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Dravincia Page 40

by Blake Severson

  Name: Arthur

  Level: 10

  Age: 26

  Race: Human

  HP: 150/150

  MP: 400/400

  Stamina: 150/150

  Strength: 8

  Agility: 12

  Intellect: 17

  Wisdom: 8

  Endurance: 8

  Charisma: 5

  Luck: 5

  Experience: 40/6000 (5 stat points available)

  Skills (25% boost to any skill for level up)

  Combat Skills:

  Archery: 5 (1365/1900)

  - Aim Shot: 2 (275/750)

  Block: 1 (180/500)

  Dual Wield: 1 (175/500)

  Identify: 1 (75/500)

  Parry: 1 (100/500)

  Scan: 2 (50/750)

  Small Blades: 2 (575/750)

  Stealth: 1 (370/500)

  - Detect Hidden: 1 (50/500)

  Swords: 2 (285/750)

  Unarmed: 1 (275/500)


  Earth Magic: 13 (535/8500)

  - Earthen Wall (2)

  - Excavate (1)

  - Flatten Earth (1)

  - Magical Prospecting (2)

  - Raise Stone Wall (1)

  - Stone Building Wall (1)

  - Transform Earth: Stone (1)

  - Transform Stone: Gravel (1)

  Fire Magic: 11 (5305/7200)

  - Arcane Forging (2)

  - Basic Firebolt (1)

  - Weak Flame (1)


  Barter: 3 (100/1000)

  Blacksmithing: 8 (410/3800)

  - Alternate Heating: 1 (160/500)

  - Arcane Smithing: 4 (1330/1400)

  Cooking: 2 (400/750)

  Enchanting: 4 (1340/1400)

  Farming: 5 (0/1900)

  Firemaking: 2 (700/750)

  Herbalism: 5 (660/1900)

  Leatherworking: 3 (750/1000)

  Mining: 4 (700/1400)

  - Magical Mining 4 (700/1400)

  Skinning: 3 (800/1000)

  Woodworking: 1 (40/500)

  Arthur decided if he was going to have to start melee fighting, he was going to drop 3 points into Endurance for some extra health and Stamina. Since his luck stat was so low, he pushed it up to 7 with the final 2 points. This made him feel a little better about his balance as far as stats go. Agility could be the primary focus for his next level. He figured he could try to balance one level for melee stats and then one for casting and go back and forth like that, but it would be situational at best. Those priorities could always shift as time went by.

  The two talent points in Earth Magic went into Advanced Stonework again, giving himself another eight feet of wall per cast, not counting bonuses. He then decided he needed to summon his new companion.

  “Allendria, want to come to watch?” He asked.

  “That depends on what your foolish ass decides to try.” She said with a smile.

  “I am going to summon a companion. I had a hidden fire talent to summon one, and I used the point for it.” He said excitedly.

  She jumped up from where she was sitting and came to him.

  “This should be fun,” she said with a giggle.

  Arthur threw out his arms and activated his spell. The power of fire building in the center of his chest was palpable, and before he knew it, a small portal of fire appeared directly in front of his chest in between his hands. The portal expanded ever so slightly, and then a ball of red flew out of it in a rush. The portal snapped shut, and the magic around them dissipated.

  Arthur looked toward the ball of red that had flown out and saw it appear to uncurl. There was a small red dragon that was only about three feet long with tiny wings that stared at him. The scales on the dragon were odd, though. Every scale on it started off a deep red color, and gradually faded to almost deep orange. The elongated snout was filled with small teeth that looked dangerous. The two fangs on top and bottom that would be considered canines on other animals were half again as long as the rest of the teeth. The dragon also had eyes that looked like swirling molten magma.

  Greetings Arthur.

  “Who said that,” Arthur asked as he looked around.

  I said that you fool.

  The masculine voice caused Arthur to shift his focus to the dragon. It was able to communicate with him.

  Hello, then, Arthur thought back at the creature.

  Good, you are not a complete simpleton, I was worried about that, the little dragon huffed.

  What is your name, young one? Arthur asked it.

  I am known as Balair and don’t address me as, young one. I am almost 300 years old.

  How can you be 300 years old and still be so tiny? Arthur thought, amusedly.

  What the hell did you call me meat sack? I will burn you alive! I am mighty in stature in every aspect, the dragon said with a devilish look in his eyes.

  My apologies Balair, but your stature doesn’t seem to match your esteemed age is what I meant to say.

  The little dragon gave him a condescending look. You are an idiot, after all. How do you know nothing about dragons? You mustn’t even know you… the dragon stared at him for a moment and then shook his head. I hope you figure it out before a grim fate meets you.

  Anyway, what’s to eat around here?

  Arthur smiled at the little guy. Guess food was a universal language. We have some food at the inn. How about we go check it out?

  Arthur turned to head toward the inn, and Allendria gave him a questioning glance.

  “Sorry Allendria, are you ready to return to the inn for the evening. The crimson dragon here is hungry.” Arthur said with a chuckle.

  “So you can speak to him?” She asked.

  “Of course, he is my familiar.” He said carefully.

  “I understand that, but most people cannot communicate with words with a familiar. They can get a general idea of what they want or need but can’t speak to them until they are higher level with additional skills. I have only heard of a handful of dragons being able to be used as familiars, and they are supposed to be the most difficult to get to that point.” She said as she narrowed her eyes.

  “Where are you from again?” She asked him.

  “Nowhere close to here, I can promise you that.

  “We shall see,” she said cryptically as they walked back to the inn.

  While on their way back, they took their time so Arthur would be back at full mana by the time they reached the central part of the village. Balair leisurely wandered all over the place, investigating everything like a cat. When they made it to the original piece of cobblestone road he had made the day before he used his full mana pool to stretch the street out by casting the spell nine more times

  Why are you doing this, Arthur? Balair asked him.

  I am working to improve this city as my Goddess Lianna commands.

  I guess I can see the benefits of improving your lair. Carry on.

  Arthur gave the little creature a sidelong glance and decided to ignore the strange thing. They made their way back to the inn, and as soon as they entered, Arthur heard a few cries of alarm. He swept his gaze around him, quickly looking for a threat but saw nothing. He glanced at the panicked faces and saw they were staring at Balair, a few were even pointing at him.

  “Do not worry, fellow villagers. He is my familiar and will not harm any of you.” Arthur told them.

  I probably won’t harm any of them, but I’ll be damned if that girl in the back corner doesn’t look like she wants some of my pure sexiness. He heard Balair say.

  What is wrong with you? You are odd for a dragon. Arthur replied

  Really, how many dragons have you known? Balair said with a toothy smile.

  You know what, that’s irrelevant. Arthur said in a huff as he walked to an empty table and sat down. He could admit it was comical watching the little dragon try and climb its way onto the chair, and once it finally got itself on top, it was a never-ending balancing act for it to try and sit there with its tail
and wings giving it balance problems.

  Daniel came out and paused for a moment. He then shook his head and made his way to Arthur. Arthur wasn’t sure anything could truly surprise the man anymore.

  “What fresh new hell is this, Arthur?” he asked.

  “Evening Daniel, meet my new familiar Balair. Balair, this is the village innkeeper and our gracious cook Daniel.” Arthur explained.

  Daniel bowed his head just a touch to the dragon, and to his surprise, the dragon dipped his head just a bit as well.

  “Can we get some food? We are all rather starving.” Arthur asked.

  “Of course, does the dragonling need anything special?” Daniel asked.

  I like him, I can eat whatever you are eating.

  “Nope, just bring him a helping of the same dinner as well.”

  “I’ll be right out with it.”

  Daniel took off back to the kitchen.

  “Son of a bitch!” Arthur exclaimed.

  “What is it, Arthur?” Allendria asked in a panic as her eyes looked all over the inn.

  “Oh, sorry, didn’t mean to startle you. I just realized my dumb ass worked all day and forgot to get the experience buff from the bathhouse first. Oh well, I’ll go by before I go to bed. I like evening baths anyway. I don’t like going to be dirty…unless for the right reasons.” He said with a wink her way.

  To her credit, she didn’t blush nearly as deeply as she had in the past. It looked like she was starting to get used to his quips. Daniel returned with three heaping bowls of stew and laid them down for each. Balair eyed him for about half a second before he started noisily scarfing it down.

  Little dragon, will you stop all that damn messy noise? There is no excuse for that kind of behavior.

  Call me little, one more time, and see if I don’t light your pants on fire. Balair thought to him as he had his snout in the bowl, and his eyes stared at him over the rim in a reserved fury.

  Arthur averted his face and decided to drop it and start eating. He did notice that Balair had slowed down his eating a bit and wasn’t making quite as big of a mess. Arthur was a little over halfway done when Allendria scooted close to him.

  “You want to get wet with me?” she asked him in a sultry voice.

  Arthur snorted and choked as stew went up to his nose, and his eyes started to burn. He had a mini coughing fit, and during the event, he noticed that Balair seemed to be chuckling at him. Was it even possible for a dragon to chuckle?. He was finally able to get over his coughing fit and turned to look at Allendria. She had a look of pure mirth on her face and looked like she was about to explode in raucous laughter.

  “That was a cruel joke,” He said to her softly.

  “Who said it was a joke?” she asked him.

  Arthur sprang to his feet, grabbed her hand, and dashed off out the door, straight toward the bathhouse. To hell with the remaining food. He could eat another day. He was not about to pass up this opportunity.

  They made it to the bathhouse, and he saw pure awe in her face as they entered the large archway. There were only a couple of people present in the bathhouse, and they looked to be in a state of pure bliss. Arthur quickly dropped out of his clothes and gradually walked into the warm water. The bath felt like absolute heaven, and his stress seemed to melt away. He had almost given in to the pure bliss when he looked and saw Allendria’s clothes fall to the ground.

  Arthur was pretty sure his heart doubled in speed. She was stunning. Her flawless skin looked as smooth as silk, and her exceptional grace let her walk into the bath at a leisurely pace. Arthur heard a noise and spun to look away real quick, only to notice the two other guys who were currently bathing both looked like they were about to drown. He assumed Allendria’s beauty had shocked them so utterly they lost all concentration and went under the water sputtering.

  She made her way to him, and he reached out to grab her hand.

  “What made you change your mind?” Arthur asked.

  “I never changed my mind, I just hadn’t had the time to make up my mind.” She told him finally.

  “Well, either way, I am glad you did.” He told her. They both made their way to one of the benches on the shallow side and used the soap bar on one of the stands near the water’s edge to scrub up. Arthur helped Allendria wash her hair and gently caressed her shoulders and neck as he massaged her scalp. She finally melted in his arms and relaxed. They managed to get washed up and finally decided it was time to get out.

  Congratulations, the special effect of the Magical Bathhouse has granted you 10% increased experience for the next 24 hours.

  Too bad, he missed out on an absolute ton of experience today from that. They made their way back to the inn and up the stairs. When they got to his room, they both froze at the door.

  “Care to join me?”

  She looked conflicted for a moment, but she finally answered, “I am not ready for that yet. Give me time?”

  “Anything for you.” He said. Arthur leaned in and gave her a tender kiss, and they parted ways. Heat flushed up through her neck as she turned with a smile and walked to her room.

  Arthur made it to his room and fell into bed. He laid there for a while until he heard scraping and banging noises on his door. Confused, he got up and opened it, and Balair butted his way in the door and damn near knocked Arthur over as he smashed into the side of his leg.

  Thanks for ditching me asshat. I guess chasing an ass like that, I can’t blame you, though. Balair sent to him with a huff.

  Arthur smiled to himself as he pictured the ass in question and shook his head and laid back in bed. Not five seconds after he had laid down again, he was damn near crushed as a weight landed square on his stomach and knocked his breath out. Balair had jumped onto the bed and fell directly on Arthur. He struggled to take in air for a bit.

  Next time don’t jump on me dickhead. Arthur told him.

  Don’t abandon me for a piece of ass without at least saying something, he sent with a huff.

  They both settled into the bed, and Balair curled up along Arthur’s legs. Arthur noticed his experience gains for the evening were extensive. He had gained 520 Leatherworking experience and a whopping 11,000 experience in Earth and Fire Magic. He let a small smile slip onto his face as he felt the comforting warmth on his leg and fell asleep.

  Chapter 27

  A Sudden Arrival

  Arthur felt an odd warmth on his face and woke up having trouble breathing. He panicked and jumped up as the warmth on his head fell to the bed.

  Why the fuck were you sleeping on my face. You are worse than a damned cat!

  I will sleep wherever I damn well please. You should be honored that I even grace your presence.

  I could always dismiss your annoying ass. Arthur said with a sardonic smile.

  I could always breathe fire on you the next time you summon me. Balair replied with a devilish grin.

  They both eyed each other for a moment before Arthur gave up. He threw on some clothes and motioned for Balair to join him. They made their way downstairs and found some food.

  Daniel found Allendria seated at one of the tables and kissed her on the cheek as he approached and sat. They all sat there in silence as Daniel brought out the food, and all three of them started eating.

  “It looks like another boring day ahead of us today. Balair, I have no problem with you doing whatever you like as long as you don’t harm or overly annoy anyone in the village.” He told the little dragon.

  I will tag along with you until I get bored and then decide from there.

  Arthur relayed his message to Allendria, and they started off to work on the wall.


  The following five days followed much of the same pattern for the group. They would wake up, get them something to eat, and head off to work. Arthur spent four of those days primarily working on the wall and in turn, working on his Leatherworking. Corianne had come through and turned in a large order of leathers. She was astounded at the work order rewa
rd in terms of experience. She looked on the verge of tears when he completed the quest for her.

  He spent seven hours the first two days working on the wall and Leatherworking. Netting him substantial gains in his experience. Especially since he remembered to bathe every evening for the buff.

  You have gained 12,600 experience in Earth Magic and Fire Magic for successfully casting Combination Spell: Raise Stone Wall (x126)

  Congratulations, you have reached level 14 in Earth Magic. Increases the effect of your earth magic spells by 39%. What a rush.

  Congratulations, you have reached levels 12 and 13 in Fire Magic. Fire Magic spells now have a 36% increased effect. Tell Balair, Hi!

  Congratulations, you have unlocked Mastery level 3 for Combination Spell: Raise Stone Wall. The mana cost for this spell has decreased by an additional 10.

  You have gained a total of 760 Leatherworking experience.

  Congratulations, you have successfully created Basic Leather Vest (Unfinished), Basic Leather Bag (Unfinished), Basic Leather Cowl (Unfinished), and Basic Leather Boots (Unfinished).

  Congratulations, you have reached level 4 in Leatherworking. You are granted a 9% bonus to crafting speed. Tan that hide!

  Congratulations, you have completed the Work Order: Stone Wall (900FT) for Alem’s Crossing for the following rewards: 1 Meal Token, 2400 Earth Magic Experience, 2400 Fire Magic Experience, and 1000 Character Experience.

  Arthur dumped his 2 new talent points in Earth Magic into Advanced Stonework to max it out at 10/10. This added another 8-foot base length to his wall. He also used all 4 points from his Fire Magic in Molten Fury to bring the combination spell bonus up higher. This brought each section of the wall spell up to a little over 77 feet. With the decreased mana cost, he could now cast more the next two days.

  You have gained 16,800 experience in Earth Magic and Fire Magic for successfully casting Combination Spell: Raise Stone Wall (x168).

  Congratulations, you have reached levels 15 and 16 in Earth Magic. Increases the effect of your earth magic spells by 45%. Looking good, green thumb.

  Congratulations, for reaching level 15 in Earth Magic, you have been granted 1500 bonus character experience.


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