Their Human Pets (Monrok Masters Book 1)

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Their Human Pets (Monrok Masters Book 1) Page 8

by Aubrey Cara

  “Wake up, pet.” I tap Xanthia on the cheek until her eyes flutter open. I do not want her waking in the cell, not knowing where she is, and panicking. She’d likely press herself against the shock wall and harm herself in her bid to get out.

  She peers around and. when she sees where I’m trying to set her, she trembles, clinging to me. Fuck. Next to us, Ren’s pet submissively climbs into her cell, and Ren reaches in to pet her and unhook the leash from the jeweled collar at her neck. Wanting one for mine, I wonder where he got it.

  The veran’s hair flicks in agitation. She looks down her nose at me, letting me know what the haughty alien thinks of such treatment before boldly climbing into a cell. Tal and Screvan’s pets don’t hold back their upset and stand to our left, openly crying and pleading. I give the young Monrok a stern look in rebuke. “Handle your pets, or they will be handled for you.”

  “Please, master. I’ll be good,” Xanthia whines.

  I scowl back over to the younger Monrok’s whimpering females. Their wailing is likely what’s distressing my pet.

  “This is the safest place for you, Xanthia.” I’m going soft. I do not need to reason with or reassure her. I shove her in, dropping her on the mat, and she gives a little cry of distress. “I am your master. Do you wish to defy me?”

  Her gaze instantly drops. “No, master.”

  She emits the pungent stench of fear and something in me is called to comfort her. I curse, cupping her cheek. “You are a good girl,” I say softly, embarrassment over how easily I caved prickling up my spine. “We must go search the wreckage in case Dag is still alive. And I need to know you’re not wandering the ship.”

  She slightly relaxes at my words. “What if something happens to you, master?” She peeks up at me through mauve colored lashes, her violet eyes especially luminous under the low lighting of the brig. I can scent her genuine concern. Though her reasons for trepidation are likely self-serving, the way she’s gazing up at me like I am the creator of her universe has an unexpected effect on me.

  I do not want to leave my pet.

  I want to drag her out of her cell and stuff her full of my cock again. And again.

  Instead, I reassure her, “There are Monrok staying behind on this vessel.” They’re off somewhere fucking their pet…or each other, but they’re here. “I’m going to engage a guard shield so you can’t get out. It’s invisible but electric so don’t mess with it.” I turn on the shield, and the first thing she does is reach out and touch it.

  “Ow.” She gives me a pout and sucks her finger into her mouth.

  I shake my head, crossing my arms over my chest. Any misgivings I have about caging her are evaporating. “I tried to tell you. That’s why you must always listen to your master.” Her actions show just how dangerous it would be for them to be left to their own devices. “We’ll be back.”

  She wears a crestfallen expression as she lies on her side. “Be safe, master. I’ll miss you,” she says so softly I’m not sure if she meant me to hear it at all.

  The words ping around my head as we make our way to the shuttle bay. We get to the entrance and I realize everyone has been silent, but I doubt their thoughts have been any more focused on the task at hand than mine.

  The entire area reeks of sex. Ryat and Fyhn’s essence, along with female nectar, but the threesome is nowhere in sight. Ren wrinkles his nose, muttering a curse. We all have to readjust our growing cocks.

  I never anticipated how distracting the females would be. The image and memory of Xanthia’s tempting form writhing under me, her little cries of pain and pleasure breaking from her, flit across my mind without provocation. We haven’t even boarded the scouts, and I’m eager to return to her.

  How weak and pathetic.

  Disgusted with myself, I shrug on my space resistant jacket and helmet, stomp over and board a scout, cyber linking and powering it up.

  My cybernetics even the adrenaline pumping through my system as we make our way out the shuttle bay doors and toward the wreckage. I still enjoy the initial rush brought on by launching the scout out into space. It doesn’t matter how many times I’ve done that, it never gets old.


  The cell is boring. When I’m bored, I usually pleasure myself until I’m tired enough to nap, but I’m not allowed to pleasure myself. I squirm. My cunt is so wet. Not being allowed to touch it makes me want to do it all the more.

  I lie on my back and look at white ceiling. Out past the angry invisible wall that bites my fingers when I try to touch it, is another blank white wall. The Monrok ship doesn’t smell pretty. Nor is it nearly as comfortable as our vessel. Our vessel that’s gone.

  My eyes sting, and I try to blink back the tears.

  I hear moans from the cell behind me, and I pout. Yana and Trina are playing with their cunts. I know it. I wonder if they’ve been put in the same cell or separated. There isn’t much room in here. Barely enough to stretch out, turn over, and sit up fully. It would be a tight squeeze if they’re in together. I want someone in here with me, though. I’m lonely.

  My master has been gone forever, and ever, and ever, and ever. I wonder when he’ll be back. My hand steals between my legs and circle my swollen nerve bundle. Maybe he won’t know if I just play a little. Just to make myself tired. I stroke between my legs, and it makes loud squelching sounds as I stroke faster. I’m nervous he’ll come back and I’ll be in trouble. It makes it hard to peak. I imagine it’s master’s big scarred fingers instead of mine, and I come, shuddering, with a choked-off cry.

  “Xanthia,” Vera admonishes, her disembodied voice seeming extra loud in my confined space. “Your master is going to punish you for making yourself come.”

  How does she know? I stick my tongue out at the wall her voice comes from, and fold my arms over my chest. “He won’t know if he’s not told.”

  “The Monrok have a very keen sense of smell.”

  I look at my wet fingers, my heat at the implication of her words.

  A loud boom rocks the ship, and I sit up, moving to the other side of my cage to try to see down the passage way. The padded cells we’re in are across from a blank white wall. There’s a portal door at the other end, but it’s closed.

  “What’s happening?” Trina cries.

  There are whimpers and cries from all of us, but it concerns me that Vera does not issue any soothing words. Her cell has gotten particularly quiet.

  Yana and Trina whisper back and forth, horrible scenarios about this ship being blown to bits and us being vacuumed into space. All the while blasts and loud banging noises can be heard. I want to scream for them to shut up. I press my hands over my ears and begin to hum. My pulse is racing as I watch the door.

  When the panel swishes open, I cover my mouth to muffle my scream. A creature unlike anything I’ve seen before steps through. Its black-and-gray segmented body is covered in ridges and spikes. It’s tall with a long protruding head. It opens its mouth and makes a screeching sound, displaying rows of serrated teeth in blackened gums.

  What planet’s underbelly did this thing crawl out from? These must be the Ko’sar the veran would tell us scary stories about. Ko’sars are powerful beings that can suck our brains. A long gray tongue slides out of its mouth, flicking around in the air as if tasting it. It bends down, making snorting sounds as it inspects each cell.

  No one screams. Not even Yana or Trina. It’s as if we’re all in accord to be as silent as possible. Trembling and trying not to make a sound, I shift to the back wall of my cell, drawing my legs up in front of me.

  The hideous creature stops in front of my cell and tries to reach in but gets zapped by the mean electric shield. It makes that awful screeching sound again and thrusts its long, corded arm into my cell. I can’t help the scream that tears out of my throat.

  It wraps a giant three spindled fingered hand around my ankle and yanks. I scream again, this time from the pain of being torn through the electric shield. I land hard on the floor, my hair sizzli
ng. I try to scramble back, but it easily grabs my ankle again and pulls me toward it.

  The other girls’ weeping is drowned out by the white noise filling my head. The beast’s rough spindle fingers scrape over my skin. It lifts me by my ankle so I dangle upside down, and it inspects my cunt and ass, sticking its scratchy fingers inside me. Tears of fear and pain scorch my cheeks.

  The mammoth creature drops me to the ground and brackets my skull with its hands. Agony like I’ve never known splits my head in two. I scream and scream until all goes black.


  Xanthia writhes on floor. All the fragmented pieces of my being, chipped away from having everything taken from me, boil to the surface like jagged edged knives. A rage unlike any I’ve ever know builds in my chest. My hair stands on end, crackling against the electric shield over my cell. As if outside myself, I watch the electricity spark and crack. I push it out in a funnel, and then a beam. I climb out of the cell, arms out straight, channeling the current at the creature standing over one of my babies.

  I did not love the king. He was too selfish a being to evoke such an emotion, but he gave me a family. He gave me my sisters, and he gave me the pets. And then he took half of them away. I risked all for these girls. I will not see them die, too.

  The current hits the beast in his thick-plated chest of ridges and spikes. The Ko’sar stumbles back, but then he takes a menacing step toward me. I channel the electricity from every cell shield in the wall until it tears over my flesh like a million needles. Pain sears my skin and drowns out all sound. Feet planted wide, I aim at the creature’s throat and belly, determined to see it die.

  Even if it means my own death.


  “Dag did quite a job of blowing this thing up,” Tal says through our interlinked com, the arms of his scout outstretched to move debris.

  Though we know where the pod signal came from, getting down to the site is proving difficult. I slice through what used to be the floor of the shuttle bay on King Thaain’s vessel with my craft’s high frequency laser and guide the arms of the scout in pulling back the metal.

  “Do you see that?” I ask. A blue blinking light flickers through a crevasse. “Help me with this.”

  The piping the pod is stuck in is extra thick. It takes all four of us, two on each side, to work it open. Inside my little shuttle, I can hearing the creaking groan of the ship being pried apart.

  An escape pod on the king’s ship should be capable of transmitting messages, yet nothing comes through. Either the pod has lost power, which means Dag’s oxygen supply is limited if he has any at all, or he’s not in there. With a traction beam, Ren lifts the pod out of the ejection shoot it was stuck in.

  My scout is hit from the side. I swivel the shuttle around and come face to face with a Ko’sar, or what is left of one. It ashy gray from exposure and likely about to die. It gives a screeching cry, throwing its oblong head back, and I blast it in the face and body, blowing its head and guts out. The alien shatters. A healthy Ko’sar in a proper atmosphere would be much harder to kill.

  Screvan’s voice comes over the link. “Ka du, when did they start to be able to survive out in space for that long?” I was just thinking that myself.

  We make our way back out the maze of blasted holes to open space. The king’s luxurious pleasure cruiser is now a mess of torn debris and wreckage. I wish we’d taken more comfort items for the pets. Having them onboard the guard ship has made me realize how sparse our offerings are.

  It takes Ren longer to navigate his way out of the vessel with the pod in tow. Just in case there are any more lingering Ko’sar in spacecrafts looking to attack, we fly a rotation around the gaping hole in the side of the vessel waiting for Ren. It takes him longer to navigate his way out of the ship with the pod in tow. A prickling of unease creeps up my spine. On alert I check, and recheck my sensors. Even after Ren finally gets the pod through the portal, the sensation stays with me.

  A grainy transmission comes through from the guard ship, and I link to my server and ask for a repeat. My craft’s communication system is fully functioning. Any transmission should be coming through clear.

  “Attacked...get back…been boarded…trying to kill…”

  I shuttle through the divide back to our ship, calling out orders through our com for everyone to do the same. Halfway there, I see the subdoors of the shuttle bay have been blasted. I curse. We should have had Fyhn or Ryat put up the shield. We became careless, assuming the Ko’sars were dead. We were just asking to be attacked.

  I zip through the magnetic gravity shield that activated when the subdoors were breached, and into the landing bay. I jump out of the scout the second it docks, then run past the wreckage of a Ko’sar shuttle into the passageway.

  Fyhn darts by me covered in blood and gore. I’m fast on his heels. A screaming siren vibrates down the halls. Sparks of light flash and crackle like lightning as we round the corner to the brig where the pets are.

  The light is so bright, my cybernetics have to work quickly for my eyes to adjust. At first, all I see is the black spiked spine expanse of a Ko’sar’s back, its taloned arms outstretched. Beyond him, my Xanthia lies sprawled on the floor, not moving. Over her stands the veran.

  Light and fire spark from her hands like rays of a star and I realize she’s channeling the fucking electric currents. The long strands of her hair have gone white. They swirl and straighten out from her head in crackling waves and snaps.

  With a roar, I come at the Ko’sar, fist coming down on the side of its skull. Its jagged scales tear the skin from my knuckles. My cybernetics instantly shut down my pain receptors. The Ko’sar have few weak points. Under its jaw is one. I set my internal beam on high and I blast it again and again, taking it to the ground. It thrashes and fights me. Every swipe of its arm rips flesh from me.

  Fyhn jumps on it to hold it down. He aims his own blaster under its right breast plate, blowing a hole in it. The creature shudders and twitches as death takes it. Purple and brown gore ooze from its wounds. Fyhn and I are both covered in blood and sinew. Our own and the Ko’sar’s.

  Too late, Tal and Screvan run in, skidding to a halt.

  “Are there any more?” I ask Fyhn.

  He shakes his head. “I don’t know.”

  “Go, search the ship,” I yell at Screvan and Tal. “Screvan,” I call, and he turns back. “Clear the ship to jump.”

  “Where to?”

  “Pacbar.” We won’t be followed to our capital planet. “And we’ll need to get rid of the Ko’sar shuttle.” The interior of the alien craft is a living organism linked to the hive. It must be terminated so it cannot send intel back to its master.

  Screvan disappears out the door, and I stand, slashing a hand through my hair. My cybernetics work to distribute the influx of adrenaline pumping through my system, and to even my heart rate. The pets peek out of cells, their hollow-eyed terrorized expressions telling their own stories.

  The veran and my pet lie crumpled on the ground. Smoke curls off the veran. I reach down and test the pulse on the neck of Xanthia before doing the same to the veran, unsure of where the actual cardiovascular functioning of the Zapaxian female is.

  Both of their pulses are weak, especially the oracle’s.

  “Take the veran to medical and see if you can revive her,” I say to Fyhn, who scoops the female off the floor.

  I palpitate my female’s neck to see if it’s broken before lifting her into my arms. Her skin is pallid and dark circles are smudged like bruises under her eyes. Angry red scrapes mar her fragile arms and ankles. Some places I see dried blood. My cybernetics have to work to dissipate the fury threatening to consume me. I could kill a thousand Ko’sars. I would rip them limb from limb, until my dying breath.

  Her head and arms flop as I walk down the passageway. Lights flicker and the scent of burning flesh follows me as I go.

  When I get to medical, Ren already has Dag strapped to a hover pad, checking his vitals. Fyhn is like
wise with the veran. Ryat stands alongside him. I set my pet down on a third hover pad and turn to shove Ryat’s shoulder. “Where were you?”

  Ryat’s face turns thunderous. “Defending our ship. Where were you?”

  Fyhn and Ren abandon their tasks and come to box me in. I push Fyhn back. “Why didn’t you put the shields up after we departed? Why wasn’t the ship protected or prepared for an attack?”

  Ren pulls me back, getting in my face. “They didn’t know there was a threat. We all fucked up.”

  “They were too busy fucking to notice,” I snarl.

  Ren’s brow pulls down, as the other two scowl at me their fists clenching and unclenching. “You’re being a fucking hadhr,” Ren growls. “Clear your head and tend to your pet.”

  I tear my bloody fingers through my hair, looking down at my helpless pet. I don’t know how to fix her. All rationality has left me. Yelling my frustration and fury, I turn and punch the solid wall, denting the nearly indestructible material. I should have been here. I should have told them to put up the shield. I should have protected her better.

  Bitter rage eats at me and churns in my guts, spreading through my limbs. My cybernetics have to clear it again and again, but it swamps my system until I choke with it. The others ignore me, returning to their tasks. Ryat turns to Xanthia with a scanner in hand, and I snap. “Don’t fucking touch her.”

  “Then examine her yourself.” He shoves the scanner in my hands and stomps out of the room.

  It’s only after I scan Xanthia, finding only minor contusions, that I notice Fyhn and Ryat’s pet in the corner, her knees drawn up to her chest. Her violet eyes look large in her too-pale face as she watches me.

  I blow out a breath. Having females on board with us is going to be an adjustment.

  Now that my rationality is returning, my stomach drops and my skin prickles uncomfortably with a sensation I’m not familiar with. I tamp it down. My thoughts and behavior since I got my cock milked by the cunt of a female have been out of character, and unacceptable.


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