Captured by Charybdis

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Captured by Charybdis Page 17

by Bruce McLachlan

  ‘A splendid idea; we should really make sure she’s clean both inside and out,’ commented Oceanus, and the brush slipped free, the nurse being sent to cleaning other exterior regions.

  There was little time to mourn the loss of the brush, for the waters of the shower splashed against her rear. The head then touched her anus. With the jets easing entry and garnering new peaks of delight, the head started to disappear into her bottom. A sudden clench grabbed the intruder as warm sprays buffeted her insides, filling her tracts. The tickling enema had her shaking with ecstatic glee, her mouth agape, her sobbing cries vibrating the air.

  Oceanus threaded his instrument deeper, rocking it back and forth, extending it further into Mina with each drive until she was certainly being sodomised by it. Riding the device she almost swooned as the other showerhead started to draw through her vulva, brushing its sprinkling jets against her erect clitoris. Tethys extended a hand and cupped a breast, massaging it, pushing it up and locking Mina’s nipple between two fingers before attending the other, all the while continuing to play the shower against Mina’s loins.

  ‘Pl... plea...plea,’ she burbled, the intensity of the ordeal corroding her sanity; they had to stop; she could not take any more.

  ‘Not yet, you’re not done,’ hissed the woman, applying more strength to her task, the shower penetrating deeper. ‘Now come on... take it... take it like a good girl.’

  ‘Ooooh... please,’ choked Mina, the feel of the thrusting fountain too much to withstand. She was being consumed by pleasure. ‘No... I... I...’

  ‘Take it!’ growled Tethys, squeezing harder to Mina’s breasts, relishing their firmness and shape as she lifted the shower higher, pivoting it, demanding deeper penetration. ‘Come on, swallow it all the way, little Nymph!’ she sternly added, her voice rasped on enthralled pants, her eyes like orbs of coal as she was captivated by Mina’s dance.

  ‘I... I can’t,’ began Mina, and then tugged to taut attention, every muscle straining as she shrieked into the air, the orgasmic squeal extended until she had no more breath to spend on it. The moment she inhaled she broke into a symphony of groans and whimpers.

  Impaled on the two shafts, Mina’s insides were thrashed with scintillating bursts of pleasure, the jets pounding her tender insides as the rods themselves drifted back and forth. The brushes of the nurses continued to clean her, meandering across her form as a deluge of water poured from her, the fountains within keeping her alive with scintillating waves of bliss.

  ‘There, good slave,’ drooled Oceanus, his implement slithering back to almost fall free of her, the spray making her sphincter howl before he let it dive casually back in, filling her with it, making Mina sing her response. ‘Such a fine dancer too.’

  Tethys drew her showerhead out and began to rub it against Mina’s clitoris, the stroke of the plastic toy and the powerful jets bringing her towards orgasm in bounding leaps.

  ‘Oh! Oh! I’m going to...’ she began, the words resonating in her throat as she groaned with the steady trespass of the devices into her.

  ‘Call me Lady Tethys, and my husband Lord Oceanus... slave,’ ordered the woman, pausing in her task as though offended.

  ‘Yes, Lady,’ Mina burbled, jerking her head up and meeting the face of the woman. ‘Oh yes, I’m sorry.’

  ‘Good slave,’ she said after a brief pause, and Mina was relieved to feel the shower continue its task of teasing her with its plethora of delights.

  ‘And don’t you dare come without permission,’ interjected Oceanus from behind her, rotating the deeply sheathed rod to create a whirlpool of water and sensation in her rectum.

  ‘Oh Lord, please,’ she wailed, knowing she stood no hope of suppressing her reactions to their expert caresses, not after her long denial and so many periods of teasing. ‘I can’t stop myself, it’s all too much!’

  ‘You have to try, slave,’ said Tethys, slowing her rhythm a little as she spoke. ‘You want to please us, don’t you? Especially after your earlier naughtiness?’

  ‘Yes, Lady, yes, yes I do, but - ’

  ‘Shhh, try and hold onto yourself, control yourself... if you can, little slave,’ interrupted Tethys, trailing her free hand up and into Mina’s mouth, letting the bulbous tips of her digits run faint lines along Mina’s lips. Her tongue leapt free and lapped at them as they circled her mouth, tasting of the water and latex.

  ‘How long can she hold out, do you reckon?’ asked Oceanus, reaching around from behind and taking a breast in hand to play with as he continued to drive into Mina’s clutching rear.

  ‘I’m amazed she’s lasted this long,’ replied Tethys, her hand leaving the mouth and running down Mina’s throat, her head craned back, her gaze locked to the ceiling, a blooming swell continuing to creep through her parted legs as she was forced nearer to climax. She was trying to hold on, but some forces were just too powerful to combat, and Mina was losing her meagre fight. She didn’t want to disobey, but she simply lacked the strength to comply.

  ‘Please, Lady. Please let me... I can’t take any more.’

  ‘You think I should give our little pet permission, sweet husband?’ offered Tethys, beating the shower in small circles against her clit, employing the means that made it even harder for Mina to resist.

  ‘Erm, well, hmmm, let’s see,’ pondered Oceanus with mirth, deliberately teasing her with his fake indecision.

  ‘Oh Lord, don’t do this to me, I’m begging you, please,’ she cried, the soft circles being etched on her sex leaving her holding against a tidal wave. ‘I’ll do anything you want, just grant me this one favour!’

  ‘My, she’s insistent,’ mused Tethys, keeping her rate steady, knowing just how effective it was from sympathetic knowledge.

  ‘I think we should let her,’ sighed Oceanus, pivoting the shaft on her sphincter, breaking down her dams of resistance. ‘She’s done exceptionally well for a novice.’

  ‘Agreed,’ began Tethys, sinking her fingers into Mina’s rear and pulling towards her a little to elevate the strain in the slave’s limbs, a further aphrodisiac as Mina languished in a pit of decadent delight.

  ‘Okay slave, you can climax, but thank us as you do,’ permitted Oceanus.

  Mina needed no further words and let go of her straining defences. ‘Oh, thank you... thank you... sweet Lady, sweet Lord... thank you!’ she wailed with her last few seconds before the storm struck. Her sight flashed with spots, her neck stretched upright, tendons raised like steel cables as she screeched, her body shuddering with the rush of ecstasy. It was so powerful; more potent than any orgasm she had ever experienced before.

  Each movement of a showerhead, no matter how subtle, brought a jerk from her hanging body, her membranes hypersensitive and raw from their cleansing, the tsunami of bliss retreating, taking all her vitality with it, leaving her hanging indolent in her bonds.

  ‘I think that will do for now,’ said Oceanus.

  ‘Agreed, we don’t want to wear her out,’ Tethys concurred, and after a smirk, she edited her sentence. ‘Well, not just yet, anyway.’

  Animation returned to Mina as the showers were withdrawn, the retreat of the instruments causing a flashing spectre of the ordeal to haunt her, making her choke a cry and then settle back into an apathetic state.

  ‘Did our slave enjoy that?’ enquired Oceanus, his gloved hands groping her thighs, savouring their tactile input to his senses.

  ‘I’ve never enjoyed anything like it, Lord,’ she managed to hoarsely whisper.

  ‘And there’s so much more to come,’ confirmed Tethys, putting her hand to Mina’s cheek. ‘With ten life times you could not extract all the pleasures from this place. But we’ll give it a good go, eh, little Nymph?’

  ‘Yes, Lady,’ she muttered, nuzzling her slack features into the warm inviting hand of rubber. ‘I am yours to do with as you will.’
  ‘Good slave,’ whispered the woman.

  ‘Right, let’s get her set up,’ stated Oceanus, turning off his shower and letting the pipe be dragged back until he could slot the device into its housing.

  ‘Dry her,’ ordered Tethys as she did the same, cutting off the water flow so that only the splashing patter of drops falling from the hanging form of Mina could be heard.

  The nurses left her for a moment and returned with large luxurious towels. Placing them to her body, Mina could feel them taking the opportunity to grope her via the act of drying her. She did not complain, she felt at complete peace, the euphoria of her session a dense fog in her mind, numbing her every thought.

  Her breasts and rear gained an inordinate amount of attention, even after they were dry, but no one seemed to notice, leaving Mina to relax into the sly caresses. She could hear her owners bustling about in the darkness, a few lights had been turned on, but with the spotlights still presenting her form in vivid clarity, Mina could still not see what lay outside the shower area. The professed medical scenario suggested some sort of surgery or examination motif, and Mina was eager to see it unfold.

  ‘Bring her over here,’ barked Oceanus, causing the two bound and gagged nurses to scamper aside, drop their towels, and as one of them manned the controls, the other produced a key to unlock her restraints.

  The tunes of mechanised activity emerged from above and below her and the stress being visited to her limbs started to ease as the chains paid out fresh reserves of slack. Lowering, her toes brushed the floor and then her feet settled into the pools of draining liquid. Her legs folded beneath her, rendered fainéant by the ordeal and unable to vaguely support even a fraction of her weight. Mina’s rear splashed into the water and she flopped slowly back as she was fully lowered to the floor, her hair draping into the collected pool.

  The cool bar laid across her chest, holding her hands out to the sides as she breathed softly, eyes closed in relaxation.

  The nurses closed in and while one of them started to unlock all the padlocks, the other began to unbuckle the restraints and set her extremities free. One arm was set loose and fell limp to the floor, then the other, leaving her crooked legs to be attended next. With a maximum effort she managed to cross her arms before her, the muscles like lead, the commands she issued barely noticed. Comforting herself, she waited as her legs were set free and with a pull the nurses straightened them for her, such a minuscule task still beyond her. Smiling radiantly, she simply lay in the puddle, ruining the efforts of the nurses to keep her dry.

  The enforced silence of the women offered no sign of irritation; they simply took an arm each and lifted her to her feet. As one of them cradled her slack form, the other re-dried her back and then assisted her partner in delivering their charge to her designated place.

  Through hazy eyes Mina saw that the room was a dimly lit place. It was a rough square with subdued wall lamps that cast a hesitant glow, one that seemed afraid to touch the engines of restraint presented within.

  A set of gallows arose to one side, a winch on its main support throwing a rope up and along so it might dangle from the tip. Rather than a place of execution, it was a creation with which an individual could readily suspend a supplicant. The winch would lift their weight with ease, serving them up to gravity’s cruelties.

  On the other side of the room was an odd contraption that seemed simplistic to the point of being a complete enigma. Two metal posts like scaffolding rose to waist height and stretched another pole between them. On either side of the contraption were rings set in the floor, situated a short distance away. Mina looked at it with puzzlement and then turned to the more interesting sights on offer.

  Between the two apparatus was a row of nine small cages. The tiny cells were comprised of thick welded bars, obviously designed to hold a human in secure discomfort. Two of them were occupied by near naked females. Each still wore her chastity belt, and her face was lost beneath a hood of similar construction to that of the nurses. The deep gags muffled their words and even deprived them of sight, so all they could do was languish in their gaol and listen as others were given the attention they were denied. Had they somehow offended the Titans with their misdemeanours, or were they serving an arbitrary sentence?

  The central area was her destination and it was dominated by a raised circular platform, a single step carrying them up onto this low stage. The prime core of attention on this dais was a reclining malformed chair. It lurked like some sort of giant insect, formed of condensed gloom. A rectangular flat cushion was padded with soft leather and lay horizontal.

  The nurses turned her around and laid her back onto it. Mina’s head was positioned at the top, so that a buckled strap might be set across her forehead to pin her down. Another was set across her waist, leaving her hindquarters in the air, unsupported.

  From the thick pillar of steel which held the backrest, other arms of metal extended outward. Each sturdy limb rose out and up, the adjustable lengths culminating in a leather softened pad like the one she currently lay upon.

  Her weak limbs were taken up and set upon the small pads. With her arms stretched straight out, her forearms were rested on the pillows and the dense straps at her wrist and elbow were tightened, leaving her upper arms in the air. Her legs were similarly treated, the cushions supporting her calves, the trammels being hauled tight against her ankles and just below her knees to keep her in a wide split.

  The rattle of objects being jostled echoed from her sides as the nurses wheeled small trolleys closer, the implements of her ‘treatment’ already prepared. It was akin to her first medical save that there was no purpose behind this other than gaining debauched satisfaction.

  ‘Now, is our patient ready for her physical?’ quipped Oceanus, wiggling his fingers with expectation.

  ‘Yes... doctor,’ smiled Mina, regarding him from the corners of her eyes, unable to shift her head around to meet him.

  ‘Shall we proceed with the sensory tests, Doctor Tethys?’ he asked, placing a comforting and congratulatory hand to Mina’s brow, pleased with how quickly she had fallen into character.

  ‘I think so, Doctor Oceanus.

  ‘Nurse, pinwheel,’ she demanded, extending a hand to have a silver strut slapped into it by her attending assistant.

  ‘Pinwheel,’ repeated Oceanus, gaining his own example of the neuro wheel.

  The two dominants leaned over her, bathed in the dull light of the chamber, the silver stalks winking in the light as the spur-like wheel atop them lowered towards her, its single track of needle-sharp spines promising a new episode in Mina’s sensual education.

  The couple traced the devices over her body, the small implements laying down a track of pricks that failed to pierce the skin, but whose minute touch made her shiver and jerk with response. A delicate pain, Mina revelled in their application, the wheels rolling across her belly, working around her breasts and travelling along her arms, laying down their roads of sensation as they went.

  Breathing in swift pants, Mina closed her eyes and gasped with astonishment as they started to work their way up her breasts, circling them, wandering their way up to the summit before they began criss-crossing the sensitive peaks. Having conquered her assets they teased her awhile there, repeating old lines as Mina squeaked with pips of enjoyment.

  ‘I think we can safely say that everything is in order here, doctor Tethys.’

  ‘Agreed, shall we proceed to the rest of the subject, Doctor Oceanus?’ she replied with merriment, having fun with their roles.

  ‘Of course,’ replied her husband, and together they relocated to her splayed limbs, rolling their toys along her calves and thighs, the most intense paths being those that negotiated her inner regions or traversed her rear. Mina jolted and squeezed her muscles against the restraints with the sharp kisses of the tools, her nerves responding vibrantly to their

  With no concern for time in this place, her owners merely lethargically continued to pass the wheels over her, carrying them back onto her torso on occasion when the whim took them. For seemingly hours she lay there, strapped down securely, being attended with a loving devotion by the pair as their eyes remained fixed to her spread and bare form, their breath hissed through licentious expressions. They were enjoying the infliction of such sensation just as much as Mina was revelling in it.

  ‘Proceed with the shearing,’ ordered Tethys, bringing the statuesque nurses back to animation, the women trained to a point where it seemed they were operated solely by voice command, lacking any will of their own. Mina wondered if one day she would end up this way.

  The latex cocooned females strode back with clippers and an array of attachments that they presented to Tethys.

  ‘Which one do you think, beloved?’ she asked, taking one of the plastic heads that would regulate what length of hair was left behind in the wake of the clippers. ‘This one...’

  ‘Yeah, that looks fine,’ replied Oceanus, running the wheel in little circles, playing idly on the medium of Mina’s skin. ‘I can’t wait to see what she’ll look like.’

  ‘Proceed,’ stated Tethys, handing the chosen head to the other nurse.

  The female snapped it in place and began her work, smoothing her latex fingers through Mina’s black hair and letting the clippers hum and sweep behind. Great tufts fell away as she was shaved considerably shorter. The top was taken down to an inch, while the sides were reduced to half that, leaving a mound of severed locks upon the floor. Mina bore no resentment for the changing of her appearance. She herself had done it many times to foil those who might be seeking her during a mission that went awry. Besides, it felt somehow in keeping with this new slavery to be changed from what she had been when she arrived. A new look would suit her new life and new dedication to serving those of this place. But without her long hair she could not be bleached and sent to the sea as one of their Nymphs. Did they have a different ocean bound uniform for her?


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