The First Spell Weaver of Airendell: Book Two of the Airendell Chronicles

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The First Spell Weaver of Airendell: Book Two of the Airendell Chronicles Page 20

by Audra Hart

  Morna lifts her face from her mate’s chest. “Not I, but I think I know who did it. I felt it go up, it seemed familiar. Kyle, show yourself, son.”

  Everyone in the hall gasps when Morna’s fifteen year old, half mortal son steps out from behind Odin and Thor. “I’m sorry Mom and Dad. Dad, I followed you here from the house. I knew something bad was happening, I just didn’t know what. I heard these two,” indicating Odin and Thor, “say that if you killed anyone in this hall they would have to strip you of all your Spell Weaver titles, and your magic and then banish you from all magic realms. So I concentrated on making you stay still. I can’t believe it worked.”

  Luca waves Kyle over to him and puts his hands on the boy’s shoulders. “Son, I am not happy that you put yourself in harm’s way coming here, but I am very grateful for your binding spell. Obviously, you are a natural at magic, just like your mother. It felt like your mother’s touch, and it brought me back to myself. You reminded me of who I am. You saved me, son. Your goodness gave me more power to resist the Mars curse. Thank you.” With that Luca clasps the boy in his arms for several moments. Luca then turns to the assembled hall in a very courtly manner, and says, “I present Lord Kyle, son of Lady Morna, Grandson of Lord Valliant.”

  The Norsemen and Spell Weavers clap and bow to Kyle. Morna elbows him and says, “Bow back at them, they love their fancy manners.” When all the clamor for Kyle dies down Morna says, “And we also love our laws and rules. They keep us from truly acting like petty, tyrannical gods.” Morna walks over to Odin and Thor and bows before them, “Therefore, I submit myself for judgment.” Everyone in the hall gasps, except for Luca, he knew she would do this. Now he is praying for commonsense and good judgment to carry the day.

  Odin and Thor confer in quiet whispers. Luca smiles at what he hears. Odin steps forward. “Who will defend the Lady Morna?” Every soul in hall steps forward and proclaims, “I will!” Every soul but one, Loki steps forward and says, “I will not!”

  Morna laughs and walks over to Loki. “Brother, since you are the sole dissenter, I have the right to challenge you on the field of combat. I assert that right! Brother Loki, meet me on the field of battle at daybreak!”

  Loki backs up and looks at Odin. “Can she do that?”

  Odin and Thor say in unison, “She can and she has.”

  “I will not accept her challenge. She is a dark witch, a vampire, and who knows what else! I could not get a fair fight out of her!” Loki stammers as he backs away.

  Before Morna can respond, Valliant and Vali stride forward into the hall. Valliant comes up and picks Loki up by the front of his tunic. “Apologize to my daughter for that insult or meet me on the field of combat. You can‘t accuse me of being a dark witch or a vampire, you little worm.”

  “Son, put the worm down.” Booms the voice of Vali. He walks over and picks of Loki by the front of his tunic, “Apologize to my son for offending his daughter, or meet me on the field of battle at daybreak!”

  Odin chuckles and says, “Loki, do you accept these challenges or will you apologize?”

  Valliant roughly sets Loki on his feet. Loki ducks his head and walks over to Morna. “Lady Morna, I withdraw my refusal to defend you. Please forgive me for calling you a dark witch and a vampire. I know I would get a fair fight from you. You are honorable in all things, Madam.” Then he turns to Valliant and says, “Forgive me, brother, I offended your child. I spoke out of turn.”

  Valliant grunts, “Damn, I guess I have to accept.”

  Morna laughs and says, “I accept.” Then she crooks her finger at Loki and he bends toward her expecting a kiss of gratitude, instead Morna whispers in his ear, “Loki, if I ever suspect that you have messed with me, my mate, my children or my Guild again, I will gladly forfeit my immortality to destroy you. Dying doesn’t scare me one little bit. But I can promise you one thing, if you force me to take you out, you will find out that I do indeed have the teeth, the speed, and the strength of a vampire, and I will happily use those attributes, along with my magic and my skills as a warrior to destroy you. Do you comprehend what I am saying, brother?”

  Loki backs away, shaking like a leaf in a hurricane. He looks at Odin and Thor and loudly says, “I will defend the Lady Morna, she is innocent of any wrong doing here tonight! She killed the First Spell Weaver in self-defense.” And then Loki runs out of the hall as fast as he can go. He nearly crashes into Heimdall carrying Breena in his arms. Morna sees her sister and runs to her. Heimdall sets Breena down and the sisters embrace.

  “Breena, I was afraid I was too late!” Morna says as she kisses her sister’s beloved face.

  “I was fading when you ran out to come here. I might not have made it but Maria made me a Stone Breaker. I am now sworn to act as defender of humanity against all vampires. The ceremony made me strong enough to survive Magdrid‘s curse until you could destroy her.”

  George laughs and slaps Damian on the back, “So the vampire who is body guard to the Norse demigoddess, is now to wed the Spell Weaver who also happens to be a Stone Breaker! I guess being best friends with a Stone Breaker wasn’t enough of a challenge for ya?” He turns to Morna, “Damn little sister, but I have seen some wild things ever since I met you!”

  Damian runs to his mate and scoops her up in his arms, “Are you really alright, baby?”

  Breena kisses him and says, “I am fine, more than fine. I feel stronger than I ever have. But if you want out of our wedding plans I understand…” Breena lets her voice trail off.

  “Baby, the only way you are getting out of marrying me would be by breaking me in little pieces and burning them. You are my one true mate, now and forever!” Damian kisses his bride to be passionately, and lingeringly and then remembers where they are. He looks around at Odin and Thor, “Sirs, do I have to answer for any charges in this matter, or am I free to take my future wife home so that she can rest. She has had a very trying day and she is likely in a delicate way.”

  Odin chuckles and Thor laughs so hard the rafters of the Great-hall shake before he stops long enough to say, “Damian, I see why Baby Girl took to you. You are just like her, you love who you love and nothing gets in the way. Good for you. Please take Mistress Breena to her bed, rather, Lady Breena, since she is now a Stone Breaker and a Spell Weaver.”

  Thor finally stops laughing and looks to the assembled group, “Any further dissenters? Or would all gladly defend Lady Morna?” Again the cheer goes up, “I will!” Thor laughs again and says, “Justice indeed carries the day! Lady Morna, you and yours are free to go without any loss of status, or powers. Go with God, Baby Girl!”

  Morna bows to Odin, Thor, Heimdall and the assembled hall, and then she quietly asks for a blanket. Silence fills the hall as a servant brings Morna a blanket. She walks over to her mother’s body, removes the magical chains and places the severed head in the hands of the body and rolls the corpse in the blanket. When Luca and others come forward to help, she refuses them. Tears silently stream down her face while she tends to her mother’s remains. She stands up with the body in her arms and turns toward Elias, “Elias, you are surely the new leader of our Guild. May I have your permission to cremate my mother’s remains?”

  Elias looks to the Spell Weavers standing around him and they all nod. “Morna, we do not yet know who leads the guild, but you have our consent, and we will follow behind and help you observe our traditions.”

  “Thank you Elias, fellow Spell Weavers.” With that Morna turns and walks out of the Great-hall of Heimdall and carries her mother the six miles to her own Great-hall. Once there the weavers assemble a pyre and lay the body of their former leader at the top. Morna turns to the assembled weavers, “Do you wish to sing our songs for Magdrid, our former leader?” When none offers to sing for her, Morna turns toward the corpse and says, “She gave me and my sister life, for that I am grateful.” And then she turns toward Luca who sets the pyre aflame. All remain motionless and watch the flames consume their former leader.

p; Once the fire has died down Ingrid comes out to Morna and Luca. “We have prepared rooms for all the Spell Weavers. I have not yet told the children that you are back.”

  Morna hugs Ingrid, “Thank you Ingrid. Luca and I will go to our children.” Ingrid nods, and Morna continues, “Where are Maria and Gullveig?”

  “Lord Heimdall took them back when he retrieved your sister. We have food for everyone in the Great-hall Morna, please come eat and rest. Let your mate retrieve the children. You were on death’s door just a short while ago.” Insists Ingrid, her face showing her deep concern for her mistress.

  Morna starts to shake her head no, but Luca interrupts; “Morna, please go bathe, eat and rest. I will go tend to our children. We will all come to you. But please care for yourself.” He kisses her gently and whispers in her ear, “Darling, you only did what you had to do. Do you think she would have left the children alone once she had disposed of you? They are still at risk, you must stay strong, my love.”

  “I know Luca. I just really want to see them.” Morna admits.

  At that moment, Kyle comes up and puts his arm around his mother, and starts to lead her into her hall. “Mother, please come. You need rest.” Then he stretches up and whispers in her ear, “Mom, please go wash the blood off, and dress before Aiden and Nora see you.”

  That gets Morna’s attention, just like her son knew that it would and she stands straight and walks into her hall. Kyle walks with her to her room. She turns and tilts his face so that she can see his eyes, “Son, I am so sorry for what you witnessed today. Can you forgive me?”

  “Nothing to forgive Mom. You were doing your duty, protecting your Guild and family, and your very own life. Go, get a bath, relax a few minutes and join the rest of us for supper.” Kyle urges his mom. Morna nods and hugs him, as she wonders if she has scarred him for life, but then she shakes her head no. He’s of good warrior stock, and one of the most sensible, level headed kids she has ever met, and she’s met a lot of them over the years as a teacher. Besides, he has Luca and his Grandfather now to guide him in the ways of a man.

  Morna kisses her son on the top of his head and says, “You need to get to know the Spell Weavers. It is past time for you to choose an ascension guide. You are indeed becoming a man.” Having said that, she turns and goes into her master suite. She heads straight for the bathroom and peels out of the robe Luca put on her early this morning. It feels like years ago. Morna feels utterly exhausted and empty inside.

  Ingrid feels her need for her and comes to the bathroom. Morna doesn’t even look up, but says, “Thank you Ingrid. Please burn that robe. And I am very, very thirsty. Can I get a Coke or something to drink? I will be out in a few minutes.”

  Morna then gets into the shower and turns the water on as hot as possible and starts trying to scrub the away the blood, the regrets and the shame over what her mother had done and forced her to do. When the water has become so cold that her teeth are chattering, she gets out and reaches for a towel. Luca wraps her in a bath sheet and holds her close. “You had no choice love.” Luca says quietly.

  “I know,” Morna nods. “But that doesn’t mean I am okay with it.”

  “I know darling.” Luca concedes, and kisses her gently on the forehead, and hands her the coke. “The children are in the sitting room. Ingrid will serve our dinner in the small family dining room in a few minutes.”

  “Thank you, please keep them occupied while I dress.” Morna requests softly. Luca nods and leaves her to it. She downs the Coke and dresses quickly before she goes to the vanity to brush her teeth. She is shocked when she sees herself in the mirror. She looks more serene than she ever recalls looking. She no longer feels weighed down by doubt and guilt. She feels free to care for her loved ones and her Guild. “I guess that curse has been a heavy burden I didn’t realize I carried all these years. Amazing!” She muses to herself.

  Once she is dressed she goes out into the family sitting room and joyously hugs and kisses each of her four children, then she leads them all into the dining room. Nora regales the family with tales of her afternoon with her grandpa’s, Valliant and Vali had gone to care for the younger children during the funeral pyre. All the adults are in stitches as she tells about them playing dollies with her. Morna smiles tight lipped when Nora tells about the mock sword fights they had.

  After Nora finishes eating she yawns hugely and Morna says, “Bedtime darling girl!” She scoops her daughter up quickly and carries her around to give all a kiss good night before carrying her off to her bedroom. Morna helps Nora into her nightgown and brushes her lovely strawberry blond hair for her, she tucks her daughter into bed and retells the story of “Harold and the Purple Crayon” from memory. Once Morna finishes the story, she kisses her daughter’s cheek preparing to leave her to sleep.

  “Pray with me Mom.” says Nora and Morna kneels by her bed, “Now I lay me down to sleep, I pray to God my soul to keep. Bless Mom, Daddy Luca, Kyle, Aiden, Aideen, Agnar, Uncle Damian, Auntie Breena, and especially my Grandpas.” Morna kisses her daughter goodnight and quietly leaves the room. She leans against the door to her daughter’s room, closes her eyes, and exhales slowly.

  “I guess long day, doesn’t even begin to cover it does it, Mo?” Morna hears from down the hall.

  Morna doesn’t open her eyes when she says, “No Agnar, it really doesn’t. How’s Aideen doing?”

  “She’s fine, I was concerned about you though. I am relieved to see that you truly understand that you had no choice.” Agnar says quietly.

  Morna just nods and holds her place by the door for a few more moments. Then she moves away from the door and meets Agnar’s eyes, “Is Aideen up to beginning her warrior training?”

  Agnar chuckles and says, “Yes, she is. But I know how you train new warriors, can you do that while you carry that babe?”

  “I have an idea how Luca can protect the child. I won’t train Aideen myself if Luca isn’t able to maintain the spell I have in mind to protect him. I guess Luca or my Father will have to do it if I can’t. I hope I can though, because it will forge a bond between us. Probably the strongest kind I really am able to forge with her.” Morna says quietly. “But before we can even think about getting ready to go after Kyera, we need to see what they can do about Aiden.” Morna says wearily.

  “Mo, why won’t you heal Aiden yourself?” Agnar asks quietly.

  Morna sighs and looks away, “I’m not the best healer for the job. Aideen, Luca, Brigid, or Breena are much better for this than me.”

  “Is that the only reason?” asks Agnar skeptically.

  Morna looks Agnar squarely in the eyes and replies, “I think you know the rest of it. You probably know better than anyone. You have fought alongside me in more battles, and had more head to head, knock down drag outs with me than anyone else. You know what I really am, down deep, they don‘t.” Indicating her family in the other room.

  “I know that you feel you are only a killer. But you are much, much more than that.” Agnar says softly.

  “Oh really? I killed my first person when I was 10 years old in my original incarnation. I was able to kill to two vampires at age 12, as a mortal. I not saying they weren’t justified, but that’s what I do. I’ve never been much at saving lives, but I can certainly take them. Look, I don’t want to get into this with you, or with anyone else for that matter. I am not going to spiral down into some dark depression or anything. I am a killer because that has been what has been required to protect people I care about. I will do whatever it takes to keep them safe. End of discussion.” Morna says calmly.

  “Good.” Says Agnar softly. He is pleased that Morna seems to accept what is and is looking toward the future. “Let’s go spend some time with the ones we love.”

  “I like the sound of that.” Morna hesitates a moment longer, then says, “Ag, I think I could get used to having you around. We have always been pretty straightforward with each other, and I really like you when you aren’t trying to screw everything with a s
plit tail.” Morna chuckles.

  “Well, the credit for that change goes to your daughter. She has completely changed what I want out of life. Give her a chance Mo, you and she have much more in common than you ever dreamed.” Agnar says confidently.

  “I would like to find out that is true,” says Morna as she walks back into the family room. Everyone has moved from the dining room back into the family room. Aiden and Aideen are seated comfortably on the couch, deeply engrossed in a tickle and giggle fest. Morna smiles happily at that scene. Luca and Kyle are in quiet conversation about ascension, ascension guides, and Weaver lore. Breena and Damian are quietly making wedding plans with Elias and Rinda.

  Morna goes over and sits by Luca, and Agnar takes a seat by Aideen on the sofa. Breena looks at Morna thoughtfully before she says, “What do you think of the idea of sharing a wedding day with me?”

  “Breena, your wedding day should be yours alone. For Luca and me, it’s just a renewal of our vows. But you two are just starting out and should be the sole focus of your own day.”

  Luca laughs and agrees, and then he says, “Love, our original anniversary is coming up soon. You want to have a ceremony to renew our vows then?”

  “I think that would be perfect. We could go to the glen, under our Oak Tree, if I am still welcome at Airendell,” Morna says looking at Elias meaningfully.

  Elias chuckles and says, “Morna, as far as I am concerned, you are our true leader and have been for hundreds of years. What happened today only reaffirms that, in my opinion. But I suppose we should put it to a vote of the Guild Elders. And we should do it soon.”

  Morna gently strokes her growing belly and says, “My first priorities are all of my children. But especially the baby, Aiden and Aideen; one needs protecting while he grows, one needs healing, and one needs training. But our little new addition puts a time limit on a lot of these things. I assume that I have less than a month to accomplish these goals before he puts in his appearance. And who knows what kind of shape I will be in as the pregnancy progresses. And I think many of our friends that have dropped their real lives to come help us need to be able to return to those lives soon. So I guess we should make some plans tonight, and get moving on them as soon as possible.” Morna looks up and smiles gratefully at Ingrid when she brings her another coke. She is absolutely parched this evening.


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