The Teaching

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by R.W. Perkins

The Teaching!

  R.W. Perkins

  Cover image by John Aliquo

  Copyright 2012 R.W. Perkins

  One dark and quiet night in Valdare, the village far below Valdarius’ castle, a young woman was returning home from her daily duties at the magistrate’s manor house. She was the only person in the streets on this night, but she thought nothing of it, for it was a routine she had done many times before. Little did she know that tonight would be very different from any she had ever experienced in her young life

  As she was walking along, whistling her favorite tune to help drown out the silence, she felt a cold chill run through her body that made the hair on the back of her neck stand on end. She bundled up and started walking faster. As she rounded the corner into the alley to her house, she noticed movement out of the corner of her eye. She stopped to take a look around, but saw nothing. Thinking that it must have been an ally cat or a street rat, she continued walking towards her house.

  Then suddenly, standing before her, as if materializing, was the most striking man she had ever seen. He was tall, with long white hair, and the most mesmerizing blue eyes. She stopped in mid-step and stood there admiring his splendor. After what, to her, seemed like an eternity, he spoke to her. “ My dear Szuzzanna, what ever are you doing out on a night like this? You’ll catch your Death!” For some reason it was the most comforting thing that anyone had ever said to her. His voice was so soft and consoling that she felt no fear. She replied, “Thank you for your concern fine gentleman, but how do you know my name?” He told her, “I know all there is to know about you and all that is in your thoughts, I have taken liberty to explore your mind and you will find that you will do all I ask of you, and you will recollect none of what I ask, or what you see.” Szuzzanna replied, “Yes sir, I understand.” Szuzzanna woke in the morning as if she had had the most astonishing dream, but she could not remember anything about it.

  Szuzzanna then wandered pointlessly into town, not having anything specific in mind that she needed to take care of today. As she was walking by, she felt a strong desire to enter the dressmaker's shop. Szuzzanna asked to have the most magnificent gown that he had in his shop. The tailor asked, ‘Yes Ma’am, but how do you intend to pay for that?” Before she even realized that she had said anything, the tailor said, “Very well Madam, anything for Mr. Valdarius.” This puzzled her, but she went about the business of getting fitted for the gown. It was an elegant, strikingly beautiful gown with lace arms and a very low-cut, open neckline. When the fitting was complete, Szuzzanna went on to the magistrate’s manor to do her daily cleaning duties.

  While she was cleaning the magistrate’s den, there was a little yellow canary happily chirping in a cage in the corner of the room. It was really beginning to aggravate her, so she walked towards the bird. As she approached, the bird began screeching as if in great pain. This really annoyed Szuzzanna so she reached into the cage and grabbed the canary. The bird bit her on the finger, this angered her so much that Szuzzanna tore out its throat with her teeth. The taste was so gratifying and invigorating that she could not help herself and proceeded to drink every last drop of the canary’s blood. As soon as she had finished with the bird, she placed its limp, lifeless body back into the cage as if nothing had happened. When she had completed all of her duties, she made her way back to the tailor’s shop to pick up her new gown. When she returned home she got all dressed up in her gown, her father asked, “Where do you think your going, and where on earth did you get that gown?” Her reply was, “Father this may sound very bizarre, but I honestly have no idea where I am going, or how I got this gown.” “I do know, however, that I am expected to be somewhere this evening and that I better get going before I am late. Good Bye, Father.”

  Her father is very concerned by this behavior. Ever since her mother died, Szuzzanna and her father have been taking care of each other, and Szuzzanna has never acted this way. What really concerns him is that the familiarity of her behavior is uncomforting. Her mother began acting strange shortly before she died and he will not allow the same fate to come to Szuzzanna. She is all that he has left.

  When Szuzzanna came out of her house, there was an exceptional carriage awaiting her. The driver, who was dressed in the finest velvet suit, escorted her into the carriage. It was very classy inside, with amazing velvet seats, and fine silk curtains covering the windows. Szuzzanna could not help but feel like a princess. The ride to the castle was a very long, uninteresting ride. Szuzzanna started to get bored and hungry. She had this sudden desire for the warm, revitalizing taste of blood. She very swiftly and silently climbed out of the carriage and came up behind the driver. Szuzzanna reached out and grabbed the driver by the neck. As soon as her skin touched the driver, she felt the most intense, burning pain she could ever imagine. The driver turned around and held up a large silver cross that was connected to a silver chain around his neck. He said to her, “I thought you might try to do that so I took a few precautions. I suggest that you get back into the carriage and enjoy the rest of your ride.” “Valdarius would be very unhappy with me if I was forced to kill you.”

  As they draw nearer to the castle, Szuzzanna is in awe of the utter size and darkness of the castle and its surroundings. The driver brought the carriage to a stop in front of the steps leading up to the immense doors of the castle. He told Szuzzanna to go inside and wait in the foyer and he would be up shortly to show her to her room. Szuzzanna made her way up the marble steps, each footfall echoing off the vast stone walls of the castle. She approached the massive doors standing in front of her like giant guardians of the keep. The doors were so enormous that she wondered how she would ever be able to push them open. She reached out for the handle and pushed with all of the strength she could muster. The great doors went crashing open with so much force that it would seem that they were made out of paper. Perplexed, she entered, cautiously closing the doors behind her. No sooner did the doors close that all the torches in the entryway burst into a brilliant glow that lit up the entire area as if it were day. Szuzzanna stood there amazed and bewildered at the magic that has just taken place. When she regained herself, she noticed that the castle was decorated very lavishly. There were tapestries on the walls, suits of armor in almost all of the corners of the room, which the floor plan had many different levels and hallways, giving it the feeling of many rooms, each section was decorated in a different style. Szuzzanna was wandering around looking at all of the art work and furnishings, when she felt a familiar cold chill through her body. She turned around to make her way back to the front door, and there he was, standing mysteriously in front of her again. It was Valdarius. Szuzzanna gasped with a start. “Oh, I did not hear you come up behind me.” Val told her, “In due time my sweet young girl, in due time.” “Please follow me, the driver has been ‘delayed’, I will be showing you to your room.” Valdarius led her down one of the hallways and up a couple of flights of stairs. She could hear her footsteps the whole way, but noticed that she could not hear his. It was almost as if he was gliding just above the floor, but she knew that was impossible.

  When they reached her room, Val opened the door to the most exquisite room there could ever be. It had a fluffy canopy bed with sheer lace over the top. There were big soft pillows all over the bed. The room was kept warm by a fireplace that was decorated with extravagant carvings of children’s faces, interlaced with ivy branches. The dressing table was stocked with everything that she could possibly need. The room smelled of sweet lilacs. “Will the amenities suit you my darling?” Asked Val. “Oh, yes very much sir.” Thanked Szuzzanna. Val excused himself to allow her to settle in. As soon as Szuzzanna had finished settling into her room, Valdarius m
ysteriously appeared in her doorway. “It is time that we eat, my princess. Please follow me to the dining room.”

  As they walked down to the dining room, Valdarius told Szuzzanna, “You may have free roam of the entire castle during your stay. All except this hallway, it is my personal area. Obey my requirements and stay clear of this area and you will have a long pleasant stay here.” As they walked by the hallway, Szuzzanna slowed down as much as she could without drawing attention. She looked down the hallway and tried to take in as much as she

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