Captured by Charybdis

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Captured by Charybdis Page 24

by Bruce McLachlan

  ‘There, all ready,’ commented Oceanus, rising up and strolling about her form as she languished in the air, wriggling slightly against the stringent folds of latex, more to feel them than to seek escape.

  ‘And quite a striking sight she makes,’ added Tethys, running a hand down Mina’s shimmering new skin. ‘I can’t wait to see what she looks like in the garden,’ the woman added, letting her finger trail through the crease of Mina’s buttocks and brush against her rear before slipping out, proving to Mina that even within this bondage, she was still very much accessible. Anyone would be able to make ready use of her, and she would not be able to defend herself or prevent them, her body served up by the fish costume to anyone that wanted her.

  ‘Let’s go and get ready ourselves, we don’t want to keep our little pet waiting for too long,’ decided Oceanus, striding back to the door as Tethys gave her a hungry look that panned up and down her bound form before the Titan followed her husband’s lead.

  The door hissed shut and Mina was left alone once more with her thoughts and her growing licentious taste for this mode of treatment. All she could hear was the soft rasping hiss of her breath, the click of the respiration mechanism as she dragged in new breaths and expelled them, deprived of access even to the atmosphere about her.

  Her jaws were starting to ache a little in the corners, the rictus demanded by the gag bringing discomfort with it. Her arms too were beginning to resonate with a throb, their contorted position being one they reviled as she continued to loiter upside-down and in the air, the bland room and her containment her only distractions.

  How did they intend to get her into the ocean? The only door was the way out and back into the complex. Was there another access point?

  Chapter 16

  After an unknown period of time spent pondering her recent events, Mina’s answers came with a whinny of hydraulic strain issued from beneath her. A round section of the floor opened up, parting and exposing a shaft two yards in diameter into which her trailing fins fell. A foot below the parted floor, dark waters shimmered, their depths hidden until rows of lights started to snap on. Positioned in equal circles of four bulbs, the subdued alcoves in which they lay were covered with plastic to keep the chute smooth. The water-filled passage dropped down for about two storeys and then turned left, the rows of lights acting like the signals of a runway, steering her out to sea.

  Another click caught her muffled hearing and she turned her hidden eyes to regard the door as a new arrival wandered in.

  The woman was tall and lithe, clearing six feet even without the stiletto heels she was perched atop. Her trimmed bob of auburn hair hung about a slender face, her lips painted a ruby red, her eyes darkened a little with some subtle shades. A steel collar encircled her neck, the band seemingly without lock or fastening.

  In addition to her chastity belt, she wore a bra that matched the steel containment of her loins. The two rounded cups were locked over her ample breasts, compressing them as steel bands pressed to her skin. The rubber-lined straps ran over her shoulders and around her torso. A raised point gave her imitation nipples, a small bell affixed to each of the summits of her metallic assets.

  About her wrists and ankles were more steel bands, each with a single D-ring fixed in place on their polished surfaces. Hold up stockings of fine denier black ran up her legs, rising from her patent ankle boots, the laced shoes opening themselves to allow the rings of her fetters to emerge and accept a padlock, denying her any chance of removing the shoes. Also, a short chain had been stretched between the locks, hobbling her to a slight shuffle.

  The woman tottered over with her limited steps and regarded Mina with an impassive detachment. Working with the fluid ease of someone performing an often undertaken chore, she opened a cabinet, removed a canister and clipped the hose to Mina’s air nozzle. Turning a tap, there was a rumbling hiss and the woman began to refill Mina’s diminished reservoir.

  Once the gauges declared her as full, the canister was taken away and the woman immediately took herself to the winch.

  With slow turns of the mechanism, Mina was lowered towards the water. Her fins fed into the chute, her head drawing closer to the surface until she started to sink into the tunnel. The waters were cold and made her quiver as they poured their radiant chill into her. When she vanished deeper, the fluids started to trickle in under her suit, slipping stealthily beneath, forming a slight layer that her body would heat, providing her with added warmth against the depths.

  The winch stopped with her knees half-submerged. Mina looked down into the passage, readying herself to swim, already formulating how she would move against the costume. Each exhale sent a cloud of quicksilver orbs fluttering up about her face and towards the surface, spilling from the gag, her face stretched into a frozen scream by the implement and the smothering mask that held it.

  Fingers played the buckles at her feet, and the restraint was opened, letting her plunge as a streamlined dart of rubber-bound female flesh.

  Wiggling her legs, she found the tail an effective paddle and dove deeper, fighting her own buoyancy, her fins now streaming behind her, fluttering in the light as she shone like a jewel against their radiance.

  Reaching the turning, she used her elbows to help steer herself around it, the fins positioned there proving to be handy rudders that greatly assisted her in manoeuvring. Flitting around the bend she followed the tunnel, using her legs to kick at the waters and propel herself onwards. The coldness of the water started to vanish as she continued, her exertion and the thin film of water against her skin serving to heat her body.

  The geysers of bubbles flowed along the ceiling as she deposited them, a slight current being forced out through the tube to carry them from the shaft. The tunnel turned upwards, rising straight up for countless levels, the bubbles creeping up all around her as she swam. No doubt the current and this long voyage were designed to assist those newborn fish deemed worthy of such a handy precursor lesson. Also, the lofty heights to which she was ascending offered her the possibility that she would emerge by the refilling stations, showing her where she was supposed to go when her reserves ran low.

  Ahead she spotted the exit aperture, an opening that erupted onto darkness. With exhilaration Mina thrust her hips up and down, flinging her legs against the waters to fire herself forward. As a dart of silver motion she burst from the exit amidst a great churning exhale of bubbles.

  The world was arrayed beneath her, a whole new universe with new creatures and sensations to explore. It felt like flying, to be located at the very peaks of the great dome, floating, looking down through the depths to the light kissed coral maze all around it.

  A little further up she could see Nymphs nestling against the crown of nozzles, filling their air before slithering back down into the warmer regions below.

  Mina continued up, her exit tunnel remaining open and unused, for the current leading out would deter any attempt to try and negotiate its route back to dry land.

  Swimming past the great oval windows of the palace that crowned the building, Mina peered in as best she could. The darkness was consuming and absolute, thrown back only by the dim glare of the monitoring screens. She could not tell whether the great throne of Charybdis was occupied or not, and as she scanned the interior, she could not help but think about her defeat there. It seemed so long ago, almost an event that had happened to someone else. Had she changed that much in just a short time?

  Arching up, she thrust her chest to the waters and started a dive, her nipples being tickled by the rush of cold water over them. Her descent carried her past other Nymphs, the women frolicking in the depths, brushing up against each other, their latex sheathed breasts being kissed by hungry mouths as others locked together at their maws and indulged their sensual cravings. Some rode a body part against the crotch of a partner, steering and manipulating the dildo hidden within, pleasuring each other
as best they could with the impossible restrictions of their fish uniforms.

  Mina moved towards a pocket of such dissolute females, interested in joining them. Her level of freedom was token, she was still imprisoned, but now she could do as she wished, unbound from control. Her elation was absolute, she was owned, adored, loved, and now had this undersea world as her personal playground. All thought of her previous life was gone, only the intense expectation of what glorious wonders the future held for her remained.

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