SHOOTOUT SAVE (The Renegades Series Book 6)

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SHOOTOUT SAVE (The Renegades Series Book 6) Page 7

by Melody Heck Gatto

  I didn’t give him a chance to respond? He looked like a fish sucking in air the way he was gasping. “How much time am I supposed to give him?” Alison put her hand on her stomach. It still was hard to believe that there was a baby in there. Kaden’s baby.

  She had been missing him the last couple of days. A lot. Her loft was empty and cold when he wasn’t there. Fear swirled that now it would be even more lonely. Maybe she should’ve given him a moment for it all to sink in and waited for him to respond. If only he hadn’t questioned her about keeping the baby.

  Hailee went to the cupboard and brought back iced tea and potato chips. “I don’t know, Ali. Guys are weird like that. I’m sure he just needs to adjust.”

  She didn’t like that answer. What was so wrong with her that he wasn’t nervous or excited or even cared that she was pregnant with his baby? So he didn’t necessarily “freak-out.” But he had barely even reacted when she’d told him. Even if he was angry and argued that it couldn’t be his, it would’ve been some sort of reaction. But instead, she got nothing. That seemed to hurt worse.

  And then the only thing he did say was something she never thought he’d consider. There’d been a fearful edge to his voice, and she’d immediately thought he was afraid she was planning to keep the baby. What if Hailee was right? What if he wanted the baby?

  “Ali, he’s not a bad guy. I know that you know that. He’ll come around.” Hailee popped a potato chip into her mouth and grinned. “He’d better, or he’ll have me to deal with.”

  The front door opened and Dom strutted in, his short-sleeved shirt showing his badass tattoos. “Hey there, ladies. How are we doing this afternoon?” He bent down and kissed Hailee once on her forehead, then once on her lips. “Hi there, sweet-tart. Still wedding planning, I see?” He pointed to the massive pile of bridal magazines on the table.

  “Hey babe. Not at the moment. Just some girl talk, that’s all.” She pulled him down for another kiss.

  Alison didn’t want Dom to know yet. It was all too new, and she wasn’t ready to tell everyone yet. Thank goodness Hailee instinctively knew that. That’s what was so great about their friendship; explanations weren’t always necessary. She shot Hailee a smile but didn’t mean for Dom to see.

  “I saw that, Ali. And now I know that you two are up to something.” He squinted, and an evil grin crossed his lips. “Just behave tonight, okay? Remember, I’ve got my eye on you two.”

  Alison laughed at his stupid comment that seemed to lighten the mood. “What’s going on tonight?”

  “Kaden is coming over for dinner, and we’re going to watch the Chicago game. Don’t worry, you don’t have to move all your wedding books, we’ll be down in the man cave.” He smiled, kissed Hailee on her head, then disappeared into the back of the house.

  “The one place in the house that he didn’t waste any time getting unpacked and organized,” Hailee joked before she noticed Alison’s reaction.

  “Hailee!” Angry, Alison directed all of her attention back to her friend. These hormones had her going from zero to pissed. And I have nine months of this craziness?

  “What?” Hailee innocently batted her wide eyes and shrugged her shoulders.

  “Don’t you what me. You know exactly what. Why didn’t you say something? I can’t be here with him, not now.” What was her friend thinking? Alison started to gather up her things. She needed to get out of there before Kaden showed up. “You were the one who said to give him time.”

  “It’ll be fine. And I didn’t necessarily specify that you couldn’t see him while you gave him that time. And you can wipe that look off your face. You’ll be fine. We’re getting pizza, and they’re going to watch the game. You and I have wedding planning to do.”

  “What if he tells Dom?” And what if I miss him so much that I can’t be angry at him anymore?

  “You know he is going to tell him, right? What’s the big deal, anyway?” Hailee casually leafed through a magazine.

  “I don’t know. I just wanted to keep it quiet for now.” Hailee was right, what was the big deal if Dom knew? It’s not like he was going to go blab to anyone. If Kaden felt he had to tell someone, maybe she was okay with it being Dom. “But I guess you’re right.”

  “Of course I’m right. Ali, everything will be okay. The last thing you should be doing is stressing over the little stuff. So let this one go, at least for now. Okay? I’m positive this will all work out. You just have to—”

  “Give it time… I know.” She was already annoyed by that answer.

  “No one likes a smart-ass. And you two being in the same room for a little bit will only force him to think about things. A little push in the right direction never hurts.”

  I hope she’s right. Butterflies danced in her stomach now, knowing Kaden was going to be here. She hadn’t prepared for this, and had no idea what to say to him. Her body didn’t know if it was supposed to be mad at him or miss him.

  “Hey, sweetness,” Dom’s voice bellowed out of the back room. “Did I tell you that Sam is coming over too?” He reappeared in the kitchen and grabbed a beer from the refrigerator. Holding the door open he asked, “You ladies want one?”

  “No thanks, babe, we’re good.” Hailee answered for them both and waved him off.

  Dom curled in next to Hailee and wrapped his arm around her shoulder. “How’re the last-minute plans coming? Any Earth-shattering changes I should know about?” He grinned.

  “Nothing new, just minor details,” Alison lied, and changed the subject after noticing some new ink. “Is that a new tattoo, Dom?” She examined his arm.

  “Yeah, you like it, Ali?” He pushed up his sleeve so she could see the whole thing. It was Hailee’s name and their wedding date in two interlocking hearts.

  “Always the romantic, huh Dom?” She smiled and her heart warmed. She stared at the two of them. They were so happy. Finally. And so perfect together. It wasn’t easy, but they had found their way back to each other.

  If Hailee and Dom could get over every obstacle they’d had to face, maybe there was hope for her and Kaden, too. “I think it’s awesome.”

  “Thanks.” His grin got as wide as it could when he turned his eyes to his bride-to-be. “Hailee is next.”

  Alison focused her attention on her friend with a questionable look. “You’re getting a new one, too?” She has plenty of tatts; where is she going to put this one?

  “Yes. After the wedding, I’m getting the same connected hearts and date right over my own heart.” She traced an invisible heart on her torso.

  “Well, aren’t you two just the cutest damn thing?” Jealousy niggled at her. She was happy for them, but she wanted what Hailee and Dom had. The wooing, the romance, and the pure love.

  “You’re not going to cry, are you Ali?” Dom teased. “I know how emotional you girls can get.”

  But she couldn’t help the warmth that filled her eyes. Normally she didn’t get so sentimental; it had to be the damn hormones. She had no quick comeback to tease him with. She was trying too hard to bite back the tears.

  “I’ll get the chocolate!” Hailee called with a laugh. She shot Alison a side glance before she left the table to search through the cabinets.

  “Aw, teary-eyed Ali. What’s got you crying?” Dom asked.

  “I’m just so happy for you two.” She dabbed at her eyes and Hailee returned with the chocolate. Relationships were hard. She knew that. She’d been the one to help Dom finally break through to Hailee. Now it was time to work on her own love life.

  Dom smiled at them before heading back down to his man cave. He had trusted her to help fix his relationship with Hailee; maybe it was time that she trusted Hailee to help her.

  When the pizza arrived, the aroma of pepperoni filled the house. Alison normally loved pizza; after all, it was something Kaden ate often. But today, once the scent hit her nose, a wave of nausea immediately took over her stomach. “Oh, my god—”

  “Ali, are you okay?”

friend’s concern fell on deaf ears because Alison was already rushing to the bathroom. Once inside, she locked the door and hugged the toilet. She’d barely eaten all day, but that didn’t stop the wave of sickness from taking over.

  Once her stomach was empty, she sat back against the cold tub and hugged her knees tight to her chest. She took deep breaths until she had calmed down, and waited until the cold sweats subsided. This had just started, and she was already over it.

  Hearing voices in the kitchen, she got up, found some mouthwash, and rinsed until she didn’t feel gross anymore. She was sure she’d heard Sam, so maybe Kaden wasn’t there yet. Taking one last look in the mirror, she smoothed her blond hair down using Hailee’s brush and a little water. Her cheeks still looked flushed and she felt like hell. After a quick search of the powder room, it was obvious that Hailee didn’t have any makeup in here, and her purse was out on the couch.

  Quickly opening the door, she intended to hurry and get her purse so she could freshen up. Instead, she walked into a kitchen full of people, and face-to-face with Kaden. Oh shit.

  “Ali…” Kaden’s face was frozen in surprise. Then softened as his eyes searched her face. “Are you okay?” Concern filled his words.

  “I’m. Uh.” I just tossed my cookies from what seemed like morning sickness, and I’m pale and sickly looking, staring at the only man I want to be with, but who obviously doesn’t want me back. No. I’m not okay.

  “She’s fine. You know how long it takes girls to fix their hair,” Dom said, jokingly unaware.

  “Oh babe, I don’t think you should talk,” Hailee added a jab at Dom, taking the attention off Alison.

  “She’s right, you know, Z,” Sam added, then nodded between the two goalies. “Between the two of you, I don’t know which one takes longer to fix their hair.”

  “Whatever, dude. It takes time to look this good. Right, K-man?” Dom grabbed a pizza box before going downstairs. “Shut your mouth, grab some grub, and let’s go watch the game.”

  “So Sam, how is that adorable little Willow baby doing?” Hailee asked, and shot Alison an amused look.

  “My sweet baby girl.” A big smile lit up Sam’s face at Willow’s name. “She’s perfect. Just perfect.”

  “Fatherhood looks good on you, Morris,” Hailee added. “I bet being a daddy is great.”

  “It’s the best, it really is. I have to say, it’s an even better feeling than winning the Cup.” His grin was bright and full of love as he talked about his new daughter.

  Kaden, who was getting some pizza, stopped cold in his tracks and turned his attention to Alison. His eyes weren’t angry; they were concerned as he watched her, and was obviously well aware of the discussion going on around them.

  “And Trina? I haven’t seen her recently. How is she, and is she just loving being a mommy?” Hailee was bringing out the big guns. She was never one to back down, and loved causing havoc. Apparently, it’s fun for her to stick her nose into my life. She’s damn lucky that she’s my best friend.

  “She’s doing great,” Sam said with a smile. “I’ll tell her you asked about her. Yeah, she’s a natural at this motherhood thing, and it looks good on her, too. You think you couldn’t love someone more than you do, then they have your baby, and your love for them goes to a whole other level. It’s wild. Hopefully she’ll be feeling up to getting together soon.” Sam was busting at the seams with pride at being a new daddy.

  “I’d like that. And I’d love to see little Willow. Wouldn’t you, Ali?” Hailee grinned devilishly at Alison.

  Alison gritted her teeth. Hailee just had to push her buttons and Kaden’s with all that talk of babies. The look on Kaden’s face didn’t go unnoticed. It sent excitement and nervousness through her, as well as reinforcing her insecurity about where they stood.

  She wasn’t ready to face this. Another wave of nausea took care of having to face any more, and she excused herself back into the bathroom.



  Seeing Ali last evening really ate away at Kaden. He tossed and turned all night long and even got up to pace the room at about three in the morning. And then he spent the rest of the night up reading the pregnancy books that he’d bought.

  The only thing that kept coming back to bother him was her reaction to his question. Was she planning on keeping the baby? His baby?

  Thinking positive and believing she was going to keep their baby, he continued to read up on what she was going through. There was so much to learn. According to his research, she was suffering from morning sickness. The ironic thing about it was, it didn’t only occur in the morning. Poor thing looked so ill and miserable. Obviously sick, she’d been flushed and sweaty when she’d come out of the bathroom.

  Hailee hadn’t helped matters with all the talk about little Willow. He’d seen through that stunt right away. God only knew what Alison had told Hailee.

  I should call her. I should’ve talked to her last night. But she hadn’t given him the chance to talk to her by herself at Dom’s. By the time he’d gotten away from the guys, Alison had left. And when he’d tried to call, she hadn’t answered her cell. Again.

  He wondered if Alison was eating properly. Per the books, she needed to be taking vitamins. He’d have to keep an eye on that. She was obviously giving him the cold shoulder after his lame reaction to her announcement. Plus how angry she got at his question. He didn’t even want to think about what that meant.

  He opened one of his books, thinking he’d do some reading to take his mind off her, but it didn’t work. He assumed she just needed some space, but he couldn’t stop wondering what she was thinking about the baby. Would she consider an abortion? His heart hurt at the thought. They needed to talk about this, now that he wasn’t tongue tied.

  He had to try again. Pulling up her contact, he stared at her photo. They hadn’t done much talking since she dropped the news on him, but she had really worried him yesterday with how ill she looked. He should be there taking care of her.

  Kaden: I just wanted to check in and see how you were feeling today. I hope you’re feeling better.

  Ali: I’m fine. No Worries.

  Staring at his phone, he waited for more of an answer than that. She was mocking him, and his favorite saying, “no worries.” When she didn’t add anything to her abrupt response, unable to help himself, he added his own.

  Kaden: Of course I worry. I’m here if you need anything. Anything at all.

  Kaden: Ali, can I come over so we can talk about this?

  Ali: Not a good time. I’m doing wedding stuff with Hailee.

  He stared at the phone for a long time, wondering how much he should push the issue. He understood how she felt; he hadn’t been as supportive as he should’ve been. He should’ve grabbed her and not let her go when she told him the news, instead of sitting there mute. He should’ve promised her they would face this together, and he’d be by her side.

  Kaden: I think we should talk about the baby. When can we get together?

  Ali: I’ll let you know.

  He wanted to talk. They needed to. He had so many thoughts and questions and concerns. She didn’t even know he was hoping that she and the baby would move in to his place. There was so much to discuss. But his heart sank when she responded less than enthusiastically.

  She was being cold, and maybe he deserved that. Actually, he was positive he deserved that. It was meant to hurt him, and it succeeded. Did she blame him for the pregnancy? Was she so upset because she didn’t want to be with him long term? His heart plummeted to his stomach and his gut wrenched. He needed a beer.

  They still needed to plan time to talk. He loved Alison, more than he had even realized. He cursed himself for not having told her already. But he’d wanted to be sure, he’d wanted to find the perfect moment. Telling her now would seem like he was forced to say it because of the pregnancy, and he wanted her to know he wasn’t saying it just because of the baby.

  This baby was just the icin
g on the cake for him. As scared as he was, he already felt love for it. She needed to know he wanted them to be a family. That he would do everything he could to be a good father. And if she’d have him, a good husband. He just had to convince her to take a chance on him.

  From the kitchen, he could hear his phone ringing in the living room. Excitement shot through him at the idea of it being Ali. “Hello?” Without looking at who it was, he answered the phone. “Ali?”

  “Kaden, it’s Mom. How are you, dear?”

  “Oh, hey Mom. I’m well. What’s up?” Kaden tried his best to not let his voice betray his drop in enthusiasm once he knew it wasn’t Alison.

  “How’s Ali? And when are we going to meet her?”

  “Er…” For a moment he was lost for words. But now wasn’t the right time to tell his mom the news. “She’s good, Mom. Just fine. I’m sure we’ll work something out when I’m not so busy.”

  “Well that’s something to look forward to. But, hon, I called for a reason. I had a doctor’s appointment today.”

  Kaden flopped down on the couch, nerves now attacked his stomach. Doctor? “Are you okay, Mom?”

  “Well, not really. Kaden, honey, it’s not the best news, but it isn’t as bad as it sounds… I haven’t been feeling well of late.”

  “Mom? What is it?”

  “Well, turns out, I have thyroid cancer.”

  Thyroid cancer? A familiar, cold feeling hit him. The racing pulse, his throat closing, and the inability to form a word. Just a few years back he was hearing similar news about his dad…

  “Kaden? Honey, are you still there? Did this thing hang up?”


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