The First Spell Weaver of Airendell: Book Two of the Airendell Chronicles

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The First Spell Weaver of Airendell: Book Two of the Airendell Chronicles Page 45

by Audra Hart

  “When she told me about what Mars did to Bellona, she had that look on her face she gets when she feels compelled to right some wrong. I have been trying to think of what options she might consider. Almeda’s aura and life force came to mind,” Luca says mildly.

  “You two are well suited for each other. Okay, so Father are you satisfied that I did nothing harmful to Mother? Kylor asks.

  “I didn’t really think you would hurt her. I am just very, very protective of her. Which is pretty funny because she is one of the fiercest warriors that ever lived. But you know she is vulnerable too. She is my mate, my life. I truly live for her too!” Luca vows.

  “I know that Father, that is why I think we need to shift the focus of this conversation to Valgullveig and Mars. We must sway Mars from supporting Valgullveig. He loves meddling and causing misery. But he respects true strength, valiant and powerful warriors.”

  “Mother is all of those things, but she is woman. Therefore she will have to work hard to earn his respect. But I believe she can, I believe he can be swayed by Mother. You won’t be able to because he will believe the only reason you are powerful is because you are his grandson. When he learns I am your son, he will believe the same of me. Mother will most likely have to face him in combat. Can she do that and carry the baby safely? Will your spell keep my brother safe?” Kylor asks.

  Suddenly Luca cocks his head and says, “Why are they here?” And then he looks at Kylor, “We are about to have a visit from her doctors.” Kylor follows Luca to the door of the suite. Luca opens the door to admit three men. Two of them Kylor remembers from today. They are Spell Weavers, one is Morna’s right hand man. “Elias, Micah, and Mordir, hello. What brings you here tonight? Morna is sleeping soundly in Odin’s chamber.”

  Elias steps forward, gulps audibly, before saying; “Lucian, sir, please exercise some of your famous control. I am about to ask for something that may offend you greatly, but we are only asking for this to protect Morna. We are seeking samples for DNA testing…”

  “What the hell?” Yells Luca.

  “No, no Father. It is a wise move. I don’t blame them. Let’s protect Mother. Collect your sample Elias.” Kylor says agreeably. “Do you want blood or saliva?”

  “Both,” says Mordir. “And I will draw blood from three different sites. It is easy to fake one sample, but not three. No offense sir. When the tests come back showing you are indeed Morna’s son, I will come to you on my knees to beg forgiveness, if you require it. But for now, I will protect the Lady Morna. I have sworn to Odin to do so.” The group of men go to the sitting room and Mordir takes the samples. Micah takes them immediately. Mordir looks at Luca and says, “Micah and Reagan will have the results in about thirty minutes.”

  Mordir looks at Luca and further informs him of their precautions. “We have also taken samples from Lady Bellona. She happily complied.”

  “I would have appreciated the courtesy of advance notice before you accost my mother and demand samples from her.” Luca says stiffly.

  Elias looks at Luca and says, “I am sorry Luca. You know how much Micah and I love you two. We have to protect Morna and the Guild. So very much is at stake.”

  “Boy, I know what is at stake. But do you honestly think anyone could fool Morna into thinking they were her child if they were not?” Luca demands angrily.

  “Luca, that’s enough Darling!” Morna says softly from the doorway. “Elias is just doing his duty as my governor, and following his instincts to protect me, as is Micah. Mordir has sworn an oath to Odin, his king, to protect me. Do not be angry at them.” Morna walks over to her mate and strokes his cheek softly. He visibly softens under her touch. He nods, and takes her hand into his and kisses it tenderly.

  “I am sorry we woke you,” Offers Mordir. “You should be resting ma’am.”

  “Two hours in that chamber feels like 10 hours in bed. Besides, I am feeling thirsty.” Morna admits. “I will go take care of that, and let you gentlemen continue to rattle your sabers.”

  Luca laughs, “I am surprised you didn’t accuse me of engaging them in a pissing contest. She has done that before.” Luca tells his son. “Your mother does indeed have quite the sense of humor. Morna, sit down and rest, wait with your son. I will go get your blood. I am quite finished with my saber rattling.” Luca winks at his mate, and leaves before she can respond.

  Mordir walks over to where Morna is standing, “May I examine you, Lady Morna?”

  Morna chuckles, “Sure why not? I expect I will be poked and prodded aplenty before this child is born.”

  “Madam, this exam will involve neither poking nor prodding.” Mordir assures her.

  “Mordir, Mother is aware of that. She was being glib. She doesn’t like the attention and she is trying to make light of it. She means no offense.” Kylor says.

  Morna chuckles and walks over to her son, and whispers into his ear, “Son, just because you went exploring in my mind doesn’t mean you completely know me. I was aware you were there. I let you fix whatever you fixed. I don’t remember it. But I didn’t allow you access into half of what goes on in there.”

  Luca laughs happily as he approaches the kitchen. He is not really surprised by what he just heard his mate whisper to their son. In fact with her uncanny ability to be aware of everything when unconscious, he half expected that she was aware of what Kylor was doing.

  Kylor chuckles too. “I should have known that. Can you forgive me Mother?”

  “Of course I do Kylor. You were trying to help. Actually, apparently you did help.” Morna says feeling mildly confused. “But I confess to feeling slightly unsettled that I know you healed a memory, but I don’t know which one or ones.”

  Mordir looks at Kylor in shock. “You mind walked through your own mother’s mind?”

  “Yes, how do you know about mind walking?” Kylor asks.

  “I have studied with many who studied with Bellona. I was going to ask to be allowed to do that to you to make sure you are trustworthy. But if you have been in the Lady Morna’s mind, I am not sure I should go into your… I don’t want to invade Morna’s mind, even indirectly. Oh gee… I am speechless.” Mordir struggles for the right words.

  Morna laughs. “I never thought I would see Mordir speechless, or hear him say ‘Oh gee’. Son, we have flapped the unflappable. Forgive me Mordir, I am not making fun of you.”

  “I know that Madam.” says Mordir with a grin. “I do have a sense of humor, believe it or not. And I am confident that you would not make fun of someone. You might taunt an enemy, but you wouldn’t laugh at the expense of anyone else.”

  Morna looks at Kylor, “Well kiddo? What do you say?”

  “How could I refuse?” Kylor says casually. “I don’t have anything to hide. I want my family and our allies to be certain of that. We are facing deadly challenges. I applaud these men for taking these steps.”

  Mordir clears his throat. “I am not sure I can do this on someone who knows how to do it. How can I trust that what I am seeing has not been manipulated? I am not very practiced at it.”

  Elias says, “Get Breena in here. She can keep a reading on his emotions.”

  “The only way that would work is if I were to tell her what I am seeing, in order that she might tell me if his feelings syncs up with what I am seeing. That would be very invasive to Kylor. Two or more people would know the deepest recesses of his mind.” Mordir says. “I am not sure that it would be ethical.”

  Kylor looks at Morna. “Mother, I want you to know you can trust me. I am willing to do it.”

  “Kylor, I know you are my son. I don’t expect you to do this. As far as I am concerned, it simply isn‘t necessary.” Morna strokes his face lovingly.

  “Turnabout is fair play. I did it to you without asking. I really broke a cardinal rule by doing that, but I didn’t think that you would have allowed me to do it.” Kylor says.

  “I probably would not have done so. I had no way of knowing that I would be aware of what you were
able to see.” Morna admits.

  “Lady Morna, you were aware of him being there? Walking through your mind?” Mordir asks skeptically.

  Kylor chuckles. “She even kept me from entering much of her mind.”

  “I can’t believe that is even possible. Lady Morna when things calm down around here, you and I have to work on that project we discussed. I believe your reincarnations are partly responsible for your increasing powers. It is almost like your abilities have expanded with each incarnation.” Mordir says, getting excited about the possibilities of this proposed course of study.

  Luca returns with Micah in tow. “I don’t think you need to walk through my son’s mind. DNA tests show he is definitely Morna’s son. Unfortunately, I am physically unable to contribute a sample. If I even have DNA now, it has been completely altered. Morna’s however, is mostly intact. And Aiden‘s mitochondrial DNA matches Kylor‘s exactly.”

  “Father, I am still willing to allow it. In fact, now that the seeds of doubt has been planted, I believe we should proceed. I want everyone to be able to trust me.” Kylor says.

  Morna and Luca turn their heads in unison toward the room next door. They both take off in a split second. Kylor, Micah, and Elias follow quickly on their heels. They have entered Nora‘s room. Morna is holding the crying Nora on her lap. Luca is sitting next to them, gently rubbing the child‘s back. “Mother, what is wrong with Nora?”

  Breena comes up behind him. “Something has scared her. Probably a vision.”

  “Mom, a man who looks like Daddy tried to kill Kylor and Daddy. You helped them, but you get hurt. A bad man cuts off your thumb.” Nora says between sobs.

  “Does everyone walk away from it?” Morna asks.

  “Yes,” Nora sobs. “Mama I am scared.”

  “It is okay love. I bet Daddy healed my thumb didn’t he?” Morna asks softly.

  “He kissed it,” Nora hiccups.

  “Okay, see. It is going to be fine. Mom gets an owie and Daddy fixes it.” Morna cradles Nora and hums softly until she goes back to sleep. She tucks Nora into her bed and indicates everyone should exit the room.

  Morna looks at Luca, “I am considering dampening her visions. No child should ever have to see her parents battle for their lives.” Morna shifts her gaze to her son, “I assume that Luca resembles his Grandfather?”

  “Yes, you would be correct in that assumption Mother.” Kylor answers.

  Morna laughs, “Well at least we know that we will have to fight Mars.”

  “It could also mean we fight Quirinus, he is Mars’ son.” Kylor says quietly. “He looks almost identical to Father.”

  “I am going back to bed. I’ll fight whoever I have to; tomorrow. I will most likely hear everything you people discuss, but for now, I want to sleep.” Morna says this in frustration. She reenters their suite and picks up the cup of blood off the coffee table and strides into her bedroom. She comes back and says, “Stick around, Breena. I think these guys may need your help.” She literally spins around and strides into her bedroom again. Luca laughs when he hears the bathroom door slam.

  Luca looks at the others with a smile on his face. He shrugs and says, “All of our discussions are trying her patience. Plus, she doesn’t like going in to face Mars virtually blind.” Luca rubs his chin and says, “I will be right back.” And he disappears from the room.

  Breena chuckles, “In thirty minutes or more I bet. What do you guys need me for?”

  Mordir succinctly explains the process, and how she might be able to help. Breena looks at Kylor and demands, “You did that to Morna?”

  Kylor nods. “You know what I healed. You and Rinda could not take it away.”

  Breena nods. “She told you about that?”


  “I thought not. I am not sure how you knew, but…” said Breena. “Well, I am surprised she didn’t boot you out of her head and then kick your backside for you. You may be her son and a powerful grown man, but she will take you to the mat anytime she sees fit. I can promise you that. If your poor judgment or deliberate actions ever threaten anyone she loves, or the Guild, or any innocent, for that matter, she will make you answer for it.”

  “I know that. I suspected it before, but I know it for certain now.” Kylor says calmly. “I hope I never exercise poor judgment that harms anyone. I know I will never deliberately do anything to harm anyone who isn’t trying to harm me or my family or any innocent, as you put it.”

  Breena looks at Elias. “I don’t think you guys need to do this mind walking business. I am sure he is telling the truth.”

  “But he could be cursed,” offers Mordir.

  Elias chuckles and says, “Mordir, you might be reaching. But I will walk down the hall and get Agnar. He can check. Those Vanirs are regular little curse detectors.” He leaves the room. Micah remains watching Kylor thoughtfully.

  Kylor looks at Breena to say; “Auntie, I really don’t mind if they do this.”

  Breena gets up and hugs her nephew. “Some homecoming, huh, kiddo?”

  “It’s been a wonderful homecoming,” He says as he hugs his aunt in return.

  “Kylor, I was just a kid when Pretty Morna lost you, but I can still remember the utter grief that clouded her life for years. I believe she has yearned for you for centuries. She has always lived with the pain of your loss. I think it even shadowed her mortal existences. I pray that you are just what you seem, but you have to understand we really can’t take a chance. We have to know for certain. We have to protect Morna. She‘s our friend, my Godmother, and now our First Spell Weaver,” Micah says quietly.

  Breena looks at Micah in surprise. “Micah, I don’t think I have ever heard you say that many sentences at once unless you were discussing a medical diagnosis.”

  Micah laughs and says, “Well, I guess this means a lot to me. My godmother, my Guild leader, my friend and patient certainly means the world to me.”

  Kylor nods his understanding and turns his attention to the door. Elias has returned with Agnar. Agnar looks at Kylor with a perturbed look on his face, “You did a mind walk on your own mother without her permission? She is very private, she won’t like you knowing everything that goes on in her head.”

  Kylor laughs and says, “Believe me, I do not know exactly what goes on in Mother’s head. She has incredible awareness and control. She only granted me limited access. I have never seen such strength.”

  “Mo knew you were in there?” When Kylor nods, Agnar whistles low and then laughs. “I shouldn’t be surprised. She is one of the hardest headed, controlling, and strongest persons I have ever had to deal with.”

  “Have you known mother long?” Kylor asks.

  “Since she was thirteen and Valliant brought her up for some ceremony or another. I have fought many battles alongside her and some against her. We have had a rocky history. I have really been an ass to her at times. You mean you didn’t see that in there?” Agnar says thoughtfully.

  “No, I didn’t see anything negative about anyone in this group. I think that was deliberate.” Kylor says. “Look, I will not discuss anything that I saw in there. Mordir, if you want to do this, let’s get it done.”

  Agnar sighs and says, “Well, he’s not cursed, and he has been totally honest and open in all of his conversations with us so far tonight. I am not sure we need to do this, but I am willing to do it. I am actually more practiced at it than Mordir.” Agnar says quietly.

  Morna is suddenly standing beside Kylor. “Mother, I thought you would be asleep by now.” says Kylor.

  “Who can sleep with this little soap opera going on in here?” Morna snorts. She looks at Agnar, their eyes meet and lock. She looks hard at Agnar for several minutes and snorts in frustration. “Hells bells! Whatever. Let’s get this show on the road if Kylor is still game. I need sleep, and everyone who is going with me to meet up with Mars needs sleep, well except for Luca.” Morna chuckles and rubs her belly when the baby kicks. “Wow! That wasn’t just a flutter. That was a k

  Luca is instantly by her side with his hand on her belly. “I can feel it through the spell, but this more traditional method is more fun. Morna, he has been kicking all day, but the spell kept you from feeling it. I am sorry, but later when he is bigger and much stronger, the spell will protect you from him hurting you from the inside as well. He is going to be very strong, I can tell.”

  Kylor, who is still sitting, indicates her belly and says “Mother? May I?”

  “Of course Kylor.” Morna says softly. Kylor seems enthralled by what he is feeling and puts his face against Morna’s belly, he turns his ear to it and closes his eyes and smiles.

  After a few minutes Kylor finally pulls back and says, “Mother the prophesies are correct. He will indeed be strong. I suspect he will indeed be able to unite all the magical realms for the good of all mankind.”

  “Enough of this. I am going to bed. You people do whatever you feel you have to do.” Morna says with a yawn.

  Agnar stops Morna before she leaves the study and tells her telepathically, “I cannot as a Vanir healer repeat anything I learn in a mind walk. And I would never, ever tell Aideen anything I learned there. I promise, Mo.” Morna nods at Agnar and turns her attention back to the rest of the group.

  “Bed for me, however, those of you who are going with me tomorrow, had better be well rested, too. Elias, you and Micah need to get back to Airendell soon. Since I have been made First Weaver, I think the Guild will become a more direct target now.”

  “Yes Morna.” Elias says with a nod. “Sleep well, and Godspeed tomorrow. My prayers will be with you, since you won’t allow me to come along.”

  Morna walks over and kisses her favorite godson on the forehead. “Peace Elias. There will many opportunities for you to fight alongside me, I am afraid. But for tomorrow, I need you and your family watching out for our Guild.”


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