Breeding Mom and Daughter

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Breeding Mom and Daughter Page 8

by Natalia Darque

  Reaching behind her again, she found his cock, magnificently erect and ready for her.

  Kevin reached up and slid her robe off her shoulders. He took it and tossed it into a nearby chair. He placed one hand in the center of her back, and looped the other around her waist. He pushed her back forward, causing her to bend at the waist. Charlotte put her hand out on the counter at the sink to brace herself.

  Wantonly, she reached between her legs and found his cock. She guided the tip of his member to her waiting pussy. Kevin took the hint and gently applied pressure. His cock parted her lips and slid part of the way into her. He began to slowly stroke his cock in and out, going deeper with each stroke.

  “Oh fuck, I missed that cock so much,” she whispered.

  Kevin began to rhythmically fuck her as she leaned against the counter. She felt her breasts swaying forward and back with each stroke of his big cock into her. She reveled in the sensation that he caused in her as he filled her and withdrew, filled her and withdrew, over and over again.

  “Yes! Yes! Yes!” she began to moan with each stroke of Kevin’s cock.

  Behind her, she heard Kevin grunting slightly with each stroke, exerting himself to drive hard into her with forceful strokes.

  With each hard stroke Kevin made into her, she began letting out short little cries. She remembered Crystal from the night before, and realized that her and her daughter had very much the same reaction to sex, especially given that the reaction was caused by the same man.

  “Oh yeah! Yes! Give me that cock!” she said, before going back giving out sharp cries with each stroke.

  “You’re gonna make me cum!” she said.

  “That’s it. Cum all over that cock,” he groaned.

  “Yes! Yes! Yes!” she cried out as her orgasm hit her. She felt wave after wave of pleasure crash over her and Kevin pounded her hard from behind. His cock was sliding in and out, as he withdrew until he nearly fell out of her, before slamming it hard and deep into her.

  She was hit with one orgasm after another so fast and rapid that she couldn’t tell where one started and another ended. She was basically having one stop multiple orgasm, a sensation that she had only experienced with Kevin.

  She came for so long that she started to grow dizzy and light-headed. But she continued cumming, not wanting this pleasure to ever stop. She felt her pussy convulsing with each wave, clamping down hard on his cock and then releasing after each convulsion.

  “I’m gonna cum,” he said as he relentlessly hammered her pussy.

  “Yes! Fill that pussy!” she screamed as she continued cumming.

  “Fuck!” Kevin cried out as his cock cut loose inside her pussy. She felt the familiar sensation of his semen firing into her, bathing her insides with his molten heat. Her orgasm intensified as stream after stream of hot, sticky cum filled her insides.

  He plunged his cock in one last time, and left it buried deep inside her. The tip of his cock was pressing hard against her cervix as his length and girth forced her insides to rearrange themselves to accommodate his size.

  “See, I told you I missed you,” he whispered in her ear.

  After a few seconds, she felt him withdraw his cock from her. It noisily plopped out of her when his flaccid cock fell and slapped against his leg. He staggered back a step or two, naked and with his cock glistening from their intermingled fluids. He plopped into a chair.

  “What’s for breakfast? I’m starved!” he said with a chuckle.

  “You’re the cook!” she exclaimed. “Why don’t you make us something?”

  “OK,” he said, getting up.

  Looking around, Kevin struggled to find anything.

  “You know, we really needed to take a break from fucking around here and go get some groceries.”

  “OK, we’ll go later if Crystal will give you a break,” Charlotte said, giggling.

  With a nearly bare cupboard, Kevin was able to find a few things.

  “Well, it looks like the best I can do is omelets. Will that be OK?” he asked.

  “Just a crappy omelet?” she asked in a fake huff.

  “Hey this ain’t Burger King, woman! You don’t get it your way. You get it my way, or you don’t get the damn thing!” he shot back her with a smile.

  “In that case, an omelet sounds wonderful,” she told him.

  A few minutes later, Kevin had prepared omelets for them both, still stark naked. They contained some ham and cheese, a diced tomato that was just about to go bad, and he had even thrown in some canned olives and mushrooms he found in the pantry. Simple but creative, it hit the spot.

  “You know I can really get used to having a guy around that cooks nearly as well as he fucks,” she said looking into his eyes after she finished.

  “Nearly as well?” he asked in a deadpan voice. He was clearly joking. “Are you complaining about my cooking?

  “Not at all. It was more of a compliment about your fucking actually,” she explained.

  “Well in that case, thanks,” he told her.

  “I saved enough stuff to make Crystal an omelette when she gets up,” he said. “I’m sure she’ll be hungry. I took her out to eat three times yesterday. That girl has the appetite of a field hand!” he said with a laugh.

  “Usually, she eats like a bird. Were you guys doing anything that caused her to work up such an appetite?” she asked innocently.

  “Oh, just a little of this, and a little of that,” he offered in a very faked lame explanation.

  “Oh, just of little of what I saw last night, right?” she asked with a grin.

  “Yeah, pretty much,” he said.

  “That would explain the appetite,” she said, giggling.

  Chapter Twenty-Four


  With Charlotte and Crystal, he quickly settled into a routine, albeit a very unorthodox one. Sometimes, he stayed in Charlotte’s room for the night. Sometimes he stayed in Crystal’s room for the night. There never seemed to be any rhyme or reason to where, but one of the girls would let him know where he was going that night. They seemed to work it out between them beforehand.

  One thing was certain. His old room didn’t get used anymore, other than for his computer.

  Another thing that was certain was that he was getting more pussy than a bicycle seat. And he wasn’t complaining either.

  Several weeks after he took Crystal to bed for the first time, he took Charlotte to another home football game to watch Crystal perform. It was the final home game of the season. Surprisingly, after Mark was benched as quarterback, the promising sophomore replacement led the team to a series of victories. It seemed the team had found the catalyst to win, and that was a new quarterback that could throw completions. Most of Mark’s completions were to players on the opposing time.

  At the urging of his father, who was a big-shot asshole in town, Mark had quit the football team in protest. It was a big story in town, but it didn’t turn out the way they wanted. Most of the talk in town was that Mark quitting was simply a case of good riddance. The wave of protest that was supposed to lead to Mark’s reinstatement simply never materialized.

  By the time of the final game of the season, the team was miraculously on the verge of making the playoffs for the first time in years. So caught up in the excitement the town felt for the team, Kevin and Charlotte arrived at the game early, before the opening kickoff, instead of ducking in at the half to watch Crystal and then leave.

  They entered the stadium with Charlotte hanging onto his arm. They made no secret of the fact that they were “an item.” But Kevin laughed inwardly at what the town would think if they knew the whole story.

  In the first half of the game, the home team did well against their opponents. The opposing team was a historical powerhouse team in the district, and as such were the odds-on favorites to win. However, the Mark’s replacement came off the bench and led a blistering passing attack that racked up nearly 200 yards of passing off
ense in the second quarter alone. The sophomore threw for two touchdowns and ran for another one to bring the team back to just a three point deficit at the half. As the half wound down, the opposing side of the stadium was in hushed silence.

  It was clear that if the home team kept up the momentum, the second half was going to be explosive.

  Mark and Charlotte watched as Crystal performed with the drill team for the halftime show. Mark admired her lithe body doing the dance routine, which he considered to be pretty provocative for a school in a town full of bible-thumping Baptists. She definitely had the body to pull off the dance moves. He felt himself stirring with excitement watching her.

  “Down Boy!” he thought to himself as his cock stirred in his pants.

  “I’m going to run down to the concession stand for something to eat,” he told Charlotte after Crystal marched off the field. “You want anything?”

  “No, I’m fine, thanks,” she said, smiling up at him. He leaned down and gave her a quick kiss. To hell with what anyone thought. She beamed.

  As he approached the concession stand, he came around the corner at the bottom of the stairs and ran straight into someone.

  Looking at the person he ran into, he realized it was Mark.

  “Excuse me,” Kevin said.

  “Why don’t you watch where you’re going, asshole!” Mark snarled.

  Kevin noticed a group of guys behind Mark. There were five of them, all sneering in delight as Mark dressed Kevin down in public. That probably explained Mark’s courage as risking another beating.

  “I said it ‘excuse me’ Mark. It was an accident,” Kevin said in a level voice.

  “Well, you need to watch where you’re going,” Mark said menacingly as his posse began to crowd around him.

  “Mark, I said ‘excuse me,” Kevin said in calm voice. “For what it’s worth, I’ll even say I’m sorry.”

  “But I hope you aren’t waiting on me to kiss your ass,” he added.

  “Why I oughtta!” Mark started to bluster.

  “Oughtta what, Mark?” Kevin said in a low voice. “Get your ass kicked again?

  Mark looked as if steam would begin shooting out of his ears any second. His face turned a livid red, fuming at having been humiliated in front of his posse.

  “Come on, Mark! There’s six of us. Let’s kick his ass!” One of his posse members said in Mark’s ear.

  Mark appeared to calm down somewhat, then took back control of his posse.

  “No, not here. Too many cops,” he told his posse. “We’re gonna kick his ass, but I don’t want to get interrupted.”

  Then turning back to Kevin he fixed him in his gaze and got right in his face.

  “Later!” he said.

  “Sounds good! See you then!” Kevin said cheerily. Then he brushed past Mark and went to the concession stand.

  After getting some food and a drink from the concession stand, he returned to where Charlotte was in the stands. He took his seat next to her, and began shoving a hot dog in his mouth. She took his drink and began sipping some of his drink.

  “I thought you didn’t want anything,” he said, laughing.

  “I lied,” she said.

  “I ran into Mark down by the concession stand,” he told her.

  “How was that?” she asked.

  “Not very pleasant. It started when I ran into him. Literally,” he told her with a chuckle.

  “Did he act like an ass about it?” she asked him quietly.

  “That would be putting it charitably. He had five other guys with him. They debated about whether to kick my ass now, and wait until later,” he told her.

  “I guess they decided to do it later?” she asked, laughing.

  “Yeah,” he answered.

  “If I had to guess, those pricks are going to get drunk or high after the game and work up the nerve to come over and try. We better stay on our toes tonight,” he reasoned.

  “Shit!” Charlotte said in disgust. “That’s just fucking great.”

  They sat in silence for a few minutes, until the game recommenced. In the second half, the home team, under Mark’s replacement came out on fire. On the first play from scrimmage after taking the kickoff, the sophomore connected down the right sideline with a wide receiver who sprinted with the ball into the end zone for a touchdown. The 83-yard pass completion was just the first play of a brilliant second half that gave the team an unexpected victory by a four touchdown margin.

  The stands erupted in jubilant celebration at the end of the game. The team hadn’t been to the playoffs in years, and the whole town was beyond excitement at the prospect.

  Chapter Twenty-Five


  Kevin and her mom came and got her after the game. The grave expressions on their faces betrayed the fact that they were worried about something.

  “Is something wrong?” she asked her mom.

  “Kevin had a run-in with Mark during the game,” her mom told her. “We’re afraid they might try something tonight.”

  “So it would be best if we get out of here, and you need to come home with us tonight,” Kevin said.

  “Honey, going out with your friends might not be a good idea. Not tonight,” her Mom said.

  “Well shit!” Crystal said. “I’m getting real tired of that asshole!”

  “We all are,” Kevin said.

  They left the stands and made their way to her mom’s car. She noticed that Kevin kept scanning the area vigilantly as he walked. They arrived at the car without incident and climbed in.

  “You really think Mark is going to try anything after the way you kicked his ass the last time?” Crystal asked Kevin.

  “Probably. He has five guys with him. That gave him a lot of courage it looked like,” Kevin answered.

  “He was drunk the last time. I suspect they’ll have a little liquid courage and then come over to the house to cause trouble,” he continued.

  “What are we going to do?” Crystal asked.

  “When he gets there, if he shows up, someone needs to immediately call the cops. I’ll take care of things until they arrive,” Kevin said reasonably.

  “Kevin, there’s six of them!” her mom said, raising her voice.

  Kevin looked at her mom and grinned.

  “I know,” he said evenly.

  “You can’t fight six guys by yourself!” her mom practically screamed at him.

  “Baby, I won’t unless I have to. Just make sure to call the cops and get them there as quick as you can. Everything’s going to be OK,” he told her.

  Crystal saw tears streaming down her mom’s face.

  Chapter Twenty-Six


  They went back to the house. Nobody really wanted to go to bed, surprisingly. They all three ended up just finding a movie on pay-per-view and watching it together. Kevin selected a comedy in an effort to lighten the mood. Despite the fact that the movie was hysterical, there was very little laughter.

  As he predicted, he heard a car pull up out front and the sound of car doors opening and closing. Crystal peeked out the window.

  “It’s him,” she said.

  Just as she turned away from the window, the silence in the room was broken by the sound of shattering glass. One of the assholes had thrown a brick through the window Crystal had just looked out of.

  “Yoohoo, can Kevin come out and play?” she heard a voice say loudly in a falsetto.

  “Yeah, Kevin! Come out here so we can kick your ass!” she heard another voice yell.

  “OK, girls. Call the cops,” Kevin said calmly. “I’ll be outside.”

  “Kevin, don’t go out there. Just wait in here for the cops,” Charlotte said.

  “Lock yourself in. I’ll be OK,” he told her in an even voice.

  “Crystal!” a Mark’s voice yelled from outside.

  Crystal said nothing.

  “When we get done taking turns kicking your friend’
s ass, me and friends are going to take turns with you!” he screamed at the house.

  “Do they have little two inch dicks like you, Mark?” she questioned him by screaming out the broken window.

  “Shutup, you bitch!” Mark screamed at the house.

  Kevin laughed as he went out the door, which he locked behind him.

  His karate instructor had always told him that when you made the decision that you had to fight, to go onto the offense and stay there. Never go defensive in a fight, or you will probably lose. That was exactly what he intended to do this time.

  Leaving the house, he saw Mark about halfway across the front lawn. As he approached Mark his posse spread out on both sides of him, forming a ragged line across the front yard.

  Well, I didn’t think you’d have the balls!” Mark sneered as he approached.

  Then he made his first mistake. He stepped forward, moving a step forward of the rest of his posse.

  Without saying a word, Kevin struck.

  Kevin snapped off a combination punch at Mark’s face. Mark started to duck and counterpunch as Kevin’s blows landed on both sides of his face. Dropping into a low fighting stance, Kevin kicked upward into Mark’s chest as he staggered from the blows to his face. The kick knocked Mark backwards and he fell into the grass behind his posse.

  One of Mark’s posse ran forward from the right side. He was a tall but lanky teenager with an acne pitted face and tousle of red hair. Kevin shifted into a high fighting stance with his fist upraised ready to strike.

  The teenager’s fists raised, and he closed the distance and shot a jab toward Kevin’s face. Kevin shifted slightly to the right as it to let the blow pass his face. Instead he reached with his hand and grabbed the incoming fist and enclosed in an iron hard grip.


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