knew I needed to forgive him. And I would…in time.

  Jackie offered him a plate of food and a beer. He sat next to us like he was part of our gang, as though all was forgiven and forgotten. Personally, I couldn’t wait to be rid of the mountain man once and for all, and Nick’s expression told me he thought the same.

  Keeping to himself, my brother downed a beer, then another, as though alcohol could help him forget his worries. The city we’d lived in for the last year had been destroyed. We didn’t even know if our family had survived. He didn’t usually drink, so I could only assume it was all quite devastating for him. As much as I understood him, I didn’t like him drinking while continuing to play tough. We needed to be on alert, but after everything we’d been through, a beer was nothing. Heck, we all decided to have one. Nick didn’t even speak for the first hour we were there. He just drank while Lucas kept guard using the binoculars we found. Finally, he said, “I’ve been thinking. I know my parents had to make it out safe, and I’m not even going to waste another minute worrying about it.”

  I nodded. “I agree. Mom and Dad had all kinds of escape plans and drills. We’ll find them, no doubt about it.” I lifted up my can and smiled. “To survival and new friends.”

  Jackie’s brown eyes twinkled, and we all clanked cans.

  “I’ll toast to that,” Tahoe said.

  Val even opened her eyes. “How can anyone toast in this day and age? I’ve lost so much and so many people I cared about.” The pain was evident in her whisper.

  “She makes an excellent point,” Lucas said. We all nodded as he continued, “Death lurks around every corner, making every breath a choice. We fight to live another second, another minute, another day. All of us come from different backgrounds and walks of life, but we all have one thing in common.” His lips pressed into grim lines. “We’ve all experienced the loss of a loved one. Let’s stop making toasts and just live to see another day.”

  There was a moment of silence as we all contemplated his words. Somehow, he hit home with every single one of us. I wrapped an arm around Jackie to draw her close, and she snuggled into my shoulder.

  “I can’t argue with that,” Nick said, “not after losing countless friends and even my childhood girlfriend.”

  “I’ve lost friends too,” I managed to choke out.

  Nick lifted his chin. “This one goes out to Sam Moalny, who was killed last month in the line of duty. He was a great patriot, humanitarian, and loyal friend. And this also goes out to all those who have died in vain to this wicked epidemic that has taken place all over our world. Our loved ones are gone but never forgotten. This thought goes out to them. May you rest in peace.”

  “Thanks, Lucas,” Val said quietly.

  He smiled. “I didn’t do anything.”

  “You understood what I meant.” She leaned back against the pillows and closed her eyes again. For a moment, silence ensued, and I believed she had drifted off to sleep, but then she opened her eyes again and smiled. “Hey, if I said anything crazy to you, just forget it, okay? I wasn’t thinking straight. Also, I think I might’ve attacked you. It’s all fuzzy. I’m trying to put the pieces together.”

  “Then you’re not going to eat me?” Lucas asked.

  Her face blushed. “No way. Did I really say that?”

  He smiled.

  I chuckled. “That…and a little more.”

  “Yes, with a very descriptive cursing vocabulary,” Claire added.

  “I’m sorry, Lucas,” Val said. “I talk like that in front of the guys on the police force to blend in, ya know?”

  “Don’t worry about it,” Lucas said.

  “That shot took a while to work, but it finally kicked in. I can’t thank you enough. Nick filled me in about how I fought you over it. I’m sorry I was such a bear. Also, thanks for breaking me out of that medical prison.”

  He threw his arms up in the air. “Well, it’s about time you gave me some credit for that great escape.”

  “You did a fantastic job of planning it.” She shot him a tiny grin. “You’d be kind of cute if Uncle Sam would let you grow your hair out.”

  “What? You don’t like the buzzed look? What do you expect? Are you looking for some brooding sap or some Fabio from the cover of one of those romance novels?” He made a fist and the huge muscles bulged in his arm. “I’m a born and bred soldier, and this is a soldier’s hairdo.”

  She grinned. “If you’re ever interested in going out with me, you’ll have to grow out your hair.”

  He grinned back. “Are those your final terms?”


  “Then it’s settled. I’ll grow out my hair for one date with you.”

  She smiled. “Deal. Hopefully, by the time that happens, I’ll be back to normal too.” She walked back to her bed. “I’m going to rest over here for a bit.” She pulled t
he cover up to her chest and closed her eyes.

  “Get some rest,” Lucas said, carrying over a second pillow and propping it under her head.

  Tahoe approached. “Hey, Lucas, I need a minute with Val, okay?”

  Lucas cocked a brow.

  “It’s okay,” Val said. “I want to hear what he has to say.”

  Tahoe apologized for Earl and even his own involvement. His words were mumbled, but whatever he said, it seemed to make Val smile. I regarded her from the corner of my eye, unable to believe what I was witnessing. A few times she just nodded, and then she raised her arm to touch his shoulder, as though all was forgiven and forgotten. He said something under his breath, making her giggle and then laugh, reminding me of the old Val I’d met not long ago. He irritated me, but I let him chitchat with my sister because he seemed harmless. I knew Val could handle him, but I couldn’t help inching closer to tune in.

  Val was telling him about the cure and that there was hope for her life. He squeezed her hand and gave her words of encouragement. Even though she seemed tired, her mind was clear, and it had been hours since she last growled, hissed, or said any off-the-wall things. I was happy the shot had worked after all. If it hadn’t, she would have been taking down Lucas or Claire and trying to bite their necks at that very moment; or else she would have been trying to arrest me, thinking she was a cop hot on a case. I chuckled to myself at the thought.

  “Hey, Lake Tahoe,” my brother said, “I’m watching you.”

  “Love the nickname,” he said. “I guess I’m stuck with it, right?”

  Lucas and Nick started telling us Army stories about their narrow escapes with death and zombies. Tahoe even joined, sitting at Val’s side as he told some stories of his own. I used to think my brother was an exaggerator, but after all I’d seen, I knew the stories were true. I wondered if the guys back home would believe me when I told them about the glass house or the multitude of zombies that surrounded the semi-truck we stood on top of. Those were the crazy kind of stories Nick used to come back and tell us, and we’d always thought he was full of it. Of course, I had never said that to his face.


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