Immortal Bloodlines

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Immortal Bloodlines Page 7

by Taige Crenshaw

  “Blagden, Blagden, you keep forgetting something.” Storm patted Killian’s arm then strolled toward Blagden.

  The roll of her hips and strut were all geared to make a person look at her. Blagden stared.

  “Tsk, tsk. You might think you are the big bad but with each foray against us, we beat you. Time and again we make you run with your tail between your legs.” Storm shook her head. “It’s sad, really.”

  Blagden smiled and it wasn’t pleasant. “You have a tongue that will look good above my mantle.”

  “Your head would look better there.” Storm paused, bracing her legs apart. She stood like a proud warrior and tilted her head to the side. “You can try all you want but defeat comes to you because of one important thing.”

  “What is that, oh Miss Know-It-All?” Blagden said mockingly.

  “Your bloodline goes back a long way but so does all of ours whom you are up against.” Storm gestured behind her. “That man there is my mate and he doesn’t take kindly to anyone threatening me.”

  “Your mate, huh?” Blagden looked him up and down. “He is weak.”

  “Maybe.” She shrugged. “Then again, so are you.”

  Blagden threw more power and Storm lifted her hand and caught it. She held it in her palm then lobbed it back at him. Blagden captured it then threw a volley at her and at him. Killian seized it before throwing it back and more. Blagden continued to spray them with power. Each was stronger than the last. Storm spun and threw Maji Stars. Killian brought up a sword with his power and ran toward Blagden. They attacked him from both sides. Killian sent a call for help but it slammed back into him when Blagden, whose power dampened the area, rebuked it.

  Storm looked at him and Killian sent his sword away. Blagden laughed, loud and ugly.

  “Uh-oh… You’re in trouble now.”

  Killian held out his hand. Storm slid hers into his and he pulled her into his arms then he flamed. The fire swirled up his skin and outward, flowing from him. He embraced it and fortified it with his Amazonian Warrior power to strengthen it. Blagden roared then all was silent. Killian held Storm and withdrew his firebird—it hadn’t affected her since he’d set it to get Blagden. When the area cleared, Killian stared at where Blagden had been.

  “You hurt him. But he’s not dead.”

  “I know. It’ll take more than that to get him.” Killian glanced at her. “At least now one of Fyodor’s points was proven true. Blagden is desperate to get A’rm Ageddon. It made, and will continue to make, him careless.”

  “Yes. To come after us this close to the agency he didn’t think. He is just reacting.” Storm glanced at him. “And that will make him even more dangerous.”

  “We’ll just have to keep preparing.” Killian slid his arm around her waist. “At least we have A’rm Ageddon and until he gets her back, he won’t move forward with whatever he has planned. She is his weakness and blind spot.”

  “Yes.” Storm touched his shoulder. “His injury will also make him want to get to you to hurt you.”

  “That’s what I am counting on.” Killian led Storm back to the agency. They had to report what had happened and continue to plan.

  * * * *

  Storm tapped her finger on the arm of the couch. She frowned at the TV screen then turned to Killian.

  “I can feel your overprotectiveness kicking in again.” Killian glanced at her. “If I can’t wrap you in cotton to protect you, you can’t do that to me either. Whatever happens with Blagden, we’ll face it together. Okay?”

  “Okay,” she said reluctantly.


  “I know. Stop worrying, you’ll be fine.” Storm pursed her lips. “I don’t have to like it.” She shook her head. “Imagine a few weeks ago I was annoyed with you being overprotective and now I’m doing it. I blame you, Killian. You’re driving me daffy.”

  “You don’t have far to go.” Killian grinned.

  “Kiss my—”

  He leaned over and kissed her. Storm opened, sucking his tongue. Killian moved her into his lap and she straddled him. He gripped her ass and Storm rocked back into his touch. Storm pushed at his shirt, pulling it apart and making the buttons fly. She ran her hands down his chest, enjoying the play of muscles under her hands. Killian lifted her, pulling up her house-dress. He pulled it off her head and Storm shook out her hair. Killian lowered his head and nipped at her breast. She gasped and arched into him as he took her nipple between his teeth.

  Storm put her hand at the back of his hair, gripping his head. He sucked her hard, each pull making her throb with need. With a thought, Storm removed his pants and underwear then put on a condom. She rose up, rocking against him. The head of his cock rubbed against her and she moaned. Storm slid her hand down then held his shaft, moving it, then pushed forward, whimpering as he filled her.

  “Storm,” Killian spoke against her nipple before going back to suck.

  She clenched, loving the hiss of his breath, then he grabbed her hips and held her. He countered her movements, creating a delicious friction. Killian raised his head and leaned forward. She grabbed the side of his face and kissed him deeply and urgently. Heat filled her belly as she rose and lowered onto him. She rode him, moving faster and faster. Killian met each motion with one of his own, thrusting harder and harder. The tightness in her stomach exploded under the onslaught of pleasure as she came.

  “Killian, I love you.”

  “Love you, Storm,” Killian returned, holding her close, kissing the side of her face and pushing back her hair.

  He stiffened then came, shuddering against her. Storm held him, enjoying each motion as he gave her his pleasure. He dropped his head back on the couch.

  Storm slumped on him, resting her head against his chest. Killian stroked up and down her back, setting off goose bumps on her skin. Even his touch made her need him. She imagined for years to come she would still appreciate each moment with him. Storm sank into him, listening to him breathe.

  “I knew from the time I met you, you would be trouble. I didn’t think you would be mine but you are.” He kissed her gently. “You got into my skin then I felt you in my blood.”

  “I’m the best kind of trouble. One that will keep you on your toes and you won’t get bogged down with your planning.”

  “Planning is a good thing.” Killian smiled.

  “Keep believing that.” Storm patted his chest. “Don’t worry, we’ll break you out of it.”

  “I’m going to love to see you keep trying.”

  “You’re stuck with me for a good long time.” Storm chuckled. “That’s a perk of being as we are. When we say forever, we actually can mean it.”

  “Our immortal bloodlines will flow together forever.”

  “Forever,” Storm stroked his jaw. “That doesn’t sound like long enough.”

  “Silver-tongued woman.” Killian’s eyes twinkled. “Are you trying to get into my pants?”

  “I’m already in them.” She laughed and kissed him.

  Also available from Totally Bound Publishing:

  Phoenix Intelligence Agency: Indigo Rain

  Taige Crenshaw


  Chapter One

  Kalina Erutan stood still, imagining herself as part of the landscape. A sensation of fading overcame her, then it was a reality. She’d been displaced.

  This case has tested all my skills, and I’m ready for it to be finished.

  The fugitives she’d been hunting thought they were good—she was better. A fierce smile curved her lips as she heard their quiet footsteps padding towards her. With the intel she’d received, she’d been able to arrive before the escapees.

  They passed, barely a hairsbreadth between them. None looked at her, even though she stood next to them.

  Seventy-seven days of freedom has made them sloppy. Rule number one in combat—Never let your guard down.

  She waited until the last one drew abreast of her, then Kalina moved. Stepping behind one of the men, she quickly la
id her finger on the pulse in his neck.

  “Sleep,” she whispered almost soundlessly.

  The man slumped and she caught him, pulling him back with her out of sight while the others continued on, seeming unaware. Smiling, Kalina laid the man on the ground and bound him with her power. She stood, then silently stalked the rest. One by one, she picked them off, laying them down and binding them along the way for the containment teams. Walking slowly, in precise steps, she sneaked up behind another man. He stiffened and turned.

  Kalina faded and watched as he looked around. Must be careful not to alert them I am here.

  The man shrugged, turned and continued on his way. Following, Kalina watched the group standing in the clearing. They were talking and she stopped to listen to their conversation.

  “Armageddon is upon us,” the man farthest away shouted. The rest cheered.

  With a sigh, Kalina shook her head. It was nothing new. People were always trying to end the world or take it over. At least it kept her working. She didn’t need to hear any more. It was time to end this.

  Stepping forward, she skirted between them, moving into the centre. Kalina dropped her concealment and shock rippled through the gathering. Counting, she noted since she had taken out a few there were only six of the escapees.

  Already having calculated the way she would take them out, Kalina wasted no time. She flicked her baton open and swung, aiming for the one on her right, connecting, hitting across the face before she spun and kicked, taking the one on her left with a back kick. Keeping her leg up, she turned her head and glared at the others. They still watched her. Then their gazes moved to the now prone men. The remaining men and one woman glanced at each other, after that back at her.

  As one, they rushed her. Power filled Kalina and she changed her baton into a whip then extended it into the air to hover above her. Wrapping the end of the whip around her wrist, she kicked up her other leg and used her power to roll herself into the air above their reach.

  She looked down and found them staring up at her. A surge of energy washed over her just before the change overtook them.

  The woman shifted into a golden falcon. One man changed to a grey-coloured wolf and the other into a gold leopard. The last man caught her attention as he’d remained in human form, watching her with a smug grin on his face. Adrenaline overcame the coldness that normally engulfed her when she went on a hunt.

  Kalina ignored the intensity of their gazes, all except the man. She focused on him, instinctively knowing he would be the most dangerous.

  Is he arrogant enough to think he can take me in human form? Or does he believe whatever he is gives him the element of surprise? Foolish man, he has already shown his hand, breaking rule two of combat— Never show your adversary your advantage.

  Her orders were to bring them back alive. She could only incapacitate, regardless of her desires. She still couldn’t figure out why they had sent her, an AA—Assassination Agent—trained to kill what she went after, rather than an EA—Enforcer Agent. The explanations given were weak, yet she’d gone because she’d been bored. The boredom led her to seventy-seven days of tracking hell—for that alone, she wanted to eliminate each of them. But even though she broke orders when it suited her purpose, this time, she would see them through to the letter. It was more a test for herself than caring what anyone else thought.

  She uncoiled the whip from around her wrist, then held onto it with one hand as she focused on the golden falcon. She beckoned it to come forward, fingers crooking in a ‘come here’ movement. The bird raised its head and shrieked before flying straight at her. She materialised her blowpipe and blew a dart. It caught the powerful bird between the eyes, causing the falcon to plummet to the earth. It collided with the hard ground and shifted back to human form.

  With a burst of power, she spun back towards the others. Kalina changed her blowpipe into a gun, the cool metal resting in her hand a comfortable friend, the tranquilising bullets lending a different balance to the weapon than the regular ones would. She sighted down the barrel at the earth shifters as they sprang into the air. They flew at her, their energy moved along her skin but it was different. She realised the man who hadn’t shifted amplified their power. Kalina shook her head. He used them as bait, to test her. She didn’t care. She would do her job, then get the fuck out of this hellhole.

  In quick succession, she pulled the trigger, tranqing each of them between the eyes. They collapsed, shifting back to human form. Stilling the whip, Kalina stared down at the man below her. He hadn’t moved from his stance with his hands on his hips, legs braced apart, watching her with a lust-filled gaze. Kalina stifled a sigh at the typical reaction.

  “Come on down and let me have you, my little Amazonian princess,” he yelled. The stranger’s voice rolled over her like decadent cream.

  Kalina arched an eyebrow. There was no way for him to know what she was, or how close to the truth he’d come. She glared at him and flipped him the bird.

  The man blinked before anger filled his face. With a roar of rage he bent his knees and shot straight into the sky.

  Third rule of combat broken—Never get emotional.

  He caught the end of the whip dangling below her and began climbing hand over hand. Surprised he had the balls to even touch it, Kalina amped her power, lighting the whip with fire and waited for his scream.

  The man smiled menacingly yet kept advancing, the intent to reach her clear on his face.

  Kalina narrowed her eyes. Only two beings could withstand her fire and neither of them resided in this realm. He was almost upon her when she got a look at his eyes through the orange flames. They were burning—not a reflection of her fire, but from deep within him.

  Swearing viciously, Kalina dampened her power before spinning in the air and flipping to the ground. She yanked the whip from his grasp taking it with her. She turned back and glared at him. He stared back, his crimson wings widespread, laughing while his body lit up in a red and orange wash of flames. With a massive shift of power he rose from the fire—a majestic and deadly bird. Growling at the sight, Kalina fought for control over her rage. He raised his head, singing his song of death—one she had prayed never to hear again—the tune whispering on the wind.


  At the sound, Kalina shook and every coherent thought but one went out of her mind—It must die.

  With a fierce burst of power, she flew into the air. He swooped towards her, his claws spread in a deadly arc. She spun out of the way before lashing out with her fist, hitting him in the side of the head.

  He tumbled through the sky across the clearing, hitting a tree—the tree bursting into flames. The bird glanced at her, then rose into the air, wings spread. It opened its mouth, breathing fire in her direction.

  Raising her arms out from her sides, Kalina let it come, let the flames engulf her. She controlled them, letting the fire trail along her body, before funnelling it to her mouth. Opening her lips, she sucked in the heat and fear flashed in the bird’s eyes. She spat the fire out and the power hit the ground as ice, shattering on impact.

  The bird flew at her again, its wings making flames burst among the trees. Raising her hand she materialised her sword, then flew up to meet him. She slashed at him and missed, but managed to punch hitting him mid-body. She infused it with all her strength and felt the give of crumbling muscle and bone on impact.

  The bird shrieked and tumbled backwards before righting itself, then came at her in a fierce rush. She waited for him to close the distance, anticipation coursing through her. Seamlessly, Kalina spun out of the way, materialised her stunner, flicked it higher and pressed it against the bird’s temple. Closing her finger on the trigger, she zapped him. The bird wavered, then turned, eyes burning bright, and fell to the ground.

  Kalina spun sideways, then flipped, hitting the ground and straddling the prone bird. It shifted and she focused on the eyes of the man.

  “Give me one fucking reason not to kill you,

  The man watched her, his smile a vicious twist of his lips. “The PIA gives you all a short leash. So take me the fuck back to lockup.”

  Lowering her eyelids, she smiled slow and deadly. “Wrong type of agent, asshole.”

  She lashed out, hitting him with two fingers in the middle of his forehead with her spell. His eyes rolled back in his head, his head flopping to the side.

  Fury bubbling, Kalina slowly stepped away. She wanted to finish it, kill him. Taking another step back, she took a deep breath, trying to control her instinctual need to eliminate the Firebird. She glanced around at the area littered with bodies. She had accomplished her mission with minimal damage.

  Kalina looked at the surrounding trees. They were blackened by fire. She raised her arms and murmured words as old as time. The trees filled out, whole and healthy again.

  At the sound of movement, she turned quickly, materialising her dagger. The man had awoken and attempted to get up. Reacting instinctively, she threw the dagger, watching as it hit home embedded in his chest. He fell back, blood spilling out of his mouth.

  Kalina strode over to him then bent to retrieve her weapon, pulling it free of the corpse. “You should have stayed asleep.”

  How did he come out of my compulsion spell? It shouldn’t have happened.

  A gold glint on his wrist caught her attention. She raised the man’s sleeve to get a better look at the object. Bright light flared and instinctively Kalina shielded her eyes. After a few seconds, they adjusted and she lowered her hand, examining the bracelet. It seemed too delicate for the man’s arm. The trinket of yellow-gold had intricate hieroglyphics etched in white gold on the surface. In its middle sat a flawless topaz stone. Light seemed to radiate throughout it. Kalina touched it but jumped back as heat emanated from it.

  The jewellery shimmered for a moment then disappeared. “Shit.” Unease filled her. She reached out with her senses, searching for the bracelet, but felt nothing. “Fuck.” She stood slowly and looked around the clearing again. The feeling that something was off would not leave her.

  She glanced at the bodies littering the clearing. “Why would you be in the middle of the Amazon?”


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