House of Lust

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House of Lust Page 7

by Tony Roberts

  Dragan was surprised at the shriek of ecstasy that burst from the princess, and her body shuddered against his sweaty torso. He smiled, believing he had the power to make her do this, and suddenly stopped.

  “Wh-what?” Amne gasped, her eyes opening. Dismay filled her features. “Carry on!”

  “Not until you promise me something,” Dragan smirked into her face.

  “Yes – anything!”

  “The children you will have with me will take precedence for the throne over your two from Prince Elas.”

  “Oh…ohh..” Amne shook her head and tried to gather her scattered thoughts.

  Dragan withdrew abruptly. He didn’t really want to as he was nearing his climax but now was the time – Amne was in the throes of the gods. Amne tried to pull him back down but Dragan was much stronger and broke from her.

  Amne cried out in dismay. “Please!”

  “No, not until you promise – and sign here,” Dragan grabbed a prepared document that had been lying close to the bed. “Otherwise there’s no point in continuing with this liaison. You want me rather than your husband, so naturally I want my future seed to have the throne, else why should I bother?”

  Amne groaned and rolled onto her side. “Quick – get me a quill!” Her mind was reeling. Part of it was aware she was being used, and she also realised she had to go through with the shameful signing. Once Dragan was disposed of the document would have no legality. She found a quill pressed into her hand and Dragan guided it to the bottom of the yellowed sheet. She rapidly signed it and threw herself back onto the bed. “Now! Please, give it to me!”

  Dragan eyed the document in triumph. Now all that remained was to dispose of the fool Elas in the palace and his retinue of followers. He put the parchment on the side table and climbed on top of the panting woman again. “Thank you – now here’s your reward,” he said with a growl, and plunged into her hard.

  Amne cried out and wrapped herself about him and bit his shoulder. Once again the waves of pleasure rippled through her and she forgot for the moment about the parchment and rode the moment, jerking in delight each time she came. Finally she felt Dragan tense and grunt, then he spilled into her and held himself there for a moment before pulling free, a typical move of his.

  He sat on the bed wiping himself down with a cloth, wetting it in a bowl of water on another side table, and looked at the sprawled figure of Amne. “I notice you had that captain of the guard escort you here, Lalaas.”

  “How-how did you know that?” Amne asked, suddenly afraid.

  “I was looking out of the window. He’s still out there trying to look discreet and failing. He’ll have to go once I’m in the palace.”

  “Oh, not Lalaas – he saved my life!” Amne sat up, distraught. “He’s ever so loyal to me.”

  “I don’t want that – I want people loyal to me, you understand? You want my body and your children on the throne? Then know your place.”

  Amne gulped. Dragan was just another egotist, a man who thought only of himself and used others accordingly. He was not interested in anyone else or their opinions – it was only his that counted. “Yes, Dragan,” Amne said in a small voice and bowed her head.

  Dragan nodded and stood up. “Good – you’re learning. By the gods, you’ll be the perfect wife. Sate my loins and I’ll treat you well. Leave the running of the city and region to me – it’s far too complex for a woman, anyway. You’ll have plenty to do bringing up our children and sitting by my side and backing my policies. With a Koros by my side nobody will question my right to rule.”

  Amne fell back, her arms out flung. Men! Arrogant porcines. If Dragan wasn’t so good at making love she’d have Lalaas remove his organ and insert it….. she stilled that thought. Elas was just as bone-headed but that was down to ignorance and a failure to understand people. Dragan was just a boor and despicably arrogant. She sat up again. “So – when will it be? I can’t wait for you to enter the palace again.”

  “I bet – and I know what for.” Dragan snickered. He threw her the discarded clothing. “Tomorrow. You are to unlock the back gates. The KIMM are to be neutralised, and I shall be sending in my men to do the job. You are to arrange a drug to make them sleep, and my men will then sneak in and slit their throats the second watch after dark. They will then enter the palace and kill all armed men they find. I myself will be at my estates, out of the way, raising my private army to march on Kastan the morning after.”

  “Why, Dragan? Why not come to the palace tomorrow night? I need you!”

  “Desperate, are we? Good, I want you desperate for my touch. You wouldn’t be a proper woman if you weren’t. I take care in my plans – just in case something goes wrong. Should something mess up, then I won’t be anywhere close. Those men are expendable. They are to kill everyone they get resistance from and arrest certain people, ready for my arrival. I personally shall remove the head of Elas, provided he has been captured. If he is killed, so much the better.”

  “And Captain Lalaas?”

  “Him! I’m saving my revenge another way for him! Banning me from the palace – who does he think he is? Pretty boy, show-off. I’ll take care of that.”

  “Oh, please, don’t hurt him, Dragan!”

  “Bah, don’t be so sentimental, Amne. Anyway, what does he think you’re doing here? He clearly knows whose house this is, so is he in on your dirty affair with me?”

  “He – he’s being blackmailed,” Amne made up a story furiously. “I caught him with the daughter of a guest…. and threatened to report him to my husband unless he did as I told him.”

  “You could order him anyway, Amne,” Dragan said silkily, dressing. “But a blackmail hold is good. Is he known to – dally with guests?”

  “Oh yes, women find him very appealing. This guest was quite important, though….”

  Dragan snorted with disgust. “And he was so high-and-mighty with me that time. What a hypocrite. That’s a weakness that is too risky to keep, Amne. He goes once I take over the governorship of Frasia. I have a few men of my own I can rely on, and I want nobody in such a position of importance when I’m in charge, understand?”

  “But – what will happen to him?”

  “I’ll see to that. Nothing for you to concern yourself with. As I said, you won’t have the problems of worrying about organising anything. Your function will be to stand by my side and support my orders and edicts. That, and to bear me sons.”

  “Yes, Dragan,” Amne said in a simpering tone. “Anything you say.”

  The nobleman smiled openly. “That’s my woman. Glad to see you know your place. Now, the details of the coup. I won’t bore you with anything that doesn’t involve your part. Get that captain out of the way – I hear he’s something of an expert with the blade. Give him some menial task that gets him out of the way… I know, tell him you’re aware of a possible rebel meeting at the corner house on the Street of Cloth with the main thoroughfare, and it’s going to be attended by three prominent men of the city. That’ll bring him to my clutches.”

  “Is – is that one of your houses, Dragan?”

  “Nothing for you to concern yourself with, Amne. Rest assured I’ll have men waiting for him there. Now, the KIMM. I’m sure you’re able to access a suitable potion to give those clean-cut nauseating youths and their hook-nosed Tybar turncoat at dusk. Do it then and by the time my men are ready, they should be sleeping like the innocents they’re not. Withdraw to your chamber and do not open it to anyone until you hear the password ‘new spring’. That will be the signal the palace is secured.”

  “And then, what?”

  “You appear to assume control. Take up the administrative function your soon-to-be-late husband does at present. See visitors, write the orders. I will arrive soon enough by midday with my retainers and guards to take up my duties, and I’ll give you further instructions then.”

  “My children will be safe, yes?”

  “Yes, I will not touch them, but this document,” and he point
ed to the newly-signed parchment, “is legally binding once I affix the seal to it. Even if I meet some unforeseen end, your daughters will be excluded from the succession. I may even marry them off to secure more alliances in time to come. No matter, your part is to ensure my men can get into the palace without hindrance. They know their job, so do not venture out of your room, is that clear?”

  “Yes, yes. And we’ll be together, then, won’t we?”

  “Of course, Amne, and I will enjoy your body whenever I wish it. You will give me sons.”

  Amne bowed her head. “I should go and prepare for your success.”

  Dragan took hold of her and kissed her roughly, forcing his tongue into her mouth. Amne melted into his arms and returned the kiss. She held onto him tight, and Dragan had to exert some force to push her away. “Later, you passionate woman. Now I must go and give my final orders.”

  Amne walked to the door and flung her cloak about her, tucking her curls into the hood. She smiled at him and preceded him down the stairs. Dragan stopped halfway down. “To success,” he said.

  Amne nodded, then, with the servant opening the front door, she left and crossed the street. Lalaas was waiting, cleaning his fingernails with one of his knives. He spotted her and quickly slid the blade into its sheath and stood up straighter. “Well, ma’am?”

  Amne walked on and Lalaas stepped hurriedly into line alongside her. “He’s in a rush; tomorrow evening it starts. You’re first on his hit list.”

  “Ah. No doubt you agreed to that,” Lalaas said thoughtfully.

  Amne sucked in a deep breath and was about to spit her denial when she saw the half-smile on his face. “Oh, yes, I told him you were utterly useless and pathetic. No good to man nor beast.”

  Lalaas grinned, then went serious. “So what’s his plan?”

  Amne told him, giving him the main points. They had reached the rear gates by the time she had finished. Lalaas knocked on the door and gazed into infinity over Amne’s head. “I’ll have to tell Prince Elas right away. This is one heck of a situation. Best you go to your quarters, change, and resume your princessly duties.”

  “Princessly duties?” Amne echoed, her lips twitching at the description. “I do have an audience later with a number of people. So I can leave it to you and my darling Corpse of a husband?”

  “Yes, ma’am,” Lalaas said as the door opened. A curious guard saw who it was and waved them in. “Thanks, Amne, I know you have feelings towards Dragan,” Lalaas said as they crossed the corner of the courtyard towards the locked door. “But he has to be dealt with.”

  “I know, Lalaas. He’s such an arrogant man; treats me like some baby machine and adoring slave. I’m a princess; what is he? Nothing but a little social climbing opportunist!”

  Lalaas grinned, unlocking the door.

  “What’s so funny?” Amne demanded.

  “You. The way you said that – it’s so you. That’s the Amne I like.”

  Amne smiled back. “You wouldn’t have me any other way, mm?”

  “No – I wouldn’t respect a passive passionless one.”

  Amne pushed against him as they walked down the passageway. Lalaas pushed back gently. Giggling, they carried on towards the front of the palace.


  Vosgaris tied the last of the straps on his saddle and tested it. Satisfied, he stepped away from the waiting equine and turned to Alenna, standing in the courtyard. “I’ll be fine, sweetheart,” he said, placing his hands on her shoulders. “I won’t be gone too long; this shouldn’t take much time – I think I know who to speak to and what about, it’s just sorting out the whys and whens.”

  “Be careful, Vos,” Alenna said, worry all over her face. “These people are clearly determined to do no good to the emperor and the House of Koros, and if they know why you’re in Turslenka they may try to do something awful to you.”

  Vosgaris kissed his wife and squeezed her gently. “I’ll write once I’m there, don’t worry. Just keep the place in order while I’m gone.”

  Alenna nodded and stepped back miserably. She didn’t want her husband to be gone. He had been her comfort in the stark coldness of the castle, and she didn’t want to be too close to Astiras or Isbel. She had the distinct impression they weren’t happy with her being there because of her heritage. A Duras was always a Duras. Neither had really taken any trouble to speak to her, save through an intermediary, but now she was stepping into Vosgaris’ shoes, she would almost certainly have to speak to the emperor on a regular basis.

  Two other men were riding with Vosgaris, two of the Guard, picked because they were two of the biggest and meanest looking members. If they were going to encounter any problems en route north, then it was best to have two such men with him. They had no baggage, just spare clothing and supplies on pack equines. Their journey should be reasonably swift.

  Vosgaris mounted up, waved, then led the other two out of the courtyard into the streets of Zofela. Alenna turned slowly and entered the keep, numbly making her way up the stairs towards her office. To her surprise, one of the servants was waiting for her outside her door, and told her that the empress wanted to see her.

  Intrigued, Alenna followed and knocked on Isbel’s door. Getting permission to enter, she stepped forward and curtseyed as custom dictated. Isbel gave her permission to rise. The room, Isbel’s day room, was nicely decorated and the hard lines of the stonework softened by wall hangings, a large rug and stout wooden furnishings. Three narrow slits opened to the town and these had shutters for the cold days and the night times.

  The empress was seated in a thick wooden chair with a pleasant semi-circular design for its back rest and arms, its red cushions giving comfort. Isbel waved Alenna into a smaller chair opposite her. “Thank you for coming, Alenna. I haven’t spent much time with you and I think it only right I should, since you are taking over the captain’s role while he is on the emperor’s business in Makenia.”

  “Your majesty,” Alenna said. She was very nervous; if not for Jorqel, then she had little doubt the emperor and empress would have arranged for either her execution or imprisonment somewhere.

  “This business Captain Vosgaris is on, has he informed you as to what it is?”

  “Some of it, ma’am, yes. He did ask me to assist with looking through documents a few days ago.”

  “And what did you find?”

  “Ma’am – I don’t know why he wanted these documents, he said he couldn’t tell me the full story. All I did was to give him documents from the administrative staff here, different examples of handwriting.”

  Isbel nodded slowly. “And he believes his answers lie in Makenia?”

  “I believe so, ma’am.”

  “Let me see. We have two people here who have connections with Turslenka or Makenia. Were those two amongst those whose handwriting were included?”

  Alenna nodded. “Do you think someone here is working hard for our destruction?”

  “Oh, undoubtedly. A malign or malicious person or persons unknown. Who, of course, has to be discovered, and I’m sure your husband will find that out in due course. I trust he can succeed and return here before any further harm can befall us.”

  “Yes, ma’am, so do I.”

  “You do? Tell me, Alenna, you are a Duras; does this situation please you?”

  Alenna’s heart skipped a beat. “Oh, no, ma’am, I wish no part in any move against the Koros. I even spoke out against my own father when he tried to overthrow the imperial forces in the west. You must believe me when I say I’m dedicated to the Koros and Kastania.”

  Isbel slowly stroked her lips with a forefinger thoughtfully. “I do believe you, Alenna, but your name does you no good. If someone can spread maliciousness against one House, then there’s nothing to stop them doing the same against another. Should they discover that a Duras is here, who knows what they will do?”

  “But that was all made secret, wasn’t it?”

  “Yes, but one secret was uncovered, and who knows
if a second might be?”

  Alenna’s face slowly went white, the blood draining from it. She began shaking. “But-but I’ve co-operated with you and your family, and the empire!”

  “That would make little difference to anyone opposed to the House of Duras. Who knows who these people are, and why they are scheming to bring us all down? I can protect you, of course, but I need you to keep me advised as to what is going on, you understand?”

  “Yes, ma’am! Please stop them from finding out my family name!”

  Isbel sighed heavily. “I shall, worry not, Alenna, although if whatever they do brings down the House of Koros, I doubt you’ll survive either. Like it or not, your fate is intertwined with ours. I think it best you return to your duties for the time being, but keep your ears open and inform me the moment you hear anything, understand?”

  “Of course, ma’am, you can rely on me,” Alenna curtseyed hurriedly and left the room, leaving Isbel to reflect on what had been said. She pulled a slight face of distaste. She hadn’t enjoyed terrifying Alenna, but she had little choice. Somehow she had to get inside Astiras’ investigations, and while she knew Vosgaris had a weakness for her, she doubted he would inform her of everything since he was working for the emperor.

  She leaned back and frowned, then stopped. Frowning created wrinkles and she didn’t want to make any more than absolutely necessary. There were enough on her face as it was. She was in her early forties and there was only so much one could do with face paint and cosmetics. Was that why Astiras had betrayed their marriage? She always had a dubious feeling towards Metila, and now she knew why. The witch had saved Argan’s life, yes, but that was no reason for Astiras to have his wicked way with her. Knowing the promiscuity of Bragalese women, Metila would have enthusiastically gone along with it. She hissed in anger, then forced herself to relax. There was no profit in going down that route.


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