Their Human Pets (Monrok Masters Book 1)

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Their Human Pets (Monrok Masters Book 1) Page 4

by Aubrey Cara

  “Fucking siren,” he says at my ear. He chuckles and cups my cunt, spearing me with his fingers, rubbing along my tight nerve band there. Now it’s my turn to groan. I try to close my thighs around his hand, but he only pries my thighs apart and continues his assault, all the while setting my ass ablaze with his cock.

  He locks a hand around my throat to hold me back against his chest as I come, my body writhing against him. The growl he delivers near my ear makes me come again as his cock swells, stretching my back rings until I scream.

  My master has succeeded. He has marked me in such a way that I will remember him always.


  Life as a king’s pet is often boring. To my knowledge not one of us has been allowed off this ship. Most of the lucky veran were raised planetside and have seen things. They regale us with adventurous tales about creatures like the Monrok warriors.

  The Monrok standing over me are just as tall as my master, but so much larger. My heart patters with excitement. They exude power. The one with tawny hair and speckles all over his skin rubs his thumb over my bottom lip and lifts my chin. I’m not sure if he’s inspecting me or wants me to look at him, but I let my gaze lift from the center of his broad chest to his face.

  He smiles down at me, and I swallow, unsure how to react. His expression seems open and genuine, but what makes males like the king happy isn’t always pleasant for pets.

  “Do you have a name, pet?”

  “Bek’a, sire.”

  The one with dark hair and pale skin barks out a laugh. “You are a sire, now,” he says, elbowing the tawny one in the ribs.

  My brows wrinkle in confusion. They do not appear to be servants like gearan. They seem much more powerful than that. Should I not show deference to the warriors?

  “I am Fyhn,” says the tawny one. “And this pest next to me is Ryat.”

  “Are you here to take me to my new master?” When the veran offered to foretell my fate, I declined, but now I wish I had taken them up on their offer.

  “We are your new masters,” says—Ryat. The tawny one, Fyhn, said this one’s name was Ryat.

  Fyhn looks displeased and shakes his head at his companion. “Mates. We are your mates. Not your masters.”

  “I do not you want to mate?” I turn around on my knees and present my sex and ass while folding my upper body onto the floor.

  Both men curse and grumble, and I can’t help but feel I’ve erred. I begin to tremble, wondering if they’ll punish me.

  Hands soothe my back and sit me up. I rest my palms on my thighs and cast my gaze at the floor. “I am sorry if I’ve displeased you...” My tongue is poised to say master, but the tawny Fyhn did not like that.

  “Oh, I am quite pleased,” Ryat says. I question his sincerity. He sounds like he’s teasing.

  “We do indeed plan on fucking you, pet, but we’re also going to take you as our mate.”

  “You are now our female,” Fyhn says, playing his fingers through my hair, the beads clicking together.

  “But I’m a pet.”

  Ryat grins at me. “And what a perfect pet you are.” He cups one breast and pulls at the purple jewel dangling from my pierced nipple. “But, you are also going to be our female. Our mate.”

  I cast my gaze down again, dread twisting my stomach. Powerful males only take females as permanent mates for breeding. Even a pet like me knows that. The veran schooled us in some ways of the universe. Maybe they were preparing us, since they already knew our fates.

  “I don’t know if I’m capable of breeding.”

  “Why do you say that?”

  “The king liked to use my breeding orifice. It always runs heavy with mating nectar.” Both men groan at my words, but I continue. “I may have been spayed, like the veran.”

  “We do not need you for breeding, but, to be sure, we can take you to medical bay and scan you.”

  “She may also have implants we’ll need to remove,” says Fyhn over my head.

  “Up you go,” Ryat says, helping me to my feet and patting my bottom. “We need to move quickly so we may properly mark you with our scent.”

  “Yes, master,” I say out of habit, and Ryat chuckles, rubbing his hard length through his pants.

  “I don’t care what you think,” he says to Fyhn. “I can get used to that. Besides, she does belong to us.”

  Fyhn gives him a shove and indicates I should lead the way. “Let’s be done with this. I am just as eager to get my cock in her as you are.”

  His unexpected words make my thighs squeeze together, but I hasten out the door and down the hall, embarrassed for the first time in a long while at how my thighs grow wet with arousal as I walk. I’ve gotten used to traversing these passageways as the king’s pet, secure in my place, but all that has all changed. Will they find my wet cunt distasteful? Will they beat me the way the king’s eldest son whipped Xanthia?

  My heart speeds with anxiety as we enter the medical bay, and I realize I do not know where anything is, outside of the nutrient shots. I’ve not much reason to come here. I’m a healthy pet. The Monrok seem to know exactly what they are looking for, though, because they go right to the medical scanner and pull it out.

  Ryat waves it over my front then back. It trills, and he holds the device to show me a diagram of my body with two spots on it and words I don’t understand because pets aren’t allowed to read. “Two implants,” he says to Fyhn. “A collaring and tracking chip at the base of her neck, and one in her uterus.”

  “You know what that means,” Fyhn says to Ryat, his eyes alight as if discovered something major. “If they put an anti-breeding device in her—”

  “Humans are a compatible species to the Zapex,” Ryat finishes with a wicked-looking grin. “How they must have hated that discovery.”

  I stare up at them, still not quite understanding what’s so exciting about this. Humans are still only pets, just as gearan are servants, and veran are concubines. But then Ryat turns to me and rubs my nose, and I get the warm tingles inside that make me grip my thighs together tight. He lifts me up and sets me on the exam platform and I hope he doesn’t notice how wet I am.

  “We’re going to remove your collaring chip and check the implant in your uterus, but not remove it,” Fyhn says.

  “We’re looking forward to rutting that pretty cunt of yours but aren’t ready to breed you just yet,” Ryat adds, smiling down at me. “Now turn over for us.”

  I hesitate. If I roll over, they’ll see the messy spot I made on the table from my arousal.

  “Bek’a, it’s okay. The removal of the collaring chip will only hurt for a second, and then it will be over,” Fyhn assures me, but I was only hesitating out of embarrassment. Now, real trepidation sets in. I didn’t realize it would hurt at all. My hand goes to the back of my neck. “Don’t you want it out?” he asks.

  I shake my head. “I’m a good girl. The king never had to engage it.”

  “There’s a tracking device in your collar that would allow the Zapex and possibly other beings to find you,” Ryat explains, his voice going stern. “It’s coming out. Now, turn over, or you’ll be in trouble.”

  I’ve never really been in trouble before. Averting my gaze, I turn over, exposing the wet spot I made.

  One of the Monrok whistles low. “You weren’t kidding about naturally lubricating,” Ryat says.

  My face heats. “I’m sorry, master.”

  A hand strikes my bottom, and I squeak, jumping. “None of that,” Fyhn says. “There is nothing to be sorry for.”

  I glance up at him from where I lie on my stomach. “You’re not displeased with me?”

  He strokes my cheek. “Not in the least.”

  That warm tingly sensations fills me once again, and I let them arrange me. The table is tilted up at my hips, my thighs spread and strapped open. A fastening goes over my arms and mid-back, locking my elbows at my sides. I whimper at the confinement.

  Ryat gathers my hair out of my face and off
my neck. “This is so you can’t squirm around too much.” He holds my face. “We need you to hold very still while we extract the chip from your spine. Do you understand?”

  “Yes, master.” I squeeze my eyes shut at the burning sensation at the base of my neck. I grit my teeth, swallowing the scream that wants to come out. It hurts. Tears stream from my eyes, and then something cool is smeared over the achy spot.

  “It is all done now,” Ryat says, wiping my tears. He releases my face, and I turn my head to look at Fyhn. He’s holding a healing salve.

  “That wasn’t so bad, was it?” he asks with a grin. I shake my head, even though it was awful. “Now we just have to check your uterine implant, and we’ll let you up.”

  “I kind of like the idea of taking her like this,” Ryat says, and I shiver, slickness dripping out of me. He chuckles from behind me. “You like that idea too, pet?” I hide my face as fingers circle my engorged clit. I try to close my thighs, but they’re bound open. I whimper in frustration.

  “Stop playing,” Fyhn says. “We need to check her implant.”

  Something cool slides into me and clicks open, stretching me uncomfortably. I make a sound of distress, and someone pats my flanks, running a soothing hand up and down my thigh. Fingers poke around deep inside me, and I try to moving away, even though I know I’m locked in place.

  “Almost done,” Fyhn says, distractedly. The cold object stretching me snaps closed, and slides from my cunt. I sigh in relief, but then slick fingers circle my back hole.

  “Have you ever been taken here?” Fyhn asks, and nerves flutter my tummy.

  “Only once.” And it hurt nearly as bad as getting my chip removed.

  “Then we’d better prepare you.” The fingers circling my anus push in and retreat. I clench my muscles, and a hand smacks down on my bottom. “You need to relax, or it will be painful.”

  I’m almost certain it will hurt either way, but I’m a good pet. I relax even though his broad fingers stretching me burn. He pumps his fingers in deep, sending a pulsing throb to my clit. I groan low in my throat at the sensation. He does this until I’m panting, a pool of arousal soaking my mound and belly.

  He pulls his fingers free, and the cool device he used on cunt slips into my rectum. I tighten and get a swat to my ass that shakes the instrument. Slicked with either my juices or something else, it slides in easily, and then they click it open, making me wince.

  “Please, no, master.” I can’t remember the last time I begged for anything.

  “I’m sorry, pet,” Fyhn says, and he actually sounds apologetic for my discomfort. “We’re both going to take you, and you have to be stretched so we don’t hurt you.”

  “You have a pretty pink little hole, pet,” Ryat says. “I can’t wait to get my cock into you.”

  I turn my face to hide my pout. His words do not make me feel better.

  Something presses against my cunt and I realize it’s one of their faces. I peer back to see Ryat standing with his arms crossed, watching the proceedings, and the tawny hair of Fyhn between my legs. The crude metallic instrument sticks out of my ass. But then a tongue circles my clit, making me jerk, and the heavy instrument wobbles. I roll my eyes closed while he tastes me. He sucks my bud into his mouth, and my channels contract, my anus meeting the resistance of the device.

  I try to close my legs. I try to squirm, but I’m held immobile for his onslaught. Just as I reach my peak, the device clicks open some more, and Fyhn pulls away, making me cry out. The device collapses, giving me a moment of relief as it’s pulled out.

  The strap on one of my legs is released, and Ryat says, “Wait. I want to taste her.”

  “You can taste her while my cock’s inside her,” Fyhn says, and my head spins.

  They’re going to mate me…together. I knew they would, but I still shiver in anticipation. My heart races as they release my straps and sit me up.

  Fyhn whips his shirt off over his head as Ryat steps out of his boots and takes down his pants. The Monrok are all hard-packed muscle that the cover of their clothing couldn’t quite hide from me. The flutter in my belly is now from nerves. They’re so much more virile than the king, and they’re both going to use me at the same time.

  Fyhn sits on the exam table next to me and lifts me onto his lap, with my back to his front. My legs fall to either side of his thighs. He arranges my legs so I’m in an open kneeling position and lifts me by the waist. His hot length prods my cunt, notching in before he lets my body slide down over him naturally.

  I try not to tense at the stretch of him, and wonder how he can possibly expect to fit in my ass. My hair is swept to the side, and Fyhn presses his lips to my neck. My eyes go half closed at the sensation, but nothing could make me look away from Ryat. He walks toward us, his dripping appendage in hand and a wicked gleam in his eyes.

  Fyhn opens his thighs spreading me wider, and Ryat steps into the space provided. He cups my cheek with one hand and palms my breast with the other, his thumb playing over my nipple. “Would you like for me to taste you, pet? With Fyhn’s cock deep inside you, stretching you open? Getting you ready for me.”

  A flush works up my chest and covers my cheeks at the picture he paints, my sex clenching on Fyhn’s length. I bite my lip and nod, and he pinches my nipple hard.

  “What do you say, pet?”

  “Yes, master.”

  He grins as Fyhn chuckles into my neck. He paints an X on my mound with the essence of his cock, and drops down between Fyhn’s and my thighs. Fyhn reaches out and runs his fingers through Ryat’s hair, pulling him into where my cunt is spread over his cock. With his other hand, he palms and kneads my breast, pulling and rolling my pierced nipple.

  A low moan pulls from my throat. Fyhn’s hands wander down to cup my ass. He lifts and lowers me while Ryat’s tongue paints over my clit in long laps. I look down and my heart stutters. He’s licking up Fyhn’s shaft to my sex. He sucks my bud into his mouth, his teeth grazing the sensitive nerve bundle and pulling the piercing over my hood in little yanks. My head falls back on Fyhn’s shoulder, my hips bucking.

  “I think our pet is ready for more,” Fyhn says, and Ryat smiles up at us. Fyhn lifts me to my knees, and Ryat takes Fyhn’s slick cock and positions it at my rectum. I try to squirm away, but he slaps one of my breasts and then the other, in hard, stinging smacks.

  “Settle, pet,” Fyhn commands. “We’re going to go slow, but there is no fighting this. Understood?”

  “Yes, sire,” I say, because I know he doesn’t like to be called master.

  Ryat winks at me, and it’s almost enough to distract me from the massive length forging its way into my tiny hole. It stings and burns worse than his fingers did. I try to sit up on my knees, but Fyhn keeps pressing me down. “That’s it, pet. Take all of my cock.”

  Fyhn pulls Ryat’s face back to my cunt, and I twine my fingers with his in Ryat’s hair, needing his mouth on me to take away the pain.

  I’m panting with effort when my ass meets Fyhn’s groin. Ryat works my swollen nubby with his tongue until the stinging burn of Fyhn filling my back passage pulses into a throbbing ache.

  “That’s a good girl,” Fyhn says at my ear, and I glow with his praise even as I brace myself for more to come.

  Ryat pulls back, and his finger circles my rectum where it’s stretched around Fyhn, making my insides flutter. “That’s a beautiful sight.” He eases that same finger and then another into my cunt and groans. “And that is a snug little tunnel.”

  Indeed, Fyhn’s cock in my ass makes my passage very narrow, and I feel the stretch of just his fingers. I look down at his length in concern.

  He notches his broad cock head just inside my cunt and slowly pushes forward. We all groan in tandem as he fights for space with the other cock already filling me.

  When his groin meets my cunt, he presses his mouth to Fyhn’s over my head. The two huge Monrok’s tongues dart out like they’re mating their mouths in the most erotic vision I’ve ever witnesse
d. And I’m sandwiched between them, stuffed full of both of them. My internal muscles clench tight with fresh arousal. I whimper as a mini orgasm pulses through me. The men draw apart, looking down at me, grinning.

  “You like that, little one?” Ryat asks.

  I nod, even though I know it’s not the proper response.

  “Would you like to try?” Before I can respond he leans down and rubs his lips against mine, teasing them open. His tongue swoops in, tasting me, and I boldly taste him back.

  They both start moving, rocking their cocks in and out. Electric current moves through my body, freezing the air in my lungs. When one fills me, the other retreats. Hands hold my hips, knead my breasts. Mouths work down my throat in nips and sucking bites.

  Their thrusts grow harder, their bodies frantically straining against mine. I scream from the sensation of it all, lost in the storm as they take my body to higher peaks than it’s ever been. The stretching inside me grows to near bursting, and I struggle in their hold, but they no longer move, locked inside me.

  Ryat punches in as deep as he can go as Fyhn pulls out until only the bulbous portion of his cock stretches me. Their hands and arms holding me are bruising as they grunt into my neck. Hips jerking, their warm essence jets into me in a savage cataclysm.

  Blood roars in my ears, and my body is shaking. Fyhn and Ryat recover quickly, petting me soothingly and telling me what a perfect little mate I am. I slump forward onto Ryat’s chest, and they both chuckle.

  With effort and maneuvering, they get us lying on our sides on the exam table, without ever leaving my body. I sling one leg over Ryat’s hip and drift to sleep. I think I will either enjoy being their mate or die from their use. But it would be a pleasurable death.


  The veran’s quarters are off the grand space where we first found the pets. Dag is balls deep inside his veran’s ass. My pet’s cheeks turn scarlet as she turns her face away from the sight. A chuckle rumbles my chest as I turn her around. “Go find the salve, and then you can show me the way to the medical bay,” I say at her ear. And pat her ass with a little shove.


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