Age of Mystics (Saga of Mystics Book 1)

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Age of Mystics (Saga of Mystics Book 1) Page 28

by Chris Walters

  All of Eric Fine’s plans had been dashed, and those to whom he gave his leadership had rejected him in favor of chaos and death. He had decided to retreat to the built up town of Manitou Springs and wait the winter out. One of his men even said the old hot springs were active again for the first time in a century.

  He had lost Damiano, and Meyer it seemed. Meyer’s group had never returned and Eric felt confident that could only mean one thing. Colson had rebelled and slipped out of his grasp, and his home had burned to the ground. He found himself retreating, a position he never wanted to experience. He wasn’t ashamed, Eric had never quite felt that emotion. What he felt was a despair about his plans not working precisely as he had outlined them.

  As they approached the gates of Manitou, there were two guards on top of the barricade.

  “Who are you, and what is your purpose?” called down one of the guards.

  Eric just scowled up at the man, when another ran up next to him and said something.

  “Forgive me, Shogun.” The man stated, and the gates opened to allow them in.

  He hated that name now. He had already ordered the men he was with to stop calling him that, now he would have to train these men anew. Walking into an old brick building on the main street, he looked around for the man he had left in charge. The people who had occupied the town before them had set this spot as the headquarters, and Eric had just continued its use.

  “Where is Garner?” he asked, annoyed by the delay.

  The place was a shambles, Eric was disturbed by the lack of discipline it showed. The man came running down some stairs, disheveled, clearly he had been sleeping. The morale was low for the men he had passed and now he saw why. With the cat away, the mice just fucked off all day.

  “Gather your things and get out.” Eric said.

  The man looked at him inquisitively. “Where should I take up residence, Shogun? I live upstairs. By your leave, I will remove one of my subordinates, but it will take perhaps a day for two people to move everything.”

  Calmly, Eric responded, “You misunderstand. Get out of my city, you are unfit to serve in my force. You have five minutes and whatever you can carry. If you are not outside the city in five minutes, I will allow any man who wants to take your life. Now, do you think you have many friends here, Garner?”

  Garner’s face went suddenly pale and he ran back to the room he had occupied for the last few weeks. Summers walked into the building.

  “The discipline is gone; this place is a wreck.” Eric stated.

  Summers said nothing, it was a statement of the obvious.

  “Gather everyone in the street. And, Summers, I mean everyone.”

  The man walked out with the same stoic look on his face he always carried. He was probably one of the hardest men to read that Eric had ever engaged. Eric prepared to give the men new perspective. He walked out into the shining sun, made ever brighter by its reflection off the snow on the ground. He climbed up to the guard tower the man had just been standing on, watching Garner be let out into the street, and run away.

  Turning toward his assembled group of maybe three hundred men, he began, “The world is changed, more than we thought. Playing games as ‘Shogun’ no longer can be tolerated. If anything, I am a warring Marshall, intent on two things. Those things are your survival, and our way of life. Look around you, these are your brothers, there are none like them. We are all that matters. Everything else is trash, everyone else is beneath us. We will conquer again, we will take what we want, be it person or possession. We will do this because we are the best. Your loyalty is required; infidelity is to be dealt with as a high crime. You men are on the inside of the movement, everyone out there is an enemy, even if we treat them as friend to achieve a goal. We are all that matters, we have no equal. There will be no more civilians in our walls. When you have needs, go out into the world and take what you need. We are the last fighting men of earth, and I am your Marshall.”

  Eric finished his speech and felt the morale lift immediately. Appeal to men’s baser instincts and they will cling to you. These men would cling to him. As he passed, they adjusted what he asked to be called. They did not refer to his as Shogun, but instead as Lord Marshall. He guessed this was Summers’ doing, but it didn’t both him. This force would rule the area with fear and brutality. Eric would teach those who challenged him, or betrayed him, what were the consequences of those actions.


  Kate could not take the smile away. She had to face it, she loved the idea of a wedding. When they had returned to the Hillside and found out that Adam proposed to Erica, it just made her happy. She had been grinning from ear to ear ever since she found out. She had rushed to tell Natalee and the two of them had giggled like school girls. Now she went to tell Kyle, who was gathering his things for the move like everyone else.

  She turned up the hill and almost ran into her son in a moment of intimacy, an emotional bond with the young woman in front of him.

  Jessica looked lovingly into Kyle’s eyes, “I think you have to tell your family.”

  Kyle nodded, Kate thought he might have even had a tear in his eye. It was beautiful to see these two together.

  Jessica kissed Kyle on the cheek, “You know I love you.”

  Kyle looked sadly back at her, “I love you too, you are the best.”

  Kate felt suddenly uncomfortable to be intruding on this moment, but she was already there, so she pretended she had not just seen that moment. “Hey, you two, do I have some news for you.”

  They both turned and looked at her, but not until Jessica had given Kyle a knowing look, pushing him to say something. “What is that, Mom?”

  “Adam and Erica are getting married.”

  A wide grin crossed Kyle’s face and Jessica let out a little squeal. “That is fantastic!” She said. “They are such an awesome couple.”

  Kate looked at the two of them for a moment, but since neither was giving her any more info, she decided to get that conversation started herself. “I wasn’t trying to eavesdrop, but I just walked in on something about telling your family something?”

  Kate was pretty sure that she knew what it was by the nervousness on her son’s face. For some reason, he looked exactly like he had at fourteen at the moment, something in his eyes. He had always been a soulful kid. “Are you worried to tell me that Jess is pregnant?”

  Both of their heads popped up and Kyle let out a genuine laugh. “No, Mom, that is not the conversation we are going to have.”

  Jessica was beet-red with embarrassment, but said, “That would be a miracle.”

  Kyle stood up and walked over to his Mom and grabbed her by the shoulders, “Mom, I am gay.”

  Suddenly the pieces fell in place. Kyle had a long term girlfriend in High School, but she had been a total psycho. She and Cal had always assumed he didn’t date more because of the devastating effect of that relationship. Kyle went into a long explanation about how he didn’t know, he never really thought about it. It was due to his real love for Jessica, a platonic love, that he came to understand that he just wasn’t sexually attracted to women. He and Jessica had long talks about it while they were at the Academy.

  “Wait,” Kate interrupted, “Commandant Casco…”

  Kyle smiled. “Yeah, Britt and I have been together for a little while. He is a great guy.”

  “He is,” Kate stated factually, “I just thought there would be a problem with the military thing.”

  The incredulous look that Kyle gave her reminded her of what she was saying. There was no American Military any more, and even if there was, the prohibitions against gays and lesbians were not what they once were. Kate just stammered out, “right, sorry.”

  “But, Adam and Erica, huh?” Kyle said and gave his mom a hug.

  She pulled away from him and this time took him by the shoulders. “You are and always will be my baby boy.” She teared up a little, “I am proud of you.”

  Kyle hugged her so tight
ly she had a hard time breathing. Then Jessica hugged her, it was a nice moment, but Kate broke away suddenly and looked at them both. “Oh, I have to go tell my Mom.” Kyle’s face was filled with shock and concern. “Please, Kyle, I am not an idiot. I meant about Adam and Erica.”

  Kyle looked down, “You can tell her if you want. I guess it would be nice to have a buffer between me and her old-school Christian ideas.”

  “I wouldn’t worry about it too much, buddy. Grandma has room in her heart to accept this, but if you want, I will grease that wheel for you.” She ruffled his hair a bit with his hand, putting him at ease.

  Kyle just nodded, and Kate continued her walk up the road until she found her mom and the baby, Cooper Paolo, sitting near the pond. She told her first about Adam and Erica.

  “It is about time,” Beth said, “Those two are adorable together. Plus, that is a great way to break in the new home at the Bluffs, to have a wedding.”

  Kate strengthened her resolve to combat any judgment her mom was about to unleash about the next topic, “There is one more thing I need to tell you about. Kyle just came out to me.” Her mom just looked at her with a blank stare. “Mom, Kyle is gay.”

  Beth looked out over the expanse of Colorado Springs from her perch on the cliff, “Flowers will bloom in the spring.”

  Kate just shook her head, her mom said the weirdest things. She was not going to let her ignore her son’s identity. “Mom, what the hell are you talking about? Did you hear what I just said?”

  Her mom looked back at her suddenly, “Oh I am sorry, Kate. I thought we were telling each other things that were totally obvious. The love he has for Commandant Casco is so obvious.”

  Kate was completely taken aback by her mother’s rather matter-of-fact response. “You knew?”

  Beth let out a low chuckle, “Of course I knew. I probably knew before he did. I obviously knew before you did. I didn’t have the same expectations you did, so I just saw it earlier. I never understood why he was with that tramp for so long while he was in high school. All she did was play with his head.”

  They sat for a while in silence as Kate took in her mother’s grace and awareness in a whole new way. She didn’t know what to say, and a long period went by while they said nothing. Finally, Kate asked, “You don’t have a problem with this?”

  “Oh, honey,” Beth began, “We all have almost magical powers. I don’t think Kyle’s being gay is even something for me to think about.”

  After a moment, something occurred to Kate, “We all?”

  Beth smiled with a little pride, “I figured it out. I didn’t think I had a power and then this little baby taught me.” She looked into Cooper’s eyes and the baby cooed.

  “He did?”

  Beth nodded, grab that bowl down there by the pond and put some water in it. Kate did as asked and brought the water back. Beth put the baby in the car-seat carrier they used to carry him around when Beth wasn’t holding him, very near to where Kate had put the bowl of water. Beth walked over to where her daughter was standing a few feet away.

  “Look at the bowl.” Beth said.

  Kate looked over and the water inside the bowl was solid ice. Kate walked over and picked it up.

  “You have an ability with cold?” Kate asked.

  “Oh, no, that is Cooper’s ability, ice and cold. What would Cliff call that?”

  “Umm, cryokinetic I think.” Kate was pretty sure she was right.

  “Have you ever wondered why I find it so easy to find the doors you hide?” Kate nodded, “Well, I always wondered why everyone else was having a problem. I can see the doors others cannot. Your powers have no effect on me. As far as I can tell, no one’s powers have any effect on me.”


  They had been walking for a while up this long and winding road to their new home. Leaving the Hillside was tough, and his mom had filled in every door, as well as building up the walls to make it harder for someone else to sue until they found a purpose for it. But Kyle’s thoughts were on other things. Jessica had gone with many of the other women to chit chat about weddings with Erica on the walk. He didn’t know what it was, but women in general became so overwhelmed at the thought of a wedding. These were strong, vibrant, powerful women. But, they loved some romance so much. It was kind of funny.

  Cliff and Jenny were in an excitable state not far ahead of him, probably talking about some theory or item or such. His extended family, this group, was ever more fascinating to him. He loved them all so much, and his deep love for Britt was something he would not have been able to explain to others until recently. Britt had to be with his force, or he would be at his side right now. Everyone knew about them now, and to his great shock, no one seemed to judge them. Well, maybe Kim Pile, but she was adjusting. Even Pastor Rich didn’t have a problem with them.

  He heard someone trotting up behind him and turned to see his uncle sidle up next to him.

  “So, gay huh?” he said.

  “Yeah, sorry I didn’t tell you.”

  “Kyle, other than your dad, you are my favorite man in the whole world. You can tell me anything, or nothing, and it doesn’t change anything for me.”

  Kyle was grateful for his uncle’s acceptance, but another issue weighed heavy on his mind. “Uncle Ted, do you think my dad would be okay with me being gay?”

  “You know, Kyle, we never talked about it. But I knew your dad well. You knew him well too. Your dad didn’t judge people, not qualitatively. He didn’t consider one person better than another, and didn’t have any patience for those who did. Your dad would be pleased you found love, but he would not have particularly cared for whom that love was.”

  Kyle nodded, that was true. His dad was the man most full of grace for others of any man he had met.

  “Any idea what they are on about?” Ted asked about Jenny and Cliff who were really excitable at the moment. Kyle just shook his head no.

  Ted gave a head nod for Kyle to follow him and they jogged up in the line to where the two were talking. Kyle could see that they were both very happy about something, but not sure what.

  “Hey, you two!” Ted started, “You are causing quite a ruckus. What is going on?”

  “Ted, this is so cool!” Cliff replied, “I was just showing Jenny something I figured out while you guys were gone.”

  “It is amazing, Ted. Oh, hey Kyle.” Kyle smiled at Jenny in response.

  “Well, I have nothing but walking time. So, explain it to me.” Ted was a very giving person, but also naturally inquisitive, like Cal had been.

  “So, we couldn’t figure out why Jenny or I couldn’t read the history of the items in a clearer way, right?” Cliff asked.

  “I remember you saying that.”

  “Well it is because, without being imprinted, the items only keep broad emotions, you know, big emotional moments. So when we have read wedding rings, we see the engagement, the wedding, sometimes the divorce, but not the rest of the wearing of the ring. It is the big emotional moments that imprint on the items.”

  Ted seemed intrigued, “You said ‘without being imprinted’.”

  Cliff continued, “Right. But we can imprint them.”

  Ted shook his head, “Okay. I am missing something.”

  Jenny looked at him with huge smile, “We can record things, Ted. We can keep a history, or put information into some gems for the future.”

  Kyle watched the concept wash over Ted, as clarity hit him. He broke into a gleeful laugh. “If only I knew what day it was; I could mark this as one of the more important days since the Event.”

  Cliff just looked at him with some confusion, “It is December third.”

  Ted and Kyle were both startled by the answer, Kyle queried, “How could you possibly know that. I thought we all lost track of the days.”

  Cliff just shrugged, “It has been one hundred and twenty-seven days since the Event. The Event happened on July twenty-ninth. So, it is December third.”

  Ted grinn
ed, “Has anyone ever told you what a remarkable young man you are, Cliff Ko?”

  “Sometimes.” Cliff answered.

  “Well, not enough they haven’t,” Kyle offered.

  The walked on. It would not be long before they came to the bluffs and their new life. Now, they knew they could record their teachings, what they learned and who they were for posterity. This very well may be a turning point in the future of their community.


  Tents were set out across the high bluff, arranged on the blocks that the pre-built streets made up. The terrakinetics had only built the gate itself, and under the direction of both Kayla and Rich, the church. Kayla had taken a special interest in forming rocks near the hot springs, and everyone wanted their turn, so the council had to put restrictions on the use of those. Everyone was allowed one hour a week and they had to assign three people just to manage that.

  Emma and her people had erected wind-breaking rows of trees, and shrubs. Over time, they would add dividing shrubs between individual housing areas. Their biggest concern was food, of course, and once spring came, the plant empaths would need to work only on that for a while. There were questions, as some of the residents really wanted the empaths to grow cannabis for various reasons. The council would have to take that up at some point soon.

  Adam’s hospital was just tents now, but it was near the hot springs, which he would sometimes add to someone’s prescription just for kicks. Today was his day, though. They didn’t have nice clothes, but they did their best with what they had. Emma had made sure to grow beautiful flowers for the ceremony, and the first function inside the church was to be the wedding of Adam Cross and Erica Butterfield.

  Adam was pleased that Erica would have a voice on the Council, because he wanted no part of it, but understood the need for the healers’ input. He knew that most of his time would be spent in the next few months treating people with exposure related illness, and perhaps a resurgence of the flu. His group of healers was coming along well, which really took a lot of the pressure off of Adam.


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