Vampire Nation 2: Titan Rising

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Vampire Nation 2: Titan Rising Page 11

by Joe Fowler

  “That’s a great way to start, Darius!” Dorian offered.

  “Your first fighter and she has speed! It doesn’t get any better than that.” Jonas added.

  Emelia and the others all congratulated me as well.

  “She just won you two million dollars. You’re making a killing tonight!” Petra said. She didn’t seem bothered that one of those millions was from our bet. It was her fighter that lost.

  “Let’s hear it for Lucy!” The announcer was back as were the cleaners.

  I looked around trying to refocus. I got more carried away with that than I thought I would. I felt the smile that was still on my face. This was much different than when I watched with Arria. I had a stake in these fights now.

  The next fights went in a blur. I decided to make the more reasonable bet of one hundred thousand for the rest of the fights. I also decided to make sure I lost a few of them. I was scared they would get suspicious if I won them all.

  “For our next fight, welcome fourth level Khan and Thunder!” The announcer called. Once the fighters were in place, he continued. “You will have five minutes to place your bets.”

  One had strength, the other had evasion. I was about to place my bet on Khan when I heard Emelia place a two million dollar bet on him. I looked over at her just as the others were doing. She smiled back.

  “He was my first fighter. Call it a sentimental bet like Darius made.” She laughed.

  The rest of us made our smaller wagers.

  “It is time! Thunder, Khan, please stand and face your opponent…Let the game begin!” The announcer teleported.

  Thunder looked like he belonged in a cartoon. He was blonde and muscled up like a bodybuilder. His proportions were ridiculous. Khan was average size with a long beard. I wondered at the name briefly before the action took hold of my focus.

  As Thunder attacked, Khan dodged and counter punched. This happened again and again and again. It went on for an incredible amount of time. Thunder’s strength must be incredible! Khan continued to strike but Thunder kept right on coming. He was beginning to remind me of Achilles. You could hit him all you want but he would keep right on coming. The crowd was loving it. I was growing more and more amazed. Finally, Khan’s strikes began to wear Thunder down. This part took a while as well. Even in obvious distress, Thunder’s strength was too dangerous for Khan to get careless. Eventually, Khan won.

  Emelia screamed with happiness. I smiled to myself at seeing her joy. All comparisons to Sweetie were gone now. Emelia loved these fights. Sweetie hated them. Sweetie was never sadder than when she won her own fights and she usually spent her time in her illusions rather than watch the other fights. No, Emelia and Sweetie couldn’t be more different.

  The rest of the fights went quickly. Nothing else of note took place.

  I smiled as the last fighter was being congratulated for winning his freedom. All in all, I made almost four million dollars.

  The after party was fun as well. The others congratulated me on a successful first night. Emelia voiced her jealousy at my first fighter having speed. I was flying high.

  “Where is everyone headed next?” Petra asked.

  “I heard Hermes is hosting in three days. I was thinking of going.” Caleb replied.

  “Really? I always liked him. He is so proper. Darius will like him too. He is one of Arria’s like we were.” Petra said.

  “That sounds like a good place for my second event.” I thought it sounded great! I liked Hermes. I would have to remember my new appearance and act like I didn’t already know him, but other than that, it sounded good to me.

  “You might want to go to Wren’s event instead, Darius. She usually has the most fights. With your luck, you can buy another facility soon.” Jonas teased.

  “I haven’t been to Wren’s in forever. Wow, that is a tough choice. Wren or Hermes?” Petra debated with herself.

  “I don’t think I know either of them.” Emelia said. She looked around. “If it is alright, I will go with which ever one the majority of you choose.”

  “Hermes.” Caleb said.

  “Wren for me.” Jonas voiced.

  “I’m out. I am taking a vacation for a week or so.” Dorian announced. There was some questioning and urging for him to change his mind. “Sorry guys, I have been constantly involved for the last few months and I need a break.”

  “We understand, Dorian. At least you held a great event tonight.” Dmitriy commented. “I have council business. I will not be able to go either.”

  “Well, we can’t argue with that. It was nice to see you again, Dmitriy. I hope it doesn’t take so long for you to join us again.” Petra was sincere.

  “I will try to be more active. What about the rest of you? Wren or Hermes?” Dmitriy brought us back to the question at hand.

  “I am like Emelia, I don’t know either of them. It looks like Petra must be the deciding vote.” I stated to throw the decision on someone else.

  “Well.” Petra looked like she would gladly pummel us. It brought a smile to my face.

  “I will notify the council of where you will be heading. We have plans to make sure one of us is at each event you enter.” Dmitriy said, mentally. I gave a slight nod with a glance to let him know I understood.

  “I vote Hermes. He is too nice to miss out on.” Petra announced.

  “You’ll need to give me his number.” Emelia said, smiling.

  “Why don’t we all call together? I’ve done this before. We can tell him about all of us at once.” Petra turned to face Jonas. “Well, Jonas, you with us or will you be going to Wren’s?”

  “I have already made my call to Wren. It may be best that all of you will be headed to see Hermes. Wren already had a dozen signed up.” Jonas didn’t sound too sad to see us choose Hermes. He actually seemed relieved.

  “I agree. That could have gotten crowded.” Caleb stated.

  Petra called Hermes then. I heard every word as she told him about the four of us heading his way. He was happy to hear it. He only had four up to then that were committed to be there. He suggested we fly out as soon as we could. He sounded like he liked Petra. I took that as a reinforcement of my earlier estimation of her.

  We spent the next hour or so talking and laughing about the fights we witnessed that night. I enjoyed myself. This after party was more enjoyable than the ones I had been to as myself. I knew it was because this group didn’t have the underlying fear of Darius. The fear of the real me tainted their judgement. Hearing how these old ones felt when the name Titan was said, was an eye opener.

  When I felt I had stayed long enough I went to Dorian to make my exit.

  “Dorian, thank you for a great first night. Once I am ready to host my own event, I hope you will come so I can repay the hospitality you’ve shown me.” I didn’t have to try to sound sincere. I meant every word.

  “You can count on it. Welcome to our world, Darius. I think you will do very well.” He replied.

  “Thank you.” We shook hands before I headed to my suite.

  I called Reptile on the way to tell him what to expect. He knew to have everyone ready to fly out first thing in the morning. He might be bad like Blur and Ghost wanted, but he was also good at his job.

  I made it to my suite and fought my urge to call Arria. She told me to call her when I needed to. This just wasn’t the need she was talking about. I gave in and dialed her number.

  “Hello?” She answered immediately, as was her custom. She never looked to see who was calling, she answered automatically. I smiled.

  “I missed your voice.” I told her before I realized what I was saying.

  “Titan! I’m going to kick your ass if you don’t call me more often. How did your first night go?”

  “Perfectly. Lucy won easily. She has speed for her gift. I won almost four million dollars. The other old ones were very helpful. I couldn’t have asked for a better first night.”

  “You do realize that you need to lose some of your bets so they do
n’t get suspicious, right?” Arria knew what I figured out.

  “Yes. I made sure to lose enough of my bets. I actually won two bets when I was trying to lose. It is much more exciting when you have a fighter involved. I wasn’t expecting that. I was surprised by the pride I felt when Lucy won. The happiness was expected but the pride was a shock.”

  “That never fades. I was involved in the first event ever held and I felt it then. It is the same for me now. What are your plans?”

  “Four of us are leaving here for Hermes’s facility. He is holding an event in a few days. Petra made the call and got us added to his card. I like her so far.”

  “Petra is so-so. She can be your best friend or stab you in the back. Be careful to stay on her good side.” Arria sounded worried about that.

  “I will try.” I hesitated but decided to say it. “I am finding out more about how they feel about me. The real me. Every time the name Titan was brought up, the other old ones all but flinched.”

  “You weren’t there when Ares went on the warpath. You of all people know how powerful he is. That kind of destruction leaves a scar. At the moment, he is one of my favorite vampires. I would have lost you if not for him.” I heard Arria take a breath. “Don’t pay any attention to what they say or how they act about the real you. It can’t be helped. Just remember they don’t know you to be able to understand the way you really are.”

  I wanted to hold her so much at that moment. She told me exactly what I needed to hear.

  “I understand. I need to call Blur and tell him of the new plans. I just needed to hear your voice first.”

  “Call me again when you get the chance. The plane will be difficult with Reptile there but maybe after you are in your suite at Hermes.”

  “I will.” I hesitated. I didn’t want to hang up yet. “I love you, Arria.”

  “I love you, Darius.” Arria was laughing when she disconnected. I couldn’t stop my smile. Darius. Damn.

  I called Blur then to let him know the new plans.

  “How’d it go at the after party?” Blur didn’t waste time.

  “We will be flying out in the morning. We will be heading to another event.”

  “Which old one this time?” He asked.

  “Hermes. I met him at Tristan’s that night. He is a good sort from what I saw. Three others that were here tonight will be going as well. Petra, Emelia, and Caleb all were added to the card. From what was said, Hermes had four already signed up to be there before we were added.”

  I related what I thought was pertinent. I knew he thought differently and would ask what he need clarification on.

  “Does any of them strike you as one of the rule breakers?”

  “Jonas seemed the most likely of the old ones that were here. He is headed to a different event. Some old one named Wren. Of the ones headed with us, Emelia is too young. This was only her fourth event. Petra seems okay to me but Arria called her so-so like she couldn’t be counted on. Caleb was hard to read. The only thing I got clearly from him was that he doesn’t like the real me. It seems none of the old ones like the real me. Outside of Arria of course.”

  “You scare the hell out of them.”

  “I heard those exact words from three of them tonight.”

  “Well, get some sleep. I need to think. I found out some things too but I have to sort through them before I will have the answers.” Blur said.

  “See you tomorrow.”

  We disconnected.

  The bed didn’t seem too inviting but I made my way to it. My thoughts were only of Arria until I fell asleep.

  Chapter 11

  Reptile sat in one of the single seats on the side aisle trying to keep to himself. I was happy about it. Blur and Ghost made sure I knew to never act suspicious of him. He needed to believe he was solidly in my good favor.

  The two new vampires Tammy and Jenna, were in the back of the plane but weren’t allowed to talk with Lucy. My employees had been instructed to keep them separated. Bear, Sparrow, and Donk were at my facility. Feng sent his plane with my other employees to have them get settled in. He let me know this was a common occurrence. A new old one was usually chomping at the bit to enter their first event. It wasn’t practical to travel with all of your employees. Feng took care of that problem.

  I spent my time reminding myself about the reason I was here. Last night’s excitement was distressful to me now. I enjoyed those fights much more than I should have. It worried me.

  I thought back to my days in the arena. Justin, now Apollo, was the intent of my thoughts. While I knew the necessity of the fights, I also knew that good people were dying because of something they couldn’t control. Apollo overcame humongous odds to survive the gauntlet even though he didn’t have a fighting gift.

  Some rich humans paid their way to becoming a vampire. Some poor humans worked as donors until they were turned. The rest of us were turned without our consent. More and more vampires were being made to fill the rosters of an ever growing number of old ones as they built their teams. These illegal fights were adding to the strain we were putting on the human population.

  So many of the old ones considered humans to be beneath them. They saw vampires as the superior race. I was told that some vampires once started a movement to have the humans enslaved so we could control our food supply.

  The plane ride was a good opportunity for me to refocus on my mission. Now that I understood the lure of the fights, I would need to watch myself as well as the old ones I was here to investigate.

  I was led through the khaki colored walls of this facility. Hermes was known to me so this should be slightly easier than the first night at Dorian’s. I went over the list of names Lorac made me remember. We might get lucky and have one of them be here.

  “Darius, I am happy to welcome you.” The impeccably dressed Hermes greeted me with a smile.

  “I am glad you would have me.” I made sure I sounded sincere. It was easy since I was glad to see Hermes again.

  “I was told you had an enjoyable first night.” Hermes said, as we walked to join the other six old ones already present.

  “I most certainly did. I was actually surprised by how much fun it is when you have your own fighters.” I smiled. “I’ve heard some very good things about you. I am glad to meet someone so well respected.”

  “I hope I live up to the praise.” Hermes was clearly pleased by my words.

  We reached a group of three old ones. Caleb was among them. Emelia was with the other group. I guessed Petra hadn’t arrived yet.

  “Everyone, this is Darius. This event will be his second. He is a new one among us. Let’s try to be on our best behavior. We don’t want him to regret becoming an old one just yet.” Hermes received the desired laughs. After the laughter died down, he introduced the other vampires. “This is Phoenix and Nail. You’ve already met Caleb.”

  “You might want to watch his bets. He had an incredible winning streak last night at Dorian’s. By the end, I was waiting to hear who he bet on before I placed my own wagers.” Caleb said, to my dismay. I would need to lose more often this time.

  “I’m sitting by you then. I’ve been on a losing streak for some time.” Phoenix, a pretty woman who seemed to love the overdressing part, stated. She was wearing an old fashioned ball gown with diamonds sewn into the material. She was blonde and slightly overweight in a good way.

  “Beginner’s luck. I didn’t know what I was doing half the time. One fighter looked as good as the other. I didn’t know any of the fighters since it was my first time.” I said, trying to sound like I was only lucky.

  “How much did you end up winning? It seemed like a lot.” Caleb asked.

  “Including my prefight bet with Petra, I won almost four million.” I admitted.

  “I’m definitely with you then.” Phoenix said, smiling.

  I had the thought of being glad I wasn’t in my normal body. The way women seemed attracted to me normally wouldn’t be as intense in Darius’s form. He
wasn’t ugly but I could tell the difference when I met new people. Phoenix was giving me some looks that made me think she was attracted.

  Every mind in the room was closed to me. I could see I wouldn’t be getting the extra information I was hoping for.

  The other group made their way over to join us. Emelia gave me a smile. The other two were looking me over as if inspecting a piece of meat.

  “Darius, I would like for you to meet Flora and Abel.” Hermes made the introduction.

  “Nice to meet you both.” I said. These two were like me, well dressed but not to the extremes. They both seemed stiff, like they were uncomfortable around someone new.

  I saw why all minds were closed. Abel was a mind reader. I made it a habit early on to keep my walls up even when I wasn’t around a mind reader. I was glad of that now.

  “Likewise. Emelia was telling us of your first night. I wish my first fighter had been gifted with speed. I went through eight fighters before one of mine won his freedom.” Flora said.

  “It was one more thing that made last night so enjoyable. I was telling Hermes of the surprise I felt. I didn’t know I would enjoy the fights as much as I did.” I was trying to stay on point. My main goal was to put out the idea that I might be willing to venture out for the chance at more fights.

  “Anyone would enjoy themselves if they were winning like you did!” Emelia added.

  “I was telling them about that before you joined us. Darius was raking it in last night.” Caleb seemed to be too caught up in how much I won.

  Hermes left the group to welcome another old one. I turned to see Agda. Dmitriy told me I could expect at least one from the council at each event I attended. I knew this might not be the best thing. The other old ones might be hesitant to talk if a council member was around.

  “Wow, another council member. Last night it was Dmitriy, now Agda.” Emelia remarked.

  “At least Dmitriy is fun loving. Agda can be a bit stiff sometimes.” Flora stated.


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